Former ML Airy Boy Make* Fine Writs* World Record Taylor, ft. M. Taylor mm! Mr*. Taylor, NU of Trinity wfcji, mo that R ia SH by 8H •tao of puliirfc, w aoo that ho hao written lljtM word* in if 1-4 iqwri MMa. Mow, my writing on tfco poat Som than *27-A2nda by Sl-Kada of an tech, or at a rate that would moan M4t» wofdn in tho aaao space in wMeb Professor Durso has writton 11,000 Or, to figure It aa other way, ho baa writton at tho rata of 875 in a <quar« inch and T at 794 a square inch. With tho farfor at hand, therefore. I can hard ly concede that ho ha* established a Yoa ask why I sot oat to wow record in tho art of writing I should think the woold answer Itself. This work ie • challenge to one's eyoa, asms, fin one's boot to answer the chal brinffs Ha own reward in of the pur* Joy of dntaff. Whe ther it is unsensational is heeide tho ^Motion I do not propses to kvoos why this work of miniature writing has had comparatively so few aspir for achievement, but the world's •ems to have gone unbroken SM years. wish to makr on# dear distinc tion It U only fair to lay that, whil* writ in jt with a diamond-pointed sty los on rlass or metal with a micro f of and special pantnrraph, ha* Wan frequently and finely done, at IgMpto «t miniature writing done by t he ef and by th« further fact that the N». | itlplw ■ of the Mootii allow tka majority of ent to mm a chalrmai Jamee H. WHaaa, of Daaeille; t. W. GMmO, attorney of Ta rllU. npnawitiiig tka aigiwre of thai petition aad uurttii of irarokoaaa mm and faUgvm, left | the eoorthaaai in At the BMethtir which followed it waa ahown that the audit, which haa juat been Mailed to the wimWi In their ma*axine*, makes clear the fact that the aaaociation haa reduced ita coat of haadltnr tobacco from fl.M a hundred in IMS to 91 J* a hundred pound* in IMS. The r»aohitlaa» adopted by the member* aieo brought out the fae. that eeen thoae M»Mb«i « who had tl(Md the petition and adurtlaiil t day'a ma«ttt had already received an averace from dellrerle* of their IMS crop to tha awariaMwi of ItTJI a* compared to a net ivrrift or ubnot flMI received by old belt far mer* for last aeaaon'a crop, with tha diatinrt whant'^* that they are e»r tain to receive more from tha associa tion. I Infractors and official* of tit* to bacco association took no part in to day'* mMtin( of the farmer*, which wax distinctly a meeting of the num ber* and re«ulted in itrmfthmlni their organisation in thin section. Two of the member* who signed the petition for today'« meeting arc under reetraining order* of the court to prevent delivery of their tobacco outside of the Association. Thomaa Neat, repreeentative in the treneral aaaembiy from CmmO coun ty waa anotvr tha speakera who en 'husiastically endorsed the tobacco association and Ha method*, follow in* which practically every member in the hooae stated hi* deaire not on ly to support the market in it associa tion for the term of the praaent con tract, hut to aiirn attain for another five year*. MANY PEOPLE AVERSE TO GIVING UP THEIR HOMES Pwmi< Parti Would Daprio* THouaaada of Their Am» tral Acfvt Overman la oat only receiving lat ter* froa* North Carolina, bat frooi resident* of Virginia outlining the diaadvootagaa it will pot tha psspls to by tha gmeiumsnt tiUnf over their homea for national park por poaea. On prominent cltiaan at Vir ginia arritaa that within tha boundary aa propoaad Hi VbghUa ft woo Id af fect aomething like 16,MO people, Many of wkoo, lngithw with Mr anceatora, have lived ka that vicinity for »—eraUoaa, and wfce 4a aot want to he deprived of their heme. Four fifth* of the people ia hta county within this pripmd kniiaiory 4a not want to give op their hatoea. All the talk aheot tha people waatiag It aa hie aide of the moontaia la boah, ha soya- The people aa tfcla ■aaolala to Ha tf a to ut fee at 91M.000 for *11 their aer eieae; thie board b of the . in *Ww of the time sod I of the ■kill of . at the outcome at Ik* trial, of $130,000 ia a raaaonaMa aional faa far all their milua in that| how Ike faa wu to ba dltWad halwai Mr. Darrow, chief nunnl for tha de feitee, and tha Bachrach brut horn, nor waa anjr «tat«m«nt made aa to wheth «r tha faa agreid upon waa a ronipro At tha time Mr. Darrow, nationally know* criminal lawyer, waa ratainad to defend Leah and Leopold. it waa announced that no fee had agreed upon, hot that the Chicmffo 1 Aaeoctetlon would determine thia mat-! STAGE CORN SHOW AND JUDGING CONTEST T. Hold Farm lib Grr.wfcarti, Jan 7 —Two of rnnut outstanding teaturca of tha Ma cro Farmer's congreaa to be held Kara are tha com show and lira stock (wiring content. Negro fanner* throughout the itate and partlcular Iv tha piedmont section will brine or aend ten ear* of well wlected corn for the rom exhibition. Premium* will ba given in amount* from two to ten dollar* in (he corn *how. In addition there will ba • judging! rnntaat between tha farmer* them •elves; piamium* wilt ba riven thoae who win in the contest. Thia contest will ba especially valuable bacaoaa it will aid the farmer* in making se lection for other com shows and fair* and it will teach them the value of rood seed corn aad the importance at areful ae lection Thia of means larger yield* at leu* coat All person* who expect to attend and want board and lodging at the "ollege should notify John D. Wray. Secretary. A. and T. College. Graena horo, North Carolina, not later than January lTth, IMS President Dud ley aaya the collage report by that time. fai Th« Uaitad Ste* », Jan. 7.