WORLD FLYERS LOST IN H ARCTIC SEA GALES Seattle. Waak., May 1.—Major Frederick L. Martin, rtmnmmmdtr at tka* army'* round-tka-wnrld flight, hopped off from Ort*nik, Alaafca. at 11.16 rea'erday Mar* than iwanty fnor (mora later no trace of htm had bean found ^tr-W« me«*er*a to tka Aaaneia ted Preaa from Kale* Paaa. Unlmakek the laat five day* aa the worat aver >• rverienred at thia time of tka year. T »**npite hi* forred landing and nar row ewape during a rata wtrtle fly inv from Kanatak to Oiinrnlk Fri day, Ma .lor Martin loft to Join otker i hraa plane* of tka expedition at Ontk Harbor. Unalaaka, in the face • f tkeaa »torm*. Arrordinr to the meaaagea, tka North Parlflr kaa been laahed by ter rfir rale*. Tka wind kaa fre«fnently reached a velocity of 100 mile* an t-nor and tka air kaa kaan filled witk • oow Mown fmm tke mountain aide*. The temperature ha* ran (red from 24 to HO above earn. Before Major Martin could fake off from Oiicnik ha had to remove 400 pound* of Ira froaen to hi* plane tka Seattle. Tken he had to thaw out the r*» pump before ke rotjld tke tank. Stilfmtk Search Prwwd«, De vidwl info 4 Part* A hoard rntat ruard rutter Alon*u!n aearrhinr for Maior Martin. May 2. -Search for Major Frt-dcrick. L Martin, missing American world Pitrht <-imm«nd»r. h^s (w»n divided info four part*. and enrfy today wu« proceed fnar n^stemntcnllv. Inasmuch sr no w H ha* r.»en re ceived of the* r.f Major Mar ♦•n since he Hi Ch.»r.ik Atawka. W«l r-«daT. to fl" l-j Dutch Harhor, 400 rnil»s awav. •» was ntaumnl he had rot proceeded far beyond Ohifnik. I' was considered practically certain that he could ant harr passed the Shumaein Inland*. 149 milea from Oiifnlk or Fab* Pass, 2*0 miles from <""hi)P«ik. Relieves Flyer* Made for cad l.awi tag in a Laad-Wcked Cava Seward. Alaaka. May 2.—Belief that Major Frederick L. Martin, chief of the army flier*, and Serft. Alva Harvey at ill ware alive and probably in *ome sheltered nook, waa expreaa ed today by Capt. 0. A. Johanaen. master of the Government mail •teamer Starr. Before Martin left Seward, Johanaen went over the Com mander'# ma pa with him concerning the route between Chifnik and Dotch Harbor. The two airmen probably are at Kupennf Point, aouth of Chifiiik, or in one of the many sheltered and quiet bays between Jacob Island, on the southern shore of the Ataakan Penin sula. northeast of the Shumatrln la land rroup, and Paul Island, also noiith of CM*nik, aerordlnv to Gift. JlhWSW "On* lories I Mm for • fnrred landhw would bo at Kupronof Paint,' Ho said "Thers aro a Um white ton rmora tn tkia district, bat Moot of tho locality la on inhabited. Tho near est place *f habitation la Bolkatfakl. j j nn tho south roast of tho Alaska Pen inaula. 'There aro many hoys and inlets i »nd It may ho in an timo boforo any any veaeel ran reach Martin, aa ho may ho land-lor hod and not v'alhle 'mm ships. Tho only way a thorough noarrh can ho made Is tn send small | '-oats from tho main voaaola at sach nolnt whore Martin would ha llholy tn ; tie found." Fly or* Dnabt Harreaa Jloo, Ship Ma»ter Report■ .Seattle. May 2.—The throe pilot* J >t Dutch Harbor ha»o become c^n ! comnd orer whrther their adventure will *wree<^ Capf. C. K. RoNtad. man •or nf tho fl. S. Rrookdalo. declared upon arrival here from TVitrh Harbor. "The people hare no Idea of tho '•'>ura«re the flyers havw shown in their l-sttles with the elements in the . Vorth." Capt. RnN'ad said "They I dri not deny that they ire fenr*nl that f weathi-r conditions in not immevil i itely Improve they m»? be unaMe to I •itrle the rlobe this season. Virginia Banker Very 111 and May N«*«r Face Trial Danville, Va., April SO.