to M of date the Slat day of fcayi 1*22. and of med In the said Re gister of Dssds office (or nM Coun ty. in book M pm« >62. Tract No. S. Beginning on a locust fort on M Dyson's Buotheast com or and D. O. Sundt-rland's corner. run ning 8. 6 1-2 to. Wort 85 fort to Mfloa; thence North W 1-20 Wort *77 fort ta middle of Wards Gap mad at a point 70 fort from Bod Dy aoo'« corner; thro with the middle of Ward's Gap road 8. S deg. W. MO ft 8. 18 deg. W. 1M ft. to corner hi mid dle of road; thenar 8. W E. 870 fort to D. O. Sunderland's corner; thence N. 10 dec. E. <106 fort with D. O. Sunderland's line ta hit corner; then With hit lino 284 feet to the beginning containing 8.22 arm more or less, and being the same property convey ed to Mabel L. Sunderland by Robert Dyiuin and wife by deed dated Octo ber 18th. 1922. and of record in the Register of Deeds office far the said Co. in book 82, of deads, at par* 100. Dated at Roanoke, Virginia, this 16th day of December, 1924. _ W. Hen son 90th, in*. O. E. Snow, Trustee. at mm t'fWi f. N. the following real nUU, to-wit: first tract: Fully deecribad In, M from E. C. Bhetton mmI wtf« to W. T. Ward retarded |r the office of the Register of Dwji for 8urry Cooni North CmltM, Hi M book No. tract: Adjoinin* the flrM tract conveyed to W. T. Ward by 8. E. Fulton, teiMdad h tha otftea of tha bfiittr of rv«h for Sorry Coon ty, North Carolina, hi deed hook Wo. 41 mm MT. Said deed of tnut ia In tha office of tha Keejster of Deeds for Surry County, N. C_, In hook of mortgngaa No.M nage IS, therein conveying to tha unil* rstgnsd trustee all tha n*ht. title and inter Surry County,! N. C., first tract beginning at a ataka in W. F. Nixon line on West aide of Mate atraet, town MounUin Park and runs with (treat Sooth 18.5 dee East 2.42 chains to corner of lot No, 1M thence S. 74.5 dor Wart with line of John Wihnoth lota 1780 feet to an fallen mage in C. M. Harris line, N. It J da*. Waat 8.62 chain* to a 1 ad holly. C. M. Harris corner; , S. 87.8 de*. East with W- F. Nixon I Una 19 cbs. to beginning. Contain in* 9.82 aarea more tract beginning at Flshiri Gas road and runs with Union Hill red 10.86 cha. to Dobaon road, then wMh Dob aon ro%d Eastward II cha. to the old Fishers Gap road, then with said road Kouthward 11.50 chains to tha Containing 4 J Sale Made to aatiafy said note dead of trust and coat of aale. Thia Dae. 16th, 1924. J. F. Hendren, Trustee. A. D. Folger, Atty. | NOTICE Having qualified aa C. T. A. a? IT A. Da ai Surry County, all p to aaid eetate are requested "tssr&zts, • flu li< in toraf iMr raw TWU 19th day of Dae. 1984. K. Snow, A&mt. C. T. A. I white oak P. W. Steele's earner aa* rmw 8. 10 1-2 deg. Wort 2 eh*, to I rtalw la the Brown Uw; iImm wtth Mid lino 8. 87 d«g. lut 22.40 chains to a Maple at a branch tai WMtaWi tin*; thence with said Him N. > deg. E. 4.1t chs. to Wh (taker's enrmr; than 8. M deg. W. M eha. to a rock; than N. M dw. W. 2.70 chs. to a rock at the branch; than op branch aa It a»e anders N. U 4a*. W. J JO cha; than N. 18 dag. W. TO link*; thaaca N. U da«. W. 4.20 cha. thcnca S. M deg W. 1-2 cha to • rack pila than 8. 88 deg. W. |Jt cha to a rack in P. W. Stasia's llaa; thence with Ma Una 8. 72 da*. E. 8. 