COOUDGE SUPPORTERS CLAIM NOMINATION SURE ■Mr to prove at all Mrioua, an km it hi I for Nebraska and Cal tka will attention to the Job of selecting the right man a* running mate for the President. Evan mora time ami at tention will be devoted to the plat form. In the matter of the rice ■ ideration. The wisdom of nominat ing • California man haa been under '•onaitie ration for torn time. This weald be an indirect Mow, of coarse, «d and if the leadership of the party -oold be tolled off and ranged be hind the realMary of some each "fav orite eon" It weald of course be tan tamount to abandonment of I ■on af the The Johnson he sore to regard thia as a Mew lew the hall, and it hitteraaaa hi it we«M he wi both the mwmt arm, muhii m rathe* riavor ami miMiMi. ia being wa4a against Johnaun. Some of the CaB fMit orators ara Wlm told what mat ami rood speakers tWjr ara and Imw much mora worth whila it would la for aoma of thaw to da some key noting, to makr apwbn seconding tha nomination of a awn daatinad to win, rat bar than to paraiit their elo quence ta gn to waata following a for lorn hop* A name not infrequently hoard in connection with the aire preaidaray ia\ that of Lowden. of Illinois. Ha ia from the right section geographical ly. By inch a combination, Coolidge from New England and Lowden from the central west. there would be a happy blendinr of eaatem and went ern -ntereata. party leader* think. Lowiitr. married into the Pullman family, ia wealthy, but ia very much of a dirt farmer in the sense that he ■pends more of hi* time on bin farm than anywhere elae, and ia a regular attendant at farm iratherinr*. He and his wife would decorate the office while he ia much liked by the old Harding following. This ia import ant in view of the situation that haa crown out of the Daogherty affair, and the ill-ad viced utterances of Sen ator Pepper, who in his speech in Maine spoke of the "mistakes of the dead, not of the living," and who re ferred to the Daughertv appointment as attorney general as a miatake. War Boat* to Load in Attack On Run Vouch Washington, April 6.—The first unit of the coast ipitrd'i new prohibi tion nary probably wiU be ready to pot to Ma within a few weeks. With an additional 118,000,000 available under a recent compression al appropriation, coast guard officials have drawn op detailed plans for the acquisition of souie 800 large and unall reseats oqmlpped to chase ran runners away ,from American ahorse The i lotto. o'clock tonight. Mm. feabel Hmfofi of Union W. V«.. who m found af tor the fire emnthered to death in Ho bod, and Mra. Jalia Hamilton, o Jacksonville, Fla., vkm room wa rut off by the flames, rendering roa honaa were found following the fin Mra. Coraolla Gainaa a potiant from Georgia, waa terribly burned. It wm 'aid tonight at Grace hoepital. whan ■ho waa takon that no hope ia antor 'ained for hor mo>ai|. Thirty o tho 42 patianta wara woman. Mr. Green died the death of a her with a record rarely »qnaWad In fac or fiction, according to attachaa a the aanatorium. who credited him to night with having loot Wa own lif an My in hie effort* to am othen After bo htmeelf had aacapad tb burning building ha *dlr aa the I to aafety at tientu, one of whom might have per lahed except tar Wa efferta. He fh» illy waa found helplaaa hi (he eorrt Hor Hie In view of tho fact < ind had heaa In wveral yeara. waa l ilifying all dm elem«nta of the tr» Mr. Greea waa tofcee to Grace haa rital, where at fine it waa leportoi that ha might lecurei. hat ha ling ered all day and than paaaad awa; as night rama. DuMi Point! With Skmmm To Ow Capital Washington, March 28.