DREADED CATTLE DISEASE! WESTERN STATES ■* b ■■■-J ti km ArhaiM ton Itmy, only io be by mmI iw* >t the of Mmm ward Ti der prohfbtting tlw atthnuirh mmm of Ami, weakened ml HI from homrar, ware eared for in Tama hoapitala white erary effort waa made to maka eomfortabla thoae »trnwded in California territory. Driving a few of the machine* upon the bridge mrar the Colorado river, marking the boundary between the twa etatae. • few of the motor! «ta de fied guard* and Inspector* to maka within their righto and "(tending up The long tram of motor can itwhM out for more than * half mile in the desert on the west able ef the bridge tonight 'while local au thorities ware attempting to pacify the hoatfla and fMktir* and Induce the traveler* to return to citiaa In California. Quarantine |uHa an duty hart to enftvrco the atatoa artario against California rlMwhr traffic tonigkt repelled an attack to break the Mock The raacaaN of mmr* than 700 aMtoriato from California barred from entry under the smbargn a gain at vehicular traffic swept peat «om« of the guards on the Colorado rtiw was formed on the Yuma rfda and of water on the mob No one waa hart in the ruah. There waa aa ■hooting, guards having been bloodshed. After retreating toward the waat and of the bridge, the trav elers, weakened and weary by sev eral nights' encampment in the des ert became quiet and order eras re- ; tored. It to only which are LIVESTOCK SACRIFICED AS CHECK TO DISEASE 23,000 Cattle, 13,000 Shaap and 10,000 Swim Killed la California. to Oil. ' Washington, April IB.—Quaran-! tin* meaaurea of the Vd<**l govern ■lent to prrmt spread of th« foot and mouth diaeaae among cattle in California and to adjoining atatea are ample to meet the present situa tion there and to protect the intereata of all concerned, Secretary Wallace declared today. The federal quarantine of the in fected area, and the adjoining1 terri tory. «u baaed on 30 yeara expe-. rience with the diaeaae and the regu lations were drafted to meet every * Arte. April 19,—Peace «m st the California-Ari ImI mght'n at tempt of 400 of th» foot and mouth • pi mo Mr Im lifted, at laaat temporarily, to thoy might paaw through. The 400 man, wuanw and children ware awaitinv the arrival of Dr. B. U Jtam. Tom ing plant eractad on tha California >id* by tha taoriata. The Govtnor accadad to tha racnmatandatloa of Dr. Mm that tha touriata bo per mittad to antar aftar throagb fomi iration, hot that tha biirto ha ■train immediately after tfcetr Talea of prhratioa war* told In the touriata' ramp on the California aide. One baby waa horn In the bttenaa beat, with not abetter, la tha day, and ■arara cold, without aaf #|ait Throe yean of droyht haa bankrupted prartiralJy arary Nrw Mwfao eattlo man, and introduftifwi of tki foot and (tamped out. Federal Coverameat Acts I Cattle Washington, April I#.—Stops wan token to eradicate the foot and month disease in cattle in California and to prevent interference with the move ment of person*, farm and other pro ducts from that district. The Hons* of Representatives ap propriated $1,500,000 to fight the In faction, the' President called en the Governors of the States involved to rely on the Washington authorities to handle the situation and desist from blockading traffic, and several experts were started from the Depart ment of Agriculture to assist those already at work In the stricken terri tory. Several Thousand Dollars m Counterfeit Found in Car W ay cross, Ga. April 17.—Several thousand dollars in counter**!'