48 cha. to ths beginning Containing 10 acraa mora or leas. 8aa daad recorded ia book 91 page 188. Third Tract. AdiaWM tha landa of Ira oWod at al and beginning at a rack on tha Wart bank or tha Rock ford raad ronning with said road aa tt meanders N. 81 deg. W. 4 1-2 dwj thanca N. 49 dag. W. 2.32 cha. to W. M. McDowell's corner; thanca 8. 78 deg. W 2.22 cha to a rock in Jeakin' ford raad; thanca 8. 4 da*. E. 80 Iks. to a rack; Stance 8. 2 cha. to a rack; thanca 8. Id dag- W. 4 9-4 cha. to a rad oak; thanca 8. 27 da* W. 1 eh. to a rack; thanca 8. Id 1-4 cha. to a rock; thanca C. 7 chs, to a stake for merly Sallic Bowl* caraar; thanca N. 2 1-4 eha. to a rack formerly a port oak; than N. 1 da*. E. 2.94 din. to a pine; thanca N. 1.48 cha. to a rack; thanca N. IS dag. E. 7.12 eha. to tha beginning. Containing 17 1-2 acraa mora or leaa. Beginning: at a rack on Wart aide of tha Roekford road Ira Wood** cornar and rata with aaid raad aa It now meanders N. 2ft W. in eha; thane* M. 4d do*. W. I eha. thence W. 42 da* W. * cha.; thence X. 87 dag. W. 8.27 eha. to W. M. Mc Dowell'. earner thence wtth Ma line 8. II dag. W. 7.12 eha. to a rock, foe ad in book 87 page 127. Poorth Tract. Adjoining tha landa of Ira Wood at al and beginning aa a rack oa the E. bank of the Eockford Dobson aand day raad in Ira Wood's line and runs 8. M de*. E. 6.7B chs. to a large port oak Whitaker and Wood's comer: thence arith the old road and Wh linker's line 82 deg T. 4 1-2 eha; thence N. 78 dog E. 1.28 chs; thence N. 88 de*. E. 72 links; thence N. 00 de*. E. 7.20 cha. to a rad oak formerly a hickory; thence 10 cha. to an *«he snd maple on the branch; then N. 87 de*. W. 22 1-2 cha. to a stake in the hollow; thence N. 9 deg. E. 2 cha. to a white oak Botch er and Doby's cornar; thence N. 87 deg. W. OS chs. to a sassafras, (now down dead and gone) thence S. 5d deg. W. 72 links to a rack W. H. One's corner la J. W. Butcher's line; then 8. 41 deg. W. 4 chs. to a stake on E. bank a# Rockford-Dobson sand day road: thence 8. J7 deg. E. 4.75 cha. to a stake H D. Lindsay's old corner formerly a pine; thence 8. 46 deg. E. with the old Eockford and Dobaon road bed 8 eha; thence 8. 84 dag. E. 1080 chs. to the beginning. Contain ing 40 acraa more or less. Begin ning at a stake oa the Rock forti-Dob son raad a earner of W, M. MeDow dl's let and runs In an easterly di rection 414 feat to a stake la 1. W. Botcher's line. W. M. McDowell's ear nor; thence fas a northerly direction and with J. W. Batcher's tine 108 feet to a stake in a westerly direction wtth M. G. Coo's Mm 847 7feet to a stake In the East bank of the Rock ford-Dobeoa raad; thence in a Soath Edw. M. LlnTille, flatordar. Jawaary 171k. IMS at mm MhI P. M, tb* following daacribad Ml MUX: Tract Mo 1. B««ianl*g on • white oak eo«Mr of UtTfo. 1 thane* M. I of lot No. S; thence W«t tl I-! U a •tab ami pointers: thenoe 8. • cha. aw) tt links to tot No. 1; thence with the Una of tot No. 1 tl 1-2 chaina to the beginning. Supposed to to 11 1-t acraa, to it tka same mora or toaa. Tract No. 2. Beginning on a stake Abnar Going* comer of lot No. 2 run* N. H 1-4 to a ataka; thence C. 21 1-2 ckaina to a stake, thenrr S. I.SS to a ataka; thane* Waat with tha Kna of Lot No. 2. 21 1-2 chaina to tka to ginning. Containing 11.46 acres mora or toaa. This batag lot No. 2 of tha Hardin Goinga tract of land that tha same being the tot that fal toth to Ckarlaa H. Going*. Tract No. 3.