When Major Slcdmn klfu to go to Conpiw from this district It «u doubtful m • Dtaoentie district. It ttad sent John M Morehead to Con tra* the two year* before. It was eoasidsred • great victory whan Maj or Stedmsn waa elected by four thou sand majority. But year by year, no great tncreaae, but a little larger majority each election, first Are, then six then seven and now the majority is op to twelve thousand. Not so hrng ago Democrat* thought a stats majority of twenty thousand votes was a big victory, but as the years have gone by the majority has climbed up each year until bow H is around a hundred thousand. If there was any land tUds, any great move ment that sweeps folks off their feet. It could all be accounted for. But the results of many elections shew gradual gain* all over the state for the Democrat*. The gains here in Surry were no greater than the gains in other coun ties. Democrat* In Wilkea made even greater gain* than they did In Surry, and no Australian ballot In WOlces. Two years ago Republicans tat thi* county almost lost the county, and it required bat a small change hi the vote to loae it sntirelv to them. The averse* cittern ia not particu larly Interest in the victory of the politician* ona way or another. What be la intereetad in ia that rood and capable Ben fill the offices. We are not auppoainc that anything we could aay would clear up the sttua tion to man who are diapoaed to look for fraud and diahonaaty as an ex planation for the way the election went. , IV fact that the Democratic par ty aaked the people to vote for able buaineaa men for county Commiaaion ar. and selected the moat comnetent wa p •••» awwa • wia# ar dtiiena we have for all other irfllm average thinking man, why the coun ty voted aa it did. ^ tfcTpotato* wmt tato the haaltac. aad left tW g»owm tat little for Ma work. IWipitM tha npp»rtaa»y to w|pl| the da ing tl£m*fatae North ^d wTL Wow the Wataaga eoonty potato (rowan are growing a potato anltad far ml whore they got 75 eenta before they learned the bettor way. And they aee the good that eomaa from hav ing among them a man of education to help them ia their work and help to find bettor waya to farm along many Hnee. PROSPERITY HERE Whether you realize it or not they say that the greatest wave of pros perity that was ever known outside of war times is now on this country, ft was first noticeable by the rise in stocks and bonds immediately fol lowing the election. For some months before the election big business was cautious and slow to invest in new business or to make any new invest ments. Many cautions men of large means practically quit the game un til the election was over. Now they are hopeful and disposed to torn their money loose and make ventures that they Would not have dared to do before the election. All this has ■tone on to the extent that it amounts to a wave of pcoeperttj that many claim is the greatest ever know be fore. During the two years following the war many people in this immediate section bought land aad made invest ments in one way and another that left them financially tied up when the slump came in lt>0. Since then there has been as near ae market for land in this ssction as was ever known before. The only lands that have changed hands in three years in this section, to aanomlt to any thing, has been land in the towns er near enough to the towns to class It as town pmpei ty. Farms that are for sale here and there about over the country are simply going begging for a buyer. With the cowing of better tfanea no doubt there will again be a demand for land in this section. wit® tobacco selling at a price that to satisfactory to most planters, and with corn and wheat and all farm products up to almost war-time price .s there is no reason why land should not again become desirable In this section. And no doubt it will. AccklMtly KilUd by RifU ■ -« .i ««. _ Dili Mil 1191 m Cecil Chafln, 15 year old sob of William Chafln, of Durham, former ly of this dty, was killed in Burlmg toa late Thursday by the accidental discharge of a rifle, the ball striking him in the neck and serwing the Ju gular rein. Tits hoy, who was in Burlington with his father, want oat with other boys to camp for the night in a hooae they had built at the sdge of town; as they *n arrsnr ng camp ha set his rifle against a tter and In doing Wo it discharged wt* n ~ie result that ha ee the county went Democratic the men who hare been supplying this money have called upon the county leaders to explain the reault down here. Anyway the reault waa different tn thla county from what - bedy to aotf