—At • r» teption rim by the North Carol society t-nigbt to fanner Seeretar, and MVs. Josephus Daniels, Mr. Dan iels declared that states Ifkr indiri dual* had different character* ani characteristics. He defined *incerit; ai the hall-nark of North Carotin -haracter. "North Carolina bore an honor* part in public administration unde Woodrow Wilson." Mr. Daniel* saM "They were the day* when public mei poke plain English without resor to secret code*. When they laid 'aprl rot*' they did not mean Dohenj 'Cherries' did not mean Sinclah 'Peaches' wa* not a pet name for Fal \nd the new word 'archie-ized' ha not been coined. They had man thine:* to nay of that administration the critic* did, bat ncbod •v»r dared to intimate that the stain -if oil had touched its garment*. "There waa ho scandal, no comtp* on. no breath of suspicion. Wllso and men he called to hi* aid. Nortl i Caroliniana held high station*, live frugally and though it no derogatio' to he poor. Mont of them returned t orirate life under the cofnpulaon a - hard work to earn their llriag. N such materia as today poison* Wast' ingtotia political life, then permeate thia good city. There waa no sue debasement and indecency and mon obloquy aa today shame* the nation. The great need today, Mr. Daniel said, waa a return to the ancient trit tue of common honesty and saasctate only with the virtuous. It waa th lack of those old time practicea th* were responsible for fenaa that ha* "polluted the spring at Ha source "We ne«d but two cownaandnsats. he aaM, "the first, thou shaH at steal' and the second thou ahaH M TIm moat Inurmtin* word rontaat it—r hald In thia rity ha* Jiut haan i rloaad by tha Carter-Walker fond torn Co.. I oral daalara for Ho—tar Wltrhan rahlnata. Tfcli umuain two waaka a*o pot on a Rooalar aata and i KM of ft* faatwaa off Tad waa • nice dimtar m>( of diahaa to the party who , aoaM rotn tha largaat numh*T of | worda from the Roeelar trademark, "Rooaier flarea Mapa." Whan frank Cart or, Jr., ftrat told tka hnya in tha Wo na office of kt« prnpeettion they immediately enteral tha eonteat and ancceaded In pirkln* out aayen | worda. N«w mmra tha eloee of «l»e I rontaat with tha annoonrement that Mm. C. C. Creralln* raptured tha oriaa with 2 4B2 word* from tha I at tar* in tha shore trade-mark. flhe waa rlnaely 'TlnweH hy aerem! other ladle*—at no timr were any m<*n folk nnywhare in *i«rht in tha rontaat. A larre number of Data wara handed In and below la pvhllahed tha hiirheet onea: Mr*. C C, Crara1in», 5,4.12 worda. Miaa A lira Raynea. 2.17» worda. MHia Annie Folfar. 2.0*5 worda. Mm. Roht. Jonaa. 2m worda. Tha Judaea war® Mm. C. C. Rale and Mr*. R. K. Jarkaen. Anothar reenlt of tha rontaat and wa might aay tn ridantally of tfa adimtlaaaai lit (n Tha Mawa waa that thia mmai u aold not Ha supply of Rooaiar eaMnata during tha a#le. Serjeant Charlee LMfMi, of the ' 22nd Infantry Fort MrPWrscm. Oa., ia ta the city far a few day cm arty • rvrrotttac flwty ' The Sergeant ia a real otd timer hi 1 American War vkn bat eOrtoen year* of aga. Ha atatea there are at )l not ** I raneiee hi the army meet anywhere ■ in the United Statea, ami he can ae , <ept eligible Men for Many choice army itationa. The Sergeant can ha eeen oa the ■treeta moat anytiaM or at the Stew art hotel, and will he glad to talk it orer with aay one interested. The Democrats of Surrv Countv will meet in conven tion at Dobson next Satur day, Aoril 12, at one o'clock The Duroose of this meeting is elect delegates to the Stat* Convention at Raleigh which meets Aoril 17th: and to elect an Executive Com mittee and County Chair man. Let all who are in terested In the success of the nartv come out The future for our oartv was never brighter, and we need your asristance in the work that is ahead of us. A. D. Folsrer, Chairman Rank mi Kmrkt Camtmrrmd Mnant Airy I-odge No. 242, Knighta ; of Pythiaa «n hoet to ■ large delega , tion of vi*ith»* Prthtnn* from Damon lodge of Wiimton-Salrm. ttf»tl»w with ■ delegation from Oermanton on Monday night April 7th, at which time the degree team of Damon lodge ict.nfi»rmi the rank of Knight on a j targe claaa of candidate* in die Mount Airy lodge. The . Pythian Caetie hall in the fanner building waa u iiwdod to ca pacity on thia oreaaion, there being nhout one-hundred and fifty prueant at the meeting. The Waiting brethren impiaaaaj the work and apirit of umparathm. The Pythian lodge in Mount Airy la grow ing by leap* and hoonda and bids tair to heeoMe a potent factor hi the bet wHh the epiendid membership which it la boildin* op. The entire inm team of Damon lodge waa the gwoet of Motmt Airy ledge at auppir at the Blue Ridge hotel prior to the biMa WMa my CMtM !M tllwl »I J M. Yoonr. of New H«p» Ala.. MTt TtiamhertataT* Tablets are th» boat thin* ilw h»« irtr OMd for tiilicuane** uii ronatipation. A* thay •nntain ha calomel the nnrer facta weak or a irk after taking them Entail coat, only 28c. World News Briefly Told LOOKS LIKE PEACHES. PLENTY —To handle the peach crop at tho I Mod bill MCti i of thin *tat« th* j Southern railway is building 2 mile* | ' of "passing" * side track* between I Salisbury aad Norwood. It ia esti mated that this line will handle dx • teen thousand ear loads of peaches during thr iraton The cars win: r be iced at East Spencer and handled . at nijrht in order to catch fast freights l Coin* to n rihern market». THE SEA DEMANDS ITS TOLL— Wreeks-t" from (hips lost in recent atorms •* strewn along the Atlantic coast. Storms of recent weeks hare mled iio a greater toll of sailing craft then heretofore reported for the win ter Coast guard ratters will he | ki p1 bu»y several weeks removing the wr- ckage and clearing the lanes of igatiaa. L'NCLE SAM AN HEIR—An ex • ntrir old fellow out in Los Angeles. - who became estranged from his re i Intivss, recently died leaving a will , bequeathing more than WO,000 to the . 1'mUd States government. But Un cle Sam will have •« wsit for some 1 mgressionsl legislation as the pres > rnt law forbids the government from f accepting any bequest from any per " KARTH SHIMMIEING AGAIN— ' Scientist* hare bm attracted to a i small village in Spain where the qarth I it ilowijr moving oeer a great area. . carrying everythihf IB its path and in Mine initinwi swallowing up ■ houaca and oeehardm TIm asovrment • it gradual and *o alow M ia hardly , visible to the eye. In on* place a cottage ha* *lid with the earth wrth . out damage for a distance of aboat 1 000 feet • . mi MILLION MALARIA VIC TIMS—The iprad of malaria m Rue tin which waa flrat noted a year afro continue*. Already health report* •tate that the toll haa reached five million lirea. The dneaae ia of the tropical type and caaae through the Piilrien frontier. The many nraajpa and slough* of Ruaaia'a low landa of fer perfect breeding place* for the malaria mosquito. JIMISON MAT ADD HIS BIT— ■aparta are oat from Raleigh that prftchcr Tom Jimiton ia consid ering taking the stump for J. W Bai ley in the racc for nvenor. The "La hoc-Parson" like* Bailey'* plat form and if he cat* into toe fight th»re will t* something doing BI KCLAR HAD POOR TEAR— Burglar* are getting proud of their ••cr'ipation and are glad of the publi city given them. One way they get into the papers ia hjr making income tax return*. Out in Minn, one of the thups paid Uncle Sam one dollar tax, and explained that buaineaa had been peor daring IMS. reducing hi* in come. WOMEN TO WARM UP POLITIC* —Kentucky will be on* state where there is to be *o danger of a dull po litical campaign this year. Already Jt of her women hare prepared their I < - and will eatar the field and rapport their political view* during the campaign. Thirteen are republi can* and nine democrat*. Many of them are widely known being wives and daughters of senators, congress - EXECUTIONER A SUICIDE—Af tar guillotining (i convicted paraoni the yuhtir executioner af Brealau Germany, grew tired af his mcmoton ona occupation and recently shot him Mtf. Before doing aa he placed 4( MILLIONAIRESS RULES GOVERNOR'S MANSION KU KLUX PAKAOC CUDS IN Lilly, Pa„ April »■ fmm mm wwa killed mi If tajmd wkeai riM WW IWad Nlto • «r>wd at town* the la Klax Kian