—Pit—tad on Clark* Craak and baing • lartiia of tka tracts fui msrly owned by Harden Go inga. 8aa deed from W. L. Kin tar to William H. Going of data racord ad to Sorry County, N. C., Book 11, ^•ga^lM, and ^M^kara^sOoUad to atja arkita oak Wart twenty^esle chaina £d^a*-toU (21 1-t) to • ehaatant, north Maw and ooa half (T 1-t) ckalna to a ataka to t wjtmta oak; South T 1-t cha. to tka togfcwing, aad containing Id 10-12 mem, ba tka mm* Mora or toaa. Par full description aaa tka paitittoa rap net. This tot ar tka mar ia en titled to one road rrnsaing tha other shares to hia lot. Sato made to satisfy a balance af I7SS.90 principal, interest and coat of sale to add. This tha 16th day of Dae. 1M4. Edw. M. Linville, Truataa. nvnci Pursuant to an order of re-aalt1 made by the Clerk of the Superior I Court of Sorry County in the proceed ing entitled A. D. roller, Admr. of D. F. Wolff, deed. V. Lillie L. Wolff and others, the undersigned romrnli ■ioaer will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises on the 2#th day ef Jaaaary, IIS, at mm o'clock P. M, the following land: A tract or land la Sorry Comity, N. C., Rockford Townahip, adjoining the lands of Robert Dobr and ethers on the aaad day road leading from Dobaon to Copeland and contain 80,75 acre* More or leaa. being known a* the Horn Place of Nd Wolff, deed. For farther and fall description re ference is aude to title deed record ed la Surry County Records. Terms of sale mm half eaah and one half In IS man the with eecurety for deferred payment to ha approved by the CUriL Sale made to make aseets to pay debts and cent mt administration. This the M day of Jan. 1926. A. D. Folgsr, Contmiaaioner Nat tea ef Traalaa'a Ml at By rirtn of authority Twtij hi MSI certain dead of troat tad Um 9th day of July IMS, by T. A. Brinkler, to W. M Jackson. troatoe far J. E. Poindextar to wtiw aa in MUiini of $2,000.00, and record cd in the Bagister of Daada office at Surry County, N. C., in Book 93 pan 192. default tiiftaf boas saade in the l>ay mailt of tha note* therein mutid and at tha reqoeat of tha holder, I will Mil for cash, to tha highest bid der, at public auction, in front of tha Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on Satarday. January 17th, IMS at 1 o'clock P. M. tha following described real eataU: Lying and b«-mir in Rnckford Town ship. Surry County, N. C., Begin ninjr on a chestnut tree corner of a 300 acre tract of land near the old Ora road and run* with the road 8. M dec. E. chains to a stake and pointers; thence South 60 chains to a stake at a branch running through Pilaon's field; thence with Pilson's line M0 chains to a hickory on old cogner; thence back to the beginning. Containing 42.60 acres more or km. See dead Book SO pan 1ST. Adjoin ing Pilson et aL Sale made to sat isfy • halance of >1332.SO principal, interest and cost of sale to add. This tha 1Mb of Dae. 1924. 14c W. M. Jackson, Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of authority Mated In sse in a certain daad of trust executed by V. L. Simmons and wife Minnie Sias mons for N. C. HoUinysworth sa tha 14th day of March. 