i Tkt fipm far June M, IMS are MaM fi uui tkt but pMM r» art of Stat* Auditor fcrtw Dor b* The pi will fifma far the •tat* Mt art obtained from the School huildinr bomb and notes Nates anticipating Uxn Thar* now remain* authorised ana not isaued $447,400 for lu|h«i]r con struction; 12,000/>00 for loam to vet eran* of the World War; 110,000,000 far a trunk Use east to waat railroad turn* for feeder rail ike ruunty lead* the 100 of the Stat* Id bonded in with a total of lt.Stt.000, aad Guilford comes second with $4. 141,776. Dare la in laat place with a debt of only while i counties with defcta of la** than 1100,000 ar* Camden, Gataa, Gra ham, Jonca, Moore and Northampton Winston-Salem lead* the munici palities with a debt of 111,401.104 irhile Greensboro is in smmmI pbet with a debt of $7,750,000. Other <4be* that have bono wad three alit or orer ar*: AsberiH*. Char Durham. Gas ton ia and Salia AlhemarU AiMnro, Atheville *vd«i H^aufort I Rmhoit Citjr. _ Wack Mountain, Hoonc Wrv*nn City Mhltn Charlotte Outnel HID .. Canton Coneord CremalwM. Hanbt Hnd and the Masonic Hall. Hardly a building aco. The (TMtwt daiup, accerd inf to reports rmMug tun. «u to the new Craiir building and the Hoi building. Plate fkn fronts blown out completely. Ibf huildinp cracked and fixture* on the inside greatly damaged. The new poetofflce building and several real* also ilama»id Holee large bury automobiles in were The outlying districts of the Tillage did not secape Two bombs were set off In the Mayview section. One •ear the new IIM.MO of Mr. Mebane did some ige to DARROW DENIES FEE WILL BE $190,000 Hale And Leak t Go,To The libtCmw tmi en the the of W*. Kno4-bf," W uid cap aarf l«t>