DEMOCRATS TO MAKE FIGHT ON SUGAR TARIFF Ddty In Taking Action Gating American n—t. -n i run n.a.. rcopic nunorca 11101x52110 L/oiUu s u«iiy it ia for hit i Two North Carolina of pati loth iinputaaa, km ioBf daya ago on tkair way to tka atata to aaa tka National Capital and tka Praaident. Thay aaw both. On laarinf tha Whit* Houar ona of *! n m awry that I aaw Mr. Coolidra, and hoard him talk; I had had audi a good opinion of him.1* Tho Praaidant ia not an Nwpraa dn man in appaaranea; ha woald win no votaa by traveling. Hi* atata aianta iaauod in cold blood from tha Whtta Hooaa maan mora for him. That tka boat induatry ia playin* a aicnifleant rola in tha praaidantial rampaifrna haa Chairman Shaver today of Pnaidaat CooHdga that ha lowar tka import doty an attjrar and thara ky aara A mark an mora than $100^90 a day. Ha aaaartad tkat carta in leading huainaaa man at baat atatca wore taffoaaeiac tka ad miniatration againat tka win of tim mb. he I id id, are profit ing from tk« Mir it the White Inm on tlw moammditlai of the tariff commission far a ntetloi in *e Art*. | "President Coolidg*1* May h adopting the neommtmndatian of a aajerity of tlM nnhm of the United State* tariff cnmmlaaion that the preoent doty on near be nhl ed by one-half cent a pound." aaid ■r. Shaver, "is eoetin* American eonartmiera of thia ataple article of food an anraft of f145.000 a day." The soffar beet industry haa flour iahed under the Fordney-MrCumber tariff, which provide* for a doty of fl.7< a hundred pound* on aarar. and thee* important statea are affected: Idaho, Xanana. Michigan. Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, and Utah. The coaeumeri are entitled to a re daction, hat they do not expect the President to f it. Three members' ef the tariff commission hare recom mended that the duty be reduced to $1.86. Largs Reward is Offsnd Far Winston-Salem, Sept. I—The coun ty commissioners hare offered a re ward of 9400 -for the apprehension and conviction of the murderer of Joseph Vaughn, who was killed on Aofoat t, at his store on East Bel ow* Creak street. A total of 11,200 is now offered for the an sat and conviction of the ■layer of Mr. aVughn. Four hund red haa been offered by the state, |M0 each by the eity of Winston-Sa lem and the Elks club of this city. This together with the $400 offered kg the county brings the total re ward to (1,200. Taste* Bottle Oidest Km i» la Wfcofe World London, Aug. A bottle at Ja maica mt. 17! years old, known aa the oldest in the world, has )aat been ■filmed and sampled by Its owner, a London merchant and a few ef hi* friawds. H waa then reaaaled and pot away with instruction! for it to be tested once In each generation of the anna's deoeandanta. The kettle ahailarly waa mwrlid and tasted by «M generation at lttt and IBM. A ■adist value ef IS pounds sterling tea tea* plaead en the treason ia aJlve, bat arnloaaly hjoni aaf fering from a huhuiil ahull aad eota on Mm hands. Thla ehm op what waa at flrat thought to bo a murder myatery Mm, according to FlaMa, eama to Cha|>al RID Monday night to bay mum wearing apparel, hot finding alt tho atoraa her* cloeed, wont on to rarrboro. Aa ba paaeed the corner of Ahrmm'i itora, juat before reach ing Cairboro, be Jaatlad Into a col ored woman, aha made some insult ing remark*, insinuating that ho waa trying to knock her down. Without ■topping he told her to go to hell. He aaw her pick up a rock, hat be lieving that she would do no harm, neid no attention and want on. He had not gone far before ha waa •true on the head by a rock, wheth er thrown by the woman or not he rnuld not aay. And the nagraai be gan a hooting, "kill him. kill Ida." Dijron wanting to get into the white aaetion, began to raa, and a crowd of negreea, attracted by the ■hooting, gave chaae. firing at Mm. Excited, and afraid of mob violence. W«on not heeding where he waa go ing van Into a fence Hare tho ae groea caught Mm, boat Mm ap aoe eraty and left Mm aa the groond an *!«—»—. «uL wnhooTfall PIMM ■ion of his seaaee, WM First Co—iiaraHow Port Worth, Aug SO.—Mrs Mir iam Ferguson, Democrat nominee for governor, plana to fire women fore moat coniideration when she appor tion* oat the new positions in her cabinet. Attributing her nomination largely to the feminine vote, and believing that bar election will reaoK hi • much more extended recognition of women in affair* of state, Mrs. Fsrguaon an nounced that the gentle sex will play an important role in the per sonnel of her administration. The modest little mother aad housewife, who achieved an epochal victory in bar defeat of the Ku Klux klan that her huaband, impeached Governor Jamea E. Ferguson, might be lifted oat of the mire of political muck," declined to make known, bar specific plans other than to My: "There are any number of consti tutional offices available for women appointees and needlaai to say the pro par women wfll be given first eon nideration for thaee offices. "I dont car* to mention any par ticular offices or names bat there are a lot of strong men fat state offices rrowtng soft now, who wfll be out putting on a little muscle if they car* to *at regularly when I get in ! office." Mrs. Fsrguaon carried a majority over her opponent, Judge Fells Boh | ertson. klan y dir*rt official means aa will ra «tor» the Industrial ha lane* of Europe. 2. Adjust the tariff so fai ran again hay in a competitive hat. Reduce taxation, a y to lighten th* ro* eminent. 