RURAL SECTION SHOULD HAVE PHONE SYSTEM lmi oi ucponuB vxxmcry jtrvict jctvxxi Handicap to People of Sorry m }jJ >> '• ■'"{ i I H tar mm 'darting Ms boataaaa iMilaiki towt mi naturally tola (feat K Is a Iwt who ii?f just out or town, no tninxi ' bady AmnrM in mttIn for tin raaaAn that aa faw ynpl» aaa ba n«M by ykm. T« ataka tha town ayatoai mnpht* linaa most will oil into tha wU) Wit la and provida • itfpmWih ratal wwkti Wa m not l uatoadla^ that it to tha duty of tha local aaaqtaay to MM thaaa linaa, hot ontfl thto to don* thair local aarr lea will ba limited «a a moch amatlar territory than It ahoaM ba. To apaah frankly about tha matter, wo bava haard It aaid that tha naatij ritlaaaa ara nat willing ta pay tha prica tor kaapinf ay a good phona aya tam into thair aactlona. Wa ara not iurpri»ad that thay ara not willing to pay for tha Mad of aarvica that thay hara had ap to thto tima. It appaara to ba a waato of manay to pay fa* aaeh aarrtoa. Bat if ear rural aactlona eoald ba raarhad by phona linaa that ara aa constructed and kapt ap aa to ba of raal aarrtoa than wa baltora tha eitlaana oat la tha eoantry will raadlly pay a taaaan abla prtoa far tha aantna. Tha Maa of a town at thto aiaa and tha adjolatag country dtotrtote to a reflect loa on tha goad baainaaa jadg mant of tha whale people. Tha phaaa to a madarn nacaaalty. It ran hardly ba dtopaaaad with. It to aa badly naadad aa tha good road sad tha alaa trto linaa. H to tha vary Ufa at baai F Thto to a stibjeot of aseagfc Impor tance to gat tha attaattoa af any af oar public apiritad eitlaana or of oar rorornniwiL Thara cartainly ahoaM ba aoate way ta reUera tha altaattaa hara. far tha aaada ara aaeh aa to da rn and it. MEXICAN REVOLUTION VIRTUALLY OVER. C nnn—«l Troop* Hot. Quollod ik* Iwhttmn , Forooe ud (My Scattered Budt of Guerillas Loft. Mexiee City, Feb. tl.—The t*to lotion la Mexico has virtually, bam stars pad eat, according to statement! made at tW war department today. It was aiaartsd that the federals, now baring no important ntaj force* to light, will he engagod hereafter ia th« work of extern inatipg the guerillaa who art marauding in eeveral statee With the occupatioa of Moralia, Patscuro and Urue pan, H was added, the state of Michaocan has been prac tically pacified. The rebels there ar« withdrawinr into Goerrero and Jal iaco. The rebel general, Manual Diegues, ia said to hare completely vanished with all his forces, and th« federal General Escobar is chasing General Salvador Alvarado and Col onel Christlano Ansaldo and their rebel forces hare evacuated Ciudad Guzman, withdrawing to cliaa, and. according to oftcial source!, the oc cupation of Ctadad Gasman ia ex pected shortly. The rebel* are said tc ' 7iff a' MgWfcial ^TulT AgSh t * , .iri* kJLi •■-«*-. URGE DANIELS TO GET IN RACE. Raleigh. Feb. 22.—With almoat a (•Mtil uwiptpw mAnnwrt, friends of JoMfkM Duitb an vrg in* that ha declare himself for th» Democratic presidential nomination and altow than to concentrate their activities toward tendering hint the j vote of the State. • No word has cone from Mr. Dan iels, who is aow in Philadelphia, but ha has been quoted in press dis patches aa having no information in regard to any boom that might have started for him in New York or else where. At least one widely known and in fluential citiian of the state has de clared his Intention of summoning friends of Mr. Daniels in a movement in his behalf. This was postponed this week It la understood, until the day of the meeting of the Democratic state executive committee, February I* Few in Two C*ro Greanvilla, 8. C., Feb. 22.—In pro portion of practicing physieiaaa to population North and South Carolina, with North Dakota, rank at the foot of the liat ef states, said Dr. H. W. Chaaa, prssidwrt of ths University ef North Carolina in aa addrsaa hare be fore a meeting of the Tri-gtate Medi cal society, at which ysiciana fro North „ Carolina and Virginia. jraa for North Carolina," aaid Dr Chaaa, ara «• phyeietaa to Utt Dm te the lack of hoapHal faefli M par ce* of the medical eta * from Worth Carolina, Mk nd Virginia have to g« to • V • - Wm ~r i ftiiriiB ; stock, was b«h>« investigated by the •4 wi!ltnrn*M to fie provisions mittM of of Ms World News Briefly Told PINNED UNDER AUTO BABT DROWNS—Mt*. Fred F. Shane! of Salisbury with her ninr-montha-old baby wen pinned beneath their auto just outside Salisbury Saturday night whu tha ear plunged tbm a bfMgi and turned over in tha creak. The mother waa able to hold her own head above water hot hdt infant waa pin ned under her own body and waa drowned when her other children ten their way thru tha tap of tha ma chine and brought iene man to lib erate their mother. FRANCE ACTS LIKE NAUGHTY CHILD—Ever since the war Prance haa acted like the spoiled child of the family of nations. The news die pa tehee are now saying Oat Franca will block the reparations settlement •u*jrrnted by General Dawes' commis sion. Tha French papers are boldly sayinr that France will never get off