«f Vbh K— t authority 111N ta ■ daad of Uruat UMK Nov. IMS, kr 0. I Zi£! M LlnvtlW, Trtiata* for E »>nfc» to MM-urr mi indafctad of la.c'Hxm md iwurddad U r >f rwd» itffioa of Sorr ■ ti, m book 7S pm Hi hav nj barn mad* in tha pay ■t of tha notoa tborrin aaeura MM tlM raqLW it of tha huldar, I wil ■d for mm to tha highaat hiddar, a "A MMti -t, la front nf tha Banl m MiiH A it. Mowrt Airy, M. C. *alar if Oar.. IT, Ilt4. •t una o'rlorh t. M. tha foilowln,, daacribad raat aatata: Kirat lot. Lying and briny ht roah.p and adjutnini t>. M H. Coo, J W. Botch or at al aik. oundrd aa follow*: Ba It at I »takr on t.hr mad frim r Kntui to Korkford 400 fart W. ». McDowr.ll'. utorahnuai lot on mi d t >ad and i*xl*nding dowi Mud road u ■ aHa ftmkford aa it mr ■ 400 . to a ataka, W. H. Coa'J I Mr; than IV 46 day. E. .12.1 ft. to Wl H. Co*'* cornor In J. W Butrhrr'i I laa; thano n a north wratrrly dir*c tion with J. W Butt hcr'a lin«- 300 ft la a ataka in J. W But'harV Una an. W. M M,D.^vair. eornvr; thane* it a Southwraicrlr dirwtioti 4*1 ft. »« tha barrlnninr to* umr bcinn Iota MoJ 8 and 4 in tha J. W. Butcher lot. 8aJ recorded in book 71 para 441. lot. Adjoining thr above am ■t land* nf and beginning at a white oak P. W. Stewle's cor aar and rani 8. 10 1-2 date. W. S ch« •a a ataka in tha Brown line; theni'J Milk aaid Una 8. 87 dec E. 22 40 cha ha a maple at a branch in Whitakar'J ■aa; thaw with aaid Imv N. S dag. E 4.19 cha. to WMtaker'a comar; ther «. Mi da* W. 1« cha. to a rock; thac tt. U dec. W. 2.70 cha. to a rock al Mm branch; than up branch aa it roe N. 53 <irf. W. 1.30 cha; thenri U dag. W. 70 linka; thanca N. fil g. W. 4.30 cha. thance 8. M dag . 1-2 cha to a rock pile tbca S. » ■n- »» ;—a ,uw km*. Mf ■ i in-u ill ■ . w Steele's lin«; thence with hi* tin* S TB In. K. 5.44 eha. to the beginnini Containing 10 term more or teas. &N M wtariri In huh 87 pair* 188. Illird Tract. Adjoining the landi af Ira Wood et ml and beginning ai ■ Mk on the West bank of the Bock M road run nine with aaid road at * MMdm N. 61 d<*. W. 4 1-1 chr. Am N. 43 da«. W. 2.32 eha. to W V. McDowell's corner; thence 8. 7^ 4a*. W. 2.22 eha. to a rock in Jenkin M road; thence S. 4 dct. E. M ■aha to a rock; thence 8. 2 eha. to i roefc; thence S. 18 da* W. 4 3-4 chai to * rad oak; thenc* S. 37 deg. W. 1 rlwn to a rock; thance 8. 1ft 1-4 cha to a rock; thence E. 7 cha. to a ataki farmer ly Sallie Bowl* turner; theno W. 3 1-4 eha. to a rock formerly a pool «ak; then N. 1 deg. E. 8.94 cha to i ■toe; thence N. 1.4V eha. to a rock •hence Jf. 15 deg. E. 7.1t eha. to tha keg inning Containing 17 1-2 acrai •ore or It*. Beginning at a rod on West side of the Rockford road Ira Wood'* corner and runs with iai<j road as it now meander* N 3ft dec W. 1# chs; thence N. 4ft d«-g- W. 5 chs thence N. 42 deg. W. ft -h*.; thenca N 57 deg. W 3.*7 chs. to W M. Me Dowel"* earner; thence with his Ima 8. 