_ ■ BAILElfi MAKES OPENING SPEECH IN RALEIGH sS sSs~ * piM bora lultti hi Ma Ant far Ma! to at* rampaim for tha iwiiiiilli! nammatlea for gwmtor ml North Carolina, J. ft. ChaMine, Jr. ■CviiM tt th* BMthiff Daekfiiii n.12 "L-~ ^ . T*T"' #5TX3 WK IV piVpiMMI W ■now UNI QIPBCI UlatiiH of Mlltiei to human wilftrv And what could bo done to mmdvi the condition of all people, Mr. Bai ley said that thant war* BOu.OOO homo* to North Carolina of which 400,000 w« rot tarn arhawiii raaldad fami Vm on ImuMM Um than 9Z.M0 par year and that at laaat %>>0fl00 of theaa familiea were living on laaa than (Mil fla taat of uiutraM ta what It ba Ing done for tna raliaf of aoeh lowly faMiltea and not haw Many milt ion airoa wa have in onr atata, tha apeak ar Mid. Tha Maaaara of progruM la human betterment and there an float thin** to be dona alone thia Una in OOF Stilt#. Mr. Bailey rlaaaifled tha taah be fore the atata to ba tha wrariai of jnot freight rate*, equal taxation and a political awakening and reatoration of rapraaantativa government. Km phaaisinr that the tMmadlate taak waa ta relieve the fanaer, and amall home* of unjaat aharaa of the burden of taxation, Mr. Bailey aaid. "We hear much of pmgreaa in North Carolina. Thia atata baa a great de*tiny and none but a fool would arreat tha pro gi'ia* at thia commonwealth Onr achool progrr**. our roiH progreM are aourrea of unending pride and an coaraat ment The growth of oar tn etitutiona la magnificent, but let aa not be content with theae domain a of advancement. Rather let oa *ee what wa may aet about for greater at do we mean by progreM? Let ua think of It and atrive for It tthanr* of human welfare. "North Carolina can never be what ahe ahonld he m long aa only 40,000 of her 600.000 familiea have Interne* of aa aaeh aa ttfit* par year. Half of nor people are farmer* and tha average income of the North Caro lina fanner la WOO. Hera tha po int from which wa will derive tha progreai of the TOmmonwttltn. Katae mat average to 91 .MO per year and we will have all the schools. roller**, uni versities, asylum*, road*, public ser vice that the heart could desire. There ia no one thing that will do it. And any one man would be foolish to pronto tt. But it can he done. America has been thinking industrial ly for two (fenerations—and to a rreat purpose. All America Is realizing that she matt now think agricultural ly "North Carolina's greatest handicap ia advene and unfair freight rates We have no big cities because we have no throovh rates. If we had 100, 000 population In Raleigh. 260,000 In Chanotte and Greensboro. 100,000 In Fayetteville, Asheville, Winston Salem and Durham, oar agricultural problem would be ha If-solved and our tax problem would be simplified Our farmers would have markets. "There are no large cities in North Carolina because the cities in the north, south, and west of us have all had the advantage tat freight rates. Give the cities of North Carolina a chance and they will show the world an amazing piagiaaa. "There are more people within M miles of Charlotte. Raleigh, Greens bor, Winston-Salem, or almost any •ther city In North Carolina than there are within 80 miles of Richmond or Lynchburg. But Richmond if •ailing North Carolina-made damasks towpls. sock a, underwear, and over alls all over North Carolina. Why? There is but one answer—freight ratea. "North Carolina has the power tc exact justice for our people from ths railroads. Let us not be content with ffltaff petitions and begin making de mands. The railroads are not mors powerful than this commonwealth. "I have for four years contended that the burden of taxation rested la unfair and unjust measure upon otn farmer* and small homes. Lock Craig said to the circuit court when representing the state aa a lawyer employed by the present governor: "The sverage farmer geta only thres ef that ft toOa the story. He alac aaid that fat 1M0 three railroads shifted WOO.flOO of their t«.es upor other piwerty in this state Of thh the Atlantic Const Line got ISOn .too *T*e official reeorm show that rtti - "rC for the seat of us is on> 11 wr cent Let fhe plow stop the nest M dayi hi America and s»ai|thlaf to Ameri top a North Carolina to dotnf her ihafi of it. This much at umUi |iwyw» I* pwwliii off *a tea bloba iwh year. And Uxm thrayi rtaa h w mm MMt hn Art*. Tha ewwer of the farm and the occupant whether owner buwSn fnlla upon th*m. "The atata haa taken «m too main of the aourcea of taxation and kft ' upon tha land tea much at tha butdan of tha government. Tha atata take* far atata patpaw all at tha texea an aotamobUoe. gmaollna. oila, fertilixera, llcenaea, inheritance, franchiaa and tn iwaa. It haa pot an tha eoontlae tha auppnrt of tha arhaola, pi.nlic roada. county government and thaaa thraa im-at aourcea at expanaa fall upon property, that la largely land. Tha *ut»- might to eontrflmta mora to tha frm achonla or give to tha coonttea mora of the aoorrea of taxation. "Our tax problem la primarily arm at readjnating tha burden. Of rourae, we moat reduce tha mluma .rhertrrer wa aafaly can. A anund eca iomy will aave many a dollar in North Carolina. There ia too much r«t land, eapecially farming land and <mall homea. Hera ara the linaa of |il»»i>aa—juatice in taxation. "After all it ia not tha atructuraa we build. Tow en and palacaa ara not tha evidence of progreaa. Wa • hould maaaun- nor pragma by what ia being done for tha children in tha rottagea—in the 4K0.000 homea that lira upon laaa than 12,000 per yaar. Ara their father* and motnera fat tine ahead? Ia ho ma ownarahip in •n-aaing? Ia there plenty of milk for tha children? Have they warm t-ada, good hooka, wholeaome aur mundinjra ? The atata'a chief product • ia tha m<<n and the women. So far aa wa know thia ia tha object of exiet enca. Tha only proyreaa worth talk in* about ia tha prograae of bumaa welfare, moral and apiritual. "Back of achoola and roada are chil dren, and back of children are homea, and nod food and booka and mother* and father* who ara doing well. To thaaa conaiderationa muat tha atata aver look. By thaaa atandarda moat progreaa be meaaured. • mnw ui ua wnu hit prus jirniun mtrnt remember that those who are not love their children Jurt as much as we tore ran, that they desire rood thinr* for their children and that they del ire to ret ahead for their little ones' lake just u wi do. It i« our duty to think of them in terms of our (own experience. We moat measure our prorresi not by the number of millions iras in the state, bat by the number of happy homes. It is oars to make of North Carolina the best place in the world for men. women nnd children to lira. This la the on Iv politics. This is the new polities throughout the world. "We have had enourh of politics of selfishness and power and self and glory. The whole world la sick and weary of that sore of polities, and all the people of the earth are rininr op and taking charre of the rovernment. It is *o in Europe. It is so in Japan. It is bearinnmg to he so in China, even. The tnaaes and machines will fall in America Just ns the thrones of the lords have fallen in the old world. There is a new are the world over. Its prophet pass ed a few weeks aro. bat his work will ro on. Woodraw Wilson was the new time. He was a democrat and he gave to the democratic party in America and democrat* throurhout the world ita chart and compass for an to cocnt. "In his faith let us labor. In his spirit let us do battle." Failure of the "V.-C." The failure of the old eatabliahad Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company last week (after a long period of near-bankropty, it waa finally thrown into the hands of a receiver) will n ctte reneral internet all over oar tor Up to 1M0 this company waa regarded aa about the strongest and rosperoos of fertiliser bat "deflation" for It Dm value of I steadily declined 91M to 97 per shars and the value of from M1H to H of t£ zxttxx m tmkb. The n|irtii fight fw the '' |)||j rfflAftllt) |p n f |j f ) yy, rMMritte* km Dtlnd kj placing • dark home hi the field, 0. B. Wtbk like pouring «fl (not Tnpi> Ohm) mi the tml>M witm, and Ms slsctlen Wii »MJ Outwardly at laaat the local Repub lican torn* hart bwM the hatchet and the delegation that bft Mount 1 Airy Monday tor the state eonvntlon which convened la Raleigh Wednes day want away In • thesrful mood. The convention paaaad raaolutlona lamenting the death of tlw lata Pinal dent Harding and of John Motley Morehead and indorsing tha adaalnia t ration of President fool id** and In structing Surry'" delegation In tha ■tatc convention to rota far delegate* to tha national ennrentid* favorable to Coolidge's renom(nation. The ra diation instructed tha delegates from this eonnty to cast their rotaa far