It A. Doughton in Faror of Another Issue of Bonds MUST COMPLETE STATE HIGHWAYS Miim Extra Tu mf m Cant •n Carolina Will Prora to B* Sufficient Raleigh, Due.. It.—'"I Mlev* we ought to go forward with our mad program," Revenue Cotnmiaaioner R. A. Dough tin (aid tonight in raeord ing trimaelf in favor of an extra iaaue of bondi to complete the atate high way ay atom. "I think th* amount of tha now bond iaaua should ba determined after ■ careful investigation of our high way need* and tha state's ability to finance it. Tha program might naad 115,000,000 or it might gat along with twa. An extra cant of tax on gaso line would probably ba nacaaaary, aa wa moat inaura an adequate linking fund, iataraat on tha bond* and a »uf fieient aum for aaintananea of tha Ughwaya. Estimates plaea tha ytald for tha pi'i laaail; yaar from auto licanaa and tha gaaolina tax at <10,000,000. An extra cant on gaaolina would give a million and a half or two milliona ad ditional. Aa head of tha revenue department and ona of tha moat level headed and experienced man in public affair*, Gov. Doughton'a support will play an important part in fnauring favorable legialative con aider* tir>n of the pro poaed new iaaue. He waa one of the author* of tha state highway act of tha 1921 aesaion, authorising the $50, 000,000 bond iaaue. BAILEY BROTHERS TRIAL SET FOR JANUARY TERM F«rty-Four Defendants Arm In* toKcxJ and Trial Will Frafc. aMy Take Smral Wwb. Greennboro, Dec. 18.—After three continuous watlu of federal court, (taring which recortU vara set for the Mai of bath criminal and chrfl ac tion*. Judge B. Yataa Webb adjourn ad tha Uaited Statea court for tha weaterm district of North Carolina hare this moraine. Juror* ware notified to return for sarrie* at the special torn beginning January *. when tha Bailey Broth ers caaaa in which there are 44 4a feadaats, will ha started. Judge Webb stated that three weeks prob ably will ha required te complete the Officials aad stock salesmen at Bailey Brothers, lac., Winston-Salem under indictment charring wrongful ■m of the mails Aa attempt te 4a lay trial made three weeks ago was frustrated whan a new indictment waa aacared by District Attorney Prank A. Linney. Two Ymt OM at > Arm The Hollow, Vs., Dae. SO.—Mr. and Adam Clement hart returned i a visit to her siatar, Mrs. Steph tn Amelia county and in Richmond Va. While la Mrs. Clement visited the Jte went throogh a operation lwl>e months ace and the doctors ft nil fled to find her The > yew eld son of Mr. and 1 "rs. T. O. Matthews had the misfortune to fall and Wank his arm at the si He ie »sMini ak n| K. A. Clement has returned treki • weeks stay at the Memorial hospi tal Richmond, Va. Mr. Drew Epperson haa moved back to his old hoase place. Kpperson's MQ1. Hie neighbors and friends an glad of Ma return. Mr. Kppersoo is a grocery store and It ie on i rrist mill 5VSS3L GOVERNOR PARDONS 4 FOR CHRISTMAS Petition of Colon Castor, of Sorry. Doniod With Nino Othor* Raleigh, IX*. XX.