COOUDGE DISMISSES DAUGHERTY, WHOfSCORES TARTY COWARDICE" * ATTORNEY CfWHUI MT ACTIOII • i i« MM b» OBS tjr«. o«t of Um other of an i»cnnSuhill«^ ignation m writt*n under date of March 27. It follow*: "My Daar Nr. Attorney General: "Since My conference with you, I have examined the propoeed r«j»ly yM suggest making to the demand that you furnish the committee in vestigating the department of jus tice with files from the ' relating to litigation and to reau of investigation. You ent to me and to the comMfctoe in your letter that it would not be com patible with the public intoreat to comply with the demand and wish to conclude your letter with a state ment that I approve that poeition. • "Certainly, I approve the well es tablished principal that departments should not rive out information or documents, where such a course would be detrimental to the public interest and this principal is always peculiarly applicable to your depart ment, which has such an intimate re lation to the administration of jua "But you will readily perceive that f am unable to form aa independent judgment in this inatonce without a long and intricate inveetigation of voluminous papers urtiieh I cannot personally make, and so I should be 'impelled to follow the usual prac tice in such cases and rely upon your advice as attorney general and head of the department of justice. But you will aee at ones that the jwT hTva «Kr3L. cause of a your personal conduct of the depart ment. Assuming that the request of the committee is appropriately limit ed to designated filee. still the ques tion will always be the aaase. In view of the fact that the inquiry re lates to your personal conduct, you are not in a position to give to me or the committee what would be diain tereated advice as to Ike public In terest. "Ton have a personal inter eat In this investigation which Is made of the conduct of yeun your office, which may ha In with your official Intoreat as torney general. I am ing your faim ass or integrity. I am msr»lj- ^reciting the fact that you are sonal inter sat." of attorney general, which conflict. "How can I satiafy a action In matters of thia advise againat It, when you as "the in dividual against whom the inquiry is directed neeaaaarily have a personal interest in It? I do not see how you can be acting for yourself in roar own defense in this matter, and at the same time and on tha saase quee tion acting as my advisor as attorney "These two positions are incompati ble and eannot be reconciled. I am sure you will see that It la neceesary for me to have the advice of a dis interested attorney general, in order that T may discharge the duties of my office in this and other matters. I feel certain that you will know how deeply 1 regret" that thla situation has arisen. It only illustrates the difficulties which are certain to recur with ever-increasing embarrassment, and your inability to perform aatia factorily the duties of attorney gen eral under present conditions. "You wflf readily understand that it la not now my intention to pre judge the iaauaa which remain to be developed Into thla inveetigation. I recognise that you are entitled to a full and fair hearing. Bat aa there la no way bv which you can Avast "out self of the Intoreat you have per sonally in tha investigation, I can aos no amy hoi far you to retire aa at torney general, and I am tharafurs compelled to nan sat your raaigna Very truly yours. -CALVIN (<001.1 DC, E." WHEN BGG8 18 AUTOS "How MI|« thta ewt" Mid Um fellow who wti driving Um $4,000 ■QtO. "Why this ear was hatched." "Hatched?" exclaimed the other. "How d'ye mmn lutcMT" "Sara." replied the mt dwmt. 1 read a New York World Poultry An nual aad pit M interested T (tarted to raise chickens and hatched enough of 'mi to boy a car." You can da the mm Sand 10 cents for postage to Um New York , World aad got a Poultry Annual. oAucunrrrs reply to THE PRESIDENT rnimmmmmmmm . ^ Th« Attorney Owml'i n«lp>tlw wm tendered la the following briaf "I hereby acknowledge rwtlpt at V"ur latter of March 27. by the hand of your aacrctary. raqoeatinr my reaifnation aa attorney general of thr Vattad Statea. "SoMy oat at deference to your ra \ "***>* mv successful action In fortuity with mv swnrn date to srve "•Is eoontrv from vinl«ne»» nod anar chy during an industrial trials far •"ore serious thsn the reneral pi'MIe has ever known: second from