WILSON'S BODY LAID TO FINAL REST » II Mtiff tha same soldier that onea before at the llpa af (ha 'mm loyal coaarmde, It aan* ta Ml toirlfi'i Unknown ta hla alaap hi Ant aa Mm hturla nOad, ant oaar tha MBa that look down aa tha cttf, a entrance of tha stone crypt down hi tha dim (tha pal tearing bar da ad ta tha marry af God. At tha and, thara still it ood haatda tha raolt ana staoneh friend af tha • friend who had bat fcr him ta tha bittar and, who had shared In tha ffiwat daya af ar day* af dMap a* now ha atoed ta tha Uat loyal •aniea. Mot antll tha nrrset alab of atona had baan awuiir baiek to rloaa tha raait did Sr. Grayaan and tha aifil ha haa bapt with Woodrow Wllaon far half a aeon af yaara. la Caahat af Tanifht tha aoaihar eaakat af Mack atari liaa in tha weatam niche af tha Ahaee towering from tha hitlalda, tha fray ataaa af tha i tha lifhta of tha eity In* earaa af Ufa twtehle dark of an < And aa that eaakat, whata tha i dead Haa alana at laat far hia saat, beaMe tha plata that aata forth aaly Ma aana and tha dayi af hia With aad hath, thara still Haa tha handfal af aoft hoed bloaaaaaa that vara tha laat toocbine rtft af tha gtiaf warm widow. Diataat mhlinc of saint yaaa ftl tha dood darkened dawn ta tha day whan tha i ta Woodrow Wllaaa tha simpleet tri hata that ha had eiahaed af it. Tha haay Ufa af tha eapHal aim ad aa far • faw haw a bafora Ha eooraa waa la tha laat maaaearta af a|lad far tha daad man. Bat ta tha dear af tha atriehaat haaaa aad Ma tha dba ehapal wkara tha laat Woo Id ha paid paaiad aa aa The naaiaa af king* and tha tha earth war* aa thaaa tri and tha nanaa af Wyal, tnoa Ma frienda and immhi ray wp«m At the boor of the double m»ln» Avw on, tlmnndi took Mr place* alomr the way from house to chapel to stand Ion* in the chill air, unaiiiid W of the flurries of a^t* and rain that beat about them. The wide a ra mi* orer which the dead war Presi dent would make his last lone Jour Bay was banked with people and kept dear of traffic until ha should hare Mm the hoses, across the street • ootid rank of people had fathered Win A* first of those who would Jtta with the family hi the hen asr tice had araHsd. They stood dblhiaw •f the oald, await inir to hare Chair f*ard of honor eaase to stand hi ranks Itfore the hetfte, eoldien. sailors and Pmswse others who had stood Wllaoa Is Ms days of irsataees and <rai opened and a few who knew i loved him heat mirht raae at the at ill, painworn Am Into whiotJ death had kmfkt at last something utmost of tho placirt look of tha M Ion* pant. Not all of thoaa who crowdl, wl tho mi— had tMa opportunity ft waa wmrtrf only for InttMataa, of whatever atation in life, who wiiwtal in thia silent company. — I 1 Thai* waa dim lirht {a tha mama. The shadea wcr* driiwn. and only tha ■oft flow of wall lifffcta filled chambers aa thoae came who gently placed th/ it eel covering above tha tired fare, ami men had known their laat sight of Woodnow Wilaan. All the roama ware filled doorwaya blocked with in* silently shoot. Out in tha hallway by standa a great clock. which ticked solemnly in the the hoah. Aa the fiaa dent and the old frienda and compan ions of the trying daya at tha White House trronped a boot tl member* of the family stair* leaving only Mra. Wilaoti and the two daughter* of the dead Pl»il dent In tha refuge of tha their phu—s at tha bead n> the War Tbe «g#Waw efclai clock beat three throogfc the itlllneea. fuse dwin«*l< I and diad. Pr Pavl"T tha pa (tor in Waahingten under whom Woodrow Wllaon eat in all Ma yearn of presidential greatness. rsie ed hii roiee: "The Lord ia my Hhephut" ha read. The SM Paalm _ in* oio roraroTTIRC DfM of tM !W psalm en Trying oat thwgh d the room* and op tkt (tain to tb taarful woman waiting thn» hi <■«>■ j est black. A<i he r«id. faint «*M«i nam trim tha landing whaia Mr.