Carolina-Virginia Fair Opens Next Week AUTO RACES BE tr or Dlrtrict ft* in the State. ELABORATE APPLE DISPLAY Frank Wort Shown will again '»* aieh the mid-way tor the Mr. Many mv fMtuiM luivf bwn tddfld by htm. h the arid-way wfll be found the for ria wheal, whip, caterpillar, chero «wl«tr. Ma plane and of coarse the Hi I)-go-round. Bat Weat has |OM further this year and ia bringing abac a baby merry-go-round. This ia a duplicate of the larger machine, only smaller, and ia aaad for tha nt and enjoyment of the children. It la equipped so the smallest child caa ha placed la Hand •■Joy a rid* with ahaolate safety. West is alae bringing along one of tha haat animal shows on tha road today. Here numbers of ponies tahe Nona, educated hai hi and trained dogs add a touch of variation to the In addition to the animal there will he the negro minstrel, the wild wast show, the palmist to reveal what fortune Hea before the human being who ia wflHng to donate a quar ter to the livelihood of the gypaiaa, the ftaaks of aatore will all he aa exhibit and the mid-way will be dot tod with many arheels of fortoae and chance where brilHant and daazHmr art idea will be offered aa priaea to the winners la the gain, Lar|a Fruit Fikibit Six of the largest commercial er eharda of thia aeetion. which Includes of the I argent in the state, will aa the first floor TVs satire for this •f the ub la aaaarsd. Prof. W. H. hi Dm rtty for the paat torn tUa exhibit ready for H la indeed fortanata I be aaeored and of applet ha will pat on* be eqaal to aay rrer held ia tha Atlantic States Here applet can be aean in all kind, of market gmd for market will ba At As Saaas thne Oh M Ifount Airy aear^the Dry Bridge Or Co. Granite CHy Or chard Co., Lorill Dt* Owhirfc and Airy Orchard Co. will |i »el the fWhm ta the fair will ha tha Modal farm that wW oc cupy tha cantor of tha roam an tha flnrt floor of tha exhibit building. TW In charge of thin exhibit will haae an hand real growing articles than can ba found not oat of season. Thar* win ha a >, built of lor*. Fa Tha fair has thia yaar, at a haavy outlay of expense, secured tha Mr rices of Mm rxpri i»ii««d and nat wiH coaipato for tha porwi on Fri day and Saturday afternoon*. Tha contootanto coma to thia eHy from races in mm of tha largest fain in Pennsylvania itoi they ha** made record* aa drims of the dare-devil Fifty high class race n hand to caapeto for the **, 400 In pviass that arc offered fur American Fliers Complete Cir cumnavigation of the Globe Aviator* Land At San Diego And Two el Tkani Rusk to Atom of Parnate Amid Gnat Oration San Diego. Cal.. SepC tt-AMri cm'i round-the-world dim ntVMd today to Rockwell field. San Ditgt, from vkkk they took off last March to atari an their flebe —circling trip. As if to tire good measure to an already Kwiliii far wide, the flier* got in ahead of la for the their trip to wards B»etl«, the official point of the flight. At a. m. Uaot. Lowell H. mt of We * 1 From his Mt ■ ttw forward cock pit. Smith, hit grime covered face eagerly seaming the crowd, saw hi* , mother and father wildly waving tiny American flags to attract his atten-, tion. Jumping from the plane, 8ssiU "My hey, my intoM hoy!" she whispered, as she Mini the fligtpi er, reaching the only spot en the ar my athhrt face that was net ha ts* iinhered with Unsee by Ua hi* hep's right enr. Ik an mm and net give vent to We fiiMngs The man noted thfunghewt the Amer icnn air service fer his steel sera, Another mother wept too, fer Joy at the home roning of a giehe air man. She was Mrs. Harding, moth er of Li sat John Harding jreHef pi lot and mechanician wfch Uentenant Neteon. iBi&iitiiSiS -——~r Lm»)lb haa • op Ms aleoee in Ma flra warka pro rnm and m <mita( an the part of inkling «f what it la. Ad he winj ■ay la that i»n; fttfcwi in Sorry and! adjoining count.i*« will aiiaa the «(kt of their livaa if they ara not1 in tha fair pwnda whan tha flrat' cannon in flrad on Wadnaadny night. Tha program that will ha pat on la | wxnething that haa navar hafora haan rHran and It will ha of apaeial mtaraat to entry citiaen of thia