brnM • ppedal train far Johnatuwn after huidlng reremoniaa hi a field near the town «nd a damonatratioa to the atraeta. A ■paetal train luartu tka raked man trrM M tka railroad atatian hero anrljr In tka evening. Tka kiana man detrained and held a farainony at a field naar tka tow*. They war* at tka nation ready to an train again when tka akontiag occurred. Soma remdanta of tka town ara mM to hare piayad a etrenm of water from 'ha town fire hoaa upon tka rtaitora -ia they ware march in* back to tka station. The train bearing tka kianaaian ar i»ad in LUty from Joknatown abaot • o'clock tkia evening and open de 'raining tka klanaMen marched to a field where ritaa of tka order ware through the^«treeta^making » dem » Am AimM Mi M Gmm Am TWm Bmri to Dmmtk m Forest Fin Pulaski, Va., April i—Two mi ud • boy art M bar* today from 'nir na rcctivfd in flfill iR( ft foreat fire which raged yesterday mv Pulaski on the watetshad which sup plica the town iimioto. The dead M«: J. P. 8heppard, M. mi W. H. Stoota, M. town employes and Mack Wyrick, 1J. Sheppard and Stoota wore aoet oat by Polaaki officials to combat the fiM and wore trappad when changing winds caused the flames to encircle them. They died last ni|fct in a local hospital. The Wyrick boy accompanied them when they loft town for the water shed. His body was found in a ravine by men seat as reinforcements arm mat the fire All his clothing had been borned from hia body except a sweater. Two widows and 19 children sur vive the dead men. Queen Smoke* Pipe And Become. Sick The story it tola that Sir Walter Raleigh once ptrmM Quern Elisa beth to try • pipe of tobacco. After two or three' pofb she become great ly MUMitti at which a number 01 mixta of boeor laughed, while other* declared that Baleiirh had poiaoacd the Qmm. She wofl recovered, however, and hi disgu»t with her Iodic* of the court, forced them all to undargo her evptri A not her rtory » told that Raleigh wagered with the Queen that he could weigh the tmoke whMi waa expended frea a pipeful of tobacco. The Qua eHrh weighed t^Ubece*. Mohad ft. weighed the asha* and declared that board ■ Haw Tor* trmin honeymoon trtp. Tba brtda one of tbo mm in North Carolina, la a i Syrmevmu. N. Y , and waa the lata Mr. Watta ia that city oa Oetobar 28. I#17. Son waa a trained nvrae, bat up that profaaaion prior to bar rtaga to Mr. Watta. utrrr Ma flrat wife havtnt paign. Hi* «f*tar. Mlaa Ida Mnrriwm, hart tba (pnmnr'i manaion la heir homo ainea tba January 1M1 aJthou*h tba spent the raaiinn month* la tba tarn part of tba ftata. p — at 1:1* Deputy Adjutant Gmml J. Metta, of the staff. The 52 and the ace of Hn Wa After HHI | tit* party want te the mansion of Mr*. Wstts.where they were mot by In. Dr. Scaakm, pastor j of the Vint Presbyterian church, of vhich Mrs. Watta b a member The marriage was performed in the pres ence of Miss Angelia Morrison, Miss Tda Morrison. W N "try at state, R. A. Doafkton. missioner of i auanoej General Heriot Clark son. asoociate Justice of the supra an court; Mrs. GOhrt Whits an I Mrs. J. C. Driacoll, of ] Immediately | the bride and bridegroom left ia the rMtnor1! ear for Graenaboro, where they were to board a New York train for a honeymoon trip. They woo Id not aay how tone they would be cone, 1 nor what place they would viait. Since the death of Mr. Watts oa March 6, 1W1. Mrs. Watt* had ear | ried oat her huahand's philanthropic ' work. During his later Me, Mr. ' Watts had been a generous contribu tor to church and missions, and sup ported nearly a score «f foreign mis sionaries. Mrs. Watta had continued •hi* work and since his death visited mission fields. An estate of IU.OM.MO waa Mt by the Durham financier, who waa j TO years of age when ha died. The fortune was accumulated through in vestments in tobacco Only owe daughter, Mn, Jofca Sprunt Hill of Durham, survived Mr Watta. beaidaa hia widow.

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