—Cn ■fiiaHnj to nnwr (Mr prvflta. Lat ■* mj | that I offar na ■oeh fllaiitla lika Jact. I want aociatf aa a ikuli halp; bat I want tfca hrwn to do will ba te tah t H to think aa an Uhartratian tha tha Unitad Stetai aaaartin* that it atertod from tha top, hot that Aa Curnafla built ana aartkin of it; othar | ara to aaal Ha QMd| op «r at tha autaat had tha riaion of "tha I mormooa tmnanttntton to which thai artirttfaa ware tandlnjr." Tha Praaidant alao athwd that oprntta aiarkrtinc ha pt«wM aaj a ptimiipla not n Jan. 9.—Gwrn Car-1 roll. Jr., mm of Mr. and Mr*. Cwri» | Carroll, of this ritjr. M this mnil in* at tha Sarah Elisabeth Hospital, the third victim within a Httk mor» than a jraar, of rabiaa. Ha «u tan years of age, and seemed in his usual | health until Twadajr evening he maintained of pains Hi hi «r. Nothing was known at of his having baen bitten by any ani mal. But aa ho began to man if sat symptoms of hydrophobia he waa taken last night to the hoapital. The disease developed very rapidly, although everything possible waa | done for him he died there this morn ing. (t is reported that before his death | he referred to the bite of a dog six months ago, also to the scratch | of a cat a boot three months ago. Child Labor, Ratified m Calif.. Jan., asaemhly of Califor-1 nia legislature Thursday resolution ratifying the child amendment to the federal constita-| tion. In the senate there ware only three I votes in opposition with M hi favor i of ratification. In the assembly the | vote was M for ta • California it the second state to| ratify the amendment, Arkansas hav Coolidge and Dawes Officially Elected . f Ll a • •-« r - . Washington, Jan. IS Ctlrli Cool Mti and CharUa G. Dmw wrrr «Ue tod pnaljut and rW praa^ant. i*. apactlTaly, today. Tk a Utters far whom tkt Aaaari can *otars dtractly rut tWr boltota laat Honrtir Mat In the i-|i»Un appropriation of HUH fcr tfc, •>. 1 Secretary Chas. E. Hughes I Resigns As Cabinet Member^ "« u of Ami lf» in the participation in the Mr. Fort of ap to daattuj my "Wt win prava," he uM, commni ttair on Ms art ion. "that Mr. Fort the co-operative or <ta af farta." In hi* notice of intention ta hrtaf rait, Mr. Sapiro alao namad K. G. lie beM, etee preeident and treaeorer of W. J. Cameron, aditor of the Dear born Independent and the Fort Mo tor Otai Article from lh# ® rtic 1m t i fcrrcd to c ItiRf the following from the issue for Au guet ». 1M4: This whole Kahn-Baruch-Laskcr kinwilMipiro program is tars fully planned to turn over to Um or. (V'M international toterrsU the entire agricultural induatry of the re public Between the lines one reads the story of the Jewish commnniatic movement hi America, which seeks to make of the United States what K has already made of Russia " Prom the same issoe is quoted: This is the story of the effort by Aaron Sapiro to seise control of the American Farm Bureau Federation." Mr. Sapiro quotes from the issue of Auguet 23 a statement referring to L W. W. representative* as "lieuten ants'* of the Jewish promoter of as sociations for the "benefit" of "Amer ican fanners." Mr. Sapiro has been counsel for many co-operative organisations, notably in California. After coming to Chicago, he was for a time coun sel for the American Farm Korean Federation, bat differed over policy with some of the officers, particular ly J- W. Coverdale. then secretary and now secretary of the Grain Mar keting Companies, a merger of five oM line grain concerns Be has re mained here as coon eel for co-oper ative aaaociationa lad by Walton Pe toet, formerly of Texaa, William Set. tie, of Indiana, and Frank C. Loerden, former governor of Illinois Growmi rf Pecaai la Grippitf CnMwwll Lenoir, Jan. i.—Caldwell county farmers are betoming interested in pecan culture and already a number of them have piaead onkn far treee. With ■trwim of Mr. ed to rwr least, a tnaM councillor of the ad minUtmtinn. He mmI Mr. C' IMgi always haw appeared to Mt eye to fjt «m fof«|H affair* bat far month, opponent* of Mr. iciea in the i heen a aource of an ipptnntly in* irritation to hi*. Ha mti chairman of the aettato foreign re lation* committee on Mae of the vital question* of foreign policy, although no oatntandiag diaarreenent hit wean them ha* recently appeared la the pic ture. Mr. Huchea' reaignatioiv was an nounced a few hoar* after ha had left Waahington for Atlanta, to at lead a meetinr of the rxecatiee committee of the Aaaerican Bar aaaociatioai, of which he ia preaident. He. expecta to resume practice of law la New York, in Ma old firm of Hugilea. Roonda, Sherman t Dwight Outstaadiat Lawyer Mr. Kellogg. who will alao ia a lawyer af aadar to Great Britain lata la IMS, he waa a senator from Mlnaaaota, and ia that capacity waa one of thoee * .a.itill, . > M J »Iff -»• * rfpuniiranii who itvorva rtQTKtniR of the league of nationa with i aaai la tiona la* (2,000,000 to to flaw York New York. Jan 10.—Street Tayier ' a# to daftf toe caat a#

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