15 deg. W 7.12 chs to a rock, for SHertv a po*t oak; thence E 18 chs. t« th» beginning. Containing 17 1-5 •erea more or leas. See deed record Mi rn book 87 page 127. Fourth Tract. Adjoining the land; ad Ira Wood et al and beginning on a rock on the E. bank of the Rockfordj Doboon sand clay road in Ira Woad*l fae and runs S. 86 deg. E. 5.75 eh* to a large post oak Whitaker and Wood's comer; thence with the ok aasd and Whitaker's line A3 deg. E 4 1-2 chs; (hence N. 76 deg. E. 3.21 4t»; theno N. 85 deg. E. 72 links ftattf N. 69 deg. E. "JO eha. to a ret toft formerly a hickorv- 'hence N. 1( chs. to an a she and maple on thi Iranch; then N. 87 deg. W. 22 1-2 chJ to a stake in the hollow thence N. 4 leg. E. t chs. to a white oak Butch «r and Doby's corner; thence N. If 4am. W. 86 eha. to a sassafras, (no* dton dead and gone) thence N. 54 db«. W. 79 links to a rock W. H. Coe'i Wiiii In J. W. Butcher's line; thei S. 41 dag. W. 4 cha. to a stake on E Sank of Roekford-Dobaon sand da] Mad; thane* S. 87 dag. E. 4.7S eha. t • stake H. D. Lindsay's old eornai larmerly a pine; thence 8. 48 dag. 1 with the Old Rockford and Dohaoi toad bad 6 eha; thence 8. 34 dec. I IMS eha. to the beginning Contain lag 40 aeraa more or Haa. Begin ■toe at a stake oa the Roekford-lSob •an road a coraar of W. M. McDow ht and nans hi aa easterly di »it>ua 414 ft to a atake In J H jtoUhirl Haa. W. M. McDwwdT •tot to • stake M. 0. Coe's mm •kmc* la a a>—tarly direction wtf «. O. Coe's Haa M7 fast to a atofi to th* Baa* bank of the Rockford V^^nSmS^m uTlto'd'to * Katww Vn toad raaadid hi toak M ya| Hale aa* to Mtirfy a halaar* a tMQO.OO pHnfiptl, iniufMl iiuTmi afadbtoaM. TWa the ttth day o Ifcf. IwM. ^ ^ UtiTill T»tot1n • owner, charging eroaity to aaiaaah I When OfflMn Glenn and Surnaida ; niterrd the gi iMii| project Tmfc] ; where the mnlea war* —pluyad h pulling Sea*7 nfcaalaf *. there war the officers claim, raeaalad that C nf the animal* Wtfi hi Meh • condt tinn that they could hardly carry m their work. The nerlu and ahtmlden of many of the animali, it waa atat ed, were raw and bleeding. Largi •area in many inatanrea were dieeoe ered on the hodiea of the animala -specially an the laga. T>» animal* were immediately re leaaed from hameaa at the iwquea if the officer*. In aoma inatancet the collar* wer* atuck to the necki if the mulea and were removed w>tl lifficulty, an irtat waa the pain «uf fered by the aniinala, the offleen «aid. In other inatancea, the offleen eclated, the odor from the open aorei waa tmhaarahle. Other gradin) '»mpi will he investigated. According to the officer*, the largt metal wheeler* employed in the grad in* of *trecti* and other property an too heavy, when loaded with dirt foi the mole* to pull without aerioua in jury and nomerou* near*. The fric tion caoaed by the harnea* rubbini on the fleah of the mulea, it ii thought, resulted is large aoraa; am the cantinuona grind kept the aorei in an unhealed condition. The offl "•era atated that in a number of othai ramp* investigated the mulea were it | good condhiaa. Claim. For Claim* for J—nn were filet ■pirnt the county Monday by 0. J Stone, Matt Chapman, Jonaa Jam** Walter Sapp and Mra. J. O. Moanci for allrpd Injury and eiprnw the] have differed by mm of hater bit tan by a maddog. The claim* rangt from **>.00 to SIM).00. The dot i* owned by a Rockingham count) man, it ww atatod. All of the par tie* mid* in the .action ea*t of Wal nut Cove. The county romminmoner* appoint *d a jury, compoaad of W. W. Fulp Calvin Flinn and 3. L. Murray, U investigate the matter and report the fact* to the board at the nexi meeting.