Negroes Frightened With a Threat of Enslavement OL K.C. Ifl. In Otwrt Many negroe* h»v» their purpoee to rapport John W. Dmri» and other democratic randl la iUtM like Indiana, nil York and Ohio can do Mek to the re way 0. 0. P. trying to mlelead the rotor ta to aa Daria will ma third. That tart of ataff Makea rotoe 'for Coolidg*. for Mi and women oppoaad to Scan tor La FoBetto UfM that a rote for Davie might help La Follette and let htm he the m biir attraction that nobby eaa aaa antll the Mh ahow ohm. Vote dar -Cool CaT CooHdge and then call at 4m white bona* and take a look a* Mm. CUIimii Butler baa told hka to do )aat what ba ia doing aad al wfll ba watt. Proa parity ia bain* played for al It la worth bf the G. O. P. Senator Curtis on hla return from Europe, •aid the Daufra plan would mean ■neh to thla country. Democrat* an •war that the Dawea plan wjmld not have bean neeaaaary If the* Wilaoa treaty bad been ratified. By thla timr buaineae would hare been normal. Senator 8immona Menu to bare boaa right whaa ha declared montha ago that certain well-organised boat aaaa interest* got behind Mr. Ceol ■dge whan Mr. Harding died to pot him orer If money aad hard werk would da It The machine-like But tar wa* aalact«d to da the job. and ha ia going ahead with hla taak. There la a feeling km that he ia da mg fairly wall, bat the Mat few waaka may change the aitaattoa. Mm W. Darts ia expectod to wla many thinking people to htm and hU naming aato by hia able, toaragaim from the atatea report that ha la —Mag a flae impreaalan. They aay that i hla apaaehaa are expected to *•* the paople that the r»pabH«aa> an trying to faol them again aa they have daaa .tnce lilt, when (Kay Iwrilt Congraaa by promisee they tmn aavar able to faHtn. cSSSartS tin Inquiry iMnntd to Ua mwl months ago fey the National Awv riatioa tor tto Atmnwnl of C4 mA >in>l>. to which to «n astod I to gtoa lite position an tto klan which then had jnat carried the In dinna Rfpaklietn prhnftrjr. Now that Maine toa elected a Gov ernor Indorsed by tto Ca Khu where as Texas and Oklahoma, two normal IV Democratic State*, hftti dHfM tto secret organisation fro* politi cal power, tto natross feat it Is "uj to" tto 1*publican standard-hearer fa speak. His sOsaca, they maintain srhraa sanction to participation hp tto Is Klux In tto Republican organize tion. Shelby J. Davidson, Representativi here of the Calorad Association, sak today arrangements are being mad* to question tto ftoaldant on his Kt Ktox sttituds, to vtow of tto tosi that tto first inquiry was net answer breaking in, M *u wad h Itw f» rent Smwmi Brsthera flovi robbery which on.mled t Acrt fm aco. A brace and bit am need and Um leek waa bored off the door. About I6M.OO waa stolen from the aafe, hot the merchandise waa untouched. Mr. Crockett of Pulaski count} brourht Mood hoonda Tuesday and efforts were made to trace the rob bora. The hoonda took the trail which lad to a branch road that gooa to nppei Snake Creek. Here tracka showed that a car had been stopped and backed Into the main road. TUa wm evidently the place where the auto mobile waa left white the store wai KaU- U 1 wwi§ roowcj. Three boys from North Carolina were implicated and on one of then waa feund the tnatrument aaed tc open the aafe. The one waa held and the other two ware released. Ser geant W. G. Akers haa been work in* with the County authorities la an effort to eatahlleh the identity of the tahhwa. \ lewaid of ITS hai 77 to ^"CtLco ratetaw of governor, aa the imimn h head of the Militia, which ia led to be coaapoaad of ektixaaa" ahorr a Diduon ia a law partner of •hall Hieka, atftfl the dcmocritk itatc kairmaa of the tyation to national convention. Mr. Piebaan aaid not in any way the benefit of Jadf Fall* D. he had been oppoaad to both J ad the Ka Ktux Mm. the ta BASE TO DEATH a U Mi at W< Far at lit. |tla Cattalaac) so ia held ia < pf in* ta* * TV tiny baby «M focnd in • corniWd Mir the Imm of W G. V. Hmmt, in. Little Cattoloochas township. It had bam ilii|lii te death. a cord being tightly •boot the neck when found. At the coroner1! heal Ing testified that on Tneeday morning 1m had seen the school teacher in the cornfield. She had bean staying at his house while teaching the school, a short distance away. She taught school that day, Meaaar finding the body of tha baby shortly after aooa of the same day. When questioned by officers. dM admitted, they say, that she gave birth to tha child hi tha cornfield Tuesday morning, strangled k with the cord and then, in taught school through tha day. She ia held IB. at the Lrrmg CnwffiHo— Hick ia City of Grssaibero Greensboro, Sept. 14.—The coat of living here la to ha ineestigntod. dl of the Chamber of night holding a tha secretary, C. H. to get pries Hats of staple articles in other eMaa la order la compare with prices here. Persons from Inn* eMaa ky4 come here to locate aad gane h£k NSW LAW ACA1MT V TWt any ptrmem violating amy provision of thoso .Kail be gwDty of a BlriMMiwr, and upofi conviction ikill bo (hwd not ««nJ tnt fifty dollar. (50.00) or h.prta onod not «nnitlM thirty (•»> day." GOVERNOR WILL ORGAN IZE COLD STORAGE from New T«rk TW gowriwr got the Mm, Iw hU, from observation* on tkt Brio canal in Now York atate, whore ap ple* and otker product* grow* to that atatc art (tored by the fanner or aoM to tkr storage coirpenioe and orderly and profitably. Jo* Brown, a merrhai farmer, confirmed the nood far nek faciHties in the atate whan ha pointed oat that 5,000 barrels ef po i what* In CoMk leana* thoy covld not ha| hi tima. rriaoa1* addrsaa today, at noon to a crowd that fiTt ad the hu-ge court roe* of the Cil— addition to an ai for pert and to d. of of the state for of the port program and a brief die-1 of the Muter*! Vote#" Aug. M—TW LEOPOLD AND LOEB TO SERVE iJFE SENTENCE Jodt* A44» a t*>Y«ar T«na far KMtaappfaf •» Mack M> tnapt ft* Fiat Bay'* Slay— la Fatan

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