, L. AUGUST 28 til, 1924. General Assembly Transacts Was Shortest Extra Session Hdd in Many Years-—Ship and Water Program to Be Voted on by People. lUMcfc. A*. M.—The fMMl ilwrtw in Noraateac will be mm la vklrt nbiMtal, m Mi aa a*i> 4mm will ha mW »pea, aa the ra> riding far tfca laalabOMy af the ateh> la« fawi. wMeh waa paeaed by the called t» eoaaidar, adjaai lied, aina die, at noon Saturday, after bang In aaa •K>n exactly Id days and ana hour. TVnajrh It waa tha shortest extra wm awn that tha North Carolina reneral ha* held In many years, much important statewide legislation waa enacted and a rnaaa of local bills war* handled. Ewi national lafialatlon waa af farted at thia session, whan tha pro posed amendment to tha federal con stitution livmr Con*raaa powar to re(ru!at» tha employment of minora under 18 yearn of a«*. waa aim oat un animously rejected. Tha rhief objection to tha propoa ad federal ——tmm<, aa expreasad by t he mam ban of both houaea. waa that it interfered with states' riffhta and had no ragaid far tha naed* of tha rssperttee atatea, aaperially thooa of tha agricultural section Qoeationa that will bo submitted to tha paopla by referendum at tha November election +rm: Tha ratification of tha act, known aa tha part aaaiate MB, that paw rides for tha aatabllahmant of ahip aad water teaneportatloa alone tha raaat and tee inland waterways of North Carolina, creates a port na ■ileaion to direct the affairs; and aathorisee tea atate ti aaauiai to la sae te.MO.oar> In bonds to pint aw tends for tela purpose Only 91, 000.000 of the appropriation vffl ha aeed for the ronatraetion af parte aad terminals while the reaaaintnff fljMO, MO will be held in reeerre for the ronstructioa of a merchant ship line, should it be deemed necessary for the aacress of the project. The nroeosed amendment to the statr constitution, relative to the, In violability of the sinking fund, al lowing the use of revenue collected from taxes on automobiles and the sale of g-asoline, for the retirement of highway bonds. The Patterson bill, which provide* for an increase of the salary of the •ember* of the general »**embly, from $4 per day to 110 per day. Thil too in a constitutional amendment. The soldier homestead act. intro duced by Representative Prank Oris! of Caldwell, and passed by the IMS rejrular session, which provides for the issuance by the treasurer of $2, •00.000 in bonds to secure funds tc be lent for the purchase of homes, it sums not to exceed $2,500. to Bold tan of the world war. who are retri dmts of North Carolina. As a companion to the port com mission bill, a Joint resolution wai TMMd authorisne the appointment o< a commisaion to invest irate the At lantic and Yadkin railroad, soceea aor to the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val ley railroad, with • view to re-eetab Making the continuous east and wnl Hne. from Wilmington to Meant A try and to report to the IMS general as —bly IV reeohrtion stated that th ind Yadkin Valley rail was sold by the stat< Wen Illegally d'« h to the Interstate It wa practically In I for Um nated by amendment The highway* of the state ratilwl considerable attention (turnif tha aaa *l«n. The North Carolina atop law waa amended hi an to reqolre auto mobile* to atop only at i.m—iaga where thwf are four or more train* dally and to allow an eating officers to take 110 raah bail for tha appear ancs of tha alleged violator. Tha prior law had provided for vehiclea to "top at all railroad crossings. Tha highway commission waa am powered to increase tha salary of the chairman to any amount to I1K.046 It waa enacted that it ahail be a miadeamor to be intoxicated on the ■tat* highway*. It waa also rlaaned aa a off I alone the Uft waya and proviaion* wan Made for the closing of county highway* while A penalty hoga." for ial aicn* on the pni|ia»U ef other*, including antomoMle* without the ronaent of the owner* Mate Of flee Hdldhi The two house* pa—ad favorably upon the bill authorizing the erec tion of a new $M0,M0 state office building oppoeite the capital for, tha bouaing of the auto lirena* depart ment; providing treatment for Indi rent tubercular patient*; increasing , the pension* of blind Confederate veteran* to S-W0 annually; tr. allow board* of county commissioner* to i**ue bond* without vote* of the peo ple for highway construct iri, bridge building and school erection- appro priating 125,000 for the state school for the blind; and empowering coro ners to iasue warrants and •^jnirini that proceedings of inquests be taken by stenographers. of fee caMaa. fiihiw NfWfh the aid if new nalpm.at mmI fro th# Pip fttaal A Win iwp«>>, de