1 • •• 91. St not YSAft m ADVANCE Ta Mm tHHMW The rmm bill tn Ita pmwt form win to Chainaaa N. A. Town aaad, of tin kow fWBI iwlllw, wbo placad It Mora tlw kaw today, would raiaa an annual riTaaaa of ap proximately 112,000.000. If tha a» jcapilatluaa W0 afcowid be written to faraflal tha badftt i — liaiua'a re part, it would call for IMjMMM a year far atate dapartmenta and hi atltationi. Tha appropriation bill ia ■■pail ad to ba ta trad uead ant week. Than the toak ot making tha two fit trfll confront tha leffialatura and ba looffct oat m tha floors of tha two Aa praaanted to tha bouae for tta coaaldeiatlun, altting aa a commit tea «f tha whole, tha rerenoe MB ailiai aa changea in tha achadola of bihari tanee taxaa aa it affaeta widow* and However, aa to collateral haira— brutlwn and aiatara—thara ia a 28 far cant Incrraae, and itvrraaaaa ranr hf from fhra to 100 par caat aa to parauwa of no blood kin, according to tka amount Involved. Lawyer* S2S a Year In schedule B the increases rung* from 60 to BOO per cent. For instance, lawyers would bar* to pay the «tate $26, instead of 98 aa at present. liter* is a provision, however, relieving then of half this aaaount when they do not make as mrh aa f1.000 a yew. The hill provides for • marriage license fee of $S. The present fa* Is |t. Filling stations would be requir ed to pay from $6 to $20. - Barbers' chairs would be taxed $1 • year each. The rate on individual incomes heretofore ranging from one par cant to three per cent, would, under the tarau of the new bill range from 1 1*4 par cent to five per cent Corporatiaa hteomes Aa affecting corporations, there would be a flat rata of four par cant M compared with three now charged. Railroad franchise taxaa would be increased 100 per cent, while that re quired of telephone companiea, tele graph and sleeping car companies would be increaaed SO per cant Under the terms of the bill water companies, power companiea and gaa companies would be taxed in propor tion to their receipts, the rate being oae-tonth of on* par cent. Mr. Town aand expected that this form of tax ation would incur, subatantially, an Increase of 200 per cent of the pres ent rata charged these industriea. A tax of $2 would ha impoead on at commercial judgments where the defendants pay the coats, and IS on al original prnctssa* in civil caa*a t» courts of record. A plan is being davlaad to provide far the taxing of contractors, which would. It is indicated, yield between WOO,000 and $400,000. is. J .*■ •ifri. cftU. Ghtoi Hopklni unlver clriw to have tHa m m«H. It h "T if apalM Mr. •HI ballot Mil, ptH of th* mm, tlih» in m mrftwriM* npurt on Dm on 100 hid nMl tlurt Vlf. fnlloWta* the inootfaw that th* minor ity nport will b IM port of tho hthhtlft emnrl of tkt North Carolina wmmm' organization and th* wown wtrt pr—ut to hark it op. NaMjr had anything to my •K«inat M. RECOVER ALL OF BODIES IN MINE B*t» Burial mi SI Mm Who R^N^W^Ma^VBa f J#v 11W™ Blast i*>rri<Mf»l Sullivan, ImL, Feb. 22.—An unceas ing wirrh started by mine rat— toaiaa for Um bodies of >1 mm an. t on bad after aa aipMa in the City Coal Crmipanjr'i abaft hara last Fri day andad amrtjr today ^cn tba last corpsa was broaght to tba surface. Boris! of tba daad was atartad, sar vicaa for two rf tba victima being haid bars aad for anotbor at Dinar, Ind. Thar* win ba no community fanaraL E*ch family will ear* for Its owa daad. la aeveral inatancaa wbara two members of a family piriahed a sin gle service wiD ba bald. Sullivan County officials sra dis posed to sceept tba tboory that tba ' t plosion was taaaid by tba audden precipitation into tba mine of a quan tity of (as from aa aartb pocket, the ras being ignited by the apark from s miner's tool or the flare from a worker's lamp. Henry L. Hurari chooser, member of the 8tate Industrial Board, arrived and be ran expediting the payments to which families of the victims sra entitled under the workman's compen sation law. The law provides for payments of |IMt each week for 909 weeka to each dependent family. I Pitched Ball Doatroya Profit for BootkffW Gaston ia, Feb. 21.—A wild pitched , t a»«b»n by t local hlrh school t indi : date for Coach Pat Crawford'* varsity resulted in a local bootlegger losing ' two perfectly rood quarto of corn li quor her* Friday morning. The scene was one block below the New York Street school building. Two urchins were catch In* ball. One of then threw wild to hia playmate. The hall bounced off the other's Mitt and rolled out Into the road, asd the hoy who miseed it promptly darted Into the street for h. A Ford rams sooth at this moment and the driver waa forced to fire his ear a swift turn Into the ctuV One of its doers flew open and two quart fruit jars of com liquor rolled out. One was dsatruyad hut the other remained Intact and un ; WOKffl. i The boys