Mount Airy & Eastern Railway To Be Made A Standard Gauge Road TIES WILL BE PURCHASED FOR JOB New Company at die Junction thi* lam of The Now* appatri •a MlvertiiMMat of the Meaduaftrld LoMbtr Company offering I* par aary to carry out tha devaliipmant """ar*** they recently acquired. /^6me month* Mto they purchaaad t*ientire proper - ty uf tha Roaalyn Lumbar Company together with tha" Mount Airy A Eaat •th Railway. For yaara tha Roaalyn Company ha* owned a tract of tha fineat timber in tha fouth at tha head of tha Mount Airy A EaaUm and which i* estimated to contain aixty million faat of aa good grade of hard wood timber aa ia now •tending on tha •tump of any aaction of tha United State*. In thia lot ia inclNdad ten million faat of yellow poplar which ia said to he vary scarce and bring* a high price on the marketa. At one time the old company attempted to put thi* timber an the market but owing to financial trouble* thay wan never able to carry out their plana. Prom time to time for the peat ffve or tlx yaara lumbar paopla of the north have had their eya on thi* boundary which ia laeatad in Patrick -iimty, twenty miiaa from Mount Airy. Laat winter a lyndfaate com peted moatly of Pennaylvaaia capital ist* organised tha Maadaarflald Lum ber Company, incorporated it under the taw* of Virginia with a paid in capita! atock of I78JMW. purchaaad the holding* of the aid company aad be gan to formulate plana to develop tMt newly acquired rtaoucH. At firet they wuiHind building a anr rued to Stuart, V*., u that point »m only three bUm from tke east ern (dp of their lands, bat owing to freight rataa being Mora favorable from Mount Airy to aurketa «Wn they would maka ibipatnti they Have .iefinitol} determined to atkt Mount Airy their Junction with tka outside werid. For the past week Mr. L. T. Bran don, of PuttaviHe, Pa., has baan in tha city conferring with Mr. Donald Campbell, general manager of tka company, and who has charge of tka operations hare Mr. Brandon ia sec retary and main financier of the new rusapany. He ia alao treasurer of the Lyaonting Timber £ Lumber Co., op. erating at Weldon and Garrysburg, N. C., and Providence Forte, Va. Tuesday these gentleman gave out aa interview to a repreeentative of IV News, and with some reluctance revealed son of the plana and oper ations their company contemplates ^Ilmdj'T craw of hands ia builA^ /k( a switching yard at the Junction, and aa aoon aa croaa ties can be pur c baaed thay will proceed to rebuild tka road from Monat Airy to Kiblat asking It wide or lUndard irauge. Wipained t&t thai a arf liberal plana oa tka right of way wksra the road bed will have to be sbanged in order to gat a satisfactory ipli and ha la confidant tkat tka psspls along tha route will land them a aery cooperation and aaeiatance In their efforts. It is tha purpose irf tha nsspiiy to aae tka read principally to haul tkeir logs to tke mill at the J parti an. but tkay will alee put oa a freight nrriw far tke luusenlsncis sf tka ptaple who live along tka Una. Ika wide gauge will make It poaaibie to carry aklpmiwu of carload lots to points alang tke line without trans faring from tka A. A. Y. at Mount Airy. Mr. Campbell says he haa in structions from his chiefs that ia Us work of i < building tke railroad to 4m ee along Hnaa of permanency aa K kt,.. could be imd for heavier traffic should neca«io«i ever aria*, for than ia a possibility of tta connecting with iomc lint arrow tht mountain at Bonn future data. Tha company ia ncaiviiii railroad Hquipmral and taw-mill machinery by almost every freight. Tbay now have on thair yarda 22 standard gauge flat cara far hauling lap, as wall aa a lot of the saw alii outfit- They will uaa tha praaant mill aita and already have tha boiiara in place. W. W French of Michigan, constructing en gineer, will have charge of tha aaw mill at the Junction and ia now on tha job and baa a crew of handa aaaist ing him in erecting tha mill. Mr. French ia an experienced man in hit work, having erected mills in Brasil, Philippine lalanda, Panama and other points. Tha present building will be remodeled and tha baain filled with watar in which ts float tha lags. Tha mill being installed is made by tha A Ilia-Chalmers Co„ and has a normal capacity of 40,000 feet par day. Tha company already haa on its yard a new type of locomotive for thia aection, although it ia well known in aactiona whore lumbar is handled on a big scale. It ia known as a Shay engine and is the boat type for moun tain work aad will bawdli a lead aa ttadsa aa steep aa 12 par cent. It ia driven by three steam cylinders on one side, all nanttsd with bath froat and rear whs sis of the sag las aad tsndsr by a flexible shaft making H pooaflUa for tha SHghm to asgntisti engine of tha sasae type has beea par chaaad aad will soon arrive. Wat Cook, ef llsmbert. Pa., is chief loco motive sagiaaer, aad was seen ^ma day busily engaged ia the work o< getting his moagal ia condition tc trv oat. ex that «v«ry p*rt of the work would W in foil operation by the first of Um yaw. This werk will afford employ, ment to a large number of peop!