Federal Court nugiiu Hear b| of Bukjr Bratben Case a ci loot was qmci m iwfi pro witop. three mnttuns of the fcfiwi' being ursuuled by Judge Webb, wttk exceptions noted. Defendants trf rtpfimntfd by dtf ■option* corer all Madding reached The motioa* to stock iale*; that there la al of conspiracy to milk a cy, potting defendant! In double jeopardy, and 0a contrary to constitution, and that two msmbirs of grand jury which ntuinsd origi nal Indictments wore purrhosm of ■lock. All of the actions failed. Death and disease have stricken the ranks of the defendants since the return at the indictments, J ale Young having died. A certificate was read to the effect that i. M. Richardson, another defendant, is ill in a hospital at Rab-igh, subject to epilepsy. Counsel for Mumfurd Bailey, of Winston-Salem said - his physician considers it unwise for him In his phy sical condition to stay In the court room, and he was allowed to retire, to be ready, however, foe orders of the court. r. i. nacKrtt is ui, mm other de fendant ■ were not in court. the min ing one* being M. L. Crtwi, Glenn Harris, P. G. Middlebrook ud H G. Larsen, papers not having bam serv ed on the last named. Conditions of the prosecution, as Made in the bill of indictment, are that officers and stock salesmen of the Bailey Brothers Tobacco com par y, of Winston-Salem, now defunct, wag-1 ad aa energetic stock sailing cam paign while they knew the company was insolvent; that misrepraaaatation was made through the Mails as to a fwtd for guarantee of dividends aa to cost of the campaign and aa to the Worth of the stock. The company went to the wall and waa sold to satisfy creditors through bankruptcy orders. Appearing aa eoanael for the da are: A. U Brooks. W. P. By- j P. P. Hobgood, John N. Wilson, rw Joyner, Jr., and B. 8. Par ker, all ef Greensboro; W. G. Bram ham. Durham; J. H. Whicker, Win ston-Aalem; J. P. Parker. Charlotto; S. C. Brawley, Durham! E. Jt Hast inga. Winston-Salem; G. A. MewHn, Lenotr; Hoyle Sink, Lexington; J. C. Rtmupa, Hickory, P. E Parrish, Winston-Salem. District Attorney Prank r, of Boom, la chief prom b» Prank Patton. of J. Harkina. ef Oskrville. ntnrk wton ttoy know that BaiWy V. — A nrOHIBl Wrri mK) I "PTi I, Tto trial win probahty l*at for throw «Mh, —wiiif to CNrt rf flctala. A lirp nuihac of wttaaaaaa wdl to to»H m Mi Mm and ttor* is • irwt array of lawym. FIRE AT RALEIGH DESTROYS 199 AUTOS tta %■( . J, , orrtipiad by Motor Sai fltia branch number two. wWrt moat of tha aoto moMlaa wm atorad. . Early today. Panto Omnt, aiana *er of the motor milw company and W. P. Smith, of the tranafer that tfca total The fir* I* aaid to shortly after 4:M o'clock hi tor aerriea company. ht.t the caaaa of the Mata la aa yat undetUi mined. Tha flra which waa practically oat thta mnrnhw, after tha antira M14 1» M km J t a , .. — a mm a ■■ LaJ mf ITM Its rnnunw MM nffB COW «umed. waa tha moat apectacnlar In RaM(h In many yaara. Tha exploa iona of tha raaoHna tank* of tha many automobiles rendered tha work of control mora difficult and tha prox imity of twa raaollne fill In* atationa ■•'inatantly endangered tha fir* figrht arw. Tha nutomnMlaa in tha hefldinff were, for tha moat part, tha pmpartj of Hidividuala who had atorad tham there for tha niirht. An accurate Hat of tha owner* waa unavailable early today. About 175 cara ware in tha place when tha fire hecan hot 40 of tham were removed from tha hoildlnf be fore tha flamaa rot to tham. Tobacco Averse* m Higher in Stat* Than During 1923 IUMHi. Jan. 24.