to at Imm. if ha baa too Httla information to mark hia ballot, joat what kind of a wttaaaa win ho It waa awrhod, ia the dantly hare bat Httla watcfct, for ho] la teettfyin» ahoat aoawthinc ahm whirh ho hitowa hot Httla—awktof| ■ WVrrt. All thia la hut loading ay to tho fact thoro la no way to haro a aoerat for tho mm who la not aMa to poau to ho a irmwtae aentl ta thla atata for a atate-wlde| la tho nataro of tho Aaatialfa Thoro ahouM bo, but tho par-1 pooe at tho ayatein la to haro a eerret j ballot free from all poaalMa tmdi Influence* on the rotor. That la tho j (nod point about tho* Aaatralian bal lat. Bat whoa a rotor nroat hart help It la no lonjror a aecret ballot In j The public mind »i iw> to jump at • mwhnfnf that any mm who help# an unlearned mtar to mark Ma b«l lot la in great dnrrr of wine Ma in flu tier to cauae tk» ballot to be aaarked aa he would Mm to aaa it aurfced. And there b reaaon for thought alone tbia Una, far all men ara human. We are prune to aoapfc ton one another, eeperially whan there la a fat otf\m at la—i. If wa are not able to traat earh irtb ar and are fearful of tarnhic any Man bahind the curtain with the voter then the ne*t heat torn in the caaa of tka volar who muit have help would be to appoint, not one marker, Mil a commtaaion of three men who ahoald ait together and mark the ballot of the man who wanted help, and thua not trjr to have it a aecret ballot M hia eaae, and do away with the tes tation to auapieion each other and alao to uae any undue influence on the voter. Of all the ayatama of balloting that w have known the Australian ballot ia by far the boat and moat aatiafac tory. The man who ia not able to vote without help will be at the mercy of thoae about him ao long aa he re main! in hia condition, and the way oat of the eonfaaion ia to find a way that remove* hia eaae far from temp tation to play with hia vote for eel fiah pui puaaa. viewed bjr the lap* ami Court mom •wki ago havs keen returned to Clark of tha Court f. T. Lewellyn end no error found to tha trial which Superior court, carrying a term of flee year* hnprlaonment, will go lata effect. Mr. LewaOyn at oaee leaned t hay ara now hi tha hands of Sheriff C. H. Haynaa, whose duty It hatomM to convey Mr. George to tha atota prison at laMfh to begin hia m tonea. Since tha raftmal of tha Hipiwi Court to grant a naw trial to tha El kin hanker strenuous efforts hare been mada by various parties to to duce Governor Morrison to graat a respite in tly rase of Mr. George %*t so far tha governor has taken no ac tion for kia raliaf, and H la expected that tha aert faw days will saa tha or der of tha court put into effect. THE WANDERING GYPSY Tha papers toll that recently far tha first time in history tha language of the Gypsy people has bean pot into print In one of tha countries in Europe. They hare s language of their own and they hart ha Id on to it in all countries for centuries. While they speak the langoag* of tha coun try they infest they also retain tha language of tha tribe. In every country where civilization is found tha Gypsy la a past to the land. They wandti about and carry an air of mystery about them. They ara all fortune tellers and claim to hare powers that ara not poaeeaeed by other people that enables them to see into the unknown. It may be for this that they ara tolerated by other races. Certain it is that they have contributed nothing to tha good of the race hi all the erntnries that are behind as. If there Is any good at all from their presence In a coun try K would be hard to name it un ices it is that they furnish arausa' ment of a kind, far many people da light in being faked and in baring their fortunes told. In the light of all this it would be in order for our next legislature to forbid the presents in the borders of the state of any of these wander - ing bands. It would not be putting H any too strongly to say they ara robbers who lire off the country snd give nothing in retui u far what they take from the people. u /L DM«h of Wall Know* CitiMa ^ freeman, • resident of the Pine Ridp section of this conntjr, paasad away Toeadajr of laat week at Ma home after a abort iUneaa fol lowing a complication of dissaaaa. Uncle Baa waa know all lie affairs. Ha wm always foond ta the bent if the flfht during the elec tions and waa an ardent supporter of Ike ■uTimts that are for the bat torment of the farmer. While ha ha a4 Dob ha had ae peace aatfl ha had >oms thing to say. Aid always he ' waa hi rawMtory. fnr y»ar» mmy haro farttai Hi* nwminMf of OaMalo i emelary by the eity, tat thia waa not conaommated until ■ commit t« fro* the Kiwnnta Hob memberahip got IwliM the mo i—»nt «irf aoon Hm» after th» uenwtery stark wu pun haa ad by the city. ft to now operated and matmlM by • Centoterjr Cow miaalon compaoe4 of Mw. M. LhnrlTW awl K. H. Korktitchy r«priMitin| i the IIH—< of the city an«l mimhan j of the town a Willi. Nr. Lin- i vtlto, aa chairman of tke Caiaaiaiy t'ommiaatnn, kaa had actire MHiap ment of keaatifying tke tamaUry ami the program of lmpru»>mant k* kaa mapped oat will ka continued until j Mount Airy will ka akla to point to : the reeting place of kar lored onaa with a aatiafactton that ft will com para with thoee of any other city. Dorlnr tka year tha Oak hma ren dered valoahle aaaiatance in father ing tha rood road work of tkto eec tion. fta memhera. together with oth er citisena of the city, have been hear tily behind tha Lakea-to-Florida Highway and their untiring ef fort* in behalf of tkto projhrt to part ly the caoae of the aaamiation adopt ing a mote that paaaea through Moant Airy. The club haa aponaored achool athletica, a part of the prugram In thia activity raiting for a caak con tribution to maintain an athletic di rector at the high achool. The boy wwut troop of the ctty to financed by tha dub and a aery year the Soya are given a camping, all of which to taken tfi of by tha dak. J net what the scope of the work that will be undertaken by the rtub fpr the year IMS kaa not been folly worked oat at thto date. Pluldaal I.inrifle haa appointed his rartooa mmmitteee and theaa will aoon meet and map oat a program of work for the future. There era many thing* about na that can claim tkeir atten tion and with the earning of tka Now Tear tkoaa eommitteee will be pat ta work on the rarioaa probtama that confront them. Club Womm C Horn* ami Jail croup of «ifkt w—bui onkt^ "Mount Airy Woman'• Chih ri sited tlM County hoar and Jail last Friday car-i ryinf Christina* (km in the form of orantaa, applca, candy and ihtaa to the inmatee of thaaa Irwtitu tiona. rt waa nm to the committee, and probably will be to oar reader*, that two baby boys, orphan brothers S and 6 year* old, are inmatee of the Home. Sorely somewhere in the county that* in a home where thaaa little faOvwa would find a welcome and a footer dady and mother to lor* and can for them if only tMa atory fall, into right hand*. If not aa effort will ha aaade kto place them in aa orphan's There are 4t inmate* in the all of The lad tee found It county Jail and here leteliad for eopiaa of He Chriatian Herald" and "The Saturday baring thaaa might lift the (ioota of life a Mt by paaatn* the* aa la .— . th*aa. ^ To Cloaa For kl*a warehwwtr'La city wffli an Friday of holiday aaaaon. Bala* wfll agate ha| Jan. ML CIom Friday Tha Weal », im. A tmr af the oat of JAava to a 'friend* or '"yy1" A«r W. t. 0M» to to MNto W I Make The Entire Family Happy I This is a Happy Home They Own Building and Loan Stock 9th Series Now Open For Subscription There is no better way to start die New Year thaa to befin the seen lation of savings through our Association. ItonK IMWng & tes#ciab#B Christmas Sale & ALLEN'S PRINCESS y RANGES pymnrp to 2Stk There b no better range nude than this one. And you have never had suck inducements to buy offered you as we are offering during due mU. Rend the exceptional offers below and decide NOW to pro long the enjoyment of this Christmas for years to come by giving the family one of thses wonderful SPECIAL OFFER Porcelain Enamel Top KitchenTable flLSO VdM FREE E WIN THE FREE PRIZE IN OUR WINDOW window di tbia nU. Make • «w«w you may be tk« lucky om to ww iU fra* prize SOUVDOB= Eureka Vacuum Cleaners ' TIm Gift Ska Will FREE! garsMm S^edai Chnstaas Tens £* S^TK; b*w* in >—i Nelson Machinery Company mthpai