y End When Negotiations Materialize to Lump off Entire Remaining Stock at ■■I Just a Few Great Bargains Listed Below One food piano goes to flnt call, at $30.00 Fine electric Uble lamp, regular prices fit, will sell quickly for |7J0 $15.00 Library table, at .flit One $20.00 Lounge for $7.40 One $06 Cameron Range for $34.80 40 Am oak bads, regular prko. 112.60 will ••11 for, UN 28 bureaus, aoil regular at $25 to $$5 low $10 to $M $0.25 Oil Haator, at |U§ 100 childrva'a chain, will aofl at, 20c. mm*. $1.50 O«odar mops, at 9U0 Mc. (kadar polfath, it 4k. Six pair dock down pillows, large riM, r»gw lar H Ttlut, for fl.M pair. Fine Putnam. Kimball and iKkwttk Organ* wiH mU at almost your own prtca. Hundnn-to of otfcor bargains to saioct fwn. Com* early and avoid the crowd*. W. H. Marion Piano & Furniture House Fuller A IP YOUR appetite to weak n—It Fuller A Hatched* We cany til* j FOR RENT—One S room house ear ner Maple and Rawley street*, larp lot and good garden. Water and lights. Am. Mrs. John A. Martin. City. tft. UNLIMITED ■ervieea. Thats what you ret when you trade with Fuller A Hutchenr FOB RENT—One 7 room home with water aad lights next to W. B. Hay More's on North Main street also one * room house near Troy McKnight's store. Apply J. D. Smith, City. &41e FOR RENT—5 room house, also one office room adjoining my office. Dr. J. E. Banner. tfc PRACTICALLY NEW—Polar Ring refrigerator for sale cheap. Call • or write 117 Granite street. tfc FOR RENT—One store building Mniu street, one 8 room house Moore avenue, one S room house on Wil low street, 1 good farm near town. H Schsfer tfc h)R SALE —one two-hone wagon with bod and bow* or will ntcknii lor on*-ho roe wagon. Address R. F. Sumner W. Poplar St. ltp "MUST SHE DIET" Major Scouve mont railed Ma two aoM to a fami ly counsel to decide whether He should hill their mother, who waa awaiting the verdict in the adjoining room. Read this amaxing article on family honor in the New York Sunday World Magasine next Sunday. Article* of iwUrcat to every member a* the fami ly. The Croat World Pttsale Page ia making more friends every week. To hiaure vou a copv order In advance THE 8UNDAY WORLH SUPPLIES FOR SALE 1 un -5* "I ® T*wia Co. and can fnnMi rxm with any kind of Bm Sup pHa*. Can htt you monav on aoy «rt»r that jura want So# nw ,t hit wqa^^u^iuJCriio^ Airy PIW* Cfcarr«*. Par Wood and Black Tartarian. . Warn haw, Supt. J. MrCrary Co. ltp SWEET POTATO PLANTS—South ern Queen RJO par 1.000, parcel post prnui Robai t Jaw—. Mount Airy N. CTr. 4. O-Hp FILLER * HUTCHENS ara . off a bic aale. Doal raiaa it. REMEMBER oar mark* la rated vary hirHly. but not in price. Fol iar A Hutchnu. DID YOl' KNOW that now ia the time to prune your shade trees, trim the hedgta and keep the roaea free from diaeaae and inaecta? C. P. Thorn peon, tree surgeon phone. MO. 1*P FOR SALE CHEAP—Aba* aae dae en adjoauble window acreena in good condition. Phone 17. lte A NEW Sincer in Banner buildinc next to Poet office, will five mail orders prompt attention. Alao sewing department. Guaranteed tatiafaction Mra. E. G. Key. Manager. Up TRT ONE af aw ___ ha ma, only 25c a pound. Fuller 6 Hutchena. WANTED—7t00 Bal««p..al. now MAKE BIG MONEY aellinr Wat nationally advertiaed hauaa hild acta. YOU CAN TOO. Eatab i 1M. Buiorrw $18,000,000 Branches all over U. S. and Canada. Rare CHANCE JUST NOW for City Saiee dealer a. men or aimaa, full or part time, in city of Mount Airy and elsewhere. Write today far oar prac tical. sure Money-Makinr-Ptan. J. R. Watkina Co. Dept. 100. 15&-150 Parry 8U New York, N. Y. REMEMBER the fliee dent raaat on Fuller A Hutchen* meat. Drop in and aee for yourself. FURNITURE repaired, refiniahed. re upholstered. repair department. Oar tar-Walker * Co. tfe THE HOME af good meaU. |f it happen* to be a little tough cook it a little, it will help it. Fuller 4 Hutchena. CORD WOOD FOB SALE—900 cord. pine and oak wood for safe, fee W. W. Burke. tfe FOBD ROADSTER FOB SALE— Good tirea. atartar, and in first rlass condition. Equipped with a small truck body which is detachable. F. L. Johnson, fat. Airy. N. C PROTECT 7oar health by eatt .