For Bailey Slock In Bailey Brothers Case Tell of Inducements of Salesmen tha farm to Catawba Marty la m 4» t* |«t MM «Wl to «pend tt. -ToaW (till oa the tana." DU trtct Attorney Praak Ltaif mM. Tea," waa tha n^ty. TV fchaii atyacted to the naietiia aad Mr. Umty taMkjMt wanted to shew that aha hadn't had to bmmw ia order to avand any dteidenda. H Laahad fiaad Wtm of farmers, tha wife of a battling plant owner, a prohibition toMk akWwal«iMka Jl — J ifint aims two pflyitntna iMiinm. Tha thine baked goad to them. hat tor than money la the bank or bi aaated in (ovtrnmart bond* and fat mm eaaea they bought dock more than once. The prohibition agent, 8. F. Sheftoa, of Sarry county, paid «BM for atoefc aad didn't even get a ■tack certificate doe to »nm« mix-up hi initial* with another Shettoa who had given note*. Talk of thirty par cent earnid in afactorer* of tohaeea la Wlaston Balewi. alleged to hare been made Vy aaleemen. who mmid to bare work er In pair* aided hi gettlag the doubtful to boy. Many of the por ihanu Mid that at first they ware aet intareatod ba» bought on later rlaHa. i"'-.' J It was the irovrrnment's day with • itmni of wttnuaaa, thoae who aet mDt bnurht stock, teatiffing and the district attorney waa careful to get fmm each the atatement that stork certificates and acknowledge ments of purchaaea were seat throurh the mails. One Trylag to liriit J. E. Bushnelt, of Tvraa, who bought stock in the i moan* of 12,000 ■aid he could not remember the namm of those who sold to him and •aid frsakty he waa trying to forget all about his loas. Another Man. a merchant named Roberts, of Weav arrille. was so in love with the pros pact of big dividends that he went ■Wad and in rested (9,000 in stock against the advice of the Asheville branch of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company. W Some were heavy investors, 8. A. Mitchell, of Wilkes, bought 110,000 worth. He waa paid $10 a day by eoaie salesmen to go around with them he said. W. F. Robinson. Ab ingdon. Vs., bought 17,000 worth. °J* woman who objected to her In vestment when the concern got wab Wy. said she waa told by one of the ■pileya that if she could find aay «bat that the Bailey content au thorized the may promise* of sales man be would pay her 91 000, the the amount of stock aha had bought. Bap ad Ta Be Director Among others who tastifUd today <0 purchases of stock were: Mrs. O. U WMtaell, who didnt •ven know the naaM of the salesman Who sold H; Mrs. 1 t. I. Mcintosh, Montgimwi y county; A. H. Connoly, Mithnfniiltoo; t. 0. Biower, Wilkes, ft A. Bsrr and wife. Forsyth; E. N. Vance, Forsyth; J. T. Ingle, Try on, J. F. Click, L. T. HirefleU. One maa apl his wife ware induced to hay a^pse common atock, la addition to pteferred. on the statement that they Would have voting strength and '' \ «)ftrfct he made directors In the earn far <*rer the •aid that the ronroni would not mQ ow 910,000 wortk to one pmoii and didn't want 1>*7 In a way Jt waa ladies' day la i with w«« purckaaer* testifying. another altnw M*c Mr*. B. C Montgomery, of Iredell county. Ska and bar huabaad knew nothing of ■torka and *ark. aha Mid, and bought upon recommendation of • - Mr. TVarpe. who aaaurod them, aha Mid, that he would guarantee them from loaa. The money the pat in atock araa from bar fat her'■ eetato, her husbaad ha ring pat it hi tke hank far kar. She, like aoaaa other*, went to aaa about the matter when the Bailey concern got ahaky, and Mra. Cook taid that one of the Baiieya. wheat •ha took tor the "head mm" of the concern, finally told kar tkat ska and other* coming in that way butkarad them and aeoaMd to be aff«nd»d, aa •he got offended and left. of *tock wis Mr*. J. A. Lane, of Carthage. who bought 12, 100 worth and nid that she under stood that tb« Wachovia Bank and Trait company and the Page Truet Company «|tok« well of the Bailey concern. Her banker told her H waa all right, she said. There was talk from the salesmen of biff earnings of the company. Still another wo man testifying. was Mrs.. N. C. Marion, of Mount Airy, who bought <3,000 worth and ran a note for M. 000 more. But her husband became ill and she went to Winston-Salem nrd got back the note. Her husband died. Rosy Predictions Mrs. K. B.