—Tobacco sold In North Carolina during the past seas on, which endnl December 19, in the *R MrahoMN reporting, ia placed at 30ft.SK.480 pounds, according to a report compiled by the United States and North Carolina departments at agriculture. The tobacco sold for an average of WS.M per hundred poonda. as com pared with »*>.» for 2*!,M8.a»S poonda sold In IMS. The total crop nmdncad lost year, accord in* to the report is rnjaofino poonda. aa com pared with 4M.BM400 pounds pro duced la IMS. Catawba Profiting Fran Walnut Trooa Hickory. Jan. tt.—Two thoaaaad rounds of Mart walnut kernels were •hipped to Philadelphia Wednesday by the Catawba Cnaawry Company, consigned to a Philadelphia lee cream factory for the manufacture of wal nut cream The wabiat kernels ware -Tt meted from walaata ptn on the farms in Catawba county and wars mostly a by-product In which ths chil dren racairsd inai|isaaathm The kernels were brought to the looal rreaamry and wvighad tn4f fct rtlp meat Prom on* tree J. E. gtsphsai, lac to MtmtCSL~a prolific to* y**rh^fhTW*ht * rm*' TWrw-TW HHITTTJfW B.pne.atotina Mm and Tap* lanncbed tbe bill to repeal »■»>■■■■ utln Bowie'* act, adnptid by the ronetrw-tirm of t wllwM to the "Ldt huitaw" of tk* aaetani part cf the ltd*. Trrrmmt Attorney Gm eral Jaatea 8. Maiming >ml the frtm mt attorney imml, D. G. Rmmnitt, H«*» declared tba act unmnatltattonal and m work baa bam atarted an tba "Loet frwten" llna alwce prebaM nary —r»aya wara mailt ahoat t year a ro. A at bora of tba repealer Ml] haVa explained that tba awaaara la Heaigaed chiefly to rtartfy tba aitaa tioa aad to protaet tba a»ate'a cre dit aralnat any effect tba Bowie bill might have apon H. Tba Bowie MB, dactaiad B pruaa tathra Meae tonight. phm "abaolato ly no Baiitatlon open eipeniltaroe for tba propoeed railroad out lata through tbe weat. although H apeci flea a bond iaeae of tor Many Local BHIa Tbe tntrrxtartkm of a Mr batch of local Mtla featured torlrbt'f aaaaioa of tbe bnoae. Beaidea, there were two ootatandinr MBa of atatewida important, beine TorBngton'a meaa ore deaigned to enable towna of over TOO® to regulate traffic erhh refer ence to atop ordinance*, ^nrt Haan'a meamire to chant* the dato of lb* •itate-wide primary. Matthew* Divorce Bill Another state-wide bill iiitrrnliiwd tonight *«• that by Matthews which woold make two jrwui of separation ground* for divorce, inateed of (hi IWH Th' honse voted to defer action on the bill which would require horae drawn vehicles traveling on pchik r ada to display lights at night. Re oresentative Massenburg offered an amendment which woold Make the hill apply only to state highways. Representative Turlington explain ed that in the hilly country the ctxni try roads were the ones where this hill. If passed, would do most good. The only pnbHc hill pa—si waa that styled "for the relief of the sheriffs and tax collectors'* which pgovidss that the heirs may collect settlements for the period of 1919-1MM. Senator Carter's constitutional amsndm—t would rsdnce the IMa stead exemption to (M for a mar ried citizen and $100 for a single par son and woold permit cat uisheeing beyond W a wash for a married per pcrson. The Mil pimidsa for a re ferendnm on the question at the ltM gsnaral slection and states that It ■hall become effective If a majority of the voters east favorable hallota. 