< rograeeee Um will increaaa. Al normal runnta# rate they expert U employ from DO to WO men Jusi how much money the company will expend in preparing to begin opera tions the officials have not careful!) estimated bat «ing—til that th< amount would exceed one hundre< thousand dollars.. Mr. Campbell has his brother, Mr John Campbell, of Clarksburg, W. Va as his assistant in the work here They bar* rented the newly erectec residence on South Main street neai the Friends parsonage and will mom their. families hare in a few day* Mr. Archie Hatten, of Staunton, Pa. thaad bookkeeper and has char* the office at the Junction. Atlanta, Ga., Jane SO.—A petitioi fy divorce filed by Asa O. Candler Mr., Atlanta capita list, yesterday am announced today, is returnable at th< September tana of the Pulton 8uper ior court. Mr. Candler into lega separation *r- Mrs. Mary Little Ka gan Candler whom ha wadded exact!) one year aga today and from whoa he has bean estranged stare Pebru ary ». 1M4. _____ Having Qualified as executor of th< estate of N. M. Slauaoos, dee., law m Surry County .^N^C. said estate te present them to the un dersigned within the time prescribe; by law ar this notice will be plead ii bar of their recovery. All person* In d>hl«d to the estate will plea as maki immediate aettlament. 7 16. N I H. O. WolU, tlM war dapaitm—t haa sat op the machinery to handle the work. W. G. Sydnor, rtwlwn of tlM Surry rounty Chapter of the U Croaa, mimmumtm the receipt of oil namaary Manka to aeeura tha bonua oa provided by the act of Coa^raae. Attorneys T. B. MrCargo, Jr., and 0. L. Kohloaa hava been appointed to distribute thaaa blank* and to fur niah necessary information. Tha blank* may be obtainad by calling at tbair office over tbr old Bank of Mount Airy building. All appUcattone for adjuatad com panaation ("bona*") first go to tha War or Navy Dvpartmanta to ba ■hocked againat tba eeishe recorda and than to tha Vetaraaa Buraau for daciaion aa to bonua insurance. Aa no banaflta of tha Adjoatad Com pensation Act arc obtainable until March let., IMS, there ahould ba no ruah to gat tba application* in at thi* tima. This will avoid overcrowding, aa thara are approximately 1000 man in Surry County who are entitlad to tha "bonus". All men and woman who aervad in tha Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Cfaat Guard from April 5th, 1917, "< November l>th, 1918, or for mors than sixty days during that period, are entitled to benefits under the act; provided they do not fall within one of tba excluded classes, such aa. Of ficer* above the rank of Captain, thoae guards. Students Army Training Corps, Raeerve Officers Training Corps where they ware aot detailed to troopa. and other rlaaaaa specif! j -ally named in tha act. Win Tttch Mb m StetM Stoteeville, June II.—Bible will be tiufht in the Stotoeville hick school ner* year, according to Superinten dent 1 M. Gray, who ysotardey iada faculty and course of atudy for Ik* city schools The course in Bibla is to ba elective and aumsahat cmmhI rather than inteoaivs, aahrwigf two 1 yoars' work. The first yatr ia to ba devoted to OU Tiitumt atody, giv ing a historical background, and tha sccond yoar to tha Goapth, Acta and a part at the Epistlee. Tho Ameri can Karl sad Bibla will ha used. In tha aleasantory grades, it ia tha plan to Baa Bible atorias aa supplementary work ia place of certain other read ing matter. The instruction, of coarse will be non-sectarian. W. M. Boyce, of Due West, a C. who was a meat bar of the high acnool faculty hare last year, will be la charge of the Bible department during the coaling year. Superintendent Gray feels that tha introduction of Bible study in the public schools will solve, in a large measure, the growing lack at knowl edge of the Scriptures existing among tho coming generation, whoae educa tional adrantagee are limitod by tha ' course received In the public schools In the education scheme of the child, Mr. Gray ia of the opinio* that tha book of all books—which tho lata President Wilson and othar grant educators kept by their beds Ida when ' alt other literature was discarded— 1 should not ha neglected. ________________ 80,000 Chicks Arm Skipped From Dmm Dunn. Jane tl.