First Ballot in fVeridential Contest Shows Strength of McAdoo—Smith FIRST WEEK TAKEN UP WITH NOMINATIONS Now Predicted That McAdoo and Smith Will Have to Give Way to "Dark Horse" miiwi 9<|uar» Gardsn, New York June 99.—A* midnight spproached tlM Democratic national convention bad rampMol its lfith ballot sad a mmIrm still waa bttaf suwght. Twlrr hour* of balloting had nrr ad BMtrrly to advance McAoo and taltk in a steady gradual movement aad to bring neither ona within utrik tng distance of • nomination, ff It established anything It estabHahed that each of thaia has a one-third ra ta en the other Smith, although ha rsa second, made tha moat train rtur - ing tha ballotmjr Although ha •tart ad with 24* (n tha flrat ballot ha had gone to at tha close at tha 15th. McAdoo itwtinf at 431 an tha first ballet had climbed to 47*. John W. Davie. of West Virginia, starting at >1 on tha first ballot had advanced to *4.5 and waa third in plan. Tha result was announced this way for tha 15th ballot: At tha rondos ion of tha annoance ■tent at tha 15th ballot. Chairman Bremer of tha Montana delegation. McAdoo floor leader, moved an ad journment until 10. SO ts marrow morning. Tha convention did not even wait for the motion to ha put and car ried. It mwety piled eat while it was being dona. Tha hand struck op "Home Sweat Home" aad the conven tion had waa emptied quieter than It would have been if a troupe of the elphants which often sojosm there Mll Jdn ■at., ^aafr I — • -i m m --L. — —„ — "■o Runavnij rut lonnf. BORif cnangrs were predicted for timui raw's ballot ing. Whether or net there won Id be a a^mination waa anybody's guess One politician remarked: "The ire is 12 inches thick; there la not a crack hi sight." None the teas all the rival candi dates' managers went oat smiling and remarking that everything waa aa they expected. quite aa they had pre dated and that nothing about the whole day's balloting showed any thing hostile or unfavorable to their Madison Square Garden, New York, June 29 (Sunday >— Amid scenes un precedented in national political gatherings, the Democratic national convention early this morning adopt ed Ha platform, escaped the incluaion f anti-Ku Klux dan plank by the •arrow margin of one vote and ad journed until 9:90 o'clock Monday "rning whan It win meat to nomi nate candidates for president and platform by the taller* after t changae. WWf the fractional flgur** of "thrae-twentietha" came from wma not apparint to hundreda of iiwiffl rial tabulator* that wara Weeping check n tha voting. Soma of thoaa who fought far a Klan plank left the Garden at 2 o' clock thia Morning vowtng that It would be changed bat whether they will cool off oear the week end only the furtur* can determine. Tha vote came after aevaral hour* of oratory in which William Jennings Bryan made an eloquent and peaaion ate sp*sth against namine the klan on the grmmd that to do ao would ■plit the patty and fan the Area of re ligioua controversy. The aati-Klan leader*, amoiif them Ed H. Moor* of Ohio, George E. Bran nan of fltinni*. Norman E. Mack, of New York, Gut fey, of Paimeyl. vania. and virtually all the Smith da. legation in tha hall made frantic effort* to ■wins enough vote* over into the negative column during the laat hoar of confaaion and turmoil to pot the klan plank over. They want to Tom Taggart of Indiana who had raat hi* thirty Indiana votea, flee for' naming the Klan and 2ft again at bat Taggart shook hi* head and rsfuaad to come hi. The result of thia Klan fight hi tha Garden, unprecedented from aay standpoint—win be argued and die-1 rna**d for many day* in all tty. The aitaatlaa at aay time have lead to aerioaa trouble hot hi the end the de legatee wore tired from eleven rontinuoua hoor* of oratory and turmoil, and whan Chairman Walsh announced the reealt they whooped the whole platform ever by acclamation and wearily left the hall, jawing at eaah other Uka of a ward political club. 1» CUMm h 10 Ynti | Jewell City. Ia.. June 28.—When Mr*. Frank Scott got oa a tram with irtemi boy* aad handed the conduc tor on* ticket he thought ah* eras a Sunday school tear bad on her way to a picnic, but ah* declared they war* aU her own children and she had a Bible in her suit case to prove it. The Scott* have been married le*a than tan year* and have nineteen chil dren, aU boys. There are five seta of triplets and two aeta of twins The thirteen in question were all n->der 5 years of ag* and consequently rode free. * Washington, Hm ST.