f 1. •• . Il£\. 1 •; r ■ Stock Wm to SeB Spot hi Trial a# TeWece Da m* Cm wiiin Crnnit if ii, fab. The first wan an Km Job" In the (tiwhIum stock Mlllac campaign of fclWy Bro. pasts, <w "kit" m it to called, and "want out and sold it", lb illustrat ad the "want mrt and aaM it" with * llil of Ma hand. And ha nld it. Ik told between to Starr™ 1922, and Ma^MiSM^moimt ad to "nomething like two kundred thounand dollan" His tommiaaion ha toattflad, wm tan par mt Alexander and about H othor stork salesmen of tka Baileys, and Tom Tkfkr, director of tka adlac ■» paitrn. are defendants in an act4on brourht by the iroeernwent rhrnrip* we of the mail* to defraud io con nection with the sale of stork, over 1 million dollars wortk bains sold to about one thousand persona. It Is aaid. in piedmont North Carolina and Virginia. Tka company went bank rupt in 1A2S and the stock ia now without any ralue. oawi Seemed Pwtn Other *»lr«men were pat op by the defense today, but by the aide of Alexander noma of thoae who have testified see*I piker*. The man who preceded him on the itand aaid h« •* - " ■ — • - ' hi* sales In addition to Alexander, witneeae* In the afternoon included several of the defendant*. Glenn MeCall, E. G. Matthew*. Lawrence Matthew*, W. E. Niaaen. 1. M. Wr.lt* and Frank Goodwin. These declared they aold the stock Hi rood faith and did not misrepresent. Aa character witneeae* were Rev. T. L Clark. Burlaw; Mayor J.. B. Davi*. Burlaw; Sheriff B. B. Mc Crary of Forsyth; F. P. John*, of Mount Airy; T«on Caah, of Winaton 8alrm; E. D. FarreL Winston-Salem, Theae tratified aa to the rood char acter of the- Bailey* and other defen dant*. S. F. Penry, one of the defendant*, who waa recipient of a directed ver dict of not guilty in the earlier part of the week, waa called to the atand to teatify in behalf of the defendant*. Judge Webb announced at adjourn ment for the day that there will not be any court tomorrow. He expecta to try to get the caae concluded in another week. Two week* have al ready been consumed in the trial. Were Severely Grilled district attorney a meeting ol Winaton-Salem and told to get money a banker and Mr. •n right and The Bailey It* mM bafora daa to the hank had ha said Thoma Maalln. of tha Merchant* National bank and CoL W. A. Blair, of tha People. hank and R. H. Hum, another rjra presi dent of tha Wartwrrla bad tnld htan tha concern vma all right. Other* told him an. He denied that ha had told customer* that dMdenda on tha itort were guaranteed or that tha Bailey concern had $42ft.MN) in tha bank te meet dividends or that ha laid the concern waa not tn debt. Ha road the nrnapartoa to boy em or thoy read It. he laid. Ha kaaw of mo adaw «a defraud. Alexander testified that In No»em bar, after he had caaaad selling in May, D. P. Schaffner. preaident ai 'ha Merchant Bank aad Trnat com pany, Winston-Salem, told blBi ♦ Ji! tha stock waa worth (247 a a ha re nar being 1100. and that on th« strength of that anaartioti ha boagh; for Mmaolf tdOO worth of tha atari in tha concern. g TWO BIC STORES ROBBED OF CASH Manager Handcuffed to Stair way in Baaeewet Wkfle Safe i* Rifled—$7,000 Tak Ashevill*. Feb. K - Burglar* enter «-d Denton's and Bon Marc-he. Ashe ille's largest department (tore* hi-re thia morning at a time when tlx «tr*et* war* filled with churchgoer* rifled safe* hi both store* and escap <*l with an aggregate of (7,000. Tn Denton's stor*, the yeggmen rov. ■■red Paul D. Denton, president man »ger, with a pi*tot and left him hand ■■tiffed to the ataircaae in the base ment. Discovery »f the Bon Marehe rob. !