—fifty thousand baby chicks have bean shipped hp parcel peat through the Dtuia pea office during the paat M weeks. Tha chicks ware Hatched at the Howard chicken ranch, near Dunn, and wwi ; shipped to practically every stole hi the south. Many ef them war* sent to far away Texas. The giant incu bator, with a capacity for bowing ' 1AJM sggs at aae time, wna pat In "i to operation tha latter part of Jan , nary IV Drat hatch wna nawiil and shipped on rehraary U. and slates that time approximately UN hahy | chicks have been "tamed oat" each week. Tha wans cleood this weak ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC IN SINGLE DAY Anmf Avitlar fliw ft Y«k to 9m ft «•* flight from NfW York to laa rtm Im ImM at Qriaey tUM at p. m. Ha arrival la Saa at t:44 p. m. while a field Maaghaa field at the northeast taxied to the ranter of tka field where he became the center of a surging, shouting, wildly excited laaaa of spec The way waa cleared, however, far nawa photographer* to take pictures of the plane and the daring filar. Maughan's landing at ff:46 p. m.. made hi» time for the 2JM0 milea air line deals from New York including fhre re-fueling stops an roots, 31 hour*. 48 1-2 minutes, slightly under his original estimate of the time the flight would consume. Apparently overcome with ewotion and jubilant at th* victory he had achieved. Lieutenant Maugan seem ed unable to speak when his plane caaM to a stop. His flaee bore a ser He was lifted bodily from the cock pit by his cheering c omrades of the shoulders through the swirling crown to a rear door of the army headquar ters. Feat GHrea Him a Place Aasaag World's Greateat Mitchel Field, N. Y„ June Lieut. Ruaaell L Maughan's trans continental flight giaaa him a place in the foremost ranks of the world's aviators. The new* that Lieutenant Maughan had croaaad the continent withoat mishap within a apaa of a single day was received with jubilation by the aviator's fellow officers at the flying field. They iauaed Lately gave kirn a place beaide Lieuta. John Mac Ready and Oakley Kelly, who oa May > aad X IMS, eatabliahed a warlda' noti-stop 'tistance flying record flying from Near York to Ban Dingo, 1JIM Miles, in M hears, 80 minutes M 14 seconds Maughan's flight today waa hia third attempt to cross the continent Hm| N*ffi h Dmtli of Girl'* Florence, Arts.. June St.—William B. Ward, negro, wu handed at dawn today in State Prison here for the murder of Tad Croak, Ariaona Uni veraity student. On Dae. 26, Groah waa ridtag in aa automobile with Miaa Maxine Mc Nelly. Ward stopped the ear, stepped on the running hoard and shot Groah, killing him Instantly. Ha than forced Miaa McNelly to accompany him to an abandoned mining tunnel, wfcara ha attacked her and shot her twice, leaving her for dead. She recovered and was a witneas againat Ward. After conviction. Ward triad tc*gala I freedom hy attempting to kidnap awl hold in his cell two women miaaion ; arias calling on him. One sustained I severe in Juries, fallow convicts then rushed to the reecue and war* pre vented from killing Ward oaly hy B. B. Simms. Superintendent. Ward waa severely beaten hy the convicts. Blame for hia criminal career wmi 'aid hy Ward to the whit* race, which i he said, hwrmd la hi* wsmnry a hatred for Caucasians when he wtt i m«*»d the burning at the stake of six negroes hi Paris, Tex., some yean lag*. will ha *hipy*d from this section a fraction men tha* two psarhss for each inhabitant of the United 8ta*a. A SECOND PRIMARY ! TO BE HELD JULY 5th LEI H« FROM JAFAN a number of JtpiMM preachers, and other native Christians. In April im ht>W forty-flu# mall to gveata, and ia May eighteen meals Aaoflf out Uli have boon Dr. and Mn. 1 E MeAJpine. Southern Presbyterian mi—ionariea. Dr. McAlpiite came ti Japan thirty-nine years ago. And Mr*. McAlpine was born ia itpu lto(ai«t wm born. Her father ami mother. Dr. and Mm. James H. Bel. lagh, rame to Japan hi IML, Dr. Bal lagh waa a northern man and hii bride I Wed In Virginia, and the Civil war waa on; but Ion waa strongei than sections li sm, and the Maaon aitt Dixon Line did not deter Cupid. Dr Ballagh had the signal honor of bap using the first Protestant convert if the Empire of Japan which waa so dm years a'ter his arrival in Japan. Hi retired from service in 1919, and diet in