—On arrival il Crimii. (Mtt UnK. Lowell H. •mith, Cawwlir of the American World flight, adviaed the War De wrtwim that *r dm planaa ara n good condition and the pen >nnal wail. Thr flight ia mliliit all pnaathte ■peed, ha atatad, ami eapacf* In guh> ay loat Mm* from m* mi. Whan Ik* flight take* off a* Cai •utta the planes will ha oqaippef? with their normal wtiaal running gear, »hieh will not ha ripiamd by pMi. ioone until they arrive at Hall, Eng and, whara praparationa will ha auuia Far rroeamg tha Atlantic Without tha huge poatoona tha planea can maha greater rpaod and ira aaaiar to handle. They will follow he British airway through India and tha Near Eaat. and undar ordinary -nndition* tha pdni should ha aiach laaiar alt around. Air Wai itn offieiaia ara aaarfMent Limit. Smith and hia wipwlim will ta able la gain much of tha time loat >» account of tha severe aaithtr con ditions encountered in tha aariiar <tagee of tha flight. Tha Navy Department haa laauad rders for tha ratara ta tha United States of Lieut. Ralph Davidaon, U. I. V., who waa ta hnva piloted ana of rha plane* of tha Amundeon flight ta tha North Pole thia utimmer. Thia action waa takan following tha receipt of a dispatch from Liaot. Dav •o a tat tag that owing la fiaaaatal HHWaKiee tha fhght had haaa rallad " for tMa yaar and raqoaating that k. L. r, J |. . laW vi^wTWI II wiw® ■ Officiate of tha Navy Dipai tan ill ixpraaaad keen regrat that Amand iea found blame If in financial diffi -ultiaa and unable ta lampist* pay. ■ant on hia Italian-built plane* in time to make tha flight thia yaar. Going **th? rye for aa eya. a tooth far a tooth" (ran pa of BMa ara aaid la ha handing Ihawailias in a natlnwal I sagas la ragiatar thair protaat a gamut hohhad lair far wwmsa by allowing thair Maidi ta grow. laadsi i of tha orgaaisatiea ara mtahanda of a number of wumsn In Travane City who grew tirad of Kridge and rallad In a barber, which raaahed ia a scare or more bobbed beads. To he admitted into the league tha wales have to he members of families in which a woman has hohed her hair »r haa threateaad to bob it. If the iaad is done the man will wear a Teard until ahe decide* ta let her raaaee grow, if ahe ia only threaten ing to bob it he will wear a beard an til she promises to give op the idea of b 'bbing her hair. They are also thinking of calling i convention of the bearded ma lea, to i*«et some time this suauner. ▼ KT*pmnom\. No Danocratlr conTeot'on rrrr saw 11 more riotous scenes than were enact ed m the garden tonight over the Ku Khra Klan mane. Fichu were start - *4, police hmhii were called and the ran vent ion wma in an uproar for Mar ly two hour* while the voting waa la Votes war* chanted and challeng accusation* war* harled and de nted and In the end the convention reted down a plank for Ita 1924 plat 1mm that would specifically have da nmn sd the Ku Khi by name, bjr the onueoal total of Sit LM to HI Mi. This raault waa attained after I aa leaa than a do sen correction* had Mh Made Im the voting and te a lone ■Mian Cooiey, goea the responsibility 1 of deciding the momentous iaaaa ' whether the Democratic pertv would Governor Morrison Opposed Naming Ku Klux Klan ________ "' Ha Dofooda "Right* of Mm Who Miatakenljr Bflong to WoaM Not HoaMoto to Vote for o Catholic Madlaon Square Garden, Nw York, loo* During the MxU ia the iwion of Um DmioctaUc nstiooal Mirwtion loal|kt o»ar whether Um (a Khia klan by Mine Garemor Mega te-at-large JrfoM "Um rlghta •faweko mistakenly belong to Um Uaa." Ha vaa rm—!»■< by Um chair la ippoebm nam tag Um Klan ia Um pUt -I 4o not riae »e apeak la Won <f the Klan," be aakd. "Bat 1 waat to my maaething about Um rlghta of and txaertU mere than • million mm who art ywfini followers of the l ord J «ku CM*. "Ham the Dniratk party mr pledged itself to prevent foolish re tioM krtahniM and Mfttrr? "I tova many Jews and Catholic* | and I've appointed Dm* to afffea and Isached at the Kn Du kin hi «y ■tate at North Carolina. The Klan ta a cms tor the minis ters, not a matter tor (SNnMrttl thaw (tM pottee puesi should act srtth with * tMs Matter ta a last way. as hirutoss not ths follow ers of paHtieai stands hat aa felisor MAUGHAM TELLS OWN tell MlkwihMMMAi'LiM Sua har," tat I Mim tf a km Tort a«i—«y On af tfceai wmld fro had an Idea for a Int.* time It rnuId ha 4mm. When f Wft Kelly Field, San Antonio, Te*„ wfcn* I am an Inatiai lor la pursuit. and hoarded tfca train far Haw Turk, I faK that If weather !■ and It ww an* at all farnr abla, the flight rould he made Wa waited three morning* for (•tod weather conditions Yesterday morn inc. at S.W. Daylight Having Tine, thrrr were about a hundred people at Mitchell Field, N. T. It wa* clear and beautiful—an idea] dawn The contrast between that handful of penphe waiting at dawn In New York and the 50,000 maeaed la Saa Franciaco laat night are two pic tures I will never forget. There ia a graat variety of opinion nhnut the number who aaw the land ing at Criaey Field. Bat f wh the only one who can id really look down on the crowd, and I thou Id aay there were at leaet 80,000. I suffer nauaaa ronstanly when I am flying. Nevertheless I ate a light breakfast of fruit and toast before leaving New York. Outside of water a drink of lemonade and one sandwich I did not eat anything at any of the stopa. A man who has triad to keep him nmM awake at the wheel of an auto mobile will have mm idea of the way I had to fight the feeling of sleep. The boss of the engine synchronizes with the drone and producaa tfca best little lafhtfcy It la agony fighting the feeling of drowsiness I did not worry—not even when I ••n countered strong head winds during two-thirds of the trip, and rroaa wtnda the rest of the way. I had ISO mi tea af rain around Flttslmrgk. 