who sawed all the trouble , quickly sprunr upon the staff. Mean while. aa quick aa a Ford will do it the driver left that vicinity. He turn ed Into Rdgowood Circle drive and headed for parts unknown. The hoy •arned the quart of booae over to the high school authoHtiea. He might get to take It homo with bim and net H for "fW medicine. Then again the aMeert of the taw •night p»t hold of it aad pour It down THa MO tlon at tha pany hrtrufctsd by Senator I» *tt of rut, in tkc farm at » Joint to- \ •ototion. "Tktrt ii no laltb piopb of North in thU concern," ha In Pitt eoonty alona, ha "tha paopla kan sahacribad to twaan 1100.000 urf 1206,000 ia tha rmrmtly worthless. the stack hare received it ar beard anything from the panjr linra they bought aa intaraat hi | it" ha added. Martia com have roheeribed to armr 1100.000 at tha stock," aaid Sana tor Everett. Sana tor Alderman. of Vaare, far-' tharad tha caaaa of tha Mil with tha atatMMat that hia cowaUtwIanta had alao suffered haavily from tha Fish eries Product! company stork and that ha was haartily in faror of tha MO. An UMndmiit to btcfade tti the Mil provisions for by tk* •ttorwy ftMrel of Um Bailor Broth em ToWen company, of Wineton Hal«ai and the Paul Rittr company, nf Salisbury, wai suggested by Sena tor Grant, of Davie. Senator Ever ett, however, objected to anything that would dela« action on hia meaanre and prapoeed that the Davie senator draw np another resolution to win hia parpoaea. Senator Grant acceded. Needn't TeH Btsineea The hill to require applicant* for marriage licensea to five IS days no tice to the register of deeds, who would he requested to post such no tices in hia offVa, was overwhelm ingly sidetracked In the bona* of rep resentatives when it cane np on sec ond reading. Both branches met early today, then broke tip their individual sittings at noon for a Joint session to elect members of the boards of trustees of the university of the State College of Agriculture and Engineering, re turning later to their separate see siona, which lasted well np into the afternoon. The highways revenue bin, raising the gasoline tax from three cents to Party Cirw Uf TW GlMK Chicago, ^ 21.—TW for hugimlM Political Action up the ghost km iMifkt ha dMt action of | of a m party. Thia meting was foflowad aa hoar of diftptM to tbe oM body, bat a* 1« affBk IHHI^ twi um for launching tlx new par-1 KaKhoi Gin $100 To Marion, f<k. II.—At Uh close of, Um wwmllrtle Butting kaM tiara by| Railroad Spink* of Alabama, Sunda 24 Ka Khn Klanaami, arrayed Hi thair spooky rntn of wlltf, marrbad in to the Ban* at church bar* just be fore tba beginning of tba evening aar vioe and dep» aitod in tba hands of lir j Mr. Spinka mm hundred dollars, t gather with a note expressing to bin I thair appreciation of his declaring tba j whole coon sal at God during the mm ing. Tba eaeat created quite aa e*-| citement in the town, aa the organiaa- j tion baa only bean perfected in Mar ian in the last few weeks. —^———————i» four cento a gallon, and providing a new system of management for the road fund went on its pnaaage in the house without disrosasion or opposi tion. This completed tba major road 1 legislation of the 1*25 session, ■aval the red tape procedure of ratiflea-j tioa The boose passed a hill to require fire drills in the public schools at least once a month, a aMssure to gha certain counties authority to estab lish civil county courts and a bill de signed to prevent overlapping of jurisdiction of munleTpal courts. After a abort debate centering in the question of rewards for officers of the law the senate tabled with big mapority a bin by Senator Carter/1 of Sorry, and an amendment propo ed ^ him. which among other things would have allowed county commis sioners to pay $20 to officers making arrests resulting in conviction of op erating an illicit whiskey distillery. The senate killed a bill to change the state dog tax law. Dynamite Seals Tomb of Floyd Collins in Sand Cave Cava City. Ky., Feb. IS.—SnM in his perpetual tomb, Floyd Collins • leaps tonight la peace. Buried alive, he emtared tcr day* the terrifying solitude, praying that, MMhoa ha would aaeape an impending doom tl.at always waa hi* companies. Unahle longer to witfcatand the tortarea of body and spirit, ha died, atone, trap pad in the Jaws of the cava whose wonders he discovered. Realising per ha pa. that the valiant him woold be la vahTha metdMth gamely, hi* Jaws sat. A few hours, or maybe a day or two, after death had ended his suffering, rwenera was resigned to Um cm** that would not releaae hhn. But ibm the wpvldin of that ob eeuvo unfortunate had bean unfolded • new* aarial that enthralled the country for IT daft TV climax waa rtaebed Monday wMh the flndta* of the body. The eplhpw waa written today. The till of detoaatin^ dynamite; the dull thud of hi*r* boulder*, loos ened froaa the renturfea-old bad on | the deoo'ete hilMde, ad they tumbled i | in aad 'jaled the new (tit, waa aa the drawta* of a cyJopbon to the borate work of the reecuen. Today a few flower* aUeaa about the Aoath of Bead Gave aad a few V .■■■• M Seventeen other pr win to meted apaa kf tto in IImy. Is • rami unity on tto old t*»n WtrrfBtmi n4 to* for mot* than a cento y tow no niderrd one of tto toat i in tto eoontjr. It toa an whool and two church** Many of rto Imm are ipMid oM hue*** dattn* toek before tto War Between the Sertionn. Tto great balk of tto rUiiens are law abfcttn* and are hi •-horoo*h aympathjr with tto preacher** aim*. Uqmt Traffic Grain Dnrhf the put few jntn Om iMnofxtiK of liquor has «lo»u to, alarming proportions, with tbo Iowar •knmt of the community |iiiml) ni(i(*d In It CondMoae laat »ui m»r riaclmd and a stage that tha church people of tha toaaunity de termined that rawitMiif moat ha dona about It. Particnlar streaa vma laid upon tha condition la tha revival nwctinfi that ara hald In «oat man try church* In lata soanner. Tha Rev. Mr. Britt waa particularly ear nest in hia endeavors. Mix weeks later the yoonf preacher took stock of tha • it nation Littla improvement had baan made, although a number of confeaaed bloclcadrra had profeaaad religion. Drunkenness •till prevailed, and at ttaaea ha was compelled to eject noma of the youaf er element from hia chorch scisk'ea for disorderly conduct. He determin ed to try another plan for ridding tha community of liquor. He laid hia plana before aereral of tha lea din* member* of hia chnreh, and they ap proved them. Among the converta at tha Augoat meeting were two yoong fellows, Ben nett Fatallmer and John Parrtah. Tha latter appeared to be thoroughly fam iliar with the blockading industry and willingly joined the preacher and Faulkner In their campaign to find tha illicit stills, destiny them and piaeaal the evidence to the grand Jury. Scoar the Wee* far Stllb ror iour montns uw preacner mm the two young converts toured the v.rod» at night. Many t.ight* they lay in tHe bruah within a few feet of a (till and watched the operator* at »"ork. They were a Me to identify the men. and by overh««ring their talk, pick up Hum to other atflla. The preacher kept a note hook hn which he Nt down all he heard and aaw. Once they were dUcovered, and shot •t by the Mockadera. When the grand Jury aaaembled in January the preacher preaented hia i evidence directly to ioHcltor W. F. Erana, and the grand jury returned indictment* agalnat 14 men. Thoee indicted were Hariey Difkereon, 1. H. Holden, Hubert HoMen. Jeeee Dicker - ixw, John Clapton. Clifton Dicker**, Sid Driver and William Gup*on, white and George Wright. Farcy Fogg, liy> The rrmgregmtlnn, generally fak ing I* atandlng bihlal Ma paatar. Some dfrrialon tWn hae beea, M la admitted TV rtorek ha« SRI m» bar*. Synrpatkiaer* wHh the Into ilinwt hare either withdraw ar km ham dropped from memhanhlp Dto affertlon awiiin tha Mafcm ia mM to be relatively tatall. A wet tag a# tka loyal nwban. afcpaat IM par rant utrong. wm hatd h IV rh«rrk yard yeaterday while tka aahaa ef tha rlrarctl tarn etill —ioaldering, and de WHMn dfht of tka nrina nf tka rorintk rhorrb la tka Trinity Metho <iiart church. Tka paator of tkia ctorch kaa takan no active fart la tka 11maili. Moat of Ms mnalnnhlp la mU to ka In active aympatky wttk tka work of tka yoang Baptist |»aaik <t, and |hrk( hha tkalr moral mtp part. Tk» awl » helming " iit>nw> tka uuaadar tot kia active llntnut la tka SO yaar old um»eit at tka Aa ru»t meeting:. Bennett Faulkner. A Maa Inafraid Britt la 28 yaar* old, a native of Robeann county, a graduate of Waka F'lraat College. Ba weight* 119 I oanda and kaa tha look of a man *a afraid. Ha preachea at Corinth twice a month and at Wakaflald ia Waka county twiea a month. Ha kaa no— of tha look of a fanatic, bat ratkar of quiet determination to do what ka ha* aet oat to do. Mixed wttk It la something of a young Ban's natural lore of ademtnre. Tonight he ia aoaaewkere oat in tka broah with yoang Faulkner looking for a (till. Beaabody b» ought Ma information today that oae had ban located. Dreaaed in a pair of old ar ray trouaer* and a flannel akfcrt, ka aet off about mndown tki* aftarnooa to reeume hi* offenaira again* an "vil that tha boat preaching ka cmM do failed to mora. Ha ia trying bomm tking elae. AssaiUat ml Wif* Gats Durham JVb tl.-M.rrin FaUa, ••tf-confaaaad wonM b* wnfr-rauntar prtaon u a matt of Us itMupt to kflt hU wtfs early an the morntac •* rAnur 1 PrnD* XvttkUi head on W« cheat throughout the fbal iHtrhi today and pn mo dpi that He had board the *oi>tet*e. Ml. strath Margaret Leaf hlh, hi. 15-jraar-oJd wtfe. mr the haad with a Vm«th of pip and Una alaah

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