i _____ tait ■mnrr aim. AUSTRALIAN BALLOT PERMITS VOTERS TO CAST VOTE UNMOLESTED Register of Deeds Vote Very Close With Six Majority for Lawrence LEWELLYN ALSO "COMPLETELY VINDICATED" AT POLLS Again baa P—airaey to I—phed in flurry county and for the nast 2 yean the bueineae of the county will be m»n agud and the variou* office* filled by tbaaa poeMana by tha »otan of the aa—ty at tba polls Twee day. Never in tha biatory of tba county ha* there baan inch mtereet Manifeated in an election and op to tha counting of tha ballot* waa there any certainty of what tha raautt would ba. The people quietly want to the poll*, were handed their ballot*, entered tha boot ha and than prepared their rote in tba way which their conacience dictated, anmolaatad by harping poli tician*, and inquiring and peeping on looker*. Tha rotiag in all tha pro ciacta wm orderly and no report* of any diatarbaaaa ban feached thia city. But tha voter* were intanaaty intereatad in the aalaetioa of tha of ficial* far tba next two year* and tba deliberate Burner hi which they went about Mm work a# votfaig hinted a ilelaiwbathw ee tMhir part ta rota for tbefe choice. UMy of bal tt tlM the election ai D—mr«.tic county ticket is —und with th* nnpte of the Re gister of !>■»<«. and Wrill official count to rfftorrrllr!.- rh«^rT«iilt for tMs offtee.MTW BitSH i atui i fim Willi» F. Lawrence, for Regie tar of Deeda, aix majority over hi* opponent. Mae Lillian HarknAr, ■■publican candidate and present Itjiitrar. The political career of lflee Hsrkrader hai been notkinf abort of exciting for In the electio* two year* ago no one knew tbe oq#^ until the board of election* c4> the vote and declared bar orer Gflmer Dobbin* by a Jority of U rote* And now it looti aa if her opponent baa defeated her by aix. Sheriff Haynes obtained a ma) of 714 orer Ida opponent, I. 0. Wa| Thia la a larxe gain orr two year* apt when ha data ed hi* opponent, A. L. A ah born Sit majority. Mount Airy rolled up a majority of Ml for IS Havne* But the Republican* thin* to receive heavy rotea hi * field township, thia year riving candidate* majoritie* nmnlnr MO. with a total rota of lea* Waltar CarterXarrie* Mid Stakes Walter W. Carter of thia city i api aaaut Sorry and Stokaa fat Shite Senate. Hit* county care • majority of 4t# and hi* H. MfOee concede* to hhn • of ltt to 1M In tfp. Carter to th* MM majority of wear MO. Australian Ballot law Hurts W. M. Jackson , W. M. Jacksoa. who It wa* charged as* responsible for the Anstralian ha not being pat apon ths raters of Swijj letelsad • crushing defeat and now arast ban the matter of ' chart ring the voting ayalaai to H. R. could not countenance the i of abuse ami mud-slinging that war* in corpora tad in one at the teat-Min ute appeals issued by W. ■. Jackson. In the election two years age Mr. Jackson secured a majority of 19k over Dr. J. T. Smith of Westfield. W B. Marion present Treasurer and candidate of the Republican par | ty roes down in defeat at the hands : if W. H. Hauser Mr. Marion waa | first elected to this office two years , siro when he defeated J. M. Royal ofJ Bryan Township by 3f>f. W. A. York Will ft* publican Commii W. J. Byerty and Ale* Chatham, present County Commissioners, ware ! re-elected by a large rota. There be ing only two Democratic i for this office the hick Republican ticket will be the third Commissioner. Unofficial returns indicate that W. A. York, ef Round Peak, lead hia ticket for thte office, with D. E. Nelson, of thte city, sstsnd. and J. F. Carter, of Elkin, •third I. Royal of For Sororol To For several elections the Democrats have Made steady gatea, hot the eteetteo at tfce MOfiod ticket in the : As an iiideta of the continued »winr of the voters to the DeoMcratic ranks we note that foor years ai ' Dohson rave the Republican cand dates 111 majority; two years ago the Democrats changed the tide there and received 190 majority, and this r sees the Democrats in the lead 226 and some candidates even The same evidence of a ten dency to endorse the manatwaimt of county affairs under efficient men selected by the Democratic party is seen in the vote of the other town ships. with the exception of West fie Id where the Republicans continue to hold their strength. Pint Complete Victor, ^' 1W1 I \] rue ejection of a solid Democratic1 ticket in the