the neck of the German Rhineland until the United States cancels France's war debt to this eoantry. RUM FLEET OF 1U SHIPS—Coast truards estimate that there an at the present time 1M ships engaged in tha ram am offline trade along tha At lantic coast line. Theee shipa anchor Just outside the It mile mm and transfer their wet cargo to sasalter craft at night, which land It at iso lated points along tha eoaat under cover of Jsi hitaos. Moat of tha booae smuggled In is said to ha Scotch whiskey. LEPER WALKS N. T. STREETS—A tainad in BaHevne hoepital suffering from a leprous foot a*4e his isnspi, visited friends to Maw Jereey and walked calmly ha* to tha heap Hal and gave himself op. Ha will ha Island. WHITE ACTUM TO PLAT IM NEGRO MAMA—Par waaha Eagens O'Neill negro ptoyrlght af Maw Talk. toeadMHlTtt,JSlree to^HThS fntar-racial play talM. "A1 OaA Chilian Pet Wings." One wMto star •ft tTida'a^nhla!* AOaafhe PATS WN FOB AN EGG—At the auction in New York of the famooa dinoearna w frwn the GoM deoert the Colr«U Unhreraity paid $6000 for it The egg to that of • pnU> torie bird-reptile ctIM • diaeearoa i and to of ohm petrified. It to rap poeed to bo ton or iWtm million year* old. The m to ono of K found not lone ago by Roy Andrew* in Mongolia. Strictly freak dinoeaor egg* would ■ probably eon hiyher. FORD LIBEL SUIT DISMISSED— The warraat for attacbinant of tltL 000 belonging to Henry Ford aad in the Corn Exchanye Bank waa dtoznisa ed by a Near York court on the poind that Heny'* allayed iibelioua ramarka i about the Jew* in the Dearborn Inda pendent could not bo definitely laid at hi* doer. The action waa brought by Herman Baruatoin, a Jrwith editor. P. TAX MEASURE' like an §kt tim# politieian'i hrtsth. i biff stills, aiddk tM still* litia «t ills; bright wpyw (tills and ; sloppy stills. Fact la if yea ta saa an aiMUt at distilling apparataa, the sheriff can show you moat any thine in that line you are looking Ik W.iMagt.i 'a MrtMay Praeaa I Jaaa Monday. Bod Simmons, laid Snoddt and 8. f. ShelUm, all of tM^harirUtka, Friday raided a plant in fall operation hi Bryan town, •hip asat of Mitchell's ri*er. , a «0-rnllon still an beratada^f'^e^h^ been ferreted oat and prit eat of miaaion. Moncaa fsn bond in the of 9800 and ia at Kberty. while i« In Jail awaiting Ma hoar mar at the next tana of court.' Saturday tha rattan on Slate mountain acme Ave or six milea east of Maont Airy. It was "ran" or two •* ■*«>. a 20 For florae weeks a tiny Inf frosn naar th» «op of Fiahert Peak, the tallest point an the BIm Ride* east of Ashevllle. Iwi been noted Ky the people la the vicinity of the foot of the mountain. Rumor had it that the smoke waa of voteaaie origin. Sunday nirht, while all rood people vara at divine worship. Joaa Monday, Caney Beamer and R. U Janaa climhad thoae dixxy heights on a scientific expedition, lliey were de termined to find out the aoorre of that tiny column of nokl A blinding ■now heat in the faces of the Intrepid mountain climbers, sulphur-like pow dery flakes crunched beneath their feet. No beacon light illuminated their course and no pillar of amoke revealed the objective point. Tke white alienee of the northland en shrouded them. Wafted en the even ing air came to their Ualnad noetrOa faint tho distinct odors remembered In the days of long ago. Naar the toy at the peak and on the sooth aide the explorers came into a M-ga8on at 111, yet warm In Ha furnace, 400 gallons af boar and much daisy chop. The mystery of the origin of the volcanic ■note waa aolved. The moonshiners had done their day's work and depart ed for a night's raat. The outfit waa a good one hat the quality of the asanufacturad pmdimt t* the of the tilled In ardar to get the last drop j ite klck-gMng Arid *l«f *. The « located below a baU I a mile and a half frant *e The bill m tax maximum at M par cent aa en«M in exceea of 90S.OM aa a«ai 60 par 000. aa It alas to • greater axtant tax exemption*, a feature not hi th» Tfca rata* to t par cent on IK,000 to 4 pot cant aa taaawi k*> tween 18.000 and M.000, and ta « par *.ten The preaant rata la 4 far cent m Tw exemption*, under tha be fmm 11.000 to HMO for aingla par aona and from 12.800 ta af familiaa. The tha rapport af 17 Kepabliefena. one farmer labar ita and aaa hitapmifcat hi aiilUho ta tOC Pan grata, the record aa oppaaad to tiaHy tha tame aa thaaa ad bjr Mr. Mallon and no opportunity ta brhf ta • rata a compromise awn dm ant which propoa ad e 28 par cent reduction tn both nor der and just beyond the drip* of th* tree. B. F. Pijtm, extension lioitliaMui iit for the State Collego »rtndwi division, nwmdi that poaches m a sandy soil low la fertility bo gl»— a 7-4-8 mixture at the rata of four to six pounds per tree for four or On year old stock. Two pounds of ni trate of soda might be added to the above mixture and another pound In ter about the first of May if a rood crop of fyuit has bam sot An ad ditional application of nitrate of aoda made after the fruit has boon bamsst ad has been found to pay to many to