caah tt tlM CourthouM Door In Dob Dm MWwhw land; Tha satire liWH af H. C. Wmw •nd wife Bertie Snow tt Ma* a MM eitrth intaraat In 100 acre* af land, •ituatad in Manh Townahia, Surry Coanty, N. C. oundad on the North b* J. K. Cockerhala, on tha Waat by voaa Owm», and Mite hall Blwr on the Sooth by Mm tend* of 8 tan Wood and on the Eaat by J. K. Coekarham. Beinr tha Hon ptaea of W. H. Kay rwd. Sala made to Mtiafy mid debt with mtereat and coat of sale to add. Thia Fab. 1Mb I9M. A. D. Folger, Traatae. WHOLE BODY SEEMED IN ONE AWFUL PAIN ■ ■ , - . . • ■ w5P(ff: j3HH Mont, La.—Mrs. L P. Lam bert, who has been s popular ■chool-tfftcher here for several nan, recently told a visitor of her interesting experiences with Cardui. "Just before my ... came on." mid Mrs. Lambert, "I would •the all over. My feet, my toes, my arms, hands, head—my whole body seemed to be in one awful Cx I would grow so nervous 11 could not hold a cup in my hand. My husband would have to hold my coffee for me to drink. Last fall I waa in such a bad condition that I had to spend about three days in bed every Month. It seemed to me that I was on my last go-round." Then bne day, said Mrs. Lam bert, she happened to read about Cudui and tha experiences of aame women who had been helped by it. "i felt thut Cardui might help me if I tried it." she continued, "for I had been rof fering with similar troubles to those mentioned there. I had heard of Cardui all my life and I knew many women who said they had been helped by it The rtrr next day 1 began to take it. "Very soon after, 1 began to notice my improvement I kept on till 1 felt like a different woman. I gained in weixht from W pounds to 116 and felt better than 1 had in years. I took six bottles right along and found it a splendid tonic. My suffering waa partly due to a run-down condition and the Cardui stimu lated my appetite and helped me to gain the strength I needed . . . I take a bottle every now and then, even now, just aa a tonic to keep up my strength, but I am in better health than I have been in for years." All drugi'iate sell Cardui. Try it m before na la a daily nal truth. Toot Mr powrinj of finii mm ment of your *ermone, hot they *hould ■bar* all thin** ho yoo—jmr pereon nlfty. Dnnt quote the Bible to at hy ith* yard. Explain It to m in tenm don't attempt to espliin myeteriee hidden therein that yotj and no other man ha* erer yet heen able to tin rid die. There ia plenty of food, whole. noma truth in the Goepel without try ine to mtva myatorieo that amarter men than you have puxzled wear to no *ati*ftectory *ohition. Too preacher* might learn a laaann in haw to make a nerwon intoreat in» from the method* uaed by the ' LARGE APPLE SMALL PEACH • We hare a fine lot of Bo num. Beau ty World. Wineaap, Stayman Wine aap, DoHeiooa and Sparger appla treea S ft. old. Fine lot of 2-1 ft. poach. Pneoo A. Tone A Soa n. c BUY NOW! Every spring the demand lor Ford Cut is several Hundred thousand greater than the available supoly. Place your order immedi ately,*to avoid delay in delivery. AMI raator, don! Mffhwt oar chil dren. W. old ■■■tiflii have been pnathsd to awl at aa lane that we (•) GiMtl with Ms •axapKone rottld and tf he (fid his ataip would rain off oar Mn. Wo are "eot" fo oat Iffe-hahit* and thought*. Evert your "1^ in behalf of our yiwiij TVey afv like clay In the hands of the potter, their lives you can easily influence. Oh, I know you sort «f havo to rah nor for the right way or w» will withhold your waita, but listen to your Master. not to oa. Now. Pastor, don't pt ad "hot op'* urn my plain talk. If yon preach tha Gospel, too hold m your hand tha hop* of tha world: and If yog at* faithful to year truat, you arc tha moat important warrant mankind has. Thia fact should both make rmi hum. hla and fire you arfth tha dvtermina tion to da a «ood M>. Paator. plaaaa paaa tha hat. Livaa aitd Limba Saved By Car olina Stop Law. Raleigh, March 4.—Deaths and In tnriee from gimde cnoaa 111 g accidfflta « ho wed a markad decline folio win* tha enactment of the North Carolina taw raqairfnir driven of Motor ve hiclea to (top before crooning rail road tracks, according to ftgareo Just mad* public by the Safety Depart ment of the Southern Railway Sys tem. The law became effective oa July 1. IMS. and in the ensuing six months, four persons were hilled and eleven injured in eleven accidents at erase inn of the Southern's tracks hi North Carolina, aa against six killed and twenty-four injured and twenty one accidents during the first six months of IKS, eleven killed and twenty-live Injured in eighteen acci dents doriar the laat half of 1922. and elfht killed and twenty-two in jured in fifteen accidents during the first half of lm. This itsi1 lease in casoaltiaa was in the face of an increasing volume of automobile and track traval, 247412 motor vehicles having been legislated in tha office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina during IMS as era Inst IS2.060 is 1922. I ifctfiifflti i iin inniiH National Bank Airy. N C * ' / . Has given satisfacory service to its customers for more than twenty-five years* What can we do for you? T. C FAWCETT, w. w. B. & SMITH, ad of tract eae n Mid wtfe to the on the »th day Deads of *frmt of Hurry County, "t will aoll to the hicfcaat tiiddar, '-r cuh da* e< at mm •'dock I*. M. ib 'to at of tk Pirn National of Mooat Airy Um fottowin f daacrth ••■1 -eel aetata u»-nit: EWrinnrnx at a White Ook on the Eaet hank of tha Dobaon and Cratch fiold Mi and nm with »aid rood aa it aaw laianilira North 2» doc. Wart 2 aha ins. North U da*. Weet» ate. North li do* Waat 1 eh. H links to WihuotV* line: thence as id Una Sooth M dec East It 1-2 ehs to a rock in tha hollow; thonco Sooth 14 1-2 doc E 4 cte. aad 16 links to a rock: thanea South 4 1-2 doc- Waat 8 ehe 75 linka to tha baapnatec containinc 10 aeraa, it (aaa. Sola mad* to satisfy dffat of $1000. with wtaraat and coat to to added Thia 11th day of February, _l»24. • • m» BHMINBb TWfllttQe FOR OVER 40 YEARS fAU,s cjk.-r.tRH!> J i ha •*«l Uiif Ui •**« cat*Km sir uirrv* jt* of *a o Matawaa to nw»i iwn'ium, ana um ! Internal flWrtu. * . which s«-t» UMtlh tha Maori »n <*• Varona Bur ■ tw -a. thua r»r, u.flaaioaartoa. Sold by all ilrur* -« r. 3. Cheney * Co. Toledo. Ohio. Van Liodiey's an ROWERS —PHONE— W. S. Wolfe Drag Co. An Investment— not than 7 par et and ' m xWltinnnl f par <1 nat earning* at % fnl executive* ta tha hy one of tha ta tha Booth manufacturing a i sntfy profitable !fne of pit k Worth Looking fa For fait particulate AMERICAN TRUST CO. MHHii Charlotte, * C. ueorie fvasmnitoris Oil Lands