MOTTWT AST, CAROLINA. JUKE McLEAN IS DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR GOVERNOR Second Primary Necessary For Lieut-Governor and Other State Offices _________ LATE RETURNS ADD TO LEAD OF McLEAN H«CmU w> Lean, of l.umberton former chairman •f the war Dmh* corporation ami II—hi I. wia leading Joaiah W Bailey, of Kaleigh, former collector oi internal mmM, by mora than a,IMM vote* early today far tha Democratic nomination for governor of North Carolina. Belated return* from ieo lated precinct* which trickled in late laat night ami early today increased Mr. McLean'* lead and with 79 com tie* reporting, Mr. Bailey waa leading is only 16 of them. The rota early today with ever 1.SM precincta report ed nwt of 1,711 gave McLean IBM *'"! TTMftH J nth candidate* made informal statement*. Mr. McLean thanking hi* friend* for their »upport which led to hi* apparent victory, while Mr. Bailey aaeerted he had "no illuaiona wrack ed" by the reaolt aa It had bean ap parent to Urn three months ago that be would not receive the nomination. He declared, however, that hi* prin ciple* and loyalty to hi* friends in duced htm to remain In the race to tha Mr. McLean spent y eater day at hi* home in Lumberton while Mr. Bailey who had voted Saturday and then gone Ashing, waa at hi* borne In Bal eigb. Mr. Bailey today raaumad hie prac tice of law, appearing thia a* counsel Hi a case In federal NO CANDIDATE FOR UEUT.-GOVERNOR WINS for tost Lik*ly for or of Agriculture. Rsleigh, Jane 10.—Second prima, rtee In many of tha contest* for Dem ocratic nomination for state office* o be un usually cIom m return* slowly Alter ed In. With 616 at the states 1.T19 JpmliMti reported of to noon today, %. Elmer Lone r on tinned to M bat had leas than <1,000 ntM in Mem at T. C. Bowie, who was running third. With 111 precinct* tabulated the 29.292; Bowie 27.440. If it develops that Lone and Rey nold* remain for the second primary, it probably will not be held aa these two previously had agissd that the one with the leeeer number of votes would withdraw Hi favor of the other. A second primary it also appeared won Id he necessary In the commis sioner of agriculture race through William A. Graham, the incumbent, with 87,12# rotes lacked only 6.000 Avotes of a majority of the reported returns, these being from M7 pre cincts. Fred P. Latham, had 29372 votes and T. B Parker, 12,873. In the attorney ceneral race 8*0 precincts gave Dennis G. Brummttt 80,188 votes; Charles Ross 28,188; and Frank Nash, 21.0*0 with a second primary needed If the later returns carry oat this ratio. Stacy W. Wade, incumbent, offering for re-election, had an overwhelming lead over his opponent, I. P. Flowers, of Charlotte, the vote of 610 precincts giving Mr. Wade 67,462 while Mr. Flowers had 16,174. For state auditor, Baxter Durham incumbent, was leading J. P. Cook by approximately 10.000 votes when 519 precincts had reported. The vote stood Durham 46,088; Cook 86.164. Corporation Commissioner George P. Pell, standing for re-election, had a commanding lead of nearly 14,000 votes from the first 619 precincts, the vote standing Pell 42,366: O. B. Car penter 28,786. A second primary it appeared would be necessary to elect a commissioner of labor and printing. With 640 pre cincts reported the incumbent, M. L. Shipman, was leading with 21,810 votes while Prank D. Grist had 28, 068. J. Peterson 9.372: and L M. Nash. 7,449. "At the Beginning, Not the End, of Our Struggle."—Bailey Itltlfh, Jane 10.