>ery waa not made until thia after noon by the nwnera. Around Ifi.OW waa secured from Bon March*, whiU $2,000 waa atolen from Denton'*. The two stores are acroa* the »treei from each other. The yeggmen fort «d their entrance into Bon March* through the front door. Investigation* have failed to girt any clue* on which the police cai work. Both Job* are believed to hart Keen done by the aame party. N< arrest* have been made. Paul D. Denton, president and man nger of the local branch of Denton'i one of the largest department storet in the two Carolina*, entered tb store about 10 o'clock thia mornhii with the day's mail. He told the correspondent that at he waa leaving a white man in shir ■leevee placed a pistol against hh body and forced him to aceompanj him to the baaMnent. Mr. Den to* waa chained to the ha—m*nt step*. It waa forty-five minute* w at hour before h* waa able te attract Um attention ef paasersby. Plaindoth* men failed to find any definite dm or investigation. Til* men are be licvel to have made their escap* In ai automobile, parked in the rear of th< The mimii drilled a hole Unread the door *afe, and tued a chi*d it dreppia* the t«Mgi e*atrolllng th. r mMnstlsn ef the safe. 1M tt wm Um week of profeastoaals I* believe* »M ktU. The group hilltop nnrthwaat of tlM i *nH prayed for CdHn. They ami tha none MM i where tha dee ar Additional of tha man and children aat about hi family It waa • holiday crowd, by whom tha imprlaoned wan IftPfaly had han forgotten ami whoaa interest waa in tha apeetacle brought about by r»w efforta. Tha Louiarflla and Naahrflle rafl dded four cnarhea to tha *»« in* train from Loniaeffle and aaid about 2JM0 ntn tirhata had baan •old. TV railroad company'* r«ti mat i of tha total numlw of risitora today waa 20.MM. moat of wham came by automobile. Recall IUkm mt Miwr m Cm-ln Rakrrafield, Cel.. Fob. «_Tkc ■light of Floyd CoIHm, trapped 100 'ft b«l»w the nrfara of rjM earth n Sand Cava, near Cava Cttjr, Km wky, recall* the noMvtiat similar • uperVnce of Ltadaay B. Hirlu. Bak crsville minor, caught in a cave-in of the Editio Ediaon Company tunnel in Kern River Canyon December 11, 190*. Hick*, protected from Urn* of rock and debri* by an overturned ear. waa rcacued alive after having been ■n tombed 11 day*. Buried with five other* 100 foet 'indergT'iumi. Hick* wa* the *oie sur vivor. Kef'*ted tapping on a steel pipe told frantic rescuer* that at t*ast one of the entombed man waa alive. A hollow (teal pip* waa driven hrourh the debri* on the second day and communication waa eatabiiahed with the buriad miner. Milk waa pa*aed through the pipe to Kick* while reenters worked fev rishly day and night to reach him. The whole county watched while re lays of miners worked their way through 97 feet of granite, unable to uae explosives hrcsnss of the men ace to the imperiled men. When the emergency tunnel was completed shortly before midnight. December 22, Hicks was taken out of , hi* living tomb and rushed to a hos pital amid a clamor of bells and whis tle* and tba sboats at miners which heralded the successful rescue. He soon recovered. Four Negroes Killed by Sallitoy Tram Salisbury, Feb. I.—Four negroes, John Glfcs and three of his children, ars dead as a rStah of a grade cross - ! ing accident here this afternoon when Southern train No. 14, Clmriotte to . Salisbury, struck and demolished the automobile in which the ntfrwfl were riding, at the Jackson cmeaing ea Wset Innes street. Giles and his 12-year old aon Wfl Surn, were killed instantly and anoth er son, Ray. aged B, and a daughter Geneva, aged t, died tonight ttpm In juries received In the shMmL Two others, aged 11. and 12, war* serionsly injured in tfcs crash. The 12-jrser-oid boy waa driving and when he attempted to step the i tna track m front ef the team. Tb. thora wfll b» In that Mift boy* of tJv fc to* bMf to in *. Ha baa haiuU. r«t fan of (tote bwfawaa. Ho h *». ing l held the affirm. Ha I ratfowa ikwt tha lataat af than all. A ad tha intaraata that WW Mil ait «i Tar tad. But at that it la tha opin ion of win •olirftor* if tbara la any way out of it. MERCHANT KILLS NEGRO BURGLAR Robber HoMa Up is Wlnatnn-flalam, Fab. 5.