. SiO bills wars found by federal agents here tonight concealed to a bos at tached under the automobile tf J. ft. Williams, of Daytona, FTa, who waa arrested here yeetorday when Su r.t tempted to pass one of the notes tm a local automobile tire dealer. Williams was arraigned before a United States commissioner hero this afternoon but refused to make any statement. He was ordered held for the federal grand jury la default of a heavy bond. The bills are aaid by secret service men to be clumsy counterfeits of the naei'»e bank of Chicago issoe. Plates an which'they were printed have not Work Wnaw On Danbury Reporter. At Monday's et the Stokes County High Jeff Smith were to work pa sentenced at (he re-1 BF ners will be Med to build •ed highway frtfn Pied to Moore's I S| daily u the influence of tk ta making Itaelf fait to Many fait an undeniable prejudice aotoat • maaaa epeaker ta the pul pit. bat after haw lug Mlaa Dartee 'Hay frankly admit that aa tha heorta war* warmed with bar ma nagea thptr prejudice melted, awl they arara coartnced that aha ta an In strument In God'* handa doin* tha rery work ha would hare har da. Miaa Dartee la an tmtfriar worker •peak in r frnna f to It a. a. each day tnd remaining for nmfawwaa with •hoae who aaad har hafp aftor tha lerrtee, apeaklnr to apacial (rmupa *f man, wiw«n, children, or yonn* people in tha afternoon and holdhur public aerrk'aa a ram at 7:4* p. m. Mlaa Darlea Ia a Joyoua chriatlan •nd teach aa tha freedom of a life lid with Chrlat; (he la a rifted ipeaker bat delivera her meaaarea in •impie lanruare that toorhea tha learti of har hearera. Har lore for tha ainnar and har -Hp on the Divine hand make ft aoay for thoae who hare fallen by the way ■ !de to carry their bordana to her for idrieo. ' -' ■■ ' H A aerrtee for teen mt* boya «u | wW Wwhmfcr afternoon at 4 p. tnd • mttW for taon »** ftrla will ] 1 h»M at 4 p. m. Thnraday. I Group prayer aetricea arc being I "W In rariaaa aaetiona of the town | •ach afternoon. Tha Kiwania dob will attend eea la a body Thursday evening, .ft la ynbatli that tlM meeting will| Tha Mttbif of the rueaday evening April IS ca i happy etaaa Thuraday, tha 'or the aiM-day hnck, aat»»d by thai adtaa of tha dnrek, after which the | riattara departed for their hoaaea am nany faMcttationa aad good wiahaa madi waa (Vanted John D. Smith, of | Pilot Mountain, and he waa ordai d and appointed to take charre of J leveral rural communities Hi both* Surry and Stokea eountiea. George 8. N^rfleet, of Winaton Salem, waa made ruling elder of the r^eabytery of Wtnuton-flaiem and Re*. Z. V. Roheraon of thia city waa n Cherry street. Reports from -hslrman of committee* showed splen did work being don* hi the church nursery, among the old people and for the hospital at Winston. A let ter of welcome and offer of seiskes ia to he sent to the new pastor. Mr. DstIs. A collection of clothes and money was made for a needy negro. Mrs. Andrew Stewart was elected second vice-president and Mrs. Car roll Hill, ftrst rice-president. After the busbies* meeting the members participated in an en hunt. Mrs. Claode Johnson was awarded the j prise for, finding the Boost am. The hostess sai led apricot tea and wafers, j After the meeting the hospital com. m it tee carried flowers to the hospital. The flower* had been brot by the class members.—Publicity Chairman , DurilWi Experiment With StoMt Car Fares a Failure Daaellle, Va, April 17.