—Josiah W. Bai ley, of Raleirh, la a formal statement imomI here today admitted his defeat for the Democratic nomination for governor by Anffus W. McLean, of Lnmberton. In hi* statement, which reviewed hie candidacy, Mr. Bailey expressed the wish for Mr. McLean and his asso ciates the "utmost success" in the fall election expressed his fratituda to hia supporters and announced that he would "support the Democratic cause and rote the full Democratic ticket as I hare always don* since I became of I set out upon nothing less spirit of Pro in oar common - the candidacy of the I ha money in polities; and economic ad ministration of public affair*. I have done my best to advance these principles and causes. To what ex »nt I have succeaded remains to be disclosed. "The primary has resulted in the nomination of my opponent. I wish for him and all who may be asso ciated with him in the campairn the coming fall the utmost success, and t hereafter an administration that will redound to his honor, to the credit of our party, and to the ad vancement of our commonwealth. It ought to be unnecessary for me to say that I shall support the Demo cratic cause and vote the full Demo cratic ticket, as I have always done sine* I became of age. "I am deeply grateful to those who have supported the causes represent . ed by my candidacy, and I shall al ways welcome an opportunity to manifest my gratitude, lite mother I* sufficiently large to afford sub staatial sauim sgemsiit. Let us r*.! member that no good cause is ever The rlae or fall of a can didate is an teatgntteaa* matter. Let ua pens on with patience ham of courage and eoefldeeee founded upon faith hi the right. We are at the beginning, not the and, of our strug gle. "After a brief parted of reeraatkm, I shaR return to my work as a law yer. hut I shall not in the remainder of my Ufa ha —rsaponaive te thaae principles and cauasa, aar shall I ha McLean Car rie* Surry Veto* Cart. Twe thousand and eighty-eight rotera wont to Um poll* in tkta coun ty to wto for their choice far Got ernor on the Pawmratlr ticket* aa wall aa a auibat of other atoto offi cial*. Of the nam her voting Uti emI their for A. W, McLean and 57# for J. W. Bailey. The rote ifi the town* waa reaaonahly large onaiderinr tha put while hi tha rur al diatrtcta tha people took eery little interest In tha cnateet. Tha day waa ideal for work an the farm and many of those who had farm work on their handa did not trouble themaelvea with going to the poll*. The rote In the county four year* ago for tha Demo cratic nominee* waa much entailer "hen Gardner i ai i lad tha county by IM over hi* opponent* Cer. Morrlaoa. In the ronteet for I.ieutenant-Gov ' rnor T. C. Bowie lead all hi* oppo nent* in the Surry voting by a large majoritr Below we puMUh the rota for Gov ernor by townshipe. Bryan. Elk in. EMora. Dohnon, FrmkHn. ijtmg Hilt. Marah, Mount Airy, Pilot. Rorkford. Siloaia, Skoal*. RtnrmrU Creak Wtatfield, I Totali, MrL«*n SS am 4 243 U a 58 sm M 66 M B7 68 > 1,812 Bailey IS « 97 44 • 11 17 2S1 1« 7 tl 14 114 9 674 INSANITY DEFENSE OF TWO KILLERS OF BOY FatWa Say Will Net Spend Million* Two To Gat TImmm Chicago, June 7.—Rhoold Nathan Leopold. Jr., and Richard Loch, mil linnaifes' soni. Indicted for the kid naping and murder of R/*bart Frarks, school hoy sun of anothar mlllionaira, escape capital punishment In th« trial for murder, they win ho tried again on the kidnaping indictment. accord ing to Robert E. Crows, state's attor ney. Plana art going forward for two diatinrt and complete prusocu tiona. The defense of the young university post-graduate students will he only that to which every human l<eing ia entitled, according to the first state ment from their fathera. Nathan P. I/eopnld, Sr., ho* manufacturer. a-d Albert H. Loeb, vice-president of Sears Roebuck and company. The fathers "have not the slightest1 inclination nor intention to use th«ir means to stage an unsightly legal bat tle with an elaborate amy of legal counskl and an army of high priced alienists Hi an attempt to defeat Jus tice," the statement said. The statement was interpreted hi the criminal court building as mean ing that the defenae would set up a plea of insanity. "Asaumlng that the facte in the esse are substantially aa pobliahad, then the only proceeding they favor ia simple, solemn investigation tinder the law, touching the mental respon sibility of their accused aona," said the statement. "If the nccuael boys are found by a jury to ha not mam tally responsible, their fassiliea, hi accordance with their duty tow aids must ha fully pratscted from any further menace by the hoym." In no event will the famfliea of the accused hoys uee money In any at of two attorneys already