« Fal ler ft Hutchena neat. FOB BENT—New 7 rssa spai'meat, or two amall a parts* en ts unfunish ed or furnished. Apply 186 Bocwford or phone MS. tfe THAT HEALTHY leokiaf lady yoa aaw down the street yesterday eata Fuller and Hatchena meat three thaea a day. Suppose you try H awhile. FOB SALE—Saw tahie with two ftl inch aaws and cutter head. TWa aaw has been used for ftae cutting. Can he seen at the rsar of the Mount Airy News offlca F. L Johnson. Mt Airy, N. C. USB FULLER A know you >n WK KATE tar uU • rery old U17 la amallact condition. Alto % rhaat of drawar*. Carter-Walka* ErwlUw Ob. 1 TWy ONtah N» CiImM .Mt*. 1. M. Tam*. of Nn Hop* Wtlomaaaa and matipatlnn. A* tb«7 MRtate lb* MTV faafc i w itch after takinr than. VmmB eaat. tmtf Ma. Tw Hart m Mil hip \ Mr and Mn C. C. Matthews, of Sllnm. war* both injursd to ft mis Mr. Matthews ni ■■Mug repairs in the floor and Ma wife was lata*. inf him whew something n« w*y throwing her backward and striking her head. Mr. Matthews in trying to saw his wife, fall fat* forward on » ilsspur serioosly mashing oao side of his face and fruturirif a rib. Vr». Matthews injury waa not mvoa. Mr. Matthews ia a merchant and postmaster at Si loam and the many friends of the family hope for the speedy retoeery of both Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. Wm.Ii I Okawville. III*., May 23.-8. Glean Tome. Eut St. Loofc. III*.. Ku Klux Klan dry raider, and kit w«t, war* wounded at 6:15 this afternoon while riding toward St. Loot*, by —id— tlfied avtoaokilt gunmen, who triad to aaaaaaiaata then on the Atlantic - Pacific highway at the Okaw river bottom* near here. Hn. Young waa struck under the loft eye aad aeriously wuuudad. Young waa shot in the right leg be low the knee. Passing automobiliat* took Mr*. Young to a hoapital at Belleville. Young foUowad. with aa other autoaiobilirt at the wheel of hia owa autonbile. Van Lindley's CUT riOWERS —PHONE— W. S. Wolfe Drag Co. SICK WOMAN MADE HAPPY Entirely Restored to H—fch by^ Lydia E. #'• Vegetable Bailey The Crank-Shaft Of Machine (THe Cleveland .Star March M. t>24> Shelby. N. C-, Mar. 1. 1924 Dr. N. T. Guile,. Wake Forest, N. C. Dear Doctor: I bm your favor of February 28, and concur with you that the moat : cordial rslationi exist hUnssa you and your many former lav students. Personally my fondness for my school days at old Wake Forest increases with the years. My thoughts fre quently turn to you and your must interesting lectures in the classroom. I am quite sure that you do not hare an old students who is more apprecia tive of your splendid efforts or is per sonally fonder of you than myself. | It is therefore always a pleasure to me to hear from you. I am however suite a hit surprised st the contents of your letter, but as sure you that what I have to say ia only in love for and with the hope of Mas some service to you. You have bee* m close touch with the po litical movements in our state far a much longer period than I (but I have been equally in personal touch and knowledge at the activities of Mr. Bailey concerning whom you write. I agree with you that "the candi dacy of Mr. Bniiey is unique." hut ia my humble opinion It is uaioue be cause his platform and verbal enun ciations are in direct conflict with the life and activities of the same Mr Railey during the past 25 years. The principal part of his platform, and the part to which yoti refer, relates to bis opposition to the democratic "machine. You know as well as I that Mr Bailey has for msny (ears been the crank-shaft to the democrat ic machine in North Carolina. I with many others have been fighting the battles for s free and untrameled democracy in North Carolina when Railey and Watts were our most vig orous and aggressive opponents. Bai ley, as you know. Held office under the "machine" for many years. He and his revenue agents in the last gubernatorial campaign were the principal fac'or in defeating the can didate who opposed the machine. Af ter manipulating the machine and his revenue agents to encompass the de feat of Gardner for governor. Bai ley continued to help manage the af fairs it the machine and dispense its