—Danbury Reporter. Tall 346 For COAL BOOKER COAL YARD CASH ONLY NOTICE The property owner* hen in li»t« are notified that an imiwient hai been made against their property foi placing curbing and aiaewalk* or South. Worth and Kerner Street* and that a meeting will be held at Um Town Hall on the first Tuesday oi December at *eveo thirty P. M. foi the purpose of confirming said a* nesamenta. Dr. H. M. Lancaster Granite (68J' R. D. Ball, Soath »JI D. S. Hodge. Korner, 14.S1 Mt. Airy Knlty A Truat Co. Wort! Street, 60.2! N. A. Lowe 158.11 Robt. Forkner 106.61 Mra. Caleb Mitchell, 172.0. P. L. Gordon 72.61 F. M. Poore SIIjM J. A. Jackson, «7Ui H. G. J arret 1 AStoaa. 60S Oacar Mfori —SUN Mr* Hoary Jam*., 62.# C. H. Thacker, Ml F. A. Thaekar. J no. Venable Ball to t m * ^ ,&«tl 14«to • av.likk atoka I. It W. I 14 eha. to • atoka, S. I W. 4 14 4m ti • >Uk. ■. 10-14 W. 9. 91 ate. to atoto nrar railroad, ■. S4 W. • dak to T*J. ton llf«r, thence down the river B 99 B. 9 J4 cha. to wfflow D. Crta» INM'I mw. N. 41 1-1 B. T.M «ha wh, at adga of butt am tfcaaaa atti llna afr«i4 apan by A. and D MMui, N. It 14 I. 91.99 ate. ta II 4anaea4. H. 99 B. 19JS dto , M. 94 1-9 B. Ml . . 44 E. IJT aha. t« •oat oak nTm B. 0.90 ch«. ta Waat 8 JO aha. to atoka, M. « W. 9 12 eha, thanea North tt Waat ta tha beginning corner Boy D. SrnKh'i . ..rnar In njp aand clay rmd. ( ontalnlng 1M I I acrea mora or •a. Thi» Ta part of tha Albart r'riaaauwi land. Baa daad made by X. V. Criaaman and othara to partial of flrat part thla data. Baoapt tha graveyard lot contalnlnf 1*4 acrea, mora or laaa and aaeapt right of way to cartway leading from aaid frave yard and RoekfoM road and Dobenn road. See deed from I.uther Reeven to heirs of A. Cnaaman for deacrip lion. Sale made to satisfy an indebted ness of 90.000.00 principal, Inter eat and coat of sale to add. TW< the 10th day of No*. 192*. O. B. Snow, Trustee. Notice Traatee's Hale of Land By virtue of authority vaated in me In • certain dead of truat exacut nd the 4th day of May 1929, by J. A. Atkina and wife Edna V. Atkins to Edw. M. Linville. Trustee for The Bank of Mount Airy, to secure an in debtedness of 92fl7.VfH> and recorded in the Register of Deed* office of Hurry County in book M pa«e 41, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the note therein secured and at the request of the holder, I will sell for cash, to tha highest bidder, at public auction, in front of the Bank a HARMAN'S Airy. I i of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, M. C., on Satantay, Jan. M, IMS. ■t t o'clock f. M, 'he following described real ntil*: Lyme and Mn| in Mount Airy townahip and in tlia aforesaid county and state and adjoining the land* of iC. W. Taylor and wife at al and be Snning at • division I in* 260 fact om the Fancy Gap road and at the Kut angle in a 1ft foot cartway as* tending from aaid road to thia point and running with the Eaat adc* of aaid cart way. tba aaid cartway to continua U> feet wida through tba entire land and running N. 14 dag. 46 am. W. m ft.; thence N. IS dag. Hi min. Eaat MO feat; thence N. 21 'lag. Eaat 3fM feet to tba bead of a ditch aituatod In tha Waat aide at the cartway; thence North 10 deg. 46 min. Eaat SfKt fee* with th<* aaid cartway i to G. C. Welch'* old