Sffif MM Carroll County Signs Contract For The RuiMiwg of Fancy Gap Road For ENGINEERING CREW BBGAN WORK AT STATE LINE TUESDAY j erow of arr+rod in thi* eity work of atate I fat* to tlia foot of the (toy working from thi* and of the rook. Already i lore* ■mnwnt of won hoa boon i on the rood and Mm crada from HfflrrW- and half •a) down tka mountain ia practically rt ady for aorfacinc. The mountain read haa bacn blaatod out and widen Od until that portion which haa boon worked on, la aa fine a mountain grade aa can ha found'in thia state, and when completed It is said that •ry food ear in fair running condi tion can make the mountain in high gