New High Mark 30,000, the letting ■ majority 110,000. at State W. N. Everett got the moat ratal Bid Lieutenant J. Flater Long the" majmllf, they, with United Senator F. M. Simmon*, har inc • lead over their oppoaanta of •boot 111,000. Secretary Everett's rote *u 205JM4 and Ma majority 111 III* T lant aai i a al ■ n I i i i |ivO| iuUtvI iiur^Tiflvi Lang*k rote waa 295,200, with a ma jarity of 111.140 and Senator Sim mon* got 206,404 rote* and • ma jority ai 111,011. the official majority agninat the port* bill waa 57,008 and agataat dm eeaititutional amendment meraaaing the pap of legislator* 15JM. The mbmttted |i carried by the following Mt, 84,911; constitutional (or the In Wo of tlM ffj taxation 1M434; ntirui' loan fowl. 1,754. The La FoIWtti ticket SMI 11m prohibition ticket. Derie' loae of 14.000 on the La Folkttt and on the Kn Kin Man. ad bi all of the 10 _ _ Meta of the State orer their nts by substantia! major Be|ii mutative Charles M. St of the fifth district, had the of the eongreeeionel candidates, vote of 44,048 rotes 24,700 for Thomas C. Carter, BewHa in the other districts fot Ftrat: Lindsay C.* Warren, erat, 18, 887; Peter D. Bargees,- re pabHcan, 4,478. Second—John H. Kerr, democrat. 18312; *• R- Vick, republican, V 188 Third—C. L. Ahernethy, democrat, 17,686; William H. Fisher, republi can. 8,481. « — Fourth—Edward W. Poa, demo eaat, 24,087; Tounu Z. Parker, re pobitcmn, 10,506. Blith—Homer L. Lyon, democrat, ' tlJK; WiUlam J. McDonald, repob Hean. 8,1.11' 8*T**ith—William C. Huimn. de mocrat. MJXl] S. Carter Williams, rapoMican. 29.#50. Klftli—K L. Douchton, democrat, M^K; James D. Doraett, repobltaan, *•75. Ninth—A. L. Bahrlnkle, democrat, •MO7; John A. Hendrix, republican, wati. STATE E HAS 1SS MILLION IN JTS AOADS four Exact figurea of •ft on November 1 war* 1B0 milea of asphalt and concrete n by the state, axcluaivo of ties, and 1.4S2 railee of sand-clay roads. Mileage since then will ran the total to i 3,000 miles. Highways built by the counties under local bond iaauea and later turned over to the state com ralsaion amount to nearly a thousand milea, so that improved highways under the control of the state new have a mileage of around 4JMQ. The stats highway map baa 8,200 milea of highways, and it ia i 2,200 milea are yet to ba although on a large part of Oat mil eage contractors are now working, under contracts awarded daring the year. Perhaps 18 montha mora will ba required to finiah the conatruction of thia mileage and give the state ita completed system of 1^00, and by then, good roads enthnalaatir antici pate, the legialatara will have provid ed 186,000,000 additional for the ax of the program. thorised by the 19S1 ami 1»23 Wgi» laturea hu been about 915,000,000 from the fadaral mr to H. K. Whl of publicity f«r the m the prograoe of roada Iml And the aggregate of by the in the laat foui «f ttM in improved highway. tc $125,000,000. Wednesday's sward of for about M milae of bard ♦1,100,000 tinjr* utder tba by the laat two ; tba asat ption of a : Jaeta to ba lot, tba eowpletiee of th« projects now wider construction or contract will mark tba m ition of the 166,000,000 pro. which, in realty, baa been aa t80,000,000 prog law by reaaon of tb« federal government's aid. HARROW WILL MAKE ADDRESS IN STATE N«*ad Criminal Lawyer Sar ed Nacka of L.apold and Laafc at Chicago. Greenaboro, Nor. 29.—Clarence Darrow, noted criminal lawyer, of Chicago, the auu who aaved the naeha of Nathan Leopold and Dickie' Loeh, slayers of Bobby Pranks, win ba aecured by the dtisena committoa at ana hundred of North CaroHna to addreea It when H meeta to piaa a program for priaoa reform to be sub mitted to the general aeaawibly. The announcement waa made hare tonight by aeakan at the committee. At the aaaM time they atetod thai the meeting will ba held la Raleigh in stead of beta, aa had beea planned aad at a data not yet exactly find, bat eeaw time early hi Jaaaary. Tba exact data win ba fixed later. Tka meeting bad beea aat far have aa Dee amber I. Decision to hold the aeeet ing at ftaieigh inatead of bar* waa aldraaa It, and an effort wll da* ha madf to have him aildiaaa the general if at all, by of beacon lighto, nd ikHs to be at tached to the landing gear In caee heavy roowtall prevents the use of wheels. The "monkey softs." Mr. Em ex plained, haa been adopted after ex tensive experimenting with various flying varments. The nit, fur-Hned, include* everything from helmet to socks. The electrically heated salts, the air mail chief said, tranemlta heat toe rapidly, affording no even heat for the comfort of pilots. In addition the cockpit of every plane will he heated by a pip* fan ning from the engine parallel to and on top of, the ex ha oat pipe, This new alkangmnent, the ipiahar de clared, prevents fumes from entering the toaaeaa, as was the caae when the cockpit was heated direct from *he exhaust pipe. All main beacon lights, from Has "lhurst field. New York, to San Fran cisco, Cal., have been naippid with plate glass hi asla«, assuring pilot* of adequate guiding lights evea hi the heaviest of items. 1M wimm landing fear, piMi tan f«n4, en ki wad la em «f i l*«r ♦hi*, the sktl landing apparatus uraat ba employed. This wintar landing apparatus is on hand at every (Mi Rick Youth Sar* Ifia Wife Has Macro IM New KochaDe, N. T, Nee. t*.— Leonard Kip Rh in eland er. sdoa o# one of New Terfc's eldest fsmfttsa. who aurrted Was Alice Jones ef New Rocheile, October lu today filed salt in the West Chaster county suprease court to annul the Marriage. Rhiae lander aliened that hie wife roaceai ed from h)ai the thct that the had ne cro blood in her vims. The papers were supported hy aa affidavit aiade by Khinelander before a Kinp county totary public. The complaint Jeilaree that tki "consent" of the plaintiff, khine lander, to the aartf*!