A. W. GEORGE MUST SERVE 5-YEAR TERM f \ 4 • <A g J.. .«!. y« { . ^ , ouprcme v^ourt rinus no error si i mi or cuuii fmfiirfi v^onTiCi%v> ju i/DDSon in tha handwrttfaf of ( but (bowed to the utiifictiMi of the ■coort that be mad* oat the depoalt ally aad part of the itab in Ink, the •Mat »0 on tho (tab betnf Made, oat la pendl Defendant ipiiiilij on tho »iimnd« that tba mart nfuiri to biatrort Jury to tKa effect that MMant con that there war* other i Mm to ahnw falao entriea made by ltlt-M of which tha com ia not Jwtka fttaeey wrote tha opinion. Attorney General Manning and Aa riatnt Naah appeared for the atate aad J. H. Folfer tar tha defendant. With the final hearing War* the Supreme Court in the 'earn of A. W. <1—H», rf Elkln. and the approral of the viHIct rendered by • Sorry eoun ty jury, ia brought to a eloaa, aa far aa the court* arc tone* mod, a ease that has been hard fought from the nd one that haa "— the cloaaat attention oa the fart ft Solicitor Grave* to get the facto pra Ta thia day there an many people •ho hold to the rltw that Mr. George «raa the tool of hi* Mend*, bat if he was ha no ear "squealed" on them dur ing the hearing and H i* reported that hts attorney* ware new able to learn anything further about the (altera of hi* bank than (hat brought out at the trial. Mr. Gaorga waa brought to trial' before a Jury twice. The fir*t time resulted hi a mistrial or account of the Ulnae* of a Juror. In pi usiiat • ing the ease the Solicitor put on evi dence showing that Mr. George, aa the bank's president and cashier, had ■peculated with the funds entrusted to his ear* for his own private gain, and that of hie friends associated with him; that the speculations pro*-1 ad a failure and thus brought about the cloeing of the bank whan it was lsarasd ha waa short to Ma funds more than fifty thousand dollars. Many of those amounts ware the life time savings of his neighbors and far mer friends of Yadkin county where. he was held in highest esteem. At the same time the Treasurer of Surry county had tied up in the bank more than 120.000 This matter of this money of the county being thus leas ed was taken in rhstgi by "W. ). By srly when he became county comasis dasar and he at once took steps to require the treasurer and hi* bonda men to make good thia amount. And ; from F. 8. Eldrldge, former county good thia leas to ha tfca from Bateigh to the Clark of Court, the Oark reeateee official no ♦heVhon of the Supreme : Wkes Ma duty to at one tie* of Court it the Sheriff to convoy the defendant to the Btoto penitentiary. Unless some slope are tabs* hp eauaaal far Mr. George to get a respite from the Governor ha Is Hkety to tag his at the naw BANKm GETS DGMT TEAM Onpar afternoon and ' tody. VMh the eoort hAetM rapiaa would not leeoe until her 30, if the defendant complied with the condition* wiggeetod. It la ander itood that faihwa of hi» attorney* to submit to • felony charge leaeaa did lattar two to Im triad at a later data and th* IMIHH of eight year* aa the road* affaatlaa onlaaa the su preme eoort grama a new trial. lieutenant Governor W. B. Cooper waa la court when hia brother waa sentenced by Jade* Grady. The Jury'* verdict aa to Boorh xeiw to have BMt public apprtrral. Cooper la a brother of W. B. Coop er, lien tenant governor of North Carolina, who la alao a banker. The family of the convicted awn la prow rnentty connected la banking rlrclae in Virgi-lia, North Carolina and I Carolina. Fare* Ckarpa of Declared guilty of fo hi two bUla of tke Jmr trying tke aentenced to two year* em tko on each of tko foar eoanto, I total of eight yaara, by J edge A. Grady. Notice of appeal to ■apron* roart wu |hw by at neya for the defendant and bond fixed at Joe. C. Bourk mar caahier of the bank, wfco tried jointly with Cooper waa < inr*d "not failty" by the J»ry. There are two charge* of ftlcar yet on the docket againat Cooper. Failure of hia attorney* to *abmh to thaae cawed Jadfe Grady to atrike front hia judgmcntVonditlon* to the effect that if Cooper made leatito tion to the bank of approximately 9108,000, if he agreed to naipi forth with aa a member of the board of education of New Hanorer coonty, and if he would agree never to en rage in banking again in North Caro