19%. to secure as indebtedness of IMS.77 said deed af trust being recorded in Baglater of Daada office at Surry County, North Carolina hi hook M, page 92, and da halt harin^ been made hi tha pny ot tha holder thereof I wfl cash to the highest bidder, at public auction, fat front af the Pint Nation-1 si Bank of Mount Airy, aa Thursday, January ltth. IMS at 1 o'clock P. M_ the following described real to-wit: A certain tract at land lying and In 8urry County, aforesaid, and particularly ilaai r llw il ana de rmad aa follows: Lying in Eldara rownahto, adjoining C C. ~ ~ Sarah V enable ai lot No. 4 Beginnii sr»srt?.BV,iii£s line; theMe S. 7S dag. W. 2.70 la a atake; then itt dag. W. 1 •ha to a atake hi EaOum'a Una; I. 37 dag. E. 12.30 cha. to a i >ut corner; then a M dag. & 11 » • atake; then N. 94 dag. E. S 1-i ^n#Qpw vna kmnr mm r-,js* it I . .. fl i".*f i- a -.r-x. i then down isaid rreek aa tt ■ Mlliwi Soot h It deg. K 10 eh*, to Gree* wood's Mm; Swim W«*t with said IIm 4 1-2 chaia* to pototsn, Green wood's rorner; thenc* Sooth it dag. West S eh*, to a take in Low Gap road then with Mid road Worth 07 dee. W. 4 1-2 chains then North 40 deg. W«* 8 1-2 chain* then North M deg. West 2 M chain* thence .South 77 dag. W. 4 1-2 cha then N, 71 4m. Waat 4 14 chain* North Ki dag. W«t S 1-1 cha. to H E. Jarreil'a line, with mm, M. 17 3-4 chain* to white oak aapiing hi old Mm, then E. with old MrUlM :n 1-4 chain* croostag a creek, thaa North 1 1-4 cha. to a aaHted Una, tkm with mm Eaat S 1-2 ch* to tha be ginning, containing M 1-4 acra*. mm or l«aa, rtfrnnct aa* Daad Book Ti To.4? Beginning at pointers N. of the Haystack road/Tho*. DeKart'a 8. E. corner. ram Weat S8 chaiM with DeHart'i lino to pointer* in Jam Daei* line (contd); thence, B. Ml tha ■aid Him 7 1-2 cha. to pointer* ■. corner to Haystack road to a rath planted 3. with L. D. Cook's Mm U chain* to a maple Eaat. 14 ch*. to a SMirwoed and pine, the Galloway and Belton line. North SI 1-* cha craaa inf the Haystack road to tha batte ning. containing 54 0-1# acre* and known a* the Ga*ton Aaron tract. Ma hook of deed* 7S, page 479, register of Deed* office. No. 4. Beginning on the N. E. side of Dixie Street at F. D. Hoicomb's corner and ran* with Holeomh'a line and the Gilmer line North 72 d*g. SO deg. Eaat S chain* and 90 links; thence Eaat It dag. 1« min. W. 1 ch. and *) links to as Iron pin at tha siA» of Fulton'* garage hi Pulton's (tea; thence, with Eaton's Bm and 8. C Pace'* Dm S. 71 dag. W. t ch*. and M Hnka; thence, E. > dsg. Wsat 22 1-2 links; thsncs. Sooth I dag. W. 1 ch. and B links to tha North east aid* of Dixie Street; thence, with the M. E. side at Dixie street Seoth 20 da*. B min E. 1 ch. and 4S Hnka to tha beginning. Sae dead hook 79, page 41, record at Dobean, N. C. No. t. That certain tract or parcel of land Mag and being oa cha Low Gap road and Fancy Gap road, ad joining the lands of tha MwaaMii and other* and being lota No*. *4. Si, •M. 17, W and » of » lot fronting M feet on the Fancy Gap mad and run ning with Combe atreet N. 72 deg. E. 140 feet to a comer of lot No. *7; thence, with the line of No. 27, SO ft. to m. stake; thence 8. 72 deg. West 120 faat to the Fancy Gap road. Sae lota being shown by plat of T. B. He Cargo of Jarre!] Brothers Company's property located in Mt. Airy town ship. N. C. Sale made to satisfy note doe W, F. Carter, Jr., trustee in bankruptcy, of $6.1,000.00, with interest from the 7th day of September, 1028, until paid, and the coat of executing thia deed of trust.