— Thomas C. Poole, indicted cashier of the (tat# Rank of Virginia ami who mt»rfd • Richmond hospital a few days he fore hi* trial »t Halifax on nine in dictmenta alleging emhexxlement, la •lowly losing ground and his rimdi ' inn la aueh at tha praaent tlmf at to ■suae mwwM speculation a* to vhethar ha will ever ha tried. Pool* hat Ioat 2K pounda in weight In the want *1* weekn He no Ion per ran as similate aolid food and la being nour ished with liquida. He I* mrfferin* 'row an organic complaint which sev eral year* aro necessitated tha fe moral of a kidney. Tha othar organ is now involved and hla wife who la living at a hotel in Virginia, haa Seen informed that her husband la rradoally growing worae. Theae facta hare haan aacertaihed by a ijuiet and •vatematic inquiry made at the arena of Poole's operation—a town of 400 people a large proportion of whoae reaidenta are auffering directly or in directly a* a reanlt of tha wreck of ♦he hank whieh haa a deficit of ap proximately 1200,000. Fiddlers Convention Ye Olde Time Fiddlers' convention will be given in tha City Hall Thurs day evening at B o'clock under the capable management of Col. J. S. Ball. Thia entertainment will be given under tha auspices of tha Woman'a club. Prizes will be given that will justi fy tha heat talent In entering the eon feat. The admission will be 60r. MELLON TAX PLAN DEFEATED IN SENATE Senator Simmons Leads Sue ceuful Fig lit A| 7. The Republican in aurgenta joined with the Democrat In supporting the entire program. Chairman Smoot. of the finann committee. said that when the hil ram* up for final passage he wouk nropooe a compromise as was don< in the house sfWr the Democrat!, program first had been appro** there. He la hopeful that the aena* will accept the compromise as tH house did Aurtai M Per Cent Maiimam The surtax rates written into tls bill today provide for a redaction a the pisssnl maximum of M per cen to a maximum ef to per eaat. and fo 1 line. They are almost similar to those adopted by the house The normal rates accepted were two per cent on the first $4,000 of ■ncome; four per rent on the second <4.000 and six per cent on all above $8,000. This compares with the pres ent rates of four per cent on the first *4.000 and eight per cent above that amount. In adopting the Democratic sub stitute, which was offered by Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, the sen ate moved with startling rapidity. The first vote came within little more 'ban an hour after consideration of the t«i bill had been resumed. The' others followed in rapid succession. Discussion of this, the heart of the 'till, proceeded in oaly desultory fash-, 'on for about an hour when Senator 'ones. Democrat, New Mexico, de-1 mnnded a vote There ware less than • score of senators present and lead-' •ts on both sides held hurried confer ence Announcement then was made Hat both sides ware ready for the ; teat of strength I IMar Ad Veterans ml Civil mmd Wk War* WmM Washington, May 8.—Exeretatag tli* Mto powar for the flr»t time, Prwldwit Ooolidge returned to Mm senate today without hia approval the Ruraum-Puiler omnibus praaion ML Tha President in dotal* ao informal the senate that ha objected primaH !y to tha hilt haaauaa It would entail an "unwarranted expenditure of tha money of tha tan-pa Tarn" at a time when tha "burden on tha taxpayara must not ha Infraaaed; It muat ha dacreaaed." "The desire to do juatlce to pen sioner*, however, great thair merit, muat ha attended by noma solicitude to do Justice to taxpayer*," tha e* i rutivf Haiti in hia message. "Tha sd vnntnff of a class rannot ha greater 'han the welfare of tha nation." Second F.tecative Disapproval The President's message reached tha senate noon after it convened hat tia not Ultra up until lata hi tha •lay. After It had been read, Senator flitrsum Republican. New Mexico, who with Rapreaentati ve fuller, Re publican. Illinois ia author of the hill, moved that the matter ha laid on tha nble to. ha taken up naxt Tuaaday. Senator Bruce. Democrat, Maryland proposed thu» the bill ha taken up im mediately but the pre*iding officer ■-uled that Senator Bur*um'» motion had precedence. Senator Bumum, pointinir to the vote of 81 to 16 by which tha aenate paaaad tha hill, April 1, declared the meaanre wonld be pacsed over the President'* veto. hut Republican lead er* both 'm the senate and house as presaad tha haliaf that tha chief exe cutive would be sustained in hia veto. The house approved the measure without * record vote. The veto given the measure today waa Hi effect toe second executive disapproval of the hill. A somewhat