line; thence 8. *6 deg. 30 Min. E. 117 feet with G. C. Welch'! old Une to the middle of Lovill'a crook; tbonce down the creek and with the center or thread of the stream S. V deg. 90 min. E. 1M feet; thence S. 12 deg 90 min. Eaat SO feet to the head of the waahoat on the Went aide; thence S. 02 dec. SO min. Eaat following the bed at tne stream prior to the change leaving the araah out on the West aide of where the wanhout wnd»; llmra Houth 3 dag. W. ■mi ft. 10 dug. W. in all 400 feet; thence I. 3 Jag W 100 fast follow ing the aid bad: thence S. M deg. W. 174 faat to tk> lower and of tha wash out which rurvaa to tlx eastward hi line following tha oU bad amund thi* washout; thence 8. 40 deg. 90 min. W. At faat with tha middle of tha itmun: thence Houth 28 dug. 30 min. W. 100 feat with tha middle of tha utream; i hen re S. 9 dag. W. 90 faat with tha middle of tha utream; thence 8. IS rirg. 30 min. K. 50 faat with the mid dle of the utream; thenre 8. 87 dej. E 100 faat with the middle of the ream; thane* I. S3 dug. 30 min. W. 14 faat to the diriaion line, 20 faat from tha bending »ycam»re tree; thence N. M dag. 90 W. AM faat with the said Una to the beginning. C»n talninc 19.40 acre* more or laaa. Sea W>k 73 page 257. Second Lot. Adjoining tha first tract and beginning at a stake on the West hank of the Fancy Gap road and run* 8. M dag. 30 mm. %. M6 fact to the middle of Lovill'a eraek; then with the middle of Lovilfi creek to the hridga over the creek at the Fan cy Gap road: thence with the Fancy Gap read N. 3fi dag. W. 720 faat to the herinning. Containing 5.57 acre* m»re or leae. See deed hook 83 paga M. Third Tract. Lying and being in lb* town of Mount A.ry, Mount Airy Uiwnahip, Horry county. North Can lini adjoining ihr lands of th» Atlan tic A Yadkin Railway or Suthw Kail way, Cove land Orchards and the Colored Church and beginning at aa iron poat in the Southern Railway 'lepot lot corner: thenre N. U ft. with the right-of-way to an Iron pin in the Coveland Orchard nnpwT'l lot; thence East with the «atd Or chard Company'* line 142 1-2 faot to Depot street an iron pin; thence about 10 faot with Depot street to the ear ner of the Colored Church lot; thence W with the church line 87 feat to the Northwest corner; then re Sooth with the said church line ISO feet to on iron pin In line of Southern depot lot; thence with the said line 50 ft. to the beginning. See deed from S. E. Marshall aad wife to J. A. Atkina dated April 27th, 1023. fair made to satisfy an indrbtedMag of »2*76.00 principal, interest and root of aate to add. This the 3rd day of Doc. 1924. Edw. M. Linville, Trustee. Help Tea Avoid Safferiag For those diatreaaing gaasy pal as that crowd the heart take Chamber laina Stomach and Liver Tableta. Why continue to suffer hrhen thla good medicine may be so easily had at so small a coat? Only tte. TBB VNITIIIAt CAB PRICES REDUCED Effective December 2, the Ford Motor Company announces new low prices on all Ford cars.* A reduction of Twenty Five Dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cars even greater values than ever before. NEW PRICES RUNABOUT TOURING CAR COUP* TUDOR 8BDAN _ FORDOR SEDAN ^ noccs f ^ ****** „««-j5ssr.SKt5- -—

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