Hon. D. H. Blair and Johnson J. Hayes from tba western part at the atata aa delegates as lanra to tha national Republican convention, which assembles In Clear*land, 0., June 10th The following delegates at-large to tha Republican (tat* convention were elected: Edward M. T.mville, G. W. Crissman, 0, L. Kohlosa, T. M. George Township delegates to the convention war* aa follows: Bryan, A. H. Wolf and W. G. Simmons; Dohaon. W. W. Hamilton and W. M. Jackson; Kldora, W. L. Chilton; ETVtn, J. R Ray and S. 0. McGnlre; Franklin and Lone Hill (Donated right to representation to delegates at lanra); Marsh, J. F. Carter; Mount Airy, 8. K. Marshall. J. B. Sparger. J. A. Jackson, O. B. Wehh, W. E. I.indaay and A. I. Til ley; Pilot Mountain, C. M. Barnard and T. M Gordon; Roekford. J. M. Marlon; Shoals, W. L. Ashhum; 81 loam, W. H. Aahbom: Stewart's Creek, W. A. Tork; Westfield, S. P. Shelton and T. L. Brhn. i w i<*rai mnvfrnion miimriva rat rtelcfrstion to the Raleigh f-onvnttfon to place In nomination and support A. K. Tilley i Mtpt* from the Fifth congressional district to the national convention. Members of the county EnntN Committee to hm rhsrjre of the af fairs of the county Republican organ 1 cation for the next two years are as follows: 0. B. Webb, rhairman; Robert In man. Secretory; F. 8. EMridge, W. W. Hampton. W. 8. Wall, J. F. Carter, E. L. Schuyler, W. P. Armstrong, A. C. Wall. C. R. Boyle*, J. A. Jackson, J. H. Owyn, D. 0. Smith, C. M. Barnard W. Y. Davenport, A. L. Ashburn, J. M. Whittaker. W. A. York and W. I,. Inman. By resolution the convention abolish ed the practice of holding township primaries for the purpose of elect ing delegate* to the county conven tion. since this was an expansive pis pdtire that kept the organisation hi financial embarrassnfent all the while. Port J, T.>. A. Hold An enthusiastic m«ethf and ban quet of the local port J, T. P. A. waa riven at the Blue Ridge Hotel Friday evening at T:M o'clock. Bstwem thirty and forty sswahms were present. Messrs. M. H. bete. State Director and D. C. State Secretary wsrs ilsHaes. teresting talks were made by the* th* m _ . . and Mayor A. Y. A tr tea Chairman, te Mn. ». » A V- »-*. If. W SUICIDAL FOR (TIT TO TAKE BACKWARD STEP - •4 tf i nf tk* talk and I fleered ay if ■ Mtor of th* nufc of Ik paktte hmugkt mhnmt With this ill : q* go • llttla fa i Not aa bar ago and tha < I no lnn*tM*iit Mad* by tka whole peo i home. Far Ion# age* tka State of | tka County Tkaa the public Mind for i op to tka naada of all tkaaa inetltu tinna, eapecially tka aajliMM and tka bridge* and yaada. fat kow to (•) tham waa tka pnihlaw. No Man kad tka money to advance and no people wmilrl ha witling to hare a aparlal tax levy sufficiently large to Mmt tka eapena* at on* time. It aoMehow dawned an tha Mtnda of man that by Korrowing tha Maney and paying it hack an tka installment plan—leaning hnnda. la what it Maana, tka fnnda could he secured with arkick to maka tkaaa naadad improvement*. And wken tkia idea got into tka mind* of tka pa*pla, and that waa not a* long ago. wa kagan to build a«y1um*. hoa nitah, roada. bridge* and ao forth. Since that tima tka country kaa tn ' vaatod much money in thia way and mada ft en aiiUialy different ply | in which to Hva. Tka edttor nf tkis nanapapai re members wall whan then* waa not [ a bridge in tka county and not a mile nf road over whick an antoMohlla could he driven with comfort. Than i it took all day to croa* tha county. Rack then tka county home constated ; of a few log rahina stork hack on tka ! county farm near Pohaon. And not | until tha public mind worked out a plan to aerure tha money did we get nway from tha primitive condition* of tka paat ami ha gin to Maka pro | rreaa In hatter living conditiona. Kow, erery one known that H ia ; eaay to go too deeply into debt, be i it private or public debt. Con*crva j thre huaineaa Man hare thought orer a em ha l atraata to the limit that the law per mita. Tha little team af ETkto, and there la an bettor amall town than El kin, Jaet laat year apent RM.040 aa her atiaet* And it ia there ia oppoaitia*. thoogM It! TVia una fjno.nnn.on Ha •nanta all about aa who •tap with tha apiiit of tha tlOMa. Mount Airy haa dona • fine work <!urtnr tha pa*? two yeara to laytoa permanent atraata that have lont N»ar needcd, and thara ia yet ntirli of thia work that ahoald ha don* at tha