How the Australian Ballot W9 Operate in Election Next Tuesday Election Board His Everything in Readiness—Full Instructions on Ballots Will Simplify Voting y |M taw ahwt tka A*^ arc hi tka tell aa W. .,_ . .a ■ J _M (XpfflM 01 UM> the polls on of til* stotae ballot ia la vogaa a a different color la printed and dis tributed tar the information of the »oter» wb'ch th*y tan study and car ry with than to the polla and uae aa a guIda In marking tbetr official ballot. Tkm Will B* Six Ballot Bona » When tb« voter goes to ths polla Tue*day ha wilt face six ballot boxes in which will ba deposited his variena ticket*. Thaaa wfll contain the bal lot* for president and rice-president, atate ballota, county ballot*, ahlp ha note far far the Democratic, dant Progressive. AD paired to be on om ticket respective party column*, at tka with instructions to mark In the circle If the voter daalraa to cast 11 straight ballot. Should ha wish to apt It hia ticket la daea not mark hi the circle hot laaraa it blank and pro ceed* down the eolumn of namea, picking out the Individual Candida tee 1m wishes ta vote for and making a cross mark in the square opposite each candidate'* name. Bat H la not necessary to mark In these little where the voter wishes to his ballet along strict perty On the stats ballot are required to be printed the namea of all state of ficials. including the for V. 8. Senator, Congressman, Gover nor and other officiate of the state government. Bare the Deaaocratie column of candidates Is roqufarsd to bt on om sid* sad the Republican column adjoining. Circle* are to be printed at the bead of each party column and little squaraa oppoaito the name of each candidate. The la to prepare hia ballot aa in The county ticket la considwed next in importance by the steto board of alectiona and hare the bal lots art to ba prepared in the aame amy'as the state ballots, tbs aame ■Mwaar of printing the two party candidate in adjoining in tk atf the eleetiea ef was left to tke dis eretion at tka eamty heard sf daa ef the eeunty will uae »<. old of voting a wnship • hi Mount Airy tesmahip. at the re qaaat of both partiaa, the Australian ballot aystetn win ba need. This bal lot #10 ha haadtd by tka candidate falhwaad hp the are to A will not be date In marked. "4. Any other mark, it ' "8. tt you taar or i iy mark thia ballot, rat urn tt and gat, another." Voter May CaB Far AM TMa new election law makes tt poe slbla for tha alaetlon offldala to rope | off a apace 100 faet fro* tha roting place and allow no one la tMa aadoa ura eacept «ha paraon daalilay to •ota and tba official* connected with tha election. Whan tba votar comae up to rota tha regtatrar aaaa that ha la proparly rerlatered. If Ma naraa ia found piupeilj ragiatared ho kl to ha handed a eat of ticket* all folded up ao that no part of the printed mat tar can be aae by any paraon. With tha tickets tbue folded the rotor will proceed to the rotin* booth, and after entering It ha will open ap Ma ballot and mark them aa he ao deatraa. ona to aid him la he will notify the appoint a par—a to jo with tha rating booth ami gire Mai eoch aaaiataace aa ha ealla for. After the rotor baa marked Ma ticket* aad before tearing the booth, he agaia fotda them ap la tha aaate they were handed him aad to the ballot boxee •tin folded. To prevent any mtatake or fraud the law reqiilrae tha < official* handing the tick eta to a to place the rotor'a with the official Initiate oa tha top of a blank apace on the ticket left for tki* purpose. TMa to bo done at the time tha roter aecurea tha ticket. When the ticket ia retained after the roter ha* marked it. tMa aambar and initial la ecruttaiaed ee that tha official la aatUfied that the ticket returned ia the one handed to tha rotor. The election official te to than clip tMa number and initial from the top of the tickets with a pair of scissors and the ballota are then de posited in their proper boxea, thae completing the rote on tha part of the individual. , Tfca Part BUI aad Otkar Under a lau ruling by the atate board