—Its recent 10-day experiment during which the Das rill* Traction ami Power eeaa pany reduced the ten froai sew to IN cents In the Hope that greater patronage would result did net prove a seccsss. Daring the IMiy period the company suffered a leas of SIJMO compared with the same period the year before the local cars carrying nearly 800 pasMageva Was during the Naw Tforfc, April It. Itwrt Car ter miM ImI jaa>«»d>i froai Knrpi to dakaar i riwt aariaa a# iKim on Ma wwft In findta* tfca loat tonib of Ttrtankhaanafi. Whan tha Afrian waathar ami tha Egyptian autlim lllaa panait, ha win rndiii ta tha rit> of anclant Thahaa ta waia> tha mommy Om war* ha «u aakad ahaot Mm mppoaad rnroa of tha Pharoah an all who might diatarh tha tiaah. and imm mora ha laayhad it off Ha addad that htataad of a roraa, Tntankhaman had Inarrlhad an tha biaida of Ma Baffin Mi: "Lat all who Wrt life and hata daath wiah thouaand* of gaaaa and brand and haar to my aoal." A* to tha aupaiatltlon that Lord Carnarvon1! death waa a pimiahmant far flnanrin* tha aeeuraad work of riinrin* op a royal tomb. Nr. Cartar •aid. hara baan flndin* tha royal tomba of anriant Egypt thirty-foar mm and my haalth la atm rood, iant itr "Ai tha work now atmnd* in tha tomb," ha mid, "tha lid of tha atona narrophaRua ha* baan Hftad. and w» hara aapoaad tha ootar roffln of a •ariaa within which tha King la bnriad. "AcronHnjr to anriant rarorda, wa •ball find him airappad In ahaata of Vntan gold. Ha ia ahnoat rannad In anld yon mirbt aay. -i Km aratnar aieruminr Tit# oeart li irwiitty.*' he <-nattnoed. "Y«t If ft wpt« not for thi« reaaawh work w*» •brrnM know nothlnr about arwieot Erypt and it* amulet ful rtrillxatlon. W«H Kr-p HI* bi T««k "I wITI do all in IDT power to aee fhat th» Klnr wHl nerer be bkwH 'r-m hl« tomb. Tf wv ran riamiM Mm by X-ravn without onrotltnir him t wffl Sr don* I am acalnat rrptm inr any mrnnmy In • dm nut. And 1 a« for tk« royal hodiea now In tfce ratro Miuram, 1 think they ahoald he laturnad to tMr tamhi." Ilia thifm who brake Into the tomb a boot thirty tewtorlaa aro did not penetrate to the inner ahrtnr ( C'nwquniity Mr Carter^ yWtwea •*hlWt. the flrat modern find of the h«apad on tmaaui >a of anrient Erm "*n ehrflisatlan. rxartly aa they wera oiared M90 yeara wo when Tnt inVhamm waa antombrd. White Plaint Nm Quit* i number of our young peo ple attended the Easter service at Winston-SaWm. Amonf the out of town guests for the holiday* were Misses Myrtle Jones, Mary Sprinkle, Meter*. Gi r. 'and Preanell, Herbert and John Bre wer. all of Guilford (oflep. Miaiee Marie Woods of Salem col lege is spending the spring vacation with her parent* Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Woods. ' Mr*. Howard Miller, of Siloam, has been the guest of her mother Mrs. Lottie Robertson for the paat week. The Whits Plains faculty spent the week end with relathrea and friends in Newton. Miss Georgia Soyors of Max Mea dows, Va was the guest of Misses Jessie and Marie Woods the first of the week. Miss Maude Sim peon of Guilford college la spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Banner Simpson. Mr. Sparger Robertson la spending w spring vacation with his mother Mrs. Lottie Robertson. Misses Mabel Woods. Grace Mar shall and Mr. Dennis Banker will go to Gnilford college Friday and *ake part la the ilirlamstinn contest Prof. Hooeer win accompany them through the cwinlry. No Sum »—.Jhs 9t> May ■> SamI Oat Fw C wrmmmy Berlin, April M.—Amounts In ex ceas of 60 gold marks er tta i#n Isnt, about $11 cannot ha seat by Mil nut of Germany without the intermed iation of a bank, Individuals are for-1 actor abroad, but must Wee tte trans JAPANESE IMMAGRANTS EXCLUDED BY CONGRESS ■" 1 ■ 1 ■ ■■■ - - i — M , TW Pin* im 1771 April I ritual: of th provtaee. typuwd hi Um inwj of d I and fur the 43rd time i opening wotda of "He W riaen." Itnitki ■nwirt of the reamroatloa WM hi Salem. Um fir* baring been la 1771. Th* a*r>icea held I I anted for abort K minute* Ik participated ia by rt whom had journeyed all night in order ta ha pcBawjt