eariimrt mnmml conatetont with •ond hnatoaaa. There ia aa other way ♦o befld a town. It ia a*toniehlnv to think how orach money it ceato to haap tha antoiprav ed utraata af thia lawn to condition. TV ratoa era frequent and heavy and the atraata ara aa much travelled that they are often a I moat impaaaahla. But onee they ara haHearfaced tha work of npkaap fa mr with far many year* to come and tha town relieved , of a heavy expanae, to my nothtof of tha valoe at tha ha proved atraata to tha pahfte. Vow, it ia a fact that Mat af a* ure too hoay with oar piliato affair* to hothar with public qrnattain, bat we believe that if any man will five thia a careful and in tell I rent ccnaid • ration ha arid aae that a town tha »i*e and importance af thia can afford to iaeae bond* within the lefal limit i and improve ita «t»eet* to a point where the need* of the time* are met. To w It aeema to he the only conaiatent coarae to paraae. It la the only way wa can meat the de mand* of the pahlic mind af oar day. jit ia the only way wa ran eonaiat I ently face tha world and aay ara ara . a ppr>irre**ivf» |w-oplc. Police Arrested as Murderer taken to Lexingtoi the Davidson count] Woman's Body Found m Poo of Blood; Policeman Swpoe Diaappaara; Wkaa Ho Ro turns U Jailad Hifrh Point, March 15.—L. C. Jen kins, chief of police of Thomarrille charged with the murder of a womai believed to be Mrs. Elisabeth Jones of Applachia, Va., whose body wai found in Jenkins' home jreeterdajr, wai arrested when he returned to Thomas today, according to advio who My* htr father was In the room when her mother was shot. According to the verdict of the cor oner's Jury, the woman came to ha* death from a gunshot wound inflicted from a son in the hands of L C Jen kins. Certificate Wilson, March 16.—Palling to se cure a health certificate hi Nash county to marry Miss Lilly Moss, 81 alleged to he mentally unbalanced, L. Graham, 70, with hia intended bride, came to this city and secured a health certificate from Dr. O. W. Lewis, a local physician. Being vouched for by a npiililli Wilson c It lien, Mies Tempie Jane Batten, register at deeds of Wilson "ounty, issued the license to Graham -"d the nuptial knot was tied by "tgistrato W. ft. Wood and not un til Friday last did there seem to be Knowing the bride to be mentally unbalanced H la alleged by Welfare Offload W. D. Glenn, Jr.. of Haah county, he caused a warrant to be ms4 against Dr. Lewis charging a violation of the health lav of North Carolina, the | la not aad Mill*. attacked the gMmg of • km aa ■ "unaoand principal" aad daelaaad Hi .— * —...,1 I tl_l& — - J, , ■> I , — ' — Mm wow itmrt ui rwoetiofi m re» ton fun. Tha Mil pnrMn flv p*M-ap, 20 j«r endowaMWt Hfa lb •onM polietea |M hi adjvated Mrrin pred>t Ha paaaaga. although a tww 1 thtrda majority will ha nacaaaary, tfc» hill coming op under aoapanataa a# j the rolaa which limit* debate and cauee they had bean denied > Ky under the ratfa af offering as providing far fall eaah indicated moet of than) wonW rota far the bill and depend on aanata ac tion for tbe full eaah payment optica. Twenty-one of tha 22 Dfwtcnih ' member* from No* York xtate *iga ed a atatament today declaring thajr favored immediate pnaaait of inldtor honu* legislation but piafairad "Tm asediate all-eaab payaaeat*." Chairman Green in hia report aaid two honna hilla had paaaad tha haaaa and oaa of them both the aenata and tha hooaa. The latter, ha aaid. waa vetoed by Preaideat Harding. bat tha It wfU Wnme tow." It woald •uhatantia! benefit* upon the aoUflara ha aaid, it* coat woald be capable af accurate and definite determinatias and the neeeaaarv appmpriatfaaa •ould be amda arithout embttrraaaiaf tbe treaeary. The iv<n«f af tha inaaraiH - id. liclaa, it waa eetimated wood ba I on the haiis of the — ; nmpmHtha pmM»d in tha vrtari Mil. >91 for eaich day of home mi »le» and II.CT for each day owmi. The firat 60 day* wnold not bo counted. Veteran« who aerrad mora than 110 daya and who would not be entitled to eaah woo Id rata Ira a paid op 10 yaar endowment policy ~ of the at their are. Soeh ha computed in aeeoidnn wtth » reptad acturial principle* and haaed upon American experience tables of mortality, with interest at 4 par cant par annum compounded annually Tf the veteran died before the 19 up the foil amount of tho

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