retalaed would not he Imi iaas>< by Interna tional known legal esparto. and that FLYERS NOW REARING THE UFMUUN BELT A wj earafal overhaul waa gusa the planes at the Japanese Air Btm tion at Kasomigaura, 60 bBm north waat of Tokio. Mew Liberty eogiree Havr Iwfi hrtflllxl Bint tftittd snd new pratanu attached, while all parts of the plana* have baaa give* a thor <>urh inspection and a fresh MM cf vamiah, ao that they can battar with utand the torrid baat into which they are now rapidly ploaging. Thirty live of the Liberty engines, ltZt modal, were given a complete over luiuUnf, remodelling tnd ttfting fai this country prior to tktif ihipnciit, rich tiifini bcifif r»quired to dtvtlop at leaat 410 horiepower on the torqoe ■land to he acceptable. it waa originally intended to rept-jre pontoons at Tokio with landing gear, bat information received from China advised against theaa, doe to the lack of proper landing facilities, whereas many rood harbors were available. Therefore pontoons wilt continue to be used as far as Calcutta. During the next two weeks there1 is a alight chance the aviators will run into trouble with typhoons. Ty-1 phoons generally occur in a series during the months of August. Sep tember and October, bat do occur occasionally daring May and June. They are tremendous rotatory' storms of wind resembling the hurri canes of the West Indies. The storm ' centers in a small area and drives forward at twelve miles an hour or more, the stogm itself whirling about 'he centre of the depression, in which 'he barometer readings frequently go as low as 28.8 inches. nifn waves irtqunuy irrompuy the typhoon*, idvtncinf inland car rying rain and disaster and some time* bearing «hips far inland, where they are left stranded. These itormi hare their origin in the ocean eaat of China, in the vicinity of Formosa and the northern Philippine Island* and usually pro ceed from east-northeast toward west southwest. Their course ia generally along the coast of China. Although the whole body of the typhoon advances at a comparatively slow rata, the winds whirl aroond the centre of the depression at from 80 to 100 miles an hoar, in a direction contrary to the main hands of a clock, as do all the storms in the Northern Hemisphere. Deluges of rain fall during the storm, ten to twelve inches frequently falling in one day. Staked Dews Over Night. It is doubtful if any of these typhoons will be encountered by the American flight, but provisions have been made at each of the stops through China to take the planes out of the water over night and stake them down to they can withstand hese storms. Of coarse, in the event of s storm occurring during the day, it would be possible for the flight to fly away from the area over which the storm is scheduled to pass. Miscellaneous supplies will be found at Shanghai for tits use of the flight, but no major supplies such as engine* and other large parts are now avail able until the flight reaches Calcutta. There are seven major depots on the complete rout* of the world flight and eleven minor depots, making a total of eighteen, an avetafe of 1,600 miles apart. The supplies were mors thickly dis tributed In the North Pacific and the North Atlantic, hnsuai thass sections are uninhabited and aet easily acces sible. while in other parts of the glebe it will he and repairs Owi life May «*.—Three Jay., shot to death and their | killer ■ day after a NaaKchi Hi land ia dlspaU, la sheriffs to have shot U. S. Grand Jury Indicts 49 Connected With Sale Of Bailey Brothers Stock 1 of the 49 piiium who hi the tree bill of indictment ptmiiUJ bar* Tumlay,. Juno I. by a federal connection with tha aala of i 11.000,000 la atoek of : Inc., of What manufacturing concern recently aolved by court < tained laat night. Tha bin of indtit mailt. rnntilaiiKI It m-pa rata counts. ia • rohahod document of 40 rloeely typewrittea preferred it ia contended tha of Bailor Brothers, Inf., and thoaa who an id atock in tha tuann during tha period from Augaet. 1M1, to Marrh. 