county this time is the first complete victory at the poll* for all the candidates since the year IMS when Jack Adams was dsettd Sher iff, C. H. Haynea, Register of Deeds and all other Democratic candidates also seenrtne a majority. At that time J. G. Burros, of Rock ford, John 1 A. Park, of the westsrn part fit the county, and Frances MUler, father of the lata Jim Miller, of Stewarts Creek, were elected as the Comtnis- j nioners. The office of Clerk of the Court was than held hy Seas 8. Pol- 1 rer Two years later, or la 19*4, the entire Democratic ticket was de feated with the exception of Sheriff Jack Adams and C. H. Haynes for Register of Deeds. And ia ISM the late Milt Da Til defeated Mr. Adaasa' for re-election. With this break In the rots of the Democrats they hare ' never been a Mr to carry the entire i ticket oatN this year when the pendu lum has oace more swung toward the Democratic ranks. Darin* the past several years Democrats, at Intervals I have been electod, hot never before! was there each a decialva victory for | the entire ticket. |in. In idg* ha* tion into that PreaMant — — - olar vote will reach lR by PrmMmt Hardin*. U Toilette wa* able to poll fovr Minion popular vote* in the nation, and Part* the Democratic nominee la ex rwtfd to poll about eight million. Sooth remain* in the Democratic col umn bat all we*tern ami northern (tatea votej heavily for the Republi can ticket, with the exception of one | or two ataten w hi eh are expected to fo to LaFollette. Major Stedman ia expected to han the lartrent majority for Cnngraaa ever riven him in thi* diatrict. The *tata haa given the Democrat* to of have.A_kMMi Judge Lewellyn'* Township wa* 470. €solidft Gcta 18 • •_ Two Men Shot Dead la Row Om Ballot Box Lexington, Tana., Not. 4 —At the voting precinct of the sixth district, on tto nit tide of this county, G. W. Batholomew, 70, and hi* mo, J. L. Bartholomew, 40, wen shot and in stantly killed this morning. The •hooting is said to have been done by Dan C. Powen, who was a defeated candidate for Magistrate there in the Aurust election. W. W. Sogers, pro-' minent school teacher and former trustee, was also shot, being wound ed in the head. Early reports indi cated that he will die. Powers is said to have rtsmsndsil the ballot box, and to have began shooting when aa ittapl waa made to take It from him. After tha, shooting ha is said to hare gone to his home and left In an automobile. So far aa reports received here ge, the bloodshed was without partisan Port Bt: May Be Lost By a Very Narrow Margin Raleigh, Nov. With 621 prorineta of the 1,780 ta Om Stat* reported nn officially, at a late hoar tonight, tha port terminal bill, chief of the atx refer endum and conatHutioaal —ndawit miaami voted on ywterdijr, vaa on the loo ice aide of the ledger bjr a majority of Mil vote*. Tha return* ga»e: For, <7,S76; apiiut, 70.M4. The majority agaimt the maaaare had been growing «lowly as the roterna cam* to. Retarnm raeoleed and compiled by General Albert Cox, wager of the porta bill campaign, chawed early tonight a »ary alight majority * for thr meaner*, bet nam ban of eomttee reported to twee *eted againat the Mil had |ot Mat In ntwia. Independent oboervera lepnM tha ottlook a* indicat ing a majority of 5,006 againat the porta bOL 12 hurt m INC HI H' r a. victor, «r r>mn. r*.. hi Msrphy, of Kite, wfth • *4 at Iki base of E. E. Cop*, of wounds in the head. and Elsworth In<4oii( nMaiiiAn^i wk, ww incjcpwiiiMfBi prrwocmwi candidate ran far behind, but oa ear ly returns ha waa running atcowd to Co. I idee in both North and Sooth Da ■ to IBHR First reports from lava, which haa been claimed as a La FoUette state by his campaign managers, shumed Coolidge with a majority over tha combined rota for Davit and La Fat running neck aad In J. C. Walton, I platform as aoaator, waa trailing opponent- Mrs. Miriam Fa the democratic anti-kiaa for governor of Texaa. waa hi tha lead, but CarHoa B. McCuIloch, dem ocratic candidate for iuwikh of In diana and ootapokea opponent of Aa klaa, was naming behind his upah Mean opponent. Ed Jackson. In Kansas, William Allen White, running far governor on an indepen dent anti-klm platform was third la his three-cornered race against tha regular democratic and repoblicaa Coolidge* Mailed TUr Votm Home; Neither Saw Other Mark Ballot