—"Juntifla Wr hnmieidc" waa tha *»«rdict of the to the kllllnr I»*t night of * negro man by A. Cory an Assyrian mer chant. who run* • (tor* in partnership wttk Thorns* Hailey. an th* cnrrwr of CifhA itmt and Rifk land avenue. TV negro h<d entered the itor» ■boot l:M o'clock Jut Wow it waa loeed for tha day and had held Mr. Cory, who was alone at tha time, at tha point of a pistol while ha took tha cash receipts of tha day, amount ing to about MS.70 Than with cool calculation, a neat trick and para nerve, Mr. Cory man ftgad to turn tha tida of affairs and wearing his own pistol , shot the ne rro foar times, killing him instantly Fnrthar investirstiona into" tha identity of tha negro today by th local police revealed the fact that he was known as John Jackson. For wine time he mas a resident of this f-fty, bat for the past two years he has V>een out of the dty, and informntion fftiwd was to the effect that ha hsd I mlv been back here for about a week. The shoes which Jacksor wore I bore the trademark of a shoe dealer n Detroit, and H is believed ha has baen in that place It la understood ! that he has relatives livine in 8< uth | Carolina, and a colored woman who know* him is trying to rat in touch with his people in that state. Haad of Virginia Swfrreuae Court Takes Owa Ufa Richmond. Va., Fab. 8-^Judge Frederick Wilmer Sims, 61 years of | are president of tha Virginia supreme court of appeals, ended hia own Ufa in his apartment at a local hotel thia morning by a hooting himself in tha head with a shotgun shortly after 10 o'clock when Mrs. Sims had iron* down to the lobby to mail a letter. Judge Rims has been Buffering far several weeks from the results of a nervous breakdown, it waa aaid. and waa contemplating a trip to Florida within the near future, so that the shotgun in the apartment failed to aroaae susypicion because ha had ex pected to ga hunting oa his sositliei u trip. Despondency aver the atate of hie health was the only cause sag rested for the shooting. Only a few employes of the hotel knew of tha SMkMa» the city rormar retaining a verdict to «ht effect so that tha body was r amoved to an undertaking aa tablhhssent without sttracting atten tion. Saturday night, whoa last mm in the hotel lobby. Judge Sipa waa Day Watch For End of to a ML, fir* at nmfi th« world of At faithless, af ter which they war* to begin a mai day trip to hearea, stopping at mr tooa pianeta aa route, for food aad to rather others of the chosen la their train. Photographer* Nat Wanted Prom Hoflywood, aad Oakland, Calif., mate storie* of the patient vig il of the elect. Similar stories ware told of thair steadfaatneaa at College, View, Neb., at Waahington, in opetate New York, and a half doaen other placaa. Fewer than two wore of the hand, reaidenta of Lang I aland foams, ■waited the event, far the moat part, in thair respactlte homes. Their leader, Robert Raidt, and his trusting wife and their four email children, awaited the sign from the skies un der the guard of skeptical cmmty po licemen. The laadacape for half a >il> Ikcl. llMt. home on a hillside near East Patch- j »tra* was cluttered with aatomoMlee of laughing men and womm who had motored from point* many miles away to food their amuvH curiosity span a sight at the simple band at their vigil. Marine pictilrc men adventur bi| too near the Rsidt abode were routed with can* of boiling water. Reidt. hi* family. Brother Willard ! Downs, a truant hairy man of 17 j yenra, a policeman and two newspa ' perinea were in the house, with the ;<W« locked. Outside a half dosen I policemen ftied to keep the crowd in ' ' rder. while a dosen traffic officers, i stationed at various place* along the ; nearby road* had difficulty in rout I ing the ever-coming motor