clare that Km Impregnation of uapra uadsntod «Unfli into tk* slender strands of wire that are only IM-ttW of aa inch la (Mameter, opena new __ — _ 1 Ll 11j.m^a^l I pnnRiniiiwfn ior wwvn»i« or Mmpvi mw The total length of tka Delaware river bridge, including plaiei, la ty 7W feet, ae compared wtth the KJM foot length of the Brooklyn bridge, which was considered an' eng nearlng wonder of the world when it waa erec ted. The main apaa of the Dataware river bridge—the span directly rap ported by the caMaa—la 1,750 feet. The river span of the Brooklyn bridge la 1.S95.R feet long. An idea of the pragma effected in suspension bridge conatruclion la given in the fact that four cab tea 15.5 inches in diameter are naed to rap port the Brooklyn epan while only two 2» inchea hi diameter will be used to hold op the Dataware apaa. Each of the two Delaware hridga cablaa, after aaaembly in the field, will be %JUO feet long with a (actional area of M2 square inchea. Bach will weigh net tana, and he eempria ad of «1 atranda of *M wires each, or 18,M« erlrea per cable. The aaaem bly will be effected la the field by stringing the wire emrtlaaooaty from anchorage via the foot-bridge recent ly romplated hetaaaa the twe main towara that ^itead Mt feet above the water and rapport the cablaa. Upon completion the hrldga win in clude a vehicle traffic way S? feat wide which will have a re parity of •, 000 vehiclea per hoar, four rapid trail - ait linea and two 10-feet aidewalks for pedeatriana. and it la thie load that the rabies moat hold via the 310 suspended ropee while will connect them with the a pan. Bandits Gwt 9100,000 New York, Aug. ft.—Defying the police "dead line" in the financial and jewelry .liatrict, three hold-op men Friday entered the wholesale jeaieli y • stahliahment of PeidenheiaMr and Jacoby, on the ninth floor of 170 Broailway. and escaped with 9100. 000 worth of gems. "Old Home Day" to Bring North Carolinians Back fUleigh, An*. 19.—Althoafti North Carolina ha* received moch advertia mg in many forau daring recent year*, tha general itiibly h—'htan aaked, tkroa|k joint r«ao>utii— plac ad before It, to aid In bringing the state before the people of tion of the country. The one officially recognizing "Old Dtey," In IKS. and "Letter Writing Weak," and the other appropriating $20,000 for giving the state itatioa at the in New York in )• have haw prepared. hm - a tion ■ was introduced In tha It provtiaa far the Tha -OM Rom Day" hi the hands of Baft of Forsyth eeunty. It i former I It in— of North ,'three of The measure which te footered by the North Carolina Baal Estate board urges that all former niHwtl of North Carolina now Urine hi statea, together with that friends and rela three and tha relatives and friends of fanner t ill—s of oth er states who now live hi North Car olina he urged te attend a general re union and home-censing to be in every county in the state Tha i brat ion is to last througho but the second Thursday in the is designated "Old Roese Day" The coanty rnwtealnnwi of every county in the state toother wtth dv tc organ isations are arged te Jste te the inritstten, Bsflrnads an te It asked te setalilleh special rate*. The month of Mareh. IMS, te de Letter Writing Heath" dar every reeidaat of its la schools qpd te write, iavitiag taC. The resolution officially linltes all North Carolinians and Mends >* North Caroltea te It* until today. Other i against the defendants Mollis Wif oner took the stand, laatlfylag for! 9 minutes. Six itid that | i married to William Por of Mn. Culler's. rela tira to tha birth of tha child. Tha infant diad bafara aha and Glenn Jer ri* reached tha Ysdkm rirer, MaiUa. They drore off of tha main road | and remained thara till sunaet, thay decided to hory tha infant in tha rivar. She carried tha child to the rivar bank, wrapped it wail and Glenn Jar*la pat It la the rhrer. TV twraad to Wine ton-Sale* that night, | «hc said, foinf to tha hen of Jarris' brother, and stayed there until th* following Friday, whan they want to Virginia. tha of a On not ha km at tha of Jar Un held to tha sistaw sat that ths diad and that neither she nor Glenn J arris Mad it. The baby waa in her anna srhen tWew 4# Mea J m L* Mij| wwy oitcoirifu u wm (ma, ihp uia, and she took all th* blame for tha EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS IN AUTO AND CAS TAXES Op an for Ys $300,000. bkifh, Aof. 32.