IS New Studebakers Including an entirely new type of car—the DUPLEX-PHAETON Today Studebaker has made Automobile History and established stand ards of value and quality more fully and obviously than ever before that of en ope hm tai >•1 iWi at a price of Si 14& i in its mw Spt* dal Six and its Big Six Duplex models that the animate in all the essential features of be made and marketed' at^'pr^7 iwklc m added with burnished nickel radia tors aad light, natural wood wheeia in cootraat with jet black tender* aad big. Mack ballooa urea. The universally tamo MB Snsds baker mgiai » more thaa aver a peer wwg powtr plaata. The crankshaft « heavier. ALL surfacea are perfectly machined to exact ifrmenaiona aad balance The bearing* are larger. The engine