patronage. He then strongly recom mended Watts for tax commissioner of the state, the man who had been his right howsr in bis activity in be half of the machin*. Mr. Bailey has either now been converted or turned traitor to the machine. Tf bis conver sion is real, be should be content to carry a gun and ft girt as a private in the ranks until ha has proved his faith by his works. If be has merely i deserted the maeMte for office, his > case will merit no discusahm. Mr. Bailey's candidacy is also "uni que" by reason of bis platform on taxation, which likewise is a com nlete reversal of his former activities and utterances on the subject. I was a member of the Mfialature in 1919 and hoard that famoos bout between Bailey and Maxwell. 1, together with a number of other m«mbsis of the lerislature doubted tkt wisdom of Be valuation Act for fsnr It would place 1 u inrraimmMc per cast of the bur den of UuuUmi upon the land and thia objection the finance committee prepaied and aahed for the paeeay of a eoaatitstional amendment t* per mit the Irry of aa mrnm« tax with the promiae that, if emctai the atate propary tax would be eliminated. At that time Mr. Bailey opnoaed the in come tax amendment, and in hie arffu ment before the committee urged that lame ha defeated and the revenue re quired be obtained by mcremum* the tax upon land. Itreatark, the faimn'i aaa and hia hoc- That waa the time when Mr. Bailey made hia famawe da-. deration that the farmer would "charge you more for a ham thaa the tax value of the whole hoc." At a time aa recent Mr. Bailey waa cham pioning the iateraot of the corpora tiona and the bie wealth of the atate. So you can aee hi* preaent campaign ia eery "unique." Too likewise know m veil as I. that liim Mr. Bailey's connect ion as a trustee of Wake Fomt Collate was ■evtred he has consistently opposed practically every Wake Forest man ami Baptist who has sought political preferment of note in oar state. Re has not only done this, bat he bas so timed and phrased same aa the op position of "a Baptist and a Wake Forest man" so as to command ertra weight and influence. 1 consider that this was peculiarly true in your ease. When I. together with many of toot old students and friends througnotst the state were going out to battle for you for Superior court judge with strong prospect* of victory, we sud denly met the vigorous and active op position of this same Mr, Bailey, who opoosed you to the limit. For these reasons and many others I cannot support Mr. Bailey for gov- , emor. and believe, if you will calm ly reflect on same, you will agree with me. Whether jpmi do or not. f shall always retain the same admiration, respect and veneration for you. I would apraciate a hearing. With every good wish I am. Yours cordially, 0. M. MULL. WHO MR. MULL IB TW gubernatorial campaign in this section is awakening and the Gnllrv letter and the O. M. Mull reply will doubtless *rv» to kindle more inter »at. Mr. McLean ha* *a strong and .■ouragenus supporter in the person of O. M. Mull. He to at present the democratic comity chairman of Cleve land countv. Mr. Moll to well known In Cleveland county far his high char acter and vigorous — aport of men and measures he deems worthy. For 15 rears he was the law partner of I Federal Judge E Yates Webb until lodge Wehh waa appointed by Preei dent Wilson to the Faderal bench. Ha managed with great success the cam paign of Clyde I. Hney for f nsigiaaa and four years sgo was the Ml die- ! triet managed for O. Max Gardner for governor. Ha knows tha »he »th district and they trust him. itlon S * in ■ mmm _ Thto entry «m ma&Tthia tlw 1Mb lay of May. UM. «-14p UM«~~ ' ' Uncharted. ft ■■ Mrlaln's Tablets, ■ tin obtrusive and gentle la tirely ML FOY L. PERKINS Over Leonard's Jewelry 524 Ofllc* Phone MM ML J. E. BANNER DENTIST MOUNT AIRY. N. C Mklk OfcLLBrntatWi ML J.D. HOGAN Sydnor & Sparger lanraac* Ageiii HOUNT AIRY. ft C. T. H. WORXELL, M. D. M. T. ALLEN, ML D. M Alr7.IL C OffiN taw int XB. MtarJMI Floor Mow* Aky R. N. IANCASTER, II W GrmHo SL PBOKES: Off Id, SM; City Motor Oh. ROY C MITCHELL. M.&. Ja Mert I. Lwi, K. I. ttoMA.IL r.iLo^kr ^ ■