lina, then, If tkeae condition* were met, that lodgment in four chargea againat the defendant would be pended. The attorney* for Coopar took the poaition that aubmiaaiop to a felony would be unfair to tke de fendant and hia family and would place Cooper ahraya under the con trol of the solicitor, and for thaae reaaona they could not joatly enter such auhtnlaalona. Upon thla an nouncement, Judge Grady ordered that all condition* and qualifleationa in the aantonce be elimiaatod tkere froon. IV Judgment then remained aa a direct combined aentonca of eight yean on the county roada of New Hanorer coonty, from which appeal to tke aupreme court waa noted. Declinaa to Submit The caaaa againat Roork and Coop er ware given to the Jury Friday af ternoon at I o'clock. Ik* Jury de liberated through the night, entering court at I a. a. Saturday. Court wa* the verdict ef tke Jury [ton. Tkt* waa goflty aa few of tko BH chargea aa carried In tk* two kflb ef indictment and that Roork waa net goflty. ^hra Meeker, ninety-fear yean ^ flew from Vancouver, Waakington. to Washington, D. C, over tke he cow red la lMf la a I ■ It took hka fire month* to J"oi nej ia IMS and tk* return trip, " " by Untenant O. J. Kalley, J _ In — J _Bt —_ m w m twVRij lOun, iiywg 2ft.- uM at to that thii recognition of in »rri*in* it the rappiy Unite* State* ■welling the -on it appear that the etJppljr in in tutu of the the prtee which the grower re p>u4mw» Mint that ma much m dm fifth at ttM "hurley tobacco reported aa «i hand by tba facturisa and W* ers la that kind of tubaeta on Octa» bar I, b road fertiliser awterial only and not suitable for tobacco product* manufacturing. Beporta of atoeks on hand aa of that data ahow a vWMa ■apply of bavWy leaf at 428JS24MM lumiula " J.fcina Offarwd Aa lucnaaa to Si fa Up Washington, Nor. 24.—Clark C Griffith, president of tha Washington baseball team, aald today that Walter ' hnson, ratoni pitcher, had not sisned a new contract with the Sen ators. bat that Joa Enral, acoot, had been authorised to offer Johnaon tha choice of two eontracta, both provid intr for Inrrsasss In aalary. , Mr. Griffith made Ma it*tenant, however, on the golf links, and there was • poaeibiMty, ha indicated, that a signed contract either waa in the maila or in tha unopened correspon ence at headqoarter* of the world champion*. Both propoeitiona offered Johnaon, Griffith aald, called for increaaea over the $1M00 the star twirler ia lepuited to have received last year, one being for one year and the other for two. He Mded that there waa no foundation for man that John son waa to receive 00,000 a year. The flt.000 aalary, he remarked waa op a par with the highest paid to any pitcher in baseball. Tfca Mi MM yMHMr M At«( daw ef (ka late n uliial if *i Cftfc •4 Rtatae at 1:11 •'desk Mkib i hro tW and daaa tMi ataad by. «h M not riiifiM th—i. k< wise tm Chriatian, Jr., |il»ili —iiIm/ ft PMUmt H.rtinr followed tiw Mm at her knkwrf to the Sttl* tmnh am ■aw H plmd imMy n*We than to await her eominr. Row i of nU ian stood at attention aa their eoai mander-tft-ehlef waa <w»stjne.| U. I temporary raatlat place hi tka ImA Fonr aadti a«a taday Mrs. Hart In# visited tfca t aak and talked par tonally with every aMMtrr of 'k< military guard which ha* been o* kty there since he died. Wineton-Salea*, Nov. Morrh A. Basil*, bueteeee ■—a r*r at the RnrfmmrUk Tl«n, wm Here today far a confarance with Tcxa P. JWaaa, at Spencer, to <lw a publication,* wMdi H Is fnnfarvtood Mr. JWam, a farmar Methodist p*» tor. win heed at mm point in North Carolina. Mr. Baa 111 la an route tc «Uck point ha will pro cud after a buaineae trip to Baleigh and Char lotto. Ha atotaa that John Temple Graeea a nAttonally known mwapapif writel who has haan editor of tha Bandar aonvilla pnpar since it aw tar ad tha Dadly nawapapar ftoid, haa resigned and haa (ana to Palm Baa ah. Fla. wharc ha haa accepted an editorial position with tha Paha Bench Poet LaopoU aadLaakGat Poaitiaaaa cm Faculty Chicago, Nor. It.—Nathan P. Leo pold, Jr., and Richard Loch, aarvina Itfe aeateucea in tha Joliot peniten tiary for tha hidnupping-iniudei ol Robert Pranks, will ha members ad tha faculty of tha prison. Wardea Whitman announced. Leopold la teaching night claaaai in Enfliah, devoting two hours a night in instruction in reading, writ ing and spelling. Next week Lock will taka charge of an arithmetic class. Tha daties will ha in addhioa to their johe in tha priaon ahopa. Ram Oat L W. W. Seattle, Wash., Nov. IS.