- Tucker, of Guilford county bought 11,800 worth of stock; Miss T. B. Anthony, of Catawba county bought $4,000 worth and her mother bought 9200 worth. Sales men made several visits to sell the stork to them and she waa the one who was told the dividends would be such that she would have to leave the farm in order to get to a place to spend so much money, she testi fied "My father told me that big flah sat up the little fish." she said aha told the salesman, but waa assured, no, no, that would not be the case with the Bailey concern. Mrs. L. J. Shemwell, whose hua hand formerly was in charge of the Forsyth county home, told of pur chasing 92.000 worth, of hearing of the alleged MM,000 In the hank to g-tarantee dividends and of 10 psr Physicians were solicited by men. too. Dr. O. TV Patterson, of Fayetteville, and Dr. J. T. Smith, of Westfleld. Surry canity, purchasing •1.000 worth and tM°° worth. Dr. cmith"bought $1JOt to start with and *400 at a second time. S. F. Shclton prohibition agent la Surry, waa the •nan who paid |KM rash and a note for 9*00, the tetter being paid later, and through seme mix-up failed to ■ret his etee1 I vahss than city c«m rut Ex-Sheriff J. nearly he ran to he «m saving for oM age b the] Bailoy nam, how he i ed ever a neto to Dm iii—i for Il2r 1 SM. th> note rspreesnting mammy ho \ *»' in M al on*. and ho had to be i for* trad* (tack. Wot* Alexander and 1M1. ho of the stock hat ho tali terested. However, ho waa ftrtn to understand. he Mid, that the stock would pay a guaranteed dlrldaad a4 •even per cent annually, ly or quarterly, jmt a* the might alert and K waa tax free. Bo waa getting only six per eaat and about two of that wmtt for taxee, ha ■aid. and H looked like a good pro position to Mai. Ha had throe aoteo that r« pnoentsd money ha had loan ed, ooa for |1 UN, the othor for ft, 900 and $1,000, a total of *15.100, and the «al»«nn agreed ta take thaoo ho said, hot ho wanted to Investigate and they asked hiss to coase to Win it on-Salem and Investigate. Ha want down and aaw Tom G. Taylor, in charge of stoek sale* and the esr tiflcate did not guarantee dividends. Then It was ha got cold feet and de cided not to take the stock. Ho was taken, he said hy Mr. Taylor to the Bailey plant and there mot M. 1 Bailey, Jr., who showed him soase thing of the plant and told him how tobacco could he sold !n*the manufac tured state at about the same prire it waa purchased In leaf, hy the addi tion of matter costing only three cents a pound hut making three pounds from one, according to Mr. j Johnson. However, after he went j home he derided that he did not want tc huv the stock he said and his note of 112,500 was returned at hia re Sslesmen named in today's testi *n ny as having sold to the witnesses were E. A. Ewlng, J. C. Pass, J. H. Twyn, A. H. Hoggins, J. G. Wln Hsh, P. J. Laaaltor, C. E. Humphries, H. Underwood. Webb Alexander. | C. W Rawlings. for 1922-73 Craps forty day* by pay. at (Mr IMS to Tk» takicn Ciuwn Catfmtin A—ofUtion Win kt the first of the big Hnrinn (iwf«i»Uw to Make foil wftl—wto with its mmbm on the IMS crop of taWto. aa in tha caae af ita wmttra hi Eaateni Caro lina thia weak ami In Sooth Carolina next month. Tha tri-atata tioa af tohowB faimais ah having now aoM alt hot I4.MO.OOO pounds of tho S43.000.000 pooads of tolMees iiialiW ihvtnt ita Tha largest deliveries of tha entire ssasow rtarhid tha eoopatatfao ware hooaee during tha week ending Jan 24. whan tho aaaoriated and a half pounds'of tha wssd In Virginia and North Carolina. Salary and Allowincai (From Tha Dearborn Independent) The aalary of tha keeper of tha Tower of London daring tho reign of Qoeen Elisabeth «u about 1500 a year. He alao received all the Gov ernment allowance* made to offend er* of hitrh rank who were too proud to accept it. An rattle that dipped off London Bridge, all cart* that feH into tha moat, all flotaam and Jet sam in tW Tha men. two flagons of wine from every venae! arriving Yrom Bordeaux, and many other things were Included in hi* feea. The engagement rinr b worn by Germans and Scandinavians on the third finger of the left band daring the engagement, and on the right hand after i More Than 20,000 In Herrin I | At Funeral of Glenn Young | _ Service* Held ia Three Churches for Slain Raider and Great Throng Follows Body to Final Resting Place iii i hi. in.. Jan. n.