4. Power rail aa. by strict at ternational #. ttaaten coaptation of Mtnul tad to develop water power projwti 7. Create mm export autrkct from the corporatioe la order that the ex portable wpply may aot idabiM Dm prim of tk »M* crop and, t Provide the farmer with all gov credits suitable far kia The agricultural spteeh was the nominee's third addrees of the day. Oi hie arrival here this aontmf from Chicago he went to the stock yards to address a crowd of 8.000 "hoasaty is government." In the afternoon he attended a luncheon and predicted a Democratic victory in November on the "issue of public morality and pub lic honesty." In opening hie addresa Davis re viewed the farmer's plight, charging that the Republican deflation had forced a five billion dollar contraction in loans in 1921 and 1922, and driven 1.200,000 persons off American farms through bankruptcy. TtUoco Co-Operativea Are < Greatly Encouraged Raleigh. Sept The Tobacco | Growers Co-operative association re ceived 700,000 pounds of tobacco at . its maifceto which opened this week in eastern Carolina and a few towns J in the old belt. This is nearly aeven ^ times aa much tobacco aa the aaao riated farm era delivered to the co- ( operative houaee during their first week at marketing hi the eastern bait last year. _ * . ( The increased paymeata oa prao-1 tically every load of tobacco deliver-! ■4 durhiR the past four days and 1 the fact that every i—hsr of the aa- 1 sociation in eastern Carolina can now|< secere cash amounting to throe ' fourths of the eethaated value of his ' oth real and imaginary pain. B heee nerves fail to knit aecwdhf o the physician, a draft from an •pen window blowing acyoea Joe Swindell'* leg* may cauae him to ry out with pain. Swindell, though unable to BMV* rom hi* cot, baa heea uader guard it the hospital, ft barama known to lay, ever sine* the if tw was to light after the Meantime, a* n a aeriua* condition, ft ia hat the II-year-old girl whom he a alleged to have wiuaged hi now ia i* a result of the nidured .since the _ . , ter life owe night hft Jaws. Joe Swindell ia the awa shot hi lb cell in Pasquotank county jail rhursday of laat waak by J. D. ~r. of Wllaoa, tk l of rhrl BOSTON SHOWERSHAPPY AIRMEN WTTH HONORS Lkuts. Smith, Ndson and Wade Are Pre sented With Swords «M to to with roUowto* tto up of tto road bride* •» Lunkwha. mkmot ta ■i|kt of the Chakiaag headqaartan, a ditoiiiwd wfj hunt «m ■<«! way tooifht. Thirty irawl at tto Shanghai ed within a few mmotea after appraheaaion. Tto powan at Pakiac wart moving toniiht to fort* declaration of a . of the Unit- i night artillery fir* h Ik* nii|>fcnlw»< of , Lioho. On a sight seeing expedition ger. drove into a field of eraaa ar tillery flrt. Ho managed to torn the ( Tk. Value mi mm Pat, saya a contributor, waa sexton of St. BHdgef. Church when the of- ' ficiala decided to combine the duties of a dark with thoee of eezton. Since Pat could neither read nor write he loet hia Jab. Then he cot work driv ing a wages and went to hauling dirt. Pretty aoon ha bought the wagon and the hw that he drove. At the end of a year he owned wnnl wa gons, purchased with his profits. Af ter aaiKbsr year or so he had a large and prosperous tranaportation business with many wagons and trncKi. About that time he waa making a contract, and when he admitted that be conldat read the lawyer said, "You cant read, and yet you have bofflt up this gfaat business! My. my, what wpoM yea be if yoa'd only learned to read and write!" "Oi would be sextan of St Brid gets Church," replied Pat. Fatfcar aad Sam Drown Tryfag %m W I Jacksonrills, Phu, Sept. 7.—Beg la - aid Lewis, ». his wife, Nora A. i la, M ware drowned late today wbfls 11 crabbing from * deck la the St. ji by tlx flyers aad «in it the task of changing the • land gears. General Patrick Mid he ■verjrthing would be in or the flyers to hop off I or New York. They will circle >ver the city, be said. then mot low* on to Mitchell field, arriving S and t the plane, ted by Uaat. Smith nosed down gracefully and ook the water like a swan eoshf o roost Beaton forgot all abowt Up tlleged aloofness an f shouting, yelling. variety i gold sword by the American t the state. Lieut. Kelson wa ■tad a silver swsrd by the i nd honorable artiOary « SABBATH "BLUE LAWS" PROVE REAL NUISANCE City C—cif Hm Lifted Bu «■ Swmday Safaa of GtNtH Gnravood, S. C., Sept. i—1W -» ■ n w__ t|#j, | *i. — irffnvooa my rooncu mi iitim im •n no the sale of | tatement in whirb it nU the state Sunday bin* law* wooU k strictly enforced and aa a lilt the Im ilanta closed down, the gasoline fili ng utations ah at op tight and al toft drink eetabliahsaesita kept their loon locked for the day. In a short time, hiwiai. the city icalth department recommended that ce be aold on Sunday, taking the itand that R waa a neeaaaity fraaa the standpoint of health, and the ce planta were permitted to deUrw ce again, hot aince than only oae if the planta haa been Making ragw ar Sunday deli mi tea. the other aa loiutdng that it would entry oat the iroriaioaa of the »ted Chief of PoMee R. L. Goldan o ha the 8tmday gaa diapenaw at he city hall Salea ware pretty mod from the "start, the chief re nrted. hot aa e found nd he ay reek either te pay Mm for the rhieh required his eerrtcee all nig or gat • regular man far tmday, the thief dark r a tourist or had a sWt Isit In a ha* hit*