carload* I of curious. Reidt, who term* himself the "apoatl* of doom," was placid, devout and sincere, though weary. Through out the day and the early hour* of the night, with only an occasional ap ; prehensive glance through s window at the mounting crowd*, be read hi* 1 Bible and led hi* family and the thick whiskered Brother Downs in hymns and prayrr la occassional brief silence* the rutteral voice of Brother Down* boomed through his beard, uttering i Scriptural quotations. Mrs. Reidt, her children within sight of her i strangely glowing eyes, said nothing. She sat and waited. Predicted Before ' Tonight'* predicted millennium war first doom promised sine* l»lfl. On December IS of that year a wide spread belief grew that the earth was to ha hurled Into nothingneaa, on the utterance of Pwrfmnr Albert A. Por ta, a San Prnnctseo meteorologist. Although the profeseor later declar ed hi* statements had been "greatly exaggerated," the millennium fever hud a rather general prevalence at the tima. Londoner* "d*nk the old world out" the night of Diemnh.r 15 temptattsTrf the'eateelyem. William Millar, a native of Pitts fWB, Mass.. who settled In Washing ton comity In 1*18. predicted ths sec ond coming of Jesus Cor October a, IMS. His prediction won wMs en Mi • hnraaaon «aat to 1M1, pwin In* a pm* at Am*, >rl«lw» •hipwrorka, wan. riata, '■ *' nt •tart to Um jrwr 1M. k to to «<, aernrdin* to tha Iwii■»»»». to 1MB with Um battla of AiMftoh*. afta* which Dm win ba m> fow of aa k* and wo will all ho oo ttrad that pamm . K. LK. RESTORE Jeff anion. Fob. (.—Tfco town af Woat Jafferaon and vktaltjr baa boo* tbo aethrhiee of the Ea Khx Dm and a romflirt botwoan tho Klan and alloffad bootloffgora. Tho Kloa tow boon tominf oat at aiffct, mbad, maakad and armod and aaiaial can bora boon bald op aari at laoat aw rapturad. It li reported bora today that rlrht raaaa of violatirma of tha iiqtmr towi bar* r .me out of tha M> t ivitkoa of tha Klan and tha town aa ' hnrttioo of Waat Jeffaraon. Mayor A lie* of Waat iaffiraoa and A'<Vr*aan W C. Jnimaon and Town Tnnatabla W V. Woodia war* tmm moned hy tho Klaa to acccwpaoy ♦ hem on one nlirht raid at leant. Om (unpartad automobile waa (bat to a *tan<i*till from the raar; and it to im ported that aararal gallon* of liquor -.howert np near where the ear waa .tnppad. Hi mm inrtr mim D1 nt wmp pine poet instituted by the K1 .n mm reported in the ridnlt* of Jefferaea, » man nwij Turnmire. Bod Coatba, and A. Barker The nroteeding* took place under nwir of tHrknee* tnj robe* ami mask*. Public opinion here ia divided ea the qnmtion. Much ntitmn! pre vail* throughout thin «ection. Soma contend that the activltie* of the Klaa are justified by the condition* and that the law la not being enforced. Other* are firm in the belief that ito effort «f the Klan ia to enforce on* law by breaking another and predict Moodshcd and trouble rather than mtf improvement of condition a. Sheriff J. W. Hampton announced here today that he and hi* deputies •tood ready at all time* to immedi ately nerve anv procea* and arreet any and all offender* upon the (WMri^f oat of warrant* by any itiien and that they would go anywhere witk face* uncovered to make the imrii and enforce the law*. He any* that the law ha* not failed if dtiaeae jm9 •tand behind it a* citiaen*. DIES ON WITNESS STAND Trial » Smifior CwMt ' Brought to Abrupt Caaalp mm by th* Death of rUhm tiff Dunn, Pah. I —A civil trial in Har nett superior court Va* brought la an abrnpt ending la UDbigton today at noon when Wiley Goodwin, the plaintiff in the ca*e, fell dead wWl* bring examined by Attorney 4, 1 Badgett. eeaneri far the defense. Mr. Goodwin, who was neariac •eventy-third birthday, tod been an the whneea stand far nearly aa boar, about half of th* ttae having baas

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