1M miles of fog and the reet of the way low-hanging broken cloads. My average spied waa about 160 raiUa an hoar. I want ap to IN at tiatae and then fell bach to 14*. My pvaaaat plan ia to fly hark, stopping at Washington. D. C. I hare been misquoted about trying another race. 1 shall fly bark by raster I fiture it CMt about II #2 for pu I »nrf oil for the trip, and one at the w. I foliation pursuit plan** mh aa I costs about HUN 5-Foo« 9Mkt Fall* Off Port Portland. Ma.- What Prohibition has done for Main wa» cmphat icalljr demonstrated when • ut «wkt.! fhrt fset ionj. fell five (tone* from the roof of the Windsor Hotel to Union Street, ia the boart 11 Da busi ness section. Not one of the throng of passing pedestrians hatred sn eye and a truck driver quickly dispatched the reptile with aa iron bar. After all the naturalists and wise acres had been consulted and none of | them could account for the preserve | ' the reptile as far from his native vilds, it developed that be was lire -uriawsy pet of Texas Jack of Wor- • r-hestar, Mass., a vendor of snake oil. I who sold his wares from the corner! near the Windsor a year ago this Hummer. The itinerant medicine Srouffht the snake up from babyhood and the bir ill dm would have cele brated his thirteenth birthday next math. Texas Jack offered a for the retuni of his pal ■•hourht had baa* stela*. Haw Ma| Northern winter no one cm flfurs, ut it is bogs red that he subalated < birds which neated around the aavaa| of the hotel. Foflow, ■. pj nBMMB ... Caldwell Camden Cartar«t Ca»well Catawha Chatham Chemkre Chowan .... Clay riwland Columbian Cnwiti Cumberland Currituck Davirtnon Davie Duplin Durham Edffemrabe Forajrth Franklin Gaeton Guilford Halifax Harrrtt Haywood Hertford Hoke ... Hyde Iredell Jar It ion Johnston SamoKifi Scotland Stanley Stoke. Surry Swain Trans, Ivania Tyrrell Qwm •t Ptttahargh hi par Miaaiaaippd nlb|r. Til* imtMt loaa of Ufa waa at Lorain. where »h» lata at rmmt «how M daad and IM injured, a aeora of if them auffarlng affiit hilfta. Tlw [impaity loaa there waa upwarda af t» city block. hare heaa demoliahad At flanduaky tt waa found that only ilx peraoaa war* MB. *d although IM wan injtrrad and imparty valued at 92,000,000 waa da Thai* wara aevan fatahtlaa Im 'leraiand al though tha pro party dam <r* wm rnnall Plttaburgh up art ad ' 1 poraona killed. while Nantua, Ohio, reported thraa daad and Akron oar. Tha death total tn Imn and lllinoie waa 12. makinr a daath llat of IM. Tha total pro party damage whan re pnrta from tha rsraJ ragiona an cum plate win probably aggregate WO. Deapite tha drraatatinn at Lorain whrr» tha tornado tora down a qar 1 tar af tha rity. organiaad reacoe ' froope hapt order among tha 'anta. hundred* of whom wara >ot of their homaa and had to ho ahei farad hi tawta and with Menda Tha graateet loaa of Ufa at I.orata nmrad la tha atata theatre, a fewr atory hoi Id tag which partly rnltepa ad and craahad many of tha • porta tora at a motion picture ahow. Aa xooa aa raacaa work waa organ irod laat night, a aorvey of aftoatioa lad to tha deduction that away acoraa had killed, for haimagi bad haaa own over tha hoada of aw bathing beach *nra to pieces and it I last their livee. Inveetigation today when hgfct | a search of the rata* eeryone *t the Laaeh with Ms Hfe The fact i Hat the tornado struck both San. lusky and Lorain while factories ware miitM on account of Saturday hoti 'ay probably reduced the death tufl hy | hundreds, for a number of mannfart ) irtng plants ware torn down rmhr a | *«w hours after several thousand em ployes had left their work. Fears ware entertained during the night far the safety of several steam ers on Lake Erie aad in 8anduaky hay hot the calm sunlight of Sunday showed that all steamers had safely ridden the storm except one towtoff launch which had hees against a barge. The U board this launch scrambled from the wreckage to the barge and mj«ry. Housing of the heaneieea an tioa to the injured occupied the at tention of scores of doctors and nurs es aad Bad Cross workers who had been raihed to the night aa quickly aa trains piloted into Lorain over tracks and flooded The pal ice aad fire i hy the first arrival of

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