That Bring raff* imporlea perrumes rrom nduiTt Parisian perfumers. j!»» »■ fcj-.iaj|j| jjim >n Mafalaa MfftA —cigars, coMooot* toiletries, girts the nM) ippifoitn ——nn# stationery ror Dotn women and me* —NORRIS Variety Bom. Christ mas wrapped ready for firing. 1. 2. 3 and 5 pound bom. $1.50 a pound. Mount Airy Drug Co. MA Good Drug Store" PHONE 128 PROMPT DELIVERY. NOTICE Pursuant to notice duly (ton the following uHuiMDti wore duly con firmed on tha night of Doc—her 2. j 1924, st 7A0 and the property own en are hereby notified to make ira & nt or action will be j to SBforo* aame. The follow 'orth and Korner to South, Or. 1. M. Lancaster 908J4 R. D. BelL Hii D. 8. Hofe*. 14.36 Ml Airy Realty A Trust Co. 50.25 M. A. Lowe, Bobt. Porkner, 1MB* Mrm. Caleb MitdMll, 171.04 P. L. Gordon, 72.66 P. M. Poore, .11106 J. A. Jaekaon, .fTl .11 H. C. Jarre 11 A Stone. JOJS Oscar Ledford, JO. 10 Mrs. Henry James, 62.20 E. H. Thacker, MAS P. A. Thacker, JM.10 Jno. Viable Ball .7.04 William Newaom 60.25 Jeaae Owens, 01J1 ! Ruben Cain, 140.70 V. L. Surratt, 283.41 ; Jno. Cooper, — UMi j Geo. Dobnejr 74.07 Bethlehem Baptist Church. ««.lt McKinley Doss, 70.36 Jno. McClennahan 166.88 C. C. Lawrence, 166.86 Henry Davis, 94.40 Jno. Greenwood, 48.24 Mary Norman .106.62 Andrew Calloway, 551.80 Mai Davis, ....191.07 R H. Greenwood, 276.37 8. M. Hall, 664.70 Sherman Bundy, 122.80 Mis* Imogene Belton, 23.91 This Dec. 9. 1924, A. V. West. Mayor. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is the moat gruesome commandant handed down to mankind. A man may lie (teal or break any other law and the public will even tually forgive and forget. But let him commit murder and the cry of everybody ia to give him the full penalty—Death! And what is the common excuse of the murdered? INSANITY! Sure he's craiy Any man must be crazy to commit murder. But how about the fellow who slowly but surely kills his own body by neglect ? He's the craziest one of all. Stop! Think this over! What are you doing with your own body ? Sure ly you dont want .to be put in this But if you are not doing everything possible to prolong your life and keep your body just as clean and healthy •a your Maker intended, you are in viting disease and death, you are ■lowly hut surely killing yourself. Have you ever enjoyed the pleas ares of perfect health? If aot, you have nature's biggest gift awaiting Chiropractic will do for you what fcar methods have failed in. f It iaat your fault that you well, just the fault of the }«nt used. Think h over! Tea hare the right to keep on kill tag yourself or yea can fat well Dr. J. P. COX KmOMUCTM Ow MOUNT ART. N. C OsastipatVoa HHtTmiM sr \m- ] The primary department gave a Thanksgiving program Nor. 26th. The following viaitora were entertain ed. Mra. G. C. Welch, Mr*. W. R. Bow man, Little MIimi LoqIm And Hel len Welch from Moant Airy; Mrs. Wm. Webb and little ion, Mra. Dam tco and two children, and V. A. Mar tin Jr. a student of Oak Side* Insti tute, aon of Mra. Con W. Martin, a member of the faculty. The following children war* placed upon the honor roll far the M First Grade—Eeimio Midori*. Ro bert Haynes, HarachaU Vaughn, Oao. Gould, Silvio Da Palma, Pershing Pell, Claud Hooker, Dollie Da Palma, Erma Walker, Ethel Webb, Claud Eaton. Second Grade—Ralph HerreU, Man ual Seahen, Jamea John aon. Third Grade—Elizabeth Damico, Pauline McHone, Clara John aon, Paul Webb, Stella Brooks, Imo Johnaon, Pearl Slate. Fourth Grade—Blanche McHone, Roth Short, Laura Mae Gould. Har vey Gwyn, Willie McKellar. Sixth Grade—Mary Nell Short, Guaaie McKellar, Elaie McHone. Margaret Gwyn, Kenneth McKinzie. Seventh Grade—Mallie Jackson. Mossir Combs. - To Or|uii« Basket Ball T« Several persons interested in bas ket ball met Tuesday with a view to organizing a basket ball association in this city. Mr. R. F. Berry was elected manager. The first practice will be held Friday night at eight o'clock in Lovilfs Warehouse. All those interested in playing are urged to be present. NOTICE Mr. J. W. Dunman, Mount Airy, N. C. North Carolina Surry County, Town of Mount Airy. Under and by virtue of the laws of the State of North Carolina, and the ordinances of the Town of Mount authorising the sale of lands in the Town of Mount Airy for assessments levied against said property for street improvements, I will offer for sale at the Court House in Dobeon. N. C„ on the first Monday In January, it be ing the Ilk day of Jasaw, IMS. , at 11:00 o'clock nooa. the following property for the assess ments levied arainst same, interest! tnd ooits of iiw. Property lying and being on the South side of Church street aqd bounded as follows: Meets and bounds of a triangular plat of land lying on the South side of Church Street, hi the Town of Mt Ain, between the back ef the side walk and the land of J. W. Dunman, also Joins the land of John Davis and bounded as follows: 1st Inning at a planted rock, said planted rock being J. W. Dunman's corner in John Davis' line, and runs with Dunman's line North tl dew. 19 ■in. Bast 17 ft 10 in. to a stake at the back of the sidewalk ef Church street; thence with the back of the sidewalk as It curree towards the street, the straight line being *7 dog. M min. Wert 97 ft * s stake at the back sf the ah end In John Davis' line; < Davis' line South 00 dog. 10 feet 10 in. to he Im proxir-atelyJOO s§. ft In. to MiH Airy, M. CM Dm. I.