Tabulated \fee in County Showi Substantial Democratic Gain* MAJORITY OF COOUDGE FALLS OFF OVER 1,000 Voters Seemed to be Unfavorable to Amendments—Port Bill Loses I ^ ' ■ ago the last Ptnldi nt wM * majority of 1 Mi obis Go*. Cox. In tlM mum didata for Qowmt, «u |hw a ma jority of ljMft #w Governor Morri son, and W. L- Alberty Sheriff om th hjr 1.4S» majority Jority of only IN, • dm Jority ill ttm years f oaty n rotes, and with nearly two he eteetiea°*tfcie yaar aha waa able «rty «f aeren wtaa. froa tha abaiated sate it will ha seen that Mlaa Harkrader (an atroag ht tha owne of tha cooaty. la Ifth, for natance, aha waa |t»w a awjerlty of xratle ticket earrtai the toaiiahlp yy S00 Bat 4mt think all tha gaina thia raar ware on the Daatoeratte JUa. Pwo yaar* if* Mrs. fatter eon. af rraas airainut Major Bt« liaaa, waa rlrea a majority of MS In tha coanty. nils year the Bepabiieaa candidate, r. C. Carter, raiaed thia BMpority to Ml. Still he raa eonaiderat ly be lind for foor year* ago W. D Merritt, Kajor Stedman'a opponeat, waa glrea i majority of 1,018 hy hi* party— ,bowing a falling off in the Coagres lional majority of orer 1,000 rote* la lorry alone. Election day found the rot«ra of luity strong against the Port BUI, ;he meaaiua loaiag oat in tha county Mrs FIRST NECftO ELECT. EO AS JUDGE Lawyer WW Laa*i W «M0 hi CMcm* W«lHVMt af City awl Bar CMctfo, Not. 7.—,»■! fclhy Gmt|» «»jr» b* ia tlM first m(n judg* ia America to k* il acted to • court at record for B. H. Terrtll, t ■igru judge of Waahtogtoa, D. C, "Lawyer Gwrp" u hf ia popular ly known aaoif hi* ran, ia fifty-one yearn oM. Ha haa practiced here far twenty-fix years. He wwa kk place In the landetide ky 65.00* arm Ma nearer! Democratic competitor. Tha sola waa city wide. Mr. George haa aa excellent reputation. Ha ia H(ht ia color, with Um. "I feel that a great trust haa bean imposed upon me. Tka eoleead paople at our city not aaly rejoice ta thia ■acceaa, bat are looktag forward to thia eerrice aa Whf aomethlag that will help straighten oat some of our problem*. "1 am imprsaaad with tha thought that tha welfare of ear groap may ha aerioaaly affected eHher (or goad er harm by my conduct I aA aenaiMa, of the fact that it will ha mr duty to ha a good Jadga ia erary aanaa of the word. "My practice haa haa* largely to civil caaea. I hare trial eaaea for white people against colored and hare won against negro lawyers defending whites. ot the ComUmmt ft. A. of nwli extant that W|y»l»n of the ■mini today war* roarratulathtc thwaaWia em tha auH Margin arainat them. Governor Morrison mofiUH the aeopa and claaaifli aUona of the op poaitton hi n—iintim on the cam paign today bat he had nothing to My of them In Ma etafc Tea cm an early Wawa at Craed'a e#w