«M MMT—I M JSSlS5S-' 'H rem unt wmk , . _ Urn. r. D. Hoicomb. 1«1 Pin* M. lt» FOR RB*T—Owe fwM»< M mm Call Phone MC. W7< FOR I«T-Tm Urp MM fir nished or unfa Marmot* Memorial Bap Uit Church. Pmm 418. tie. FOR ■ A LB—A NT« ram Inh with large lot on PraakHa stroot Prir. $«.800. Writ* Mm. U. L. Bob Mmd, Hanfnrd, N. C oc M V. V, OvIitiM at Bank of Mount Airy, tic •train Aaaswa *1.80 for li. B. C. at Hala'a Department Stop*. tfc. COBB WOOD far aala See W. W. Burke, City, tfc STORK Boom« and efflre far See A. Goldsmith, Mt. Airy N. C. tfc. WATCH LOST—Saturday aanini between Crneet Brown's and J. R. Banner- homes. Lad lee (old wrist watch, flowered hand. Finder return to Nellie Matthews, Mount Airy, R. I. ltp. BASTKB Monday April lfth at Hsa burg Addition, 2.00 P. M„ One Dodge roadster, three lota. Music with the Sportful Accidentals. 4-2-c LOOK FOR SALf—I have several very fine barred Plymouth Bock cockerels for sale. These birds are from my very beet mating*, and are some of the finest I have ever offer ed. They are of that rich, narrow, dark barring and fine shape. The kind that will improve your flock. The kind that make the Judges smile. They won i-vcry prise offered at the Fair here last falL Will sell these birds from 13.00 to $6.00 also will sell a few breeding pen* of 4 hens and 1 cock erel at 112.50 per pen. You could not beat this offer anywhere for less than |2fi.OO. Will sell hatching egg* at ray same old price, $1.60 per 15 eggs. If I can serve you call and see me or write me at W. W. Thomas' Store. Ora Roberts. 4-10c FOR SALE—One acre land with four room kouM the Susan Shaw home, at Hamburg. For further Informa tion. see J. H. Folger. ltp. EGGS FOB HATCHING—White and Brown Leghorn, Pitridn and Gold en Wyandotte, Mottled Anronaa. Choice fl.BO for 15. Whit* Crush Black PoUah, and UknnMm S2.50 for 16; Silver Spaneled Hamburg 12.00 for 16. Alao baby chick foun tain* for aale. W. R. Belton at Bel ton Grocery Co.'a. Mount Airy, N. •C. tie. FOB 8ALE—Blooming amaryllia ar red Ulliee, potted 11.00 and op, cot bloonj^stalks 50 and 75 caata. Key's store or 16S Cherry street, Mount Airy. tfc. ■as* rS?KtfK FOR SALE—One good pair young mule*, coming S years old. 16 1-2 hands high. Nine miles weet of Low on headwaters of Meadow Creek. Davis. Galas, Va.. Route 2. S-28p PEACH TREES—AM Peach troea for sale. Mostly Belle of Georgia. Nursery stock. W. F. Carter, Jr. Mt. Airy, N. C. AUTO FOR SALE—Owe late model Dodge touring. Must be sold «t once. Price right. Run 2200 miles, looks like new. J. H. Midkiff. tfc. FOR RENT—Farm S mllee weat of Dobson, good new dwellings, 10 acres broke, two tobacco bams. Will (Vtiish stock if wanted. S. E. Mar shall. S-27p. FOR BALE—A horae far sale. It years of age, wood condition in every way, and a flne worker. Walter Snow, Round Peak, Route 1. S-20p. FOR RENT—Om tan room house with bath. on Moore avenue. Apply to Mrs. R. L. Penn, Moore avenue, Mt. Airy, N. C. S-20c SWEEPING ia one of the hardship* of housekeeping unless you have a good broom. Try one of our ~ brooms and note the diffe F. Midkiff Fm Gold Fiah W. 8. Wife -Drag Co. will give their annual Gold Fiah aale Friday and Saturday of next weak. This ia an unusual aale aa you (at bowl of Gold Fiah, aea weed, and plants with a 60c pur of Ny-Denta Tooth TEE CREEPING MAN—" The wolf hound was harking furiously, strain ing on hia chain and quivering with eagerness and fsgf ." This Is part of " PES* Arthur Conan Doyle's ftavv ■ mystery story. "The Creeping Man," r, sring In THE NEW YORK SUN DAT WORLD MAGAZINE next Sun day. The story complete in one ia sue ia the s*c«»d of five of Bir Arthur • Doyle's amaaiag storias to ap pear for the next four Sundavs In THE Sl'NDAT WORLD. Edition Order from your i la * Out into Um yard they took Um Ford btloofhif to J. W. Barker, at thie city They rod* ever about White Mm and than oat to Crow Roads and won on their way back to the school houae, expecting to irrhn before the conven Uon waa ovor. On their raturn bad luck overtook them when they ran in to anotbor car and wrecked the ear belonging to Mr. Barkar. Tha boy* ' ware arrested and mast now etond trial for larceny of aa automobile. The boys have no money to satisfy Mr. Barker for the damage to his ear, and their parents are hard working people who are in the same condition, ■o when the eaee