those ~nuatlr nowerfnl individuals and •"•nitatione. gnfltv of graft unon the -"vemment during the world war while the youth of »«r land "n makine the supreme sacrifice for the nation. "* have to the beet of my ability | discharged my swnrn doty to props | -«te all such individuals and ' is tions bat the task (Cos tinned te Page Poor) TOO QUICK TO PUT KOPLC IN JAILS riaon aaaalled the nw.Un of mttting an to MU and without giving tuntty to Mln bond" In Ma to the aocfal am »iaa u»tmn<« at of "W« have drifted into the unfor tunate habit in North CaroUne" tha Governor aaM. "of bain* tonOtaaty in committing men to jail* and priaona before tha fact of their guilt or Hmo - V — _ , »-!■—■ r<*ncif naiff Mtn evnousiica, . "1 diaapprnva of tha manner In which many of theae caeca are now being handled and I commend any movement which will tend toward • reform of ♦he preeent aytem which allowa of ficer* of tha law and committing mag iatratea to lend men to Jail and to prison without -ample opportunity •o rirm bonda required. Although the n>»am»r waa aevere In denunciation of auch practice* be ing committed hi Mm atate. he aaid he itoJ up manfully for tha offleara and fceepera of tha priaon otherwiae. mt Of tha Mount Airy New* publiah ed at Mount Airy, N. C., for Apri^ lat. 1*24. ^ Publiahera. J. E. Johnaon 6 Son, Mt. Airy. Editor, J. E. Johnaon, Mt. Airy. Buatneaa Manager. W. M. Johnaon, Mt. Airy. Ownera, J. E. Johnaon A W M. John aon. Mt. Airy. - other «atui hy Signed, W. M. Johnaon, Sworn to and aubacrftad before ■ thia the SI day of March, ltli E. L. Brannock, Notary PnhHe. LARGE BEEKEEPER CLOSES OUT BUSINESS Judaon Aahby. Haas praaided and aeveral lactiona war* wAiW lu naial lilt « a aolo by Miaa Eleanor Lone, a da* by Miaa Long and Miaa Julia Prathar and a aolo by Miaa Arm Galloway they were amapnM by Mia Rati n,.kki«. —I « ■ UODOini, puuiiiL The viaitora wm arcompanied bj a teacher Miaa Brown. Mra. Jot Thompson. mother of Miaa Prancea and Mr. Philpotta. father of Cloyd. The young people enjoyed an infor mal dance in the hoaa of Miaa Julia Prather after the program waa rarer Our team waa alao defeated at Lexington the acore being two to oik there in faror of the Lexington team The graduate and papO auiaaa oi Martin Memorial hospital entertained at a six o'clock dinner Friday mm ing in compliment to Saw. E. L Oli*« who leavea thia week to make hii home in Chapel Hill. Yellow candies and jonqnila decora, ted the table in the hoapital tininj ity of the narnin/ staff »m Be*. E. L 01 We, Bee. Z. V. Boberaon. Bee. J. H. Weet. Bee. H. L Boyer, D. D. Bee. D. V. Price. Dr. and Mra. M. 8 Martin. Dr. and Mra. E. C. Aahby, and Dr Noffainger. World News Briefly Told SAVING OUB HELIUM GAS— ttoaffTm o£pttoi^?J>» * "* in Utah which to rich hi helium ■ad to itid to be the largest of this prtaeto— auterial to the world. Helium to Mod to inflate the dirigiblea Deiby or Sinclair wilVew^gat'lJu of thto SOME HOPE FOB RUSSIA— Even In aovtot Ruesie you moat bo honest. Alexander Erasnoschokoff, once a famous lawyer of Chicago, but now Urine In Russia, toa boon sen tenced by a Russian court to six years' solitary confinement for mtouse of the funds of a bank of which he was an officer. His broth er was convicted with him. STATE COLLECTING MORE MONEY—State income tax collec tion! have gone past the M.600.000 mark. This is better by a half mil lion than thto time last year, and in dicates rood profits and rood salaries during the year 192S for the North Carolina folk. Thto money to usod to -maintain the state hij" pay interest on the road ACTIVE IN BUSINESS A' : . _ . f Now York. I of the torrent hanks in thto Goo F try. spent hto Mth birthday in Aaho ville playinr golf and devoting him self actively to bnsineoe matters. He happened to atop In Aaheville while oeouttnc around over the nation look TAKE NOTICE YE HUNTERS— lag ma Now Yofh to While fly in r fslo tost Thndny a government air plane narrowty map id deotiuttioii 6y eeHMn with • flock of wild at a h alght of >.000 foot encountered a flock of •J».