Mm TVaaWa M of Laad. By rirtw af authority thM to mm fwtar C. Johnson mm! wtfa, fUn Jahnaon to Edw. M. Lin villa, Ti aataa, tar J. C. Kb— m tha Mkda^of Jdm^ 91,000.00, uvd*n»cordad te Um 2Sm af tha l«ni»tT of Daada, of Sorry Oil— IV, N. C„ in book 87 mi 78 MMt bavin r boon mad* in tha payment of the nota therein aaeurad and at tha raqoaat of tha boMar 1 win sail, far auk, to tha M*haat biddar at pobiia •action, in front of tha Bank of Mt. Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., an gaf day. Jaly 12th KM, at 1 a'eiaek P. M, Mvln'il Airy townahip and !■ tha town of Mount Airy, N. C-MM being Iota aisty-aight and ona-katf af m-rzjinrrsisgs s af which ia known aa Fairriaw .Pr^grty.^'.'rf wh»rh ia ■wBOTOWi 111 OIQCv PI af Surry County, N. C., lying on Mm waat aide of J. C. Roaa't lota, being 7k faat front and 160 faat doap. Ma mada to aatiafy a dobt of »1JT3 principal, intaraat and coat of aaf «a Thia J una 10th, 19S4. EDW M. LINVTLLE, Truataa notics rf Meant Airy. P, A. Gmtp, Mount Airy, K. C. Urnhr and by vtrtu* of IIm lam of tha State of North Carolina and the ordinances of the Town of Atry^aatkorleiae tlx aala of Airy far urf js Coat House Door, in N. C- ea the Plrat in Augvot, it hatag tka 4 Aurust 1924, at IS a'elock followinc property far ' ■ante levied acainat and coat of aala: hiwrti Ijrin* on tha Waat lid* of ■ockford street, 160 feat frontage. Amount 9194.44, interest 96.66, coot 91.70, total 91*1.71. This July 1, 1924. City Tax ft. T. Deyeri«, CaWartar. NOTICS North Carolina, Surry County Town *f Mount Airy. C. W. Davis, Mount Airy, N. C. Under and by virtue of the law* of tha State of North Carolina and tha Ordinances of the Town of Mount Airy, authorising the sale of lands in the Town of Mount Airy for aa som*iU levied agaiaot aaid proper, for street improvements, I will of ttor sale at U>e Court House Door, to Dohaon, N. C., on the First Mon day in August, it being the 4th day of Aurust 1924, at 12:00 o'clock I the following property for the ai Zr following property : sssnts levied against same, interest and coat of aala: Property lying on the Wast side of ■ockford street, 199 ft. 9 inchea fron tage. Amount 9994-91, interest 910.50, coot 91.70 total 9*7.01. This July lot, 1924. ft V. Deyerle, City Tu Collector *4fUr every meal / IM «M oa Mm to pay • eoat hi A.*. for Erneat Whit* paid the coat far i ing liquor. Tha mm dna !■»»< a White want la partnerahip with a| frM and iaun< a quart 1 aaa Jointly. White atade tha and than MfilM hi* ran tract with hia I friend bp delivering to hin hia )aat [ part of tha good*. Beaaie Bowman oura raaidant of Monkey Bottom, waa convicted of Bail ing liquor and givan It montha la Jail. Appaal waa takaa and bond af $500 furniahed. Moir Bowman paid tha eaat for hia part In a Ik Jim White, a young white bop, waa bafora tha eaart ehargad with ataal ing rhirkaaa from hia neighbor*. Ha waa piaead under a auapandad tan ten and required to go to work and | pap over to hia mother three dollar* j every Saturday night. Tha following colored awn wave fined amount* ranging from $10 ta $25 for gambling: Eugene A ken, Buck Flippin, Ed Staple*, Henry Cal laway and Ed Freeman. Mwt Airy Rout* 1 Item* The Infant »on of Mr. aad Hn. San ford Simmon* waa buried at Hol low Sprinp Tuesday of laat waak. Mr. Chartt* Simmon* died at the home of hia brother Mr. Troy Mai mom oa Tuaaday Jan* 24th, and waa buried at Hollow Springs tha fol lowing day at t o'clock. Bar. T. W. Bryant aaaiaUd by Bev. Noah Fnlk can dart ad bariai aervicee. Thia yoong man waa aboat » ran of are and had haan In feeble haalth time tn a haapital a ahort while back be. to no avail. He leavaa fir* brother* and oa ai» t*r who with a nam bar of relativae and frianda moarn hia departure. Mr. and Mr*. Sbeeljr Saaioal speat Sunday with their ancla ft. C. Saarael at High Paint. They ware accoaapaa ied home by their aant Mr*. Praneia Samuel who will spend a few day* with relatives and frianda her*. Bev. R. P. WiUiam*. of Galax. Va.. spent Monday night at the home ot A. D. Barker. He was en route home after a two weeks stay in Stoke* and Forsyth counties. Mis* Barahara Kelly and sister, of Crew, Va. spent the past week with