—About 225 alleged members of the L W. W. were loaded into six aatoaaMthOa trucks near Cone rata, Waahingtoai today by Sheriff Com, of SkigH county aad a force of doputiea, taken to the Snohomiah county line, ami told to keep going. Hillsville-Stuart Road Improved |l° w fa raportad 1ft* tina villa to Stuart has •d. that U the ; r«J dirt hart a continuous and unlfocadjr food aad broad road to Um Patrick < Thia road haa jinf fa food ■trotcboa of two aad Urw yarda oa which no top aoil had haaa " ind in wot •Ufarllh waa afao week. Thia reed Joints up with tlM DuifiUc to Martinsvilla to HlllH road and tkos |i<M I continaoad to prorad ratd from Dan Till* Into tlM wary heart of tk* Fifth District and amid mm attoaly Um •war* of. — * . . i TWO IOrCcfl !■ . N*d. On* working from tha _ k «< wintry The road to Hllteville alae link* ■» with a highway into Floyd Canty and to tka North Carolina Him. DR. PEACOCK RELATES VARIED EXPERIENCES TW Jury found that tha (iafandant had authoring tha nollcitor to alps tha aaaociation contract for him and ratnrnad a vanHrt of fiva cmta a pound liquidate damar^n <Hr ev ery pound which it «m pwwJ he Had aold on tha .action warahoaaa flaari. In addition to tWa tha de fendant «h mada to pay fWe ceirte a pound daaia«ea for t$9 pound* of tobacco which waa raiaad m hia land hot which both ha and hia wtfa taetlficd waa har "holiday crop." In another eaee triad hefara Judge E. H. Cranner at tha Saperior Court at Roahoro, on tha waii day, it waa hald that a aumbar of tha tohaaea aaaociation who haa mada hia tenancy arrangement* and la tar ranta to a non-member for caah rant, ia respon sible for tha Win*/ of tha nan member'* tohacro. Oaatonia, Nov. aa epUmic of physicians and <nf|liti are author ity far the statement that within tba dkwa. At leaat one patent h£ fnufW far HTcnl dsn and waa hi condition. One phy Wa tion within the past two Not • day passes, say local drat ffiats, that people do not cooaa in yd aak for snntMm to |in than relief from this dissnan. From infor mation tatharsd from conversation with physicians, hiceoaffctnc la jaat ahoat aa baffttnc a disease aa they have to contend with. It saams that medical science knows very littla about its eauee oar its core. Om physician says that practically every known rcasady to ha food in a dm* store has been triad for it. Some times a remady works on ona person and fails on another Tha old ho«e cure remedy of a drink of cold water frequanatly relieves it bat aeeais to fail in the eaaa of an epidemic such Gaston ia haa in the past had at least ona death on racord from hie In that ansa tha patient hie far, sown or eight days and Nov. IS.—Tha Co operative sasmiattua wan ont in Hnat of the M caaaa triad in tha So Victim «f D«t lite ■Sav If.—little EUa Currin Box, tan-year M ianto mt Mr and Mrs. L. J. Kax. of ■ "We haee bw ly by the people km, especially amea the recent extradition flfkt "Prrhape yoa would be InUmM I left riocUi. I did not bar* Flort da immediately after tkc till tlM fnllowin* April. I then pro cured a Ford and cam pine equipwent and JaMes (my alder aon) and I started west, April. 1921. Wa i one float after another la Miaaisaippi and Louisiana. At ville La., wa foond the read foor feat under wat^r for thirty miles. So 1 hind a man to take any car by beat up Black river till we one to the foothills. After we got by eastern Texas we got-oat of the rahu aad had easy aailiac from there oa, ex ion. I Mm* to fnrm plans to ft into Mnin and find a location ta prac tice my profession. 1 had Met a bro ther to dm of ths Mexican generate and he had |ftw Me valuable infor mation I began itudyinr Spanish and in October I landed in Tepic, Ma frit, Mexico. Tepi^ Kan 14,000 in habitanta and one doctor! It is abovt • thousand miles below the bnrdse and is fat the Meat beautiful I hare erer seen. "As lock would hare tion soon broke »ne of tha first cities bels. They raided the I was stajrtng and took •T Mjr p to -I

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