of electioaa the port aad traaa portation bill ticket will be rated eeparate from the other that will be submitted to tha for the expreaaion of their neat' Tuesday. Of theae iaaoee chief in tan on the port and water tatlon bill. Thte te a measure paaaed at tha extra of the geaoral aaeembly la Augwat aad calling for laauaace of rtfi*, 000 worth ef itate bond* far the par peae of eatabHahlng terminate at aaa porta on tha eastern eeaat of tha •tate, 11,500,000 worth of the eetaMiahaaent of ship llna, te each a mere te Interaat ever since Ma prapooal bfj Governor Morriaon. It waa tha sub ject of a strenuous fight In the login.! lature. after the report af a by the hp tha The wim of the head I* ference to : J . • - - 4 the people. It prevMaa tot «M» pay| for * aeaaion of aisty daya with for 20 daya extra aaaalan rmti par mil* traveling Thi* at the rata of 110 par dajr fori <»natitutiona) length of aaaalona. Vm- i der the preaent plan the eeWo 94 par day and traveling ax* ptnaaa which they declare dnea not even pay their hotel and boarding hooka bill* during the aaaakm at «al eigh. They art paid only far the ac tual time the aaaaibly ia hi A fourth uaa of ateMng fond itato debt to -ent at the ly for taxation The letting in notion of the aew election ttmh IiImij for tlte comity kti bm a |inl task and has rsfahrsd the entire time of 1 A. Freeman, rhairmaa of the county board of elec tion#, far the poet several wnta. Ha haa had to pupart and su pen las the printing of M.000 hallota. All thin ire printed and in Ma hands ready far dintribution. They hare been cocnt fd and aaaled up in packagea of 60 weh hi which manner they will ha delivered to the registrar*. Mr. Free man will begin the distribution of these ballots and other blank farms Thursday, doing so in person. For merly he mailed them to the various registrars, bat owing to the complex regulation! that are to bo followed n holding the election this year Mr. Freeman will deliver the ballots in person to the registrars in order that he may bettor explain to them the variono features of the aew law and what they will he expected to da. Officials Csaast RmmI Vote of Amy On The new law prescribes severe pen shies for thoea who fall to properly perform their dnty or in any ether way interior with the holding of the election. In no caae is a ballot to ho unfolded outside the booth tnwpn when counting at the cloee of the polls. Hto law maksa it a ssriias penalty for any paraoh to wilfully fold his ballot In such a way aa to let It he known how ha ta voting or intends to veto, and any public offi cial who shall reveal the manner of voting of any person shall ha fallty of a felony and haprlsiuisd not mare than five years and fined not pan od any sample or imitation of the of ficisl ballot, shall also ho gwflty of s felony and punished as In the pro No person shall, while the polle are open, loiter showt or do any election wring within each palling plnse or srithta 100 feet thereof, and no poW tieal bean sr. poster or other political £»"i2rtr long eruiae at M a. ». i II o'eleek tonight Mi laee the aad M minute* and moored to a auMt for 1*7 hair* and St wlautaa. Tfca lattar iwchAa fhre day or ISO Noo* of the pretleaa helium waa loet by tfca dif ftaiMae dnri*| tfca »oy-1 age. All that **rapad waj rahrad permit landing or Mt fraa by aato-j ma tie iaf« tjr nh«a andar tfca expan ■ton of tfca high ah it odea. For every minute through the en tire eruiae tfca ahip waa able to mait win eonataat radio eoanauniea tion with tfca land, frequently with station* aeveral tfcouaand mile* dis tant. Weather report*, official mee »Mras, inatrortiona aa to mooring of worda of aaat and (•> reived. Now diaeaveriea in tfca poa ■ifciUtiaa of radio communication from altitadaa antra made. AH of tfca ra earried on board waa at tfca Belle* oe El laboratory. Waahinffton, of tfca taefcaiealitiea of which had baan triad oat bafor in part of tfca United Statea. land^ of vmHo amateurs picked tip tfca ship a meeaagec and relayed them to their destination*. One of tfceea aiateor* waa bedridden and Mt a few were retired together aa radio operator! kctphif thtif wHi lirnhfr and nightly talking through apace with acqnaftitaaeea they had never •een aad knew only by call in San Dtago. LmI Day's Voyage Bsnipy The actual fly in* time l»t»w 11 cities deducting the time taken in lo cating the mooring muti through the fogs was 286 hour* and 11 mhratee. 