rumea before a Su perior court judge be will face the problem of what to do with these boy* who let their better judgment leave leave them for a short time. Oscar Reynolds, colored, was sent to the roads for sis months lor an as sault on E. R. Short, road builder. The negro had been discharged which brought on threats againe*. -.he life of Mr. Short An appeal was. taken. ! Carl JoMa waa food net guilty of reckless driving. A few weeks a*1 he ; passed a ear over near the Patrick line and about the time the ears pass ed the ear of a Mr. Tilley containing several girth turned over, painfully in juring »ne of the party. Jonee waa charred with running into them and causing tha wreck. Tha testimony waa conflicting and the court gave the de fendant the benefit of the doubt and declared him not guilty.* n» Jury uktd for by Ralph Low* and Forest Heath took only • few mln uitea to convict them of • liquor chare*. Both received 12 montha suspended sentence* and paid a fin* of $25 each and the cost. The road sen tence is to take effect If they are found drinking, acting in a disorderly way, and la ny way violating any of the law* of the state within the nest two years. Earl Oakley waa fined fftO and the coat for the larceny of several hens J fro* George Creed. St Patrick Day Party The Pfcilathea class of Central Methodist church was entertained at a St. Patrick's day party by the Pine street circle at the home of Mrs. Jim Yokley Tuesday evening. After a very enjoyable social hour with Irish songs and stunts, chicken salad, potato chipa, olives, wafer and hot chocolate were served. Reliable Colored Woman Dead Cora Whitlock colored, of this city, | wife of Jess Whitlock and daughter i of Emma Jarvis and the late Seward Jarvia died in Winston-Salem follow ing an operation for goitre, which proved to be a cancer and was ber : led here Wednesday. Cora was an honest, hard working, self-reepecting colored wosaan whoa* service was appreciated by the white people became she was thoroughly re liable and dependable. Her husband and five children sur vive her. J Salvation Army Workers Coming Adj. and Mrs. P. B. CrispeU of the Salvation Army Divisional Head quarters located at Charlotte, will jviait Mount Airy Saturday and Sun day in the interest of the Salvation ! Army. Adjt- Criapell is the Young Peoples' Divisional Secretary and is rendering remarkable service In the two Carolines. Mrs. Criapell Is the Guard Organiser of the Salvation Ar my. Mrs. CrispeU is of Scotch birth having lived in that country until a few years ago. Adjt Crlspell's hosne is in New York City. Open-air services will be held on the street corner Saturday afternoon and evening and sei »i»ee will be conduct ed in the Salvation Army hall on South street Sunday. The public is invited. Card of Thank* We deeply appreciate all the kind neaa shown oar family during the long Illness and at the death of oar beloved freehand and father, Sam Beaaley, and extend our heartfelt On Mot. 1, UN, her mattrim— to T. L. Brim took place aad three children ImmUi, of Qreonsb*rn, ItM who II«h with Mi parent* and Miee Um student of M»dy aoliege, Ne.hvtUe Tamn.. with Um husband nttIh, Tho fMHnl took place Saturday af ternoon and hor wmln war* laid to root at Mount Harmon near hor hiwi, Bev. C. C. Haymore officiating. Mm. Brim waa for year* a aismhai of tho old Baptiat church at Woatflald and waa a woman appreciated and bo Invod In h«r community. Malarial Tributa to RoWt Claud Cook By hia Aunt Mr*. A. D. Barker Bohart Claud Cook waa born July mh. 1907, diod March Ml, 1MB, aft 17 yaara, 7 month* and 20 day*. Hia daath cam* a* a ahock to tha community, ha waa a modal boy, a flna iporimon of young manhood and had only baan complaining at inter val* for a few day*. Monday March fth ha ate rapper and convened with tha family in hia ueual way, leaving the table ha laid down on the aide of the bed, hi* mother heard him make an unuaual noiaa ran to him lifted him up and hia spirit paaaad away. Hia remain* were laid to raat at Pine Ridge Church near Weetfield, Wedneeday afternoon, March 11th, Bev J. D. Smith of Pilot Mountain conducted tha funeral aervieaa and apoke beautiful word* of condolence to the grief stricken family. Character!