at the litany of the renurraction held In the i >t dawn. The thickly jammed the dlreetfam of Walter J. Hega. into Mihnm of tifkt and filed into he rhurch graveyard. "Coda Acre." where the laat pnrtinaa of the litany ■rare pronounced. Here amid the flat •laha by which fa deeignated the xpialtty that moiea to men at death, :he ronaolidated hand of £10 piecea, inder the liadanhip of B. J. Pfohl. eho ha* participated in mnre than 10 auch reenta, played tba old hymna ind chorale. ac z o ciora uim mnrnini ine Dana t«d formed an the church courtyard. Hurt they divided lata gioupa to nareh through the rity wiktnf tkow «ho slept md herald in* the hear »hw the Christ tnt*. Automobile* btftn to nrfvc ctrly ■ th« wwliit, many of them jour layhtr from distant points. Slain Bay's Father May Flown*#, Aril., April 17 —TV state rill lataipnos no okjwtlon to t l» pseat by W. H. Grosh. aged father >f Ted Croak, date university stud snt, to spring the callows trap to nunte Wm. B. Ward. Glob* negro, who was eoarktod of the youths warder, K was announced today b> L B. Sim*. superintendent of the AH totta prifon. "We will offer no objection if Mr. Sroeh want* to be the executioner," laid the superintendent. GrmVi father was present at the trial here early this month whan a 'erdk-t finding Ward guilty of first ic|icc murder was returned by a Inry. Groah wai slain near Globe on the morning of December 26. Ward was sentenced to be hang ad June. 20, but sentence was auto matically stayed by an appeal to the State Supreme court. 73 Day* at Sea h» Thw Boat, Pilgrim Pops up O. K. Honolulu, April 16.—Ira Sparks, who loft hare Jan. 8 alone ia a 22 foot boat en route "to the Holy Land to take up the work of Moses," land ad in the Philippines, Island of Min is nao. March 22, according to a spec ial dispatch to the Star Bulletin. The iiapateh said Sparks was oa the open ■ea seventy-three days without sight ing land. Sparks, an Indiana carpenter, last year shipped himaelf In a packing Iras from San Francisco. He waa put iff the ship at Honolulu, where ha 5aAt a boat and continued his jour ney. When ha left hers H waa predicted bo never would he beard of again. WINSTON VKM TO BK BLBCTBOCOTBD Winston-Salem, April It.—In Far lyth Superior court today Jadge C. C. Lyon sentenced William Brown, a negro, to be electrocuted la the state prison at Raleigh between the haars "f 10 a. m. and t f a o« May B. Browa waa coarietad of criminal aa »ault on a negro woama. Hie law yer giro notice of appwl to Hie flaps was court and M days tfaae waa girin to perfect the saws This I* Forsyth since January. Itlt. the Ba> There tea ban no indication fro* »h* White 8nm aa to F»wtAn( Cw ! attitude with regard to tha xrlnaion qtwation, but there am ta Mmation* in anaw administration •raartera today that ha might mate tha tmmiteration hill hirama of tha Tapan prariafam. Cnnareaeionat ieadera appwr coafl* ilnrt howaeer, that tha amnthi will attach hia aignatwre to tha nxiaauw. Should he veto it the? hare little dooht that the naraaaiy two-thirda tamed bi both the houn* and —nate- , It may be tar* weoka or mora to far* th« hwlii ii| to ealtod upon te act. After tto Mil to paawd by tto ■mate, probably thto *Nk. it wfB ton to i* to niahmn far tto tro* •n* trot of dlff«rnia» titww tto two tooaa* on a na—bi i of tte prorto Ion*. Polly thirty to forty bAn my tha -tfrct at th<- Mark rlincin* irtoff waa re?»orted. Women hi the orrhard dia Mcta prepared for the aprine mnodv tnr aeanon by remoTinf tare curtaina and white table cloths, rotlinr up tho hb and keeping the hoaaea tightly cloned. On* Peraoti and ICS Richmond, Va.. Remiehi. SO, home* and death in a fir* theory that •