-. WOaan'% courage 'altered far . w mant in the it rata aha kad known. A* Dr. Tajrtor aaid tka loot aaid of the Psalms, there waa.a —ill ad "Amii" and ka gave flan to Ma rolleagoe from Mate ton. Dr. Beach. Mr. Wilson's pastor hi thaaa far off qniator days. With raiaad hand* tka minister bade the to >««>«, pouring oat hia aaraaat plea that div ina aid k» riven hi tha realisation of tha Mgk vision of a woHd at paaee tha dead Preaident kad glhapaad. Thara waa aobbhtg again as ha bwosgkt God's eompaaaian on tha (riaf boaad family. The prayer over. Dr. Beach gave place to Biakop Freeman wheaa deep to ice sounded in tha aeriptoral quo tations deataat to tha dead leader. They kad hem copied from tha little book of devotional eaerciaaa K had - U!. » 4— * - a . a_ « a M«n rib vont to nM it nifnt ana stirred again tha bittor griaf of tha widow and daaghtora. "Now unto Mm that la able to hnp yon from falling, and piwaant tot faultless before tha praaenea of HB glory with sseeeding Joy." , • "To the only viae God, oar Saviowr, be glory and majesty, dwhilan and UJ.tok_rht.OTI tor Mat* )ot* imall could arar vain tha lore and adoration paid to him dorin* Ma e*r r+T. Tha apaakrr pictured tha devo tion of Mm. Wjluon daring hia lotif rapahl* of pwttiii* Ma rafa tha'apaakar pointed rat the tima of tha Paaca confa makaurr advoratad hy him bjr tk| fraud 4 f fan • FoamhctM." Thte 1 • favorite af dte fcllw hi *iowin» tribute to Wllaoft the Chriot mn. TWunmmlH Joined hi i in* tlw favorite hymn of tho Ea-f Ident, after which Bar. Kagono Olive, of A* Flint Baptlet chaftkj FIRST LETHAL GAS T« _ •lOm, Bat Chamber W S*W 2 Hours, 43 ^Caraon City, !fov„ M. I.—In flmt lethal araa raaetstio* on rmord |n the Vnittxi States, Go* Job, Tony murderer, officially waa pronounced dead at thr State Priaon her* today, two hour* forty-five minutes after a •pray of liquid hydrocyanic acid fraa turned into tho atone death chamber the priaon yard. • . . J ^Ktiaial phyaiciana believe the (jrfT-t neee lapaed into unconaeiaooaoaa af ter hia firat breath of the vaporised acid. Death, they aaid. ty instantly, although tho man'a head continued to i down six minute*. This they explained, probably »aa tar reaction after deatfc. The l-i.tort agreed tho did ne »irc viuiir Bin, at Otnunr, 1 •4 • dialike, Hermlna, Ma wife, ha* quit hia roy»l highaaaa far baapa. Tha former Caiman amparar tt will ha ra caUad, after the death of hia ftaat wif« married a arlfaai with It aaaaa from the nawa i tha thai did not gat along wall Hmama faeitod to gi»a ap DBT WORK EB CONVICTED— William H. Anderaaa, SuporinterwJewt of tha Anti-S Tarh atata waa laat la tha Naw Tart marto af thhd |rta forprjr ta cownarttaa with kaapiag af hia racarda. Nat 1 ooa year and aat i hi Bine Sing ; mated oat to him. Ha miaappropriattag fonds of tha and tha trial toaaght aat tha faat that ha had raaafead miaay. from aourcaa tha aatara of which ha aaold give no aatiafartary explanation. Ha waa oontictod on tha charga af fal *>fytag hia. ACTRESS SLAIN FOB. Ixuiae Lawaon, a pretty ed young woman of gaad family Texaa, waa fooad daad ia bar ioaa a|iaitiaanl to Now Tarfc laat Sat urday. Miaa Lawaon left ► • will 1700 troofo. Tho grwm oat of a ria and Antl-Eluekora in AGAIN DUTCH—Trust tho always to do tho ST. LAWRENCE FROZEN OVER— For the first time in H hmi tho 8t Leris, ffu frozen orer last wnIl Uis ally riant tee brrakin* ahipo aided by the It foot tidee keep tho li»oi from