11m fattest fxprni trains hetnasti the isms cities make the run in 272 hours and SO minutes, also deducting the time for connection*. The fh* MO horsepower motors of the ship ran without a stop daring sailing lioors. The shortest voyage betweeu cities was a M hoar period. For Most of the cruise the Motors were taming at 1,200 revolutions per min ute. During the few critical hour* when the big heavily loaded ship was crust ing the crest of the rocVies at a height of 7,200 fact, the engines were roaring at 1,400 revolutions per min •te. Had a single one hesitated the navy's pride of the air pmhaMy would lie resting today a ruined wreck in i moiAtain chasm. Foal consumption including a small amount for the radio generator and he coo.-'e.' range, avrHtc** a gallon rer mile. The SO iut in life as a hwhit hoy," "Well. 1 wnent hen with aheaa on m n - - -» it. « » 1 / ™WI | UiwvTuQ Ci*i Mot Allowed.—"Do yea know where i ittle hoy* go ta who bathe on Ron- < lay?" asked the Sunday school . 'I'- 1 - A CANDIDATES TO BE VOTED FOR TUESDAY L * L. Johnson, A. L. Wilson, m Norria, E. C. MlHkan, E. C. C. N. Co*. Dr. j"* C. MeBee, J. B. - INDEPENDENT j^^t—EohfcJE. LaPollette. Elm:tori at l*n»—Tow P. Mm, A. C. flMtof District Elector*—H L. Da via , S. J. Bolton, Joel Power*, J. H. fmpU ton A. T. Hayne*. W. D. Hewett, Felix Cannon, W. B. Oihaon, H. Q. Alexander, H. C. (MM Tfchet No. t STATE BALLOT DEMOCBAT U. 8. Senator—F. M. Simmons. Confreaa—Chaa. M. Stadman. Governor—A. W. McLean. I.teat Gov J. Elmer Loaf. Sec. of State—W. N. Everett. Auditor—Baxter Durham. Treasurer—Ban I. B. Lacy. State Supt. School*—A. T. Allan. Attorney UtMnl—D. G. Brummitt. Commiaaionar of Labor and Printing —Frank D. Griat. Commiaaioner of Affrieuhare—W. A. Graham. Insurance Commiaaionar—Stacy W. Wade. Commiaaioner of Avenue—B. A. Daorhton. Corporation Comteiaalon—Gao. P. Pall. Chief Juatlce of Supreme Court— *. Associate Justice* of guprtma Court Superior Court, tad Dtat.—M. Bamhlfl 'T, ludfe Superior Court, Garland E. Mtdyette. P i» 3rd Diet.— BEPUBLICAN U. S. Senator—Amadu A. Confreaa—Thoe. C. Carter. C.overoor—laaac M. Meekina. Lieut. Gov.—Geo H. Ward. Bee. of State—J. Yatea Eillian. Auditor—Christopher P. Delamar Treasurer— Boht. A. Burch. State Supt. School*—Sam M. Bolton, Jr. Attorney General—Garrett D. Bailey. Commiaaioner of Labor and PrtettaffJ' —J. H Goalen. rommisaioner of Arrieulture—A. tl. Stroupe. Insurance Commiaaioner—Jaa W. Stanton. Commiaaioner of Revenue—Jaa. B, (' Maaon. ,{ Corporation Commiaaioner—Jonea Kj Hedrick. j Chief Justice of Supreme Court—Gao. E Butler. i1 Aaaociate Justices of Supreme Caort < —Pred W. Thomaa, Robt. W. Her- i (No Candida tea for Superior Coort ' ludfrea.) M York and D. I. H. H. Lowailjrci. Juatfcaa of the Pttot—Ju. H. »on, W. C. Aldermen, Peter m|t, K. I. Moor*. C. C. We ■ W. D. Wail, Om. E. Constable—R»x. L TUfejr. BEPIBL1CAN Recorder—D. A. Huhai taun. luftien of tha Peace—S. L Bryant, John T. Wilfet, W. W. - Nichol*. Childreaa. Ticket No. 6. and jrea or no.) L Aiiiiilunt limiting lUtc (Mark yea or no.) I.—Incmae of ptjr of (Mark yea or no.) yaa or m.) iv—World War Vtterana' Loon Bonda. (Mark yea or to.) Ticket No. «. of Port Terminate and Water Transportation. (Mark jraa or no.) Fraak Uft life the win aa fifed for ew days are iad trancfered ml tern* amounting to • Mr*. Chance. Death Visits President's Cabinet Washing-ton, Oct. 25.—Henry C. Wallace, secretary of scrim hare, lied at 4 o'clock this afternoon at he Naval hospital of toxemia poia >nin« which developed after aa op eration perform ad last weak in an ef 'ort to relieve sciatica. Ha waa la lis fifty-ninth jmr. Death came peacefully after lone tU-. - '•