similar measure waa paaaed by the last Cnngreas and vetoed by Presi dent Hard in r on tha grounds of eco nomy and alao on tha ground* that R waa loosely drawn and would have out on tha pension roll almost every widow of a civil war veteran, regard leaa of when she was married. Caat fSA.M4.9M Aanaally The Mil provide* for increases In tha pensions of the veterans of all war* ap to and including tha Span ish-American war and of widows and dependants of veterans of all war* from 1812 to 190? Civil war vet eran* would hs-e their pension* In creased from f.'iO to 972 a month and their widow* now getting OO a month would rsceive f35 and $45 a month, dependent on age. Spanish-Amari can war and other war, except the world war veteran* and their widow* would receive proportionate increaae* and a few maimed world war veteran* would receive additional compensa tion. The President est.mate that the bill would cost ffiS.000.000 annually and brine the total pension bill of the country to a point higher than er-r before reached. The measure had the indorsement ->f a number of veterans' organira ♦ions, including the Grand Army of ♦he Republic, and the tTnlted Wfr veterans. Headed by Cnrml Thomn son of Ohio, one of the Cno" giatratlon hooka of Hm Stata Bawd of Elaetiona am cloaad, capias of the Mtat* mmI Ttrinw district ttelutc to ha uaarf by tha ratm hi tha frlawha J una T probably will ha to road orar within • faw daya ta fooimlaetoner X. L. Hhipman of tha DapartBMrt of Ukar ami Printing, who haa charia »f auparr'ainf printing of tha ballota. Tha Job thia yaar will ha tha Mggeet In tha hiatary of tha Election Hoard, according to W. L. Baaalay. its aae rotary. A peroaai of tha complete Hat ahowa that no office haa allpped by without a Candida ta, and that only four candidate* for tha Democratic nomination to State office* ara with ■mt oppooition. In each of thaaa raaaa tha incumbent la aaakincr re election. Tha unopposed ara Sacra tary of Stata W. H. Everett; State Treasurer B. R. Lacy, Commiaaioner of Revenue R. A. Doughton and Aa *ociate Jnatice Hariot Clarkaon of be Supreme Court Sana tor F. M S'immona la without oppoaition ta tha United Stata* Senate and Congreaa m«i John H. Karr, C. L. Ahernethy, C. M. Stedman, H. L. Lyon, W. C, Hammar, R. L. Doughton, and Zebu 'nn Waavar ara alao lona randidataa All of thaaa man automatically will ha declared the nomineea of tha par ty and their namaa will not bo en 'arad on the ballota. Reran Million Ticket* It will ha necaaaary to print he. 'ween aeven and eight minion tick "ta thin year, according to Mr. Beat ley. Partial Mat of Candidate* Go**rnoT- A. W. McLean, Lieutenant Governor—T. C. Bow ia, (D); J. Elmer Long, fD>; R. R Reynold*. (D); Gaorjre R Hood, (R>. fa 11 lai'y of State—W. N Everett, fW; J. Tata* Killian. (R). State Tmaaurer—R. G. Burrh, (R>; B R. Lmey. ; Amadia W. Whitaner. (R). Conirreaa. 5th Diatrirt—Chaa. M Stedman. (D); T. C. Carter. ut only at regular air mall ratea. The mall plane* will fly by night I over a thouaand mile* of lighted air rmr between Chicago and Cheyenne, •he pilota being guided by automa tic acetylene light* placed every three milea. Every 25 milea of the night I -ir lane haa an emergency landing J field provided with powerful aearrh i light*, and at about every IM milea 'here la a regular landing field with *earrhlighta viailile for from 100 to ISA mile* when flaahed in the air. Word a of Apprwlatiwi Hazard. Kentucky. Dear Mr. Editor— I enrloae chart for 11.50 for the re newal of our aubacription to The News. We feel that we cannot do without the dear home paper. It romes to oa aa a very welcome viai tor every week and Mr. P and myaelf race to aee which get* it first, for it brings to us tidings af those we love and art still interested in. Wishing for you and your most worthy staff much socceaa. Mrs J. M. P Indiana's Governor Begins Ten Year Prison Sentence Indianapol is, April 80.