—Approximately $8,000,000 in sutomobile and |uoltr« tase* were collected in North Caro lina durinr the year 192S-21 hy the automobile department, under the manairement of Joe E. Sawyer*, ac cording to a statement issued here to day hy Secretary of State W. K. Ever ett, under ihuat federal supervision I the department operate*. To be exact the fim>ra* of the secre tary show that 17,954.000 was collec ted. Of this amount S.1975,000 waa the taxes collected on motor vehicle licenses and was the taxes collected oa gasoline sold. The motor vehicle* operating under paid were given as fmjHft paaeeng 24,879 tracks, and l^H motorcycle*. The total east operating the eat improvements, the coat at tieoaae pitta* aad postage aaed hi delivering the plates to the was Ml. Mr. fmstt Iredell Comty Sets Pkce in Conservation of Timber (faction of timber. Tfae «m riaerly W. Ciartir and DMrirt Agent K. & with the rtfnltr routine wee* «f I and own on ami farmer* »il|J »ta I. •Mi little or no adWttonai tipua*. hut with immense profit ta the pres ent generation and the generations that are to foAaw. Tha idea ia aa a» rMdbiflji practical one, ami it it paused ala*t far tha consideration of other* interested ia tha future hap pineaa and piuepei il| of ear emmUy aa a whole. Sine* statistics ahow that we are cutting soft timber eight time* aa feat aa the timber ia growing one ear readily see the naiesaltj for wlae and Judicious coneerration. The slmnlc method* outlined by the forevter* win result in increased production to the point where it will equal tile |»re»nt cut. Deamnat rattans la IS Tawaeblpe County Agent 1 W. Oraeber ia con ducting demanaCratioaa in pine te ller in 12 tnwneMpe of Iredell, and a number of farmer* are taking op ti.i* work on their own farma m a result of the demanatrationa. Experts who inspected the local foreata due weak found that more iirtaraat hao baaa •hown hi the rare of farm timber, and especially ta the wavfc ef thinning the thick staade of pine*, fa Iredell than In any other wwiaty in tha atate. waa oa the fradell county home prop erty, about flee milea soath of 9Wet Tifle. where the mpply of flisnuud for the institution ia *ecurad by »hianii»r out the dead timber and that which m (rftfHWB, idPIM Of (ICMI •'M jrifr tire, leaving only the smooth tree* which are already or ran hermc ef value for lumber or other commercial purpeeoe. Before coneereation waa Heron by Mr. Oraeber on this plot three year* ago, one section ct tt was rut clean, all the timber, good and bad, bring used for firewood: adjoining this Is the demonstration plot, which stands out in pleasing contrast: just beyond ia a section of woodland where nature alone is doing the tbbmimt mid nrunning, and this shows how belt-fat the ax in the hand* of expert forest res ran be in the elimination and on nervation process. mm ay raw riraa J. 8. HoImm. *tate fHM'.tr. called attention to the (rat leas by 'ornt fire*; the ami gate richer wltan tlw Irara are left and it (row* poorer when the leave* arc burnd; fire* xlao datroy all wptrimtkm af tree* utd able to withstand tree dla»a»B« tint follow in Um waka of foraat Are. Diaanaaa attack traea, aa hi the caaa of the hutaan body, whan tree* have their vitality radrad If traaa have a viforoga rrowth. they will kaep ahead at the hoc* and worm*. IV pin* beetle, it waa pointed oat. la the moot destructive enemy. On I J. Troutataa'a farm, taa mitaa waat of the i afUlwwu * aaaend tfclaatn* to •»< to «fea the rrfal valna. and aae. ft far ftra On tMa Mr Traut Pw mi KiMivlik, Ts row Wilson DihiiiIi of in juniiArii nvwT tiw qctm( of i tar John K. Shields by Can. D. Tyson for the tion for United States Senator, far it ia re**r of tka idaals of Wtlaon by tka of tka Old Volunteer Wkan Ta pakltcan rolumn in tka 1MD PwM» tial election oppgnenta af tka t «ag— of Nation* heralded tka defeat af tka tjr Into a Garden of mourn tka loes of Its martyred M rr. Wiindraw Wilson. Senator Shi*Ida. wkile Ckiaf Jas tiae of the Tennessee Supreme Cewrt. waa elected Senato in 1*12. Dvrtaf hi* firat term ht faiid to unppoct Wilson as tka Democrats of Tennea saa thought he should and ha waa r» e^prted only upon kis promise and tka promts* of kis Meads that ha wooid rive hi* allegiance ta Mr. Wilson. Hardly had ha i r turned to Washing ton for his second tana, however. be fora tka Uscna af Nations waa brourht up in tka Senate. Mr. Shields joined foecee with tka irrsrnnr ilaklas and steadfastly voted and worind asaiast adoption of tka Leajroe af Nations by tka Unitad States, tor Henry Cabot Lode* and Shields war* two af eaeaues of tka Ln»n and It largely through tka efforts of two fba Leapt wu, Woodrow Wilson, a few : for* kis death. Shields "was one of tka least trust worthy of My prnfsas«d supports**." This »tat«a»«mt of Ml. Wilaon was used by Gen. Tyson durinr kis casa paifn, and it always

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