—ttm Sa^rda* *£•"ia*g«Mta(t S^T«wy ! w«ji. Early Immr I 1m llttla km of Mr. Wlloy Immr diodUDnm. 8rd of «m» H* laartaf tbia baby • Month oU It Im tM ouW far la Mm Ihm of it* rwl-pvMta Mr. and Mrs. John toaaan, btwua bright hoaHbr littU follow until Im took thia driadid dlo doath roliorod U« of Mi auffarta* nowa will bo that aho has taapmti Mr. fiMk A ah bum Im* boon aaf ffrln* poina »n Ma body for aororml dajra. Mr. Aabtmrn think* hia auf fortnff la a raoult of • fall bo bad aoMo tiiao loot jroar wbllo haul Ins corn to hla faod barn ono rib waa fractured and bo waa jarrod up right much. Pint Rev. E. Cibaea Davis, BibU school, Morning worship, 11.00 ft. m. B. T. T. U. ... 9M p. m. Evening service, 7.00 p. m. Regular prayer and praise ser vices Wednesday, ,..7.00 p. m. TV pastor preaches next Sunday morning and evening on the follow ing subject*, "A Baptism With Fire", and 'The Mighty Magnet, or the Drawing Power of the Croea of Christ," Yob and your friends are cordially invited to all these sen ices. Good music, plain, practical preach ing. Mrs. Jack Wi«r The home of Mm. C. H. Armfield on North Main street was the scene of-m very lovely and delightful meet ing of the Ladles Bridge club Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jack WWr. of Athena, Ga-, sister and house guest of Mrs. N. C. Marion, aa guest of honor. Top score waa made by Mrs. J. H. Gwyn. Two handsome decks of cards ware presented to Mr*. Wier. An elaborate salad course was aerv ed at the cloae of the game. Dodbe Brothers nbw pric&s / £1 nThc following prices of Dodge Brothers Passenger Cars became effective December 1st, 1924: 91.O0&OO $1,246.00 $1.3m00 I. o. b. Detroit All Passenger Cars are m equipped with balloon tin Norfleet-Baggs, Inc. Mount Airy Branch MOUNT AIRY, N. C Icm shopp.%, \ Art -»«M" 1 Tvro LAMPS About twenty five beautiful Table I.amps la all colors, iobc in Glass shades and tome with ailk to be of fered aa specials for the next few days at less than one half price. BRIDGE LAMPS We expect another shipment of wrought Iron Bridge Lamps with de corated parchment shades to arrive before Christmas, only fifty lamps in the shipment, over two hundred sold in the last sixty days at 12.96. These lamps must be purchased and deliv ered at our store, no shipments will be mad< on account of cost of crat ing. PSYCHE PICTURES Another lot of fifty "Psyche" pic tures will arrive in a few days, a beautiful regular $S.M value hi Bias and Gold Octagon frame special price of II JO. Crating < This Is a real at town pieces of beautiful i Tee Sets n|«ltf vatos 910.M a i tal for Christmas at ItJi No i charge '* Postage pe» paid to Mount Airy. With Two Gift shoppes devoted exclusively to the showing of Gift article#, filled to capacity with Christina* gifts, gathered from all over the World, we assure you that your gift problems may be easily solved by a visit to our shoppes. Our merchandise is not priced befbnd reasonable profit, as is to usually found in Gift shoppes our policy has been to offer strictly high grade mer chandise, of useful and serviceable articles, to hold down the price to what is considered a fair and reasonable profit. Visitors to our store are liberal in their compli ments on the extremely low priee of our merchan dise. We have gifts for everyone and gifts from every mL,,, WMN. Mount Airy to riait m «r» iinrt jroo that It viB pay jw U •parial trip • your Gift McrrhaiHliae, w» iarita % cowpartaan with any othar Gift akop in tka Stata. — CUN ARiyS, Inc. ArtAGtflflMpr* Whilw Mi^HC FOR THE CHILDREN Midget visiting cards, fifty cards with name printed on each, packed in leather case of Green, Tan, Bed or black for .50 cash in advance. 6c ex tra for postage. Pencil cases, with childs name on each pencil and on the outside of the leather cases. 5 pencils in leather case He 6 pencils in leather case flM 5 pencils in holljr oox I Sit 6 pencils in holly bo* Mr 18 pencils in holly box fl.M 6c extra for postage on sack onto, several boxes may be included in oas order, cash in advance. CHRISTMAS CARDS Oar Use of Christmas card* exceed any attempt we have ever mads be fore, consisting at the meat beautiful cards selected from the high set qaal tty manofactoera, aseailag yea at real qaality in appearance at year Cards, a visit to hi|iit oar Im wfl We have asurf iat boxes at 9UM. aad H.00 that wa gaaraata* te flaaas nwilved'la*a*viii ENGRAVING