—J. D Farrior. ot Wilson, N. C., today was paroled dur ing tend behavior by Onvwuor <'am «r railroads acta* artrr a host or inspectors representing federal, stats and civic agencies of health had r» jected many cars of poultry which ar rived yesterday. Commission mar chants and carriers tonight took stops to have express companies es tablish an embargo <>n fowl as rigid as that declared by the railroads. "There will be no live fowl of any kind on the market in New York city during the holidays," said the head of the Live Poultry Merchants assorts tion. "There is no prospect that the fears of the housewives can bo allay ed. and order restored in time for U»s Christmas and new years trade." Twenty-five carloads of chickens— approximately 460,000 pounds of fowls—wore shipped westward today because they had failed to pass in spection at New Jersey terminals or because demurrage, shrinkage, coat of feeding and the demoralised stats of the market promised a total loss to the receiver who undertook to dispose of them in New York. During the three week holiday be ginning December 16 last year New York city absorbed 879 carloads of live chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese—S.500,000 fowls or about IS, <*00,000 pounds. At the name time the city absorb ed 21,000,000 pounds of dressed poul try, snd an unrecorded number of mil lions of pounds of cold storage fowl. Commission men believed today that unless the wave of apprehension SaafaH hrothar la larga pottan whaa ha UBa Ma. Exhibit for County of Surry Showing County RmmM, Amounts Paid Out From 1923, to the First Monday i TO COVltTT REVENUE AM FOLLOW A To Hated UuUm on proper ty, ..._ 140,222.23 To Hated taxable* on pnlla^... 2 433.60 To Hated taxable* for roads, bridgti property 120.6M.70 To listed taxablee for roada, bridges. poUa «,670.46 To listed taxablee for intaraat on bonde prop. .... . It,170,97 To llatad taxablee intaraat on bond*, polls, 1,022.07 To llatad taxable* on R. K. bonds, Elkln, township pro party, 2, To llatad taxablas on R. R. bonds Etkia township, polls, M.46 To llatad taxablas Shoal town ship, Road bonds, 1,164.01 To listed taxablas on R. R. Bad, tel., Taiap. ate., Roada, bonds, 960.71 To unlisted taxablas for 1924, Not r»ported. To amount for marriage license. To amount for Jerry Ttax, C. 8. C„ 07.00 To amount faaa from Bee- of daada offica, 4,347.08 To amount faaa from Clark Sup. Court, office, I.78M7 To amount faaa from sale of land for taxes, 2309.44 To amount A. L. Ashburn ex sherif, *ettlen*aait in foil, 169.76 To amount Durham county, cheek-deft* (coat) •ant to Durham county, 739.26 To amount (W. F. Carter ck.) credit on F. S. Eldridfe note, 600.00 To amount (A. D. Folger ck.) credit on F. S. Eldridge note, 226.0* To amount (W. J. Byerly ck.) for coal, 19.00 To amount rant from Fettle Freeman farm, 12.06 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE COUNTY County home bonds, 1900, 5,000.00 G*n*ral county nptoM, 1*11, 15,000.00 Court how* Md jail toads IMC, 149,000.00 Bride* bonds, ltl«, .60,000.00 Bride* bonds, 1918, 100,000.00 Good roads bonds, 1M», 161.000.00 Good roads bonds. 1M1, ... 76*00.00 Bride* bonds 1M1 26,000.00 Good roads bonds, lttl 160,000.00 Brid|« bonds, 1*12. 76.000.00 Total tow«.Mp bonds. M8.000.00 Bafuadine bonX IMS. _ 135/W0.00 Bride* bonds, lm, 160*00.00 T«al, 11*69*00.00 PAID COUNTY OFFICES SALARY L 0. Wallace, Coau-. 