Mrtina. Fir» worka diaplaya will ha (Ivan each night 1« th< fair playing at tha win oa tha city acre* Tha hand, la tta tha hand will ha Mlaa Bra Shaffar Pa wall, net ad aole (_a * • «** fc-- * - - »- a a eoneart in front of tha tha flair. will Tha will ha Bt cants far adalta aad 26 ceftta far ehildraa. Thia ia a radue tlon ovar laat year and will aa doubt tha attendance of a larger of people. Ample parking for autawuhllaa has b« and there will ha aa of can to tha Thl» churvh ia built to replace tlx of wnmhi thnut T» Tin iww building <m mctod at a coat of Mot* tkao tltjBM Md ia one of the moat modurn and up-to-date chorchci to be found any Tn complete and fay far tWa rhurrh within a year'* time haa been quite a itraffl* (or the congregation but they hare saeeeadad and their ef. forte will he aignally •ueeeaa at tha fWl conaummation of thia teak Briar the direction of tha peater. Rev. C. D. Crouch, haa already laal in the people ef that and the value of the church cm be to a degree by the hi tha ikon Meant Airy on the Wards Gap rand and punhasad 150 *mt at land aa a ilit. < For wtmI jwn they had no house of worship, until about 75 years ago the prseant ekarck of Moont Bethel vaa established and the Mldlnt now being replaced waa built. In tailing of this work R»v. Mr. OroocH. the pnstor, metM some intrmtinf facta connected with it. While ha has been hare only a few months he was pastor of Mount Bethel about 25 years ago. when ha held sai »kaa once each Month for ser es years. Travel In thoae days waa ■each slower than now. Then he would leave Winston-Salem early in the morning and come to Sural Hall by mil; there he had to wait until in the afternoon for the old C. F. 4 T. V. and cease to Mount Airy on It, ar riving here late ia the afternoon, and then take a three or four hoars ride to nsck his mission on the Wards Gap. Today ha thiaha notliag of making the round trip hi a half day and with tisse to spare. This newspaper Joins in with the pastor in wishing that a large nam* her of oar people will attend the ser vices Saturday and avail themselves of the privilege of visiting and Join ing in with the good people of that section in their dedication senkaa. OLIVER J. SANDS SPEAKS TO LARGE AUDIENCE Dtectercs^Salvatioa at Farmer h Through Cooperation. , PREDICTS COOPERATIVE iAWLIIH OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS Willi M TEARS /i,. f - —- — -• of Ufa war* oat to Imw tin brilliant exponent of th. miataken that be w wa the ihieriaa and praetk-ea of tr»a larfcatiac and ha lam into hia aobjaet fro* tha ba la Aaaociation, bat ha main qoeation far tha farm to abler b, "How much would I have tan without th* Aaaociatian?" "How »oeh will I gat la tha if tha Aaaociation doe naaie the price to ha paid by manufacturer ?" «*• Mr. Ml declared that right to toktM boyar* an paying twfca aa modi am the wnlww floor a* they would if the Aaeociatioa did «* rxiat; that they an makinc a to perate effort to make the tobacco on the open market brine ■» moch aa the Amnhtlwi pays, for ahould they drop Mow they bw their Iaet chance for operating the open marhet ia rone. Mr. Sanda aaid the Aaeo riation la i an 11 lag moch wwni meat tram moat of the large tahacce manufacturer* aad that they raalise the farmer haa aet brnrn getting hft ahare at what the total'' la *wlh Mr. 8aada la c'oaaly aaaariatad with many at the flaaaeial leader* of tm nation aad ha haa heen able te ah A " lie® Vlvlp I1UOT", V® W the welfare of on* is tJM •rifin of the other; from the ttaw aacfe ftllnw uadaitooh t« win iem, to the time whaa in join* ilmMw with Ma work in r to tW mm# end. AD tMa home • fact he comMvW tW mm hy the (itMTl the Mat the muriacr contract, which he plac ed first. But the contract far the cooperative atHutinf movement is a contract with anas aotKhhoc. ha de clared. and any rioiation of it to than a betrayal of ovary i him hi thia movement TW neea of the faith that haa the Aaaoeiation ia ao ho dor la rod any one who willfully break K waa not a fK t—» --ii i • . i_ *v« jwi for nciwfiinip in uiit con

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