*, "was obtain ed by fraad," and that the defead ant, formerly Miss Jones, told Rhine lander "she was white and had no colored Wood." Khinelander, the complaint stataa, entered into mar ria«e on the baais of such rspreeen tationa, "which he since has discov ered to be untrue." Rhinelander is tt years old. Ha is the son of MHp Rhinelander, heir to a fortune of $100,000,000 in Maa hattan real estate and a member of one of Manhattan's most exclusive familiea. With tha npsaiag of the new mountain row) automobiles may mw travel oa a hard-surfaced remd tram AikniO* to near Old Fart where a well-graded and smooth sand-clay tjrpa of road baa been built. There ia alao a mil* of coacrete road on either aide of Old Port on rout* No. 10. Pro* Old Fort to Marlon tha sand-day or top-soil road haa boon traatad with a mixture of tar or tar via and rraral and trarating ia almoat aa enjoyable aa orer the concrete or blacktop road. Work ia (till in pto (Teas oa the project between Bridge water and Glen Alpine. Thia ia a concrete Job and will probably bo completed thia wistar. The new hard-aurfaead read on the mountain fro* Ridgecreat makes traveling acroas the mounUia leas daageroaa. It alao makea It possible for antomobillata to travel the road at all seasons of the year aad daring all aorta of weather. The old tap soil road over tha moontaia waa fair to fair weather bat miserable in rainy or snowy weather and well nigh impassable aftar a few days or waeka of rain. Now all fear of the asoa tain road haa vanished. The con crete road ia we It-graded; the cur see while naturally sharp oa so steep a mountain aide are graceful aad osm may drop down the laaaatala at a speed of IS to M milee aa how ia perfect aafety. Wilmington, Not. ST.—Tbomai Z. Ceopar, former preaident of the Lib erty Saving* bank, baa announced poatiUaly that it win ba uttariy to poaoible far bin to make lualltution of tlUJM to the atockholdora. Thia diaaipatea any chance ha may hare had to avoid the eentonca of eight yean of labor on the roada of New Hanover county, impoeed laat week by Judge Henry Ondy, provided the aupreme court hold* there waa no error and wfuaee Cooper a new trial. While not a part of the aentenee proper, Judge Grady signified that if Cooper made loetltatkm, reeigned from the county board of education, plead guilty to two charge* of felony, yet untried. and agreed never to en gage In banking in this atate again, judgment would be auapendad in the eontencae Impoeed. Cooper"* atatement that he cannot refund laaaae to the depoeitori leavea aa Ma only hope of avoiding the road eentenea a new trial from the eu preme court. Cooper b under W, 000 bond pending aettlcment under appeal Cooper baa mat one at Judge Orady*a condition by filing hia reaig natton aa a member of the board of aducaWmt. to take affect at once. • The four out of tlM party for their was dnalid to bo of Maasschusetts. It «aa Curtis who In 1H1 Republicans Senatorial noorinatkm in item pod the State for the Democrat, Thompson, who waa elected. But that was another day. The Old GmM aove today came like a bombshell. The disposition to discipline the La Foi letter* has rna high ever since the elections him under. Bat fear of the qnencas Impelled moat of the licaa regulars to hold back their re NDff. at laast until the cornea into being with its majority. ■plated to rebels no longer Republicans, not mm-1 —as a matter of tact, Ladd la the j only one who erer has attended, ai he waa pruaat today but never hat ted aa ays aa the lash fell upon him eligible for aaelgn mittees. ciation, While Friends ud Retainers Get Marion, Ohio, Nov. SB. Georre Neely deWolfe, IS and IS years of a*e, rsn of the lata Mrs. Warm G. Hard in* were left the balk of her estate, estimated to be in excess of <800,000 under her will filed for probate to day. They are children of,Mrs. Hard ing's only son, Marshall K. deWolfe, who died IS ysari a*o in Colorado, and from whoas father Mrs. Hard in* abtaiesd a divorce la UU. The estate, after spsciel beqesats total line tM.SOO have been taksa, is to be placed hi tmst for the children until they are St ysars of at s, an til they will draw the interest H. I One of the M||Nt irntii in the the south was nthM k December, IMS, when Bailey Brother*, be, ef Winston •Salem, filed • voluntary pe tition in bankruptcy her* in the Thrit M States district toot Liabilities were listed at *711.000 and assets at »p proximately 12,800,000. For months there had been gossip aboat the affhirs of Bailey Brothers aad the filing of the bankruptcy pstHtsa was no surprise. The business want into the hands of wm)w» and later the properties were sold. About two years prior to the baak* ruptcy proceedings a stock-selling campaign had been staffed by. the company on a colossal scale. Ia this campaign it is estimated that mors than $1,000,000 hi stock was sold, and the greater part ef the sales ware made to persons Bring in piedmont Carolina and in Virginia. A federal grand Jury sitting hate ia June IMS, letuiued bills of indict ment against the officials ef Bailey Brothers snd against those who had sold stock in the company. The in dictment, containing II eounta, was s voluminous document consisting ef 40 doedy written sbeeta. In the counts It was charged that the offl -*r* and stockholders made ftsdiil—I

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