Not ice Traaiif'i Sal* of l.iri By virtue of authority vested in Br 'he indemigned trustee in a curtain + •■d <>f trv»t vxn'Utfd the* 7th day f Feb. 1922, by J. M. Hlate and wife f^aisy Slat# to E<iw M Unville, t'ntM for S. E. Mc Bride to mem* as radebtednesa of 98S3.M and recorded n the Beirut<t of Deeds office of rurrj County, N. C., in hook 76 pan IJrt, default baring been made is the ay went of the note therein «acurad • nd at the request of the holder, 1 -.--ill (all for rash, to the highest hid •' r at pablic auction, hi front of the Hank of Moont Airy, Mount Airy, N. e® Saturday, Jaaaary 17th. 1*23 at aae o'clock P. M„ the following described real estate: Tract No 1. Beginning on a white «-ah corner of Lot Ho. 1 thence N. 5 chains and 83 links to a stake corner af lot No. 3; thence West 21 1-2 to t •take and pointers: tbenre S. 5 cha. and 33 links to lot No. 1; thence with At Baa of lot No. I 21 1-2 chains to Mm battening. Supposed to be 11 1-S «uw, ae it the same more or leas. Tract No. 2. Beginning on a itnte Abner Going* corner of lot No. 2 runs N. SI 3-4 to a stake; thence E. SI 1-2 cha ma to a stake, thence S. MS to a stake; thence West with the line •f Lot No. 2, 21 1-2 chains to the ha stening. Containing 11.46 acres More or leas. This being lot No. 8 af the Hardin Going* tract of land that the same being the lot that fal teth to Charles H. Goings. Tract No. 3.—Situated on Clarfca Creek and being a portion of the tracts formerly owned by Harden* Go in«B. Sn M from W. L. Minter to William H. Going of date rwnrd ed m Surry County. N. C.. Book 11, M|> 154. and th* ikiri allotted to W M. Goings iieind. ilasLrih.d aa follow*: Beginning at a white amk .Southeast corner of old tract, ram Wast twenty-oo* chain* and ona-hali I (tl 1-2) to a chestnut, north saraa and on* half (7 1-1) chain* to a (take and pointer*, thence Eaat tl 1-2 eh*. 1 to a targe white oak; Sooth 7 1-2 eh*. I to the beginning. *nd containing 14 : 19-12 acre*, he the *ame mar* or less. • For full description *a* the partition report. Thia lot or tha ownor I* en titled to one road cro—tag tha other «hare* to his lot. •Sale nude to satisfy a balance of <7X1 !*i principal, interest and coat of sal* to add. This tha l«th day of Dec. 1924. Edw. M. Linvllle, Trustee. - NOTICE Having qualified m administrator C. T. A. ot «. A. Dunbar, dmwl, of Surry County, all persona inMtod to said estate are requested to Make iir-nediate payment, and all persons h-U:.rf claims against said estate are Set -by notified to praaent the same, duly authenticated, to the un dersigned on or before the 12th day of December, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their ratotery. Thi* 12th day of Dec. 1M4. Geo. K. Snow, Admr. C. T. A. LARD CANS far aala—2S Ih. atoe. 25 cents each. Call at the News office. A Christmas Gift M Wears : ^ _ l Give Him a Box of t>or and Seel Fancy Ribbed Wools Clocked and Plain Silks Pine Mercerised Lisle* In Christmas Boxes 35c to $1.50 Simmons Clotl * *, MRS. E. C. JAMBS OF CLJUf DIED SUNDAY p '::;> Y7r !!***&**&*» Fallowing Attack mi Ay* dicitia. Elkin, Dk. IS.—The death of Mn E. C. iuiM thia Moraine at 9 o'dod in the local hospital ha* east a pal of *adn*as om the entire town, i little more than two waaks apt M*i James underwent an operation fo appendicitis, following which ah* ha improved rapidly, until Thurafeg night when complication* ana*, cana inf a rapid decline in her conditio® which earlier had how ao favorabl for her ratueary. In the paaaiag of thi* one of El kin'* wat tenderly beloved young wo men, the (own and community saa tain* a distant laaa. During her ran idence here, following her nMrriagi four years ago, her life ha* been I constant benediction to thaae whi knew her intimately, and her tnfto enee will he felt for jmara to com* Cultured, talented, refined, conaecrat ed *ke pnaaaaaad every clamant whici . goo* to nuke op one of the maat par fact examples of true womanhood Her auinlj, bar loyalty and devo tion to her home aa wall aa to ha church, Sunday achool and miaaioa ary organisations with which ria was affiliated wore outstanding traKi of her character. She waa a devote) wife, an ideal mother and a home maker in the truest aenae of the word Mrs. Jame*' death thi* morning wai typical of her life, her spirit jnei drifting out quietly, peacefully, with out a murmur, or a struggle. SIm waa a graduate of Meredith college and posaeased unusual talent in art She was ahout 27 years of age, an< is survived hy her husband, two litth sons, Jimmie and John Wilson, ala< her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. John ston, of Virion, and two brothers William and John Johnston. TV funeral service will he conducted to morrow at 1 o'clock from the Firsl RaMint church, following