—Warren T. MeCray who until 10.00 o'clock wan Governor of Indiana, today waa sen tenced by Judge A. B. Anderson to serve ten year* fa Federal Prison at Atlanta., and fined 110.000 for uae ing the mail* to defraud. At 3.26 this afternoon the former Governor started on hia journey to begin aervinr his sentence. A few minutes before sentence was nassed on his former chief, Emmett F. Branch, of Martinsville. Lieuten ant Governor, was sworn tot as Gov ernor. He will be in office until next January. McCray*s resignation giv en yesterday to Secretary of State Jackson, became effective at 10 A. M. today. He was sentenced twenty •n mutes later. MeCray, appearing fresh and rest ed after a night m the Marion Comi ty Jail, heard his sentence, as heavy « ever waa pssssd oa • man appear ing before Judge Anderson, with scarcely • tremor. At adjournment nf court, he walked briskly to the United States marshal's rooms, with eyea straight ahead and ao shew of rmotion. Galhy sa Thirteen Courts MeCray was found guilty on thir teen counts of using the mails to de fraud The maximum sentence of five years' imprisonment and 11.000 fine was imposed oa each coont. Hie sentence as given, however, provide* that MeCray shall serve the first five years and pay a fine nf 11,000 for the first count. Hie imprisonment ■ -... iU count* wilt bs served concurrently, Hot the finea will be cumulation until the sum of $10,000 is reached. Prior to putinf oentenre Judire Anderson mthinily denounced Mc Cray far repeated forreriem. He de clared that if the prisoner "lived to Se aa old aa Methuaelah. I could not mete oat ennuirh punishment." The Judft alao scored the State court* for not taking action against McCray. McCray AwiguiJ to Work A* Clerk m Priaoo Library Atlanta . Ga., May 8.—Assigned to do work aa a clerk ia the library of j the federal penitentiary here for aa long aa he ahall remain serving hi* ten jnar aentence for fraudulent aa* of the mail*. Warren T. McCray. n til Wednesday governor of Indiana began today hi* duties 7,70. To the Indianapolis who caaae down with him. the fprater r»vernor gave msssagss to be r >laysd to his successor, Emmett F. Branch, requesting that Govensor Branch con tinue the MeOray program far per manent highway constractlor. and ed '"•atiofval Improvement hi the state. The Indianapolis newspaper men r«U ■hat McCray was of the opinion that He would he allowed to write a St se al letter to Mr. Branch with sugges tions regarded the future policy of the state government af Indiana. Begardlng the regular letters dsse a'lowed to to sent oat I* McCray said "all at wfQ a t Mm in to holding ay • iiMlnwl of *• Immigration hill whisk would h* aa* isfactory mat Ion which liay from • wMmw of being It «u mid that four of the I inrmK<-m of th* committee, including thro* Republicans and one Democrat, war* ready to fall in with tha Admin istration views, hot that all their ef forts ww hotnr blocked hy tha R«M lelegatas under tha leadership at Rep Tsentative Johnann of Washingtaa where tha anti-Japanese feeling la 'aid to ha almost aa acuta aa in Cal ifornia. Meanwhile, tha rommittaa haa been told that bi falling to make any effort to plarnte Japan It ia running tha riah of rreatinr a sentiment In tha Caal which will result in tha building ug of a Russian-Chineaao-Japaasao alli ance with strong Soviet leanings, which will ha a distinct menaca ta - the future relationship of tha Cnitad State* in that part of tha world. Gives Hughe* Littla ThM At tha present tha moat that earn ha hopad for from tha committee, II ita aaid. la tha adoption of tha Hooaa hill under which Japanaaa exclusion would not become effective untfl July 1, giving Secretary Hughes • •cant two month* for any tiona which may bo in Japan. Soma of tha Sanato parlu iana. however, after riving caioM consideration to tha whole quaotioa, believe that a way oat might ho found by lotting tha Conforanco Com mittee fix different dateo. whoa ear tain parts of tha Immigration Ml would bo appHod to different i nog trioa. At toaot that* is boom qusa tioa in their minds now aa to 1 tha sntl-Japanase crowd could such a change in tha hill if it reported oat. If this coaid ho 4 the application of exclusion ta Ja could bo extended for a long time to meet tha PraaMent^s Senator Read, who is Tor tha Immigration CooMrittao aad has held several tonfsroncoa M ever 1M1.