Mr*. J. M. Cnwi md son and Misa Bintw Waller, of Durham *m week end (snti of Mrs. G. K. Snow. Mr*. J. D. Thompeon ha* leturnod from a visit to hrr dmcMtr at Black Mountain. * Mi»ses Annie. Alice. and Fannie Tolpr, Ethel Hajrnn. Anna Rector, Marian Prathef and Elisabeth I-one ' snent Monday m Winston-Salem shop ping. « The Mount Ain Tobacco Board ■ Trade met Thursday morn in* and d« cided to keep the tobacco market opetf a week longer than previously mth nwufteed or through Mar-h 7, Mrm. Joeeph G. Dawson and Mrs Harvey T. Walter, of Kinston, are rnests of Mr*. Roth Martin at the L«e of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sargent in this city. The Woman's Missionary society of the first Baptist church ohserrsd a day of prsyer for missions Wednes day. Suitable serricea ware held and lunch aarved at the chorch. ' Preaching service will be held at 11 a. m. at Oak Grove Methodist church next Saturday, lunch will be served at the church and quarterly conference will be held in the after noon with preaching again on Sunday. ' T. Daber left Saturday afternoon for Marietta. Ga., where ha goee to accept a position as draftsman. Ha will be Joined by his family in the near future. Oar community regrets to loos these go<«l citisens. 1,1 ' • The ^remains of the sixteen months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Orerby were shipped hers from Baa sett. Va., for burial which took place at the Baptist cemetery «t White Plains Sunday afternoon. Rev. C. C. Hay. more officiating Christopher Binder was boat to •bout thirty boy* and jirl* Saturday evening at the homo of hi* parent* on Pine street. Game* wen playad and Ice cream, cake and mint* won The Philathaa claaa of Central Methodist church will conduct a Par cel Port Auction sale Saturday night la the vacant store room on Maid street vacated by Kittrells. Every package will hove i> value of Ke or ia invited te bear Or i 4mm at M. C. C, w . at Central HriMM at w*t tin. W. M. MrCulley of Sali* bxtij. After • number of intern* ing rubber* the huetee* »»*i*ted by Mm. Vjr Mai. Mabel For aerved deiiciaua fruit coffee and aiinta. h ilftd MU The high Ml wee preaented to a handpaintrd Mm. I! te the honoree. Another 'Wt of town gweet waa Mm. C. L. Witherfogten, alao of Saliabury Baptist Itr. Eugene Olive will addreea the r-irular Monthly meethtjr of th" Wo man'* Miaaionary anciety of the Fmt Baptiat churrb Morula v aftmunin at three o'clock. Mm. Will Monday will entertain the aoeiety at her home an North Main itrcet, where hi addition te the addreea the n*alar routine work of the aociety will be attended te." i Midalfkt BUm Ruin* Stora f trr of oaknown origin Rttordif night a little after IS o'clock partly destroyed a frame building uaed aa a combined dwelling and tuner; (torn on north Main atraat Jtnt abyre the Dry Bridge.* The building la owned by Gaaton Galloway and the atorlc of gooda belonged to Prince Worrell who occupied a part of it aa a dwell tag houae. Altho it took only ten min ute* from the time the alarm waa tamed in for the fire department to get the flame* under control, (till the damage to the building and atock of good* ia aatteated to be about half of their value. Dr. H. K Bojrrr, Mrs. J. L. Woltt. C.C. Crrvrlinf and W. M. Jordan are attending the district conference at Summerfield this W»sh The name* of Mr. a ad Mr* W. R. Eckenrod were added to the church roll last Sunday. Mr. Eckenrod is a photographer and he and his wife are new and welcome citisons in the community, they come to us frotn Wavncuville. The pastor called attention to his new study Sunday and invited those who srr concerned afloat their soul's salvation or in need of his help ta any way to viait him in the study. He is usually there in the morning. The women who failed to attend the meeting of the Missionary society Monday afternoon miaaed an unusual ly interesting and helpful meeting. The • Josephine Frank Missionary society will meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. T. H. Worrell.—Reporter. The March meeting of the U. ». C. — s Of (Mm, n't ih« tanm ttm Su— « f TW I tuwMn'i ««p«t *ou » ta» * k'ldwcumt rim uB tfc*"Im M*«i • nrM af tfmt on of low thw two wan. It hw bow tha mm of helping • ffoodly aumbor of Moont Air* |il|li lorn thoir hoaw* «M haa emtof ia a poU May a»ra U* Mm of • aMtbof of systematic wain*. Frm* > standpoint of m»ootlort wo M tfc »t tha 'in •»-* *«v» t»««in The correct mixture (or (pray solution ia 12 to 15 poundi DRY UMt SULKL'R to fifty gallons water. Thia makes your solution eoet yon a»- . proximately 4 cents per gallon which ia leee than one-tenth the eeet of Lime Sulfur solution on today's market. Holcomb & I AUCTION SALE ) i I1 t. 1 will Mil at public auction to th» hfetetf bxhUr j Saturday, March 8, 2 P. M.