193S, mad* fraudulent aaa of tha mail* hi promoting tha sale of atoek. Thoaa ladicted. Tha amount of bail which tha gov ernment wfll require of tha 4* man indicted harv laat Tuesday by a fed aral irrand Jary In mnnectlon with tha aala of atock in Bailay Brother*, Inc.. defunct tobacco manufacturing concern, waa aecertained ycatsrday. Tha total of bonda required ia ttU,- , 000. Bond in tha asm of 910,000 will be raquirad of each of tha following Prad Bailay, C. B. Bailay. Prank R. Bailay. P. 8. Bailay. M. D. Bailay. Jr.; Carina Id Bailey, M. D. Bailay. Sr., and To* 0. Taylor. Tha following persons will ha re quired to forniah bond ill tha torn of $5,000 each: Webb 8. Alexander. Edward Arnold. , H. S. Baucum. M. L. Crews, E. A. Ewing. Prank P. Goodwin, Joseph H. Gwyn, Glenn Harris. T. J. Hatchett. T. Heflin. 8. H. Hendrix. A. H. Bar rina. E. W. Jordan, C. E. Humphriea. Dr. H. C. Laraen, Frederick J. Laa •iter, George Leach. C. B. MrBrayrr. Glenn M. MeCall. E. 0. Matthewa, Lawrence Matthewa. P. G. Middle Krook, C. T. Moaer, W. E. Nisaen. >. C. Paaa. Samoa! P. Penry. Jack Quim by. C. W. Rawlings. Jama. M Kick srdson, D. H. Shoaf, Edon Smawiey, Hmry A. Tattle, J. C. Vining. L. H. Underwood. J. B. Waldrop, E. L Wrbater, H. V. Whitlark. B. P. Wil li arna. John G. Wlmbuak, John M. Wohi, Jala Toung. Recommendations concerning the imoiint of ball to ha required hi eack raae ware made to the grand Jury by poatal inspectors and by the diatrict ittomey. Prank A. Lin nay. The tut aritl probably be called for trial at the next regular tana of the Uaited Stataa diatrict court here in Decem ber. Tom C. Taylor, It ia alleged, direct ing the atock aelling campaign. The Bailey* Mentioned in the indictment. It ia claimed, ware oAcara in the iefunct eonearn. The remaining 41 persons, under indictment. H ia -barged, aold Bailey Brother* atock. Newa of the graad jury'a action >roused keen interest throughout this ind adjoining atatoa where hundreds >f persona had purchased Bailey Drothara stock. B. G. Hiatt, of Sreensboro, waa foreman of the rrand jury. The bill of indictmaat a signed by the diatrict attorney, Frank A. Linney. Twenty United Statea witneaaea ap learad here Tueaday to testify before he grand jury. Those testifying. It na learned last night, wars: E. B. Ms. poatal inapartor; Mra. Addle L. £ Mitchell. Btokaadale; P. L. Tow*, f lelews Creek; J. C. Buahnell, Wash- 1 ngton. D. C.. and Dir. L. P. Baas- e lied • »f Itilqr Brothers. Inc. lb ma said, oaually la tnd Vtrgtnia. The liated by Torn 8. Taylor Mrf I.IW rhen they knew tkf company waa tm •olveat and when they knew the i m wort III—. On Aoguat 1«. 19X1, it hi Bailey Brother*, reorganised, . ng ita capital alack from flj to QUOIM. The inrreaaed t la charged, waa to be divided: 91, mjm common and II.BOM* pre 'erred. Then, it ia all aged, when the itock sale waa inaugurated the aloefc tnd substantial Inveatmeat" Brother* waa "msolrent." While the itock waa being aold, the rhargea. "Bailey Brother*, Inc., Mt have paid M per cant at their Mate, all of which was knewa to the lefendanta." Both th« aaaeta and the eai if tl» conptnjf, the »1». it u claimed the land*. _ n*», machinery and fixture* of 'obi panjr war* Uatad at HMtiM, rhile on J on* M, 1M6. tba vahm > laced on tba same land* and am erials waa WMJM.41. Tha rarninr* of the company war* rroaaly mliraptaaantad. t) sent chargaa. At a time. irothers atmini capacity waa JM at par cant a* Ha capital alack, it Ib if an officer at tba company in wbieb t waa stated tba atr«rt|t earning at be company waa SO par cant par aa ium on capital atock ataea tba pf organisation. Other ehnrgs* are: 1. That 7 par emit dividend! laid on stock during tba it a time whan tba company ■taking no money. 2. That the company mad* a falsa laim to the effect that it bad on d» oait in the Wachovia Bank and Troat ompany, of Winston-Salem, tb* na t $426,000 to guarantee payment of ividenda on rtoek. 8. That the company riprniinlii be coat of tb* atock selling campaign a be 15 per cent on a a matter of fact, "O per i n atock aold waa paid" to ad salesmen. 4. That a large maaa of I latter in which untruthful stal

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