Richmond, Virginia, the followtnt year. It waa my privilege to hava work on the same street and in tlx same block aa Dr. Ballagh in tha i-ity of Yokohama from 1899 to 1906 Dr. and Mrs. McAlpine have had nine children, all living except then ! son Clisfey who died in North Caro lina just aa he waa reaching manhood | Davidson College in North Carolina | preparing for the ministry. Th in Agnes Scott' College. The othei six girl* are married. Two are wivei lee in Japan. The other two atrrM brothers, sons of Dr. John W. Moore, • native North Carolinian aad mis sionary hi Japan. One of the broth' era to a preacher in Virginia and tlx other is Profoaaor Moore, Supcrrinten dent of the Winston-Salem system o! graded schools. I once saw a rat it a magazine with Dr. Ballagh. Mrs McAtpfcw. Mrs. McAlpfae's daughter and the darter's child, represent ing four generations in Japan. Oar son Grady went to Kobe lasi fall to study music under a Spaniel pianist. Professor ViUaverde. How ever, he wanted to pursue his othei ■todies; Bo after the Christmas boli days he entered the high school de partment of the Canadian Academy Kobe, continuing his music under thi same Instructor. While he is doini weM in books, he takes conaiderabk interest in athletic a ports. Havinj made the baseball team, he had ai interesting trip to Tokyo, the nation al capital, tfis ana which was fcrok en m Mount Airy four years ag< healed so perfectly that it has nevei given him any trouble since It heal ed, thanks to the skill and patience a the physician* at Martin hospital I is interesting that Grady's scoutmas |ter and Sunday school teacher, Mr | Clarence Griffin, was an active Chris tian worker in Yokohaau when 1 went .there nearly a quarter of a centurj 'ago. Mr. Griffin was crushed in tlx great earthquake in Yokohama la* I year, and was thought to ha dead But hie body wae taken out and ear ried to the park by rikisha mm wtx loved him for what he had them in to he protection when waiting for era. After some hours he and is living to hiees humanity wkt his life aad activity. Uwajima, Chime Ken, Japan. June I ,M4' tl L C 1W *1.—L. C Jen. chief of police of Thorn as villa. Friday went to Rnieigh to be gin serving Ms sentence of H to M yoMPi hi Um itiit# far the (laying ml Mrs. Elisabeth D Jones, Of Appalacfcla, Vs.. with whom he had heea Hviag Ml tinned ability and character of mitt, neither "the intomu of the par ly or the utile" require him to tacUa Mr. Roes does not deprecate the ond primary necessary for only oaa race, that of commissioner of taher and printing. In thia net Prank Orist, (Haragardiiur 'he advice of par ty leader*, has insisted upon • sea *nd chance against M. L. Shipman. incumbent, who lad him by mora then 12,000 votes hi the first race. Party leaders have made a desper ate effort to prevent a second pri mary between Grist and Shipman. The run off will occur Saturday July 5. Mr. Gri»t is entirely within hia party rirhta and U encooragad bjr many prominent Democrats, particu larly those who wi»h Mr. The board of elections haa not flg urad up ths aaat af the late bat the second would add i ton of about tSt.000 to that trrdty. And tha coat off this raaa bat one of tha Incidentally tha fight wiD (it* tha oppaaltioa to tha ■tats primary a tnmindime haft aad that is being uaad for all that it to Pint In tha Medical school tha aM ptw f-ssor was lecturing hto riasa am tha importanea at accuracy. "Bat it i«1 always wall to try to praatribs too litoraDy your own habits ar rulaa af ordar for others." ha i attempt oac "I was in a frontier munity and ran a ' along with my madical 1 ' sociato kept a stock of dry foods sa tha side of tha room oppaalto toy .drags. One day 1 had bean oat far a lone, cold drive and came in wall used up. A woman waa waiting far me to fill a preacripUoa. "I always kept my bottlea in reg ular order and wall labeled; as a third precaution I learned the smell of all tha common drags and aimed to small the staff before filling a pi ii i iptha This time I was cold aad darsled, aad 1 had filled and delivered tha or** witheat taking the aeaal |iin1l«i It waa art aatil I was ahaat to pteaa the aappty battle aa the shstf that I pat It to my nsee. I waa Hiimii with fright The bottle had no oder —tt contained the mate! I had given 1 kill a score at meal give m* that paefcagal" I to shoot. The iaat gaad saoaghl" "I almost fainted with relief a II hack from tha door. 11 11 than I stock in orderly fashion Ha that. If two aad ha had ad «f for do him

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