*■ t^l^0,2®"toTa *" 'toa b, ttee to Tfoi «^™tor to TBAVEL1NG SOME—When the ■hto President Harding toft Now York last Saturday it earned Burton Hol mes and E. M. Newman, two femwu globe trotters. These men travel to pursuit of world information and pho tographs. During the paat SO years they have covered more than two mil lion miles and are (till "traveling mm", hi their effort to haoa thair lees fortu i brethren info MTS TO BE E1H( city of Greensboro ku employed i public MKVlioMT whooe tuk li U exterminate the rata of that city Posion and not electricity will be oa ad. aad the campaign will race foi thro* wuh Statisticians say thai each individual vmt during a ysar wil daeUuj 1112 worth of property am onr neighboring city wants to MTI thia loon. GLAD WK LIVE « THE SOUTO reporta any tki N. J.. Maaa. and N. Y lead the try with the hi*heat death ratee tram diabetea. The diaanaa ia eaid to fa more fatal to foieiyaen. The south em and weatern states show Um loweat death rata from thia diaanaa. HUDSON SEAL OE REAL SEA1 WHICH?—Uncle Sam haa on hand 20.000 genuine seal skins. and ia hav ing trouble aelling them. The cms« among th« women ii to have a "Hud son eeal" eont. which government ex pert* any. 't nothing more than oui river muakrat dyed black. f THE RADIO REACHING OUT— A radio itntion recently aaked for a straw vote bv Ha liatenera on the subject of modifying Vols tend net. Forty seven thousand paid telegrams wore received in 24 hours. This lndi j catea that prohibition continues to be as live a subject as a wildcat. FOR HEIGHTS UNKNOWN—'The third expedition for the conqueet of | Mount Everest, highest peak in the world, started front Darjccling, Brit ish India, under the lendership of Gen. Bruce, who bended the IKS expedi tion. 71m last effort failed to ranch the top by ah eat 1800 feet Several »an have given thoir Uvea in the ai. farta made to conquer th WILSON'S ESTATE When the will of the Into Wa Wilson was filed for probate in Waah inrton last Friday the value of hi* was placed at RSn.OOO owned no rani estate Hi — _ of vartoua kit Hie only dabta left by Mr. are those connected with his of the Anti Saloon state of New York, ia now plain pris oner No. TS,T«4 in 8inf Sin*, ann has been aaeto-"d to the task of onload n. c the reef wftfc SM eoloaiaa at Um Mi Um supplies that sra m»ln< tm mm in* for thaaa left this dry last Ha tar that tMa part mt \ «u polled off. thousend dollart •4 in Um deal whea rmtly of the state at the entire buainaaa of Fred L. ■on who has baa* engaged la tha pro duction of honey km at tkia la— for tan yaara. The baas vara in ootyards from flaw to twenty miles away from town and from fifty to one hundred colaniaa at a place. It raqnired a weak far t half dozen men to p repare tha haaa for shipaaent and haul them It was necessary to place scr over the top and entrance to t oay. Thus prepared the b supposed to be able to rsaaa in their hives for many days. TW rars will be stopped at a country town a few miles from Wilmington and there tha base will ha hauled oat and placed Hi out yards about the •nantry when suitable locations eaai be found. mr. ifiMHR Ul Been NfilW la ; the pradwtion of honey in Orecon for tmnl yesr* and made a nctw at the bosinsss, operating imnl hund red colonics and producing many tone rot Honey each Mason, bat the quality of the bono? *u such that it told for a irv |Hn on the market. For this basinsss in that state sad en rajre in tbs same tins Here in Mwtk Carolina where the price of Homey la much higher for the reason that the quality is arach better. The section of country around WH minrton baa the reputation at a floe place far I in the business there are satisfactory results almat every and the quality of tbs honey is i that tt is no troobls to find a market far all that la Many people in this a few k«oa in about the House. Itey little attention some for the marhst It hard to tell why. bat for i Hhe bees have practically diaap from the bones at tbs peopts. and now but little Honey is predated bar* outside at what la produced by tbs professional beekeepers. The reason for the failure at the bee here seems to be that tbs seasons hare changed and many of the sources of honey Jesti uysd. Only a few yeers aro and poplar honey of a very dark color waa common en the mar ket. Hot no poplar honey la produced now, and the reason may be that most of the poplar trees bare been banted to the lumber mills. There baa bsen much said a boot the using of suirar in the bee basinsss in such for years that it waa to feed the bees la the earty and often in the late fall for the son that the base were able to gat within* from the fields, and K waa With the advance in the pries at sa rar the profits la bssfcsspfrig la tMa tar * 111