fraorin* one solid, hot week's cold Mast fluao tho rhtr Last Friday nifkt while If wore rroesmj on tho iee tho too bridge from tu« prmnn of tho tido broke them on floating ice all NO OIL ON MCADOO—At hi* < request W. G. McAdoo Monday told tho eomlttoe Inrestiratin* tho Tn pot Dome oil acandal that ho was to FORD TRAIN KILLS WRSSusa ELEVEN PLANKS IN BAILET PLATFORM the voluntary motion of the people, ia the internet of the common good. I oak them rarefully to ennetder and conscientiously to vote, and I shall have no complaint to maka af any one's decision. A candidate in a primary moat Pa ly upon tha mprrssions ha haa made and tha cause ha repreeants. Ha can not recommend himself. I hava baaa active in public sffsir* for 80 years, have all my life baaa interested in public questions, hava always been a Democrat, arid aince 1MM have had tha honor to be one of tha party** • peak era in every campaign. This fa4t imposes aa obligation I mention it aa evidence af my interest in the par ty and in oar Commonwealth. If the service waa rendered in expectation of office, it waa unworthy. I"* there haa been no such expectation. I am now a candidate becauae I believe •era is a service to be rendered—a caase to represent. I have not been throat forward as the candidate of any group or faction t hope that one consequence af my randidacy will he to pot an end to fac tional sway in tha Democratic party and to raveal the power of the voters thMaahesa in the primary. The primary, rather than the elec tion, determines the State's policy. 80 far aa I am concerned, we shall hava a oonteat not far a personal feas or or atwsrd, hot a contest far pub lic causae. It is my httenttoa that my candidacy shall represent tha fol lowing policies and principles: ipirjtual U; and. worth of nl rrrry dollar of taxea that th» harden of ti ■Mde aa light aa poaao pairing the Stated ■ 1'ia. Then ought t of UtM. In on* an treated alao with Jnatiee. fir exam ple to grapple with the ecmaea car rier* and to exact of them • iquare deal in the matter o' freight ratea. PW^aaathar. exaayle^to^jMuw^^ttw ■ympathy to match ita power againat all the uowaia that woold crowd him down. For another, to eneoarage the punishing «f violater* of the law wtth aggfirarftg pU • institution. the vehicle 0t tSSv will. It belongs to ■» flirt ion a* 10. Ta'aeeert hi th* party tlw* imtnl of {to .. and, therefo.e to break fcxm n poH lien I rnnrhiw "hat m*» power only U »rv> Kmh(. *nd tfcn. ar-Mrantjy >nd i*r nrantly hoaata tfce p^wrc to kMI nnrf mak. wwmjW^V-pa billty in free govennaenta *jit jt> » ryn he to tfc* pao^ia, .md or. / to th« people. P<jhi{e seevarr i wlwtrf by beeees and maehmna trv> » lected to arrva bossea and machine I need not call attootton to *He tad Uiat the aelf-corfeaeed pollU^a! o» rhine in this Mate luu Tar monrha spread It abroad that ! would not ha a rondidate la tba faeo of jta appid j save for tba purpaaa of in* that thia ant*, uniemsto i> an a» reptonce of that thaJlanrw.^ To h* 80 far aa I know, the only eethe onpoaitwn to ay candidacy ia that a# the political machine. I am reckon with thia opposition A political machine ia an — tjon of politic iana holding off ire 1 controlling patmnafe. who seek —■ maintain thematWea In power by or rixation and patronage. rather thm the freely ■pmiiil will of tbo 1 urea ill— office and T^e existence of a political maehtato la a challenire to free man and eiwu. It eviato upon the theory that the paw la are incapable of ■ 1 If ilninwl We dn not have to prove the eato of the political machine to thia fta obtain justice.

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