1*1 other word* the vetiac won Id not ha against the registration. ' The state merchants aseociation has endorsed the hBl. declared Senator Cane la «SMM tnm Mr. Kelly'* with the firat bulletin. -If. • boy," he told Kelly. Kelly A few "Ttrtaa!" he Blathwa!" Kafiy "Mr goodneaa, Kelly!" ha Mid. -What 4a you think 4 It'a triplets— two boya and a ghH!" Kelly's Jaw droppad one-third of an inch. Then, a few minutes later, Charlie Rofm appeared far the fourth and laat time. In a voice hoarae with re spect he told Kelly that another lit tle gbri had arrived. "Yon cant draw torn of a Had," he added aoftly. "Y :ou drew two pair—qoeani and Jacha." But Mr. Kelly did not hear him. He was loat in thought. Squire John Wilkinson as he tu known tu born Dae. 17, 1828 and died at Hillaville, January 1«, IMS. Ha waa 96 years and It days old.The funeral waa bald Saturday January 17th. Mr. WUkinaoa wait bora in Owiy County, N. C., from than ha mored to Cripple Creek, Vh giaia, and later from there to Hillrrille, where ha made his future hocne. In ISM ha marrM Mill Eliisbstii Andcnon Mid to thia marriage waa horn six chOd Tha twa Mat in front of tw hoUL ranaral, Yoaag, Fa itroppinr to tha grand with fatal Young (had from a tha haart, atthoogh ha Uao in th» right hraaat. Thesa to report*, i fcy Tbamaa Killed When cttlxmi mtmd the shop * Pew minutes after aa richinfi of 40 w M shots they found Young dead ilumped to the floor and died on the ray to the dty hospital F or bee lay dead or the aidawalh >utaide, (hot throarh the baae of the ikoB. Warner died hi the hoayttal mo hours later. Versions of the battle vary. It hi mown however, that it uuaiiJ hi he Canary Cigar Stent and barber >bop la the front of the European Hotel, a reputed renderrous of anti* Kb Klux Klan adherents. Accounts agree that a akot waa fired, a few minutes before the out break. from aa alley adjacent to a; restaurant operated by Young. The rall^t lodged in a telephone pole. Roaa Ltzenby a Herrte policeman said rhomas fired the shot at him. Spec tators fled and Thomas la reported o have gone te the hotel, a block dis- • ant, as a call waa sent out for Young lytnpathizers to mobilise. The anti-Klan trminn U that fount nix) hit com pan km* thereupon rent to the hotel to aeek Thome* tnd "(hoot it oat." The Kian woiunt im thet Younu tnd the other* were attacked a* they n a i o# laMfi Jan. 22.—Principal CM Frank Harkatt Had to eal the North Ca in* hi the abaawfi of pni Pr«-T»in W. R. j Banrwyn. both mt To and kf of frw that wm at vro-taaa had not Lon». if aaeh lark; a aaw ' of expansive make waa the contribution to tha fla had no insurance oa tha ear. Senator Mark Skjoirea. of Catdwad, p'to loat an aatomoMIe hi the fire; Not he satisfied himself early hi tha rv rninr that tbara waa nothtn* ha r»ulH do about H and waa present at the open in* of tha maata to taha orar the naval at the nqaiat of Pilmlpal Oeik Harkett. Sfortury of Stat* Km»tl M both of kin car* in (Im fir*. "Shorty." the negro chauffrm of R. O Everett. >it Durham, <u til—> in the TVjrhara i ( pi umtitirt'i M* chine. The amoke awl than awak ened hhn and ha drove the car to wfa ty. Among the wwbara of the lighla were: ■ H G. Conor. Wilaoa; O. K. Ma» >i»nhaH. High Point; O. P. Makepaaoa, nf Stanford; *W. L. Pnwhoe, Durham; W. T. Watd, Duplin county; J. 0. Rnach. Avandak; J. M. Sharp, Riidi rifle; W. A. Foil. Concord; D. P. linger, Chenj»BW; K. P. Bacon.

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