—TM nmeral of S. Glenn Yomf, Klan liquor raid er, «lain with Deputy Sheriff Or* Thofaa* and two other* hi WlUiam *on county'a laat outbreak Saturday nlyht, wan held here today. Tonight hit body He* In It* final reatinf place, a little hill In on* earner of the Her rin city uw tory. | Cloae behind the It aurvod to the cavalcade at automobile* that hare followed him In hia tripe county night and day for ■mail portion of thl* nam be able to |«t in the lino pualng the caakot and Many did not attempt l£ Delegationa attended the Amor*] from Kentucky. Indiana and Waaoorl. The pr»t*aalon from the church to th* ptw waa many block* lonf. Erery available inch of space la the char eh waa occupied lonf hefma the nr wan lea atartod. Two other churchea were thrown open for aor vicea aad the Maachic TVaapla acrnaa the street froaa the church w»m the body by waa packed. The caahat waa framed with a Immediately behind tfc* hleh waa *armaqM by robed pall-, *ceen of floral bearer* came Ma wife, hia brother* floral decoration and hia children In Toon*** bullet the front wall* and the •carrad car. Around the pulpit aad The crtjwd of 18.0M to IMN at- placed relatlvea of the Arrive m Wkk Anti-Toxin Mid equipment dH«r(onto ba repaired, whirh hmu »Hnrt inUnoptloua to tor*; t tanrlod op it tkr m thi. win linn oat at mt >lw ontfl The next tiw the trkm in th* Wk star*' workiac ta torm ai» Art tnaMm of no little tn order that you may itt at or Immm. enjoying all tad foaurioa of electrir mi »k«. A ad, ■MMbar. whan the CBiiwt th* pout company'* nvrniw otopa, it the onrkead |Mf on and on." te Ntrtmiritk. V». Jan. 28.—Explosion of ■ 50 gallon gasoline tank her* this morning meant a tragic end to Win R. Stnltx and Daniel Hairston. both n»gro**. The two men were blown to pieces by the force of the terri fic hlaat, which nhook that lection of the town. Stuhx. who own* the City Preminr elah and Hair*too his em ploye. were removing the tank from the old handing, preparatory to tak ing it to a new plant, which had Jnat Seen completed. The tank was pre sumed to h« about empty. The bUs I Tard had caused a coating of lee on ' the tank. The two men procured some hot water for the purpose of melting the In and with this task completed were engaged In washing out the Interior of the tank. The tank is thought to have had more gaso line In It than aappooed by the ne groes. The hot water evidently va porised the fluid and created an In ternal pre name which the tank could advanced generally and no Inquiry by officer* was held. At the moment of the explosion which soon drew a large crowd to, the aeane, the hsdles of the two m were hurled high In the air. i ' Motor Cars Kill II la J New * Col. to Norn* WW 120 l-t an hoar -far the ♦nda give* ITT 14 t"*in tm«M fron this woo Id bt mm The bnt nm of tkr M* mUm rHM to Shannon who Md» I rirwt W bHw from Nomim to To van* hi <4 hoar* with the W fcfrwi Mow tare. Jim and Ma does tail ted tt the next 89 mile* to Hot Sprhura. n* IIW LM TWre was practically na time loat hrtwrfn relays, the United Sto tea * (nvrrnmt, with the telegiaph qrt •<-n> operated in Alaska v the 1% nal rorpa, having broadcast a fall far men Jinrt dogs to f"«» to the trad. This call went out instantly nlwa Som» flashed word of ita ptight to the world ww week ago. TV anti toxin left Anchorage a few hours af ter the call muM there, rem i wilt ing all of the diptheris serum in I ha rlaer \ I>r. Welsh went ahead fighting tha • pidemic with anti-toxin so old that it was believed to have no no war. Put today he was able to report tha nidemic under control and to orediet that with 1J00,600 units that left Seattle Saturday, and which la ex pected here in perbapa 19 days, be would be able to stay the disease in Nome Hashers participating In tha rasi from Nenana to Noase were Toai Green. John Folger and Titus Nleo lai. Green with a torn of wolvaa from tha Kuakowin valley hi ao«th weat Alaska, took the Ufa saving nackage whan Kalland palled Mo Tolovana after slowing up to haap fro* -orching tha hot tonga of Ma does Wedneaday night. The anti-toxin aiilsad at Mkg, about half way down tha Kokaa Hvar fpoto Msnana to Kaltag, Thursday night. From Nenana to Kaltag the alada traveled over the lea af tha Tahsa rir^ and fi oas Kaltag they eat across overlmd and aa tha ice of Norton >nund for the laat Mt milea into Noige. Tha sens* left KaHag FH

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