the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mabe. D. C. Haymore and family spent 8unday at tha home of 8. M. Stone. Several people of this route attend ed the Union aMeting of the Primi tive Baptiat church at Pilot Mountain last Sunday. Tha little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Samuel has been quite aick but is much improved now. Mrs. Id Shmault baa beea very sick for several weeks but is some better Shoe Repairing I am now in better shape than ever to serve the public. I have with me Mr. J. E. Har rold, an expert shoe repairer, and he will be at your service at all time*. My shop has been closed at times on account of UlneM but Mr. Harrold will be found on the job ready to do your work. With his help I can now give everybody prompt service and high class work. Give me a trial. J. Z. Vaughan a root i( pillow* In Ik* M Mgk rlMlr to taka part la tb# Initial family rlrrle (tinner 1/ bak> im •viy from tW forea* or law aad or 4ar oa thr ftrat »aatur» intu amfaty. waa ha unto that bona* aad ualo aafti feat. firing anil raralaai parent*' TV mta and mania' babj ka«4 that aa rtaaarty grafta tfca hotter wl mr|tlil*l hi algbt, aad k to MM *u<h a far <-ry fma tba htgfe of iMt tba laMar*! iWta to T« to had tba hmur «T hto portrait patiM br Juiktwik;. artlat frtosd of tha wwpnwr. at tartar's raqowN Oi Oilllm « MB. tba toot mm by Wa«MT. tha a dollar vu w of tto goaats *1 Wagaar fratlvtttaa La tar la tha ara ■tec ba rowad hto batt to tka Taatro Vantca. whara tba maatar roadartad Mosart'a "Magic Plata" In Prknat). MB, W« panled by hto wtfa. Oaal last trip through tba raaato nf Tim Ira. Ha aakad to ba rawad to tba St Mlrtirla caatctary Thar* ba waa i by a fainting apafl Harrtod boa racorarad rrwm-lnaiaaa. bat di days I totar died. Pass—» tta rawad tba ra ■alna of hto maatar to tba railroad atattan. whara tbay wata pat m a •rata for On-many Whm IW—HT A Derrottar rtrfvtoc through Mfk n New Tort atal* at Bight, aot loag M». mopped by • aberltf hi a ■natt town and asked If fee bad aaaa anyone walking aloag the road or If ha bad been aafced tor a "lift" Re plying la the Mfatln, be waa tali that a taarlrt bad me aped from (he penitentiary la Aabura. He a rata atarted out Into tbe almaat Impene trable dartnraa a ad bad pi ngraaaad ■ people of mllea whea suddenly fM tba aid* of tbe raad dartad at • ■baraa. roughly riot bad aau, nln Ma aiaa frantically aad tonallag at toe Detrotter. 1>* motorM did what He "WavpaTee It" aad riiat'by to* atraagwr -Aad r*a baaa wondering •ear tfae* wh* he waa aad what ha wanted." h* ranrtadad. to tailing to* alary. *T a I moat wtab I bad tabaa a chaaee aad ateppad."—Oatratt Wewa. Farming fa Inland or the !U«fcOOO papulation af tba lHab me Mat* aboat 1000,000 an aaraced la agrteultara There ara MM.4M agricultural holding. Tba araa oader cropa la in waa kaaa by H.074 arrea tbaa la MB. though greater by IS,000 arrea tbaa Id pre war yaara There la a dartla* to tba M That Good Gulf Gm—Oil— Free Air and Water SERVICE 24 HOUM R THE DAT Take fin* the liver • Ib Iftca Whose Judgment May Be Trusted to Manage Your Property? ■•for* you awhe thin important rhoin yea owe h to yoaraeM, and to dMH whom jro• wuh to bwifli to eoeapar* the idattudlr •uperior advantacaa offered by a food bank poaaaae lac the quahfl eatlona of any individual yon might nUrt to act aa your execotor aid truatee. Many paopla bar* an impraeaioa that tbe expert adaunta trmtioa of an astato tyabif organisation like tha Bask of Mount Airy coata Mora than tbe wiilim of an individual truatee Let ua becin, tharafora artth tha (act that theaa faaa ara aaUhHah«d by law; that they ara tha «ama whathar aa inetttioa af Uaat acta aa your executor or an kadhridaal, and that thay ara an Mdiaglj moderate in North Caro abdaf ha*ed on tha aaMMMt of principal aad imimi rataiaad and oat. Moreover tha total final ehargee agaiaat aa aetata ara aaaally laaa whan a baak ww aa executor aad truatee THE BANK OF MOUNT AIRY WANTED 40,000 low Grade Standard Gauge Railroad Ties Must be standard sizes out of any variety of oak, locust, wal nut or chestnut, delivered at any place along track of Mount Airy & Eastern Railway. Cash paid upon delivery and inspection. Mom,

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