2 no.. 32 B. Marlon, trass., aaL NJt Harkrader* R. D 2M.M F. T. Lewfllyu. C. S. C. 280.00 F. T. Lawallyn Judfa Juranila Court, salary, MM C. H. Haynaa, akartff, aaL 291.87 W. B. Marion, traaa. aaL JIM F. T. Lawallin, C 8 C aaL 280.00 F. T. Lawallin, Jud*a Juranila Court, ....MM; Lillian Harkradar, R. D 9M.M C. H. Haynaa, ahariff aaL MtM F. T. Lawallin. C B C aaL — 280.00 F. T. Laval in, jodf* JuvaniU Lillian Harkradar. R D aal., W. B. Marion, traaa, .- M.M C. H. Haynaa, akwlff aaL MlMi W. B. Marion, traaa., — ....JUt| Lillian Harkradar, R. D J61M F. T. Lawallin, C 8 C aaL 260.00! F. T. Lawallin, Judga JavaniU Court, — W. B. Marion, traaa., F. T. Lawallin, C B C aaL F. T. Lawallin. Jadga Juranila Court, C. H. Haynaa, ikiilff, aaL »l.«7 Lillian Harkradar, R D. Ala* M. "T. - C. H. Haynaa ahariff, aaL L O. WaUaca, eonir. 4 : F. T. Lawallin. CSC Bow. MtM Alas (Latham, Jr. Comr. 6 m»s I HO mi .MJ0 P. T. Lawallin, CICnL 280.00. P. T. Lawallin, Judffa Juvanila Court, 26.00 Lillian Harkradar, R. D. «al 9HM W. B. Marion, traaa., MiS W. B. Marion, traaa., ...NJl! C. H. Haynaa. Sharlff, aal. 2M.S7 P. T. Lawallin. CSC 160.00 F. T. Lawallin, Judga Jovanila C"«rt, 26.00 Lillian Harkradar. R. D. «al. ....2BMTI C. H. Haynaa. abariff aaL 177.871 P. T. Lawallin. CSC HO.OO P. T. Lawallin, Jodga Juvanil# | wourt. 26.00, Lillian Harkradcr. R D mL 2MM W. B. Marion, treaa, sal. 83.33 I. O. Wallace, Coma. 8 moa. 41 mi. 62.41 C. H. Hajmca, ahartff, «al 2»1.«7 W. B. Marion, traaa. aal. WJ3 I.illian Harkradar, B D 2M.M F. T. Uwvllin, C 8 C 280.00 P. T. Wvallin, Judga Juvanila Court. __ 25.00 C. H. Haynaa, ahariff, aal 291.47 L O. Wallace, Comr. for Oct. 17.44 r. T. Lawellin, C 8 C 260.00 T. T. Lawellin, Judff* Juvenile Court _ AM C. H. Haym*. .hariff, ial. . .291.67 W. B. Marion, traaa, aal. 83.S3 Lillian Harkradar, B D 2M.66 ToUl, $11,814.07 PAID OUTSIDE POOR Columbua Valentine, 10.001 Ju. Wilmoth, „ 10.001 Suit Wau*h, Rebecca Wall. BJ0| 'Nathan laaaca ... J amen Kalian, Grey Wood. Sara Dnnnacan 10.00 J Plutina Snow 7 501 Robert Carpenter, Mra. Barney Key 10.001 Ab White. 10.001 Ellen Robertson, 10,00. Dina Norman, Mothers Aid 11.00 Mra. Carrie She Hon, 16,00 . Mra. Sal lie Hudaon 10,00» Mra Frank Dawa, Tap. allow, 10.001 B. N. Jotvea. Temp Allow. 7.8o| K M Jooea, Temp, allow Mary liwy* .... .7 JO | Thomas Biarkbura. tamp, allow f J0| C. H. Doaa, Alline Thoaapaoa, Elian Rabertaoa, temp allow, 10.001 Mra. Prank Da via, tamp, allow. 10.001 John Fulk, temp, allow Mm. Etta Jackaon, tamp allow, 0.001 Katie Brannock. temp allow, Ada Laffooa, tamp, allow Sam Axom, tamp, allow. .7.50 i Mra. Roaa Whitaker, tamp al 10 JOI Mra Etta Williamaon, temp at* 10.00 10J0 Columbaa Valentine, W. J. Bruner, tap. allow John Putt. tamp, allow Mra. Etta Jaekaoa temp, allow. Katie Bramoek, tamp allow. _. Ada Laffoon, tamp allow, Ed Matthewa. temp allow, ... Sam Axom, tamp allow, .7JO Mra. Roaa WhKakar. tamp al Mra. Etta Willlaaaaoe, temp, al law. ...„ MuMl Jaa. Wilmoth. temp allow ....10.001 Salt Waach, . rilirra Wall. Nathan laaaca, tamp, allow ...M0| Grey Wood, tamp alkn allow —IMS J .7JO | Albert Carponter, tam Mr. Barney Kay. tam (eat) tamp al io JO | Dina Norman, Mra. Carrie w. a WMtakw, —mm Mr- Etta Williamson, M