(tie of Claude'* life waa hia quiet unaaauming nature, hia love and devotion for hi* home and domea tic affair*. He did well hia part In helping provide the neceaaitiae of Ufa for his widowed mother and three (la ter* and three brothers who survive him. Hi* father W. S. Cook wa* t&ken suddenly from them Sept. 12, IClt, The oldest child 9 yaara of aga tha youngest only 1 month old at thia thus Claud la the first of the family of children to be taken. The sorrowful family have the *ym pa thy of the entire community In the untimely death of their faithful eon and brother. Ararat Circuit Qtrt«rl| Cw The second quarterly conference of the Ararat Circuit, M. E. Church South will embrace the 4th Sunday in March and the Monday following. Rev. J. H. Wast, tha presiding elder, will preach at night and on Monday morning, and will hold tha quarter ly conference immediately after din ner. I will preach, filling my regular appointment on Sunday morning. 1. J. Eada, Paator. Mr*. Scott of Brim D»ad Mrs. Sallie Scott, wife of Walter Scott of Brim, died of pneumonia at Martin hoapital Friday morning where the had been rushed a few hour* be fore in a very serious condition. Mrs. Scott la survived by her hus band and five small children tha youngest only a few day* old. Tha funeral sad interment teak place at Hunter's Chapel Saturday af ternoon. Administrators Notice Having qualified as administrator of the aetata of S. J. Peele, liirsaisd late of Surry county, North Carolina, this is to notify all parsons having claims against the eetate of said de re aaed to exhibit them to the under »i jrru-d at Its office oa or before the 11th day of March IMS. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the eetate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day af Mar. IMS. The Bank of Mount Airy, Administrator of 1.1. Peel, dee'd. NOTICE There will be a public examination for applicaata for teachers certifi catea in tha Court Houae at Dobaon Tweed ay and Wednesday, April 14th and 15th, beginning at nine o'clock. The mint legislature pasaed a bill providing that only on# examination for teachers' certificates shall be held par year and that it shall begin on the seeoad Tueaday of April of each year. Formerly examinations were held alao in July and October. E. 8. Hendren, County Superintendent. NOTICE In compliance with Section 41 of the School Law, the County Board of Education of Surry County hereby gives notice that it will elect • Super intendent of Schools at its next regu lar meeting.whieh will he on Monday, Anril «. IM. Ite. The Board of Education af Surry Co. E. S. Haadrea, fee. | Down sale UonJdR^iri^ator Rdancc Small Weekly or Semi-Weekly Paymert. For 10 days we will offer the famous Leonard Refrigerator on this small payment plan basis. You can pay for your refrigera tor while you use it . Why use that old ice box or re frigerator which wastes ice and is not sanitary when you can have a new Leonard in your home to keep your Food Fresh, Pure and Wholesome? Guess how many individual pieces go into the manufacture of the Leonard Refrigerator shown in our window and get as first prize tickets for 1000 pounds of Bray's Ice. 2nd prize. 8 x 10 ft graas n* No Purchase Necessary to Guess Contest Lasts 10 days—Ask in store for particulars Carter-Walker Furniture Co. Without Cost I will meet the taxpayers of Surry County at the times and places designated, vis Pilot Township, Pilot Mountain, March It, II Shoals Township, J. D. Mickels residence 10 to 12 a. as.; Truelove's Store lto 4 Mar. SO Siloam Township, A. C"Snow's Store 10 to 12 a. n.; Kay's Store 1 to 3 p. as. . .Mar 21 Rochford Township, Banner's Store, 10 to 12 a. as.; Copoland 1 to 3 p. as. Mar 23 Marsh Township, Burch station, lOto 12 a. sa.; J. M. Phillip's Store 1 to 3 p. aa. Mar. 24 Elhin Township, EHdn Mar. 28 Bryan Township, W. L. Hanes' Store, 10 to 12 a. m.; Kappa Mill 1 to 3p. a. .. .Mar. 28 Franklin Township, Woodruffs Store 10 a. as. to 12 Mar. 27 Stewarts Croak Township, Miss Pattie Richards Store lto3p.n. Mar. 27 Mount Airy Township, Mount Airy, Sheriffs Office Westfield Township, Hunter's Store, 1 to 4 p. m., Mar, 3Q. Eldora Township, L. P. Venahie's Store 10 to 12 a, as. Mar. SI Long Hill Township, Ararat, Kay's Store 1 to 3 p. as. Mar. 31 I heps you will meet dm aa. asaking this but now 1 added April 1st, and After this round I istaM priced to advertise C. H. HAYNES, This March IS, ItSS.