which thi . rvmains will he conveyed to her na Mve h >me »♦ Weldon for interment. Suffer* Injury From Auto Randy Owen*, of this city, in nul ' of the honpital where he spent thrw days following injuries he receive* Saturday night by being run over b) in automobile from Thomasville. San dy wan on South Main street neai Welch's store Saturday night, anc ; while coming up town the hijrh win* i blew hla hat acroaa the street. It his haste to get it he unthoughtedlj found himself in the path of a pass in* car. He was knocked down an< I considerably bruised up, bat suffer od no broken bones. The driver o! the car immediately carried him U Martin Memorial hospital where ha remained until his injuries improved . It is said that the owner of the cai made a satisfactory settlement wHl • Mr. Owens. I The habit at touching wood whas J we hare boasted of our food hsrk k a throwback to the ancient >tree war | shippers. The primitive belief srai • that spirits rtskM In tms isd wool | was jaaeksd to call the atteatfcm ai the tree aptrit to the hct that Ms to floeaee was recogniaad. and that hi I FOB SALE—At f room *M <h of fin* land Te ton Insurance Afmnr Mount Airy, . M. C. 12-tlx > err rot * ORDER* far Oriiim Mivar; of candy. Cream fudge* 50c par lb. Assorted boa bona and chocolates Me p*r lb. PhoM 363. Mr*. K. C. Seaw&id. City. tfc 1 THE best line of Hoaiary in, | "Phoenix" and "Allan A', all tlx •ranted MM, aad at Imit pricei than you've been paying. Bwke'i Stora. LOST or atalaa a haaad dag Nav. 8th I Black back, tan head aad eara whit* , speckled breast and legs, white streak in face, white tip on end af tail, ans ■ wan to the name of Jack. Kinder please notify B. H. Childress. Moore') Orchard. Mt. Airy, N. C. 12-27p IF yah are Isikiag far laakiag tm i can Vqr and at '"i ~ ble Store. NICE TV BNIF GBEENS Ur sale. Phone T. S. Ashburn* track farm. No. 395. tfc COKD WOOD far sale—See W. W. Burke, City, tfc FOR BENT. One six-raom and several acres land, suitable for i farming or trucking. On Fancy Gap road, right in town. See Dr. W. S. Taylor. tfc. • Upwaas fob' BENT—Oae Eight room ho—t, on Spring street and four room house, on North Main St. See W. W. Burke. tfc WANTeB—Goed ml heatae. Pkmw | 190. 12-ltp CLOSE OUT Price, 3 days. 17. IS and 10th, are have fur overcoats i at $10.00, worth more. Simmons ; Clothing Co, The Better Clothes. Watch our ad next week. FOB SALE—Oae new Feed Ceape and one 1921 W. L. Sydnor. and one 1920 model Buick apply DO YOl' want Nursery Mack, your trees pr*n«l and treated, shrubs Clanted. replaced or rearranged, will p in town a few days only. Ph<>ne 36# or see C. F. Thompson, Tree Sur geon. Ite FOR SALE—1923 Ford Roadster in fine shape. Will sell cheap for , cash or (rood paper. Joe Fowler. 12-l2p PRACTICAL ttfta, for Father. Moth er, Sister, Brother or Friend, De pendable quality at resnnable prices. Burke's Dependable Store. FOR SALE—A seven room house with large lot on Franklin street. IVice M.BOO Write Mrs. U. L. Rob inson, Sanford, N. C. or see W. W. Christian at Bank of Mount Airy, tfc i A STORE full of Dsefal, practical nft», just the kind you'll want to send friends or fanily, priced very reasonable. Burke's Dependable Store FOR RENT—7-Roem (lease on Pine street, water; lifrhtw and garden. Phone 107. ltc THE BK^GEST STOCK «f Christ Ms handkerchiefs in town, fine rtshL'>r*c**' ®urk''* I YOU'LL ARE YOU TIRED, ACHY ALL RUN DOWN? Tkia Mount Airy Riwdt TelU Yn How to G«t W«fl Tired all the time? Lam*, stiff and achy? Tortured with nagging backache? Knifr-lika twinges when jroo stoop or lift? Miserable with hoadarbea, disxy •polls and bladder irregularities ? All are signs of kidney sickness! Use Doan's Pills—a stimulant din r«tk to the kidney ■ Here's Mount K ry testim—y. T. L. Jacobs. botcher, S. Rata St, lira the following lUtMNl Joiy 13. 191 ft: "I r.orht raid which sat tied in my back and made it sank. My kidneys aetod to* treaty Mi I had nervous headaches (ad fUt tir ed all the time. I used I>oaa"S Mb and was relieved." On April 22, 1923, Mr Jacska aaid: "Doan's have never (ailed to i illan aae when I aaed thaa." Me, at all dealers. Poster-Mflbam Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, M. 7. FIREWORKS A full Hne at Dixie McCrary** I Store on Fancy Gap Road » The Ideal Christmas Gift for Her iA Beautiful Box of Humming Bird Pare Silk Hom She Never Has Too Maay hummingl§inf _ $125 PURE SILK HOSIERY Pne* |pa» WEARS LONGER PURE SILK HOSIERY WEAR S LONGER * Nothing Could Please Her More Bird Pura Silk Hot* \m few many silk host. with its soft and girls. Q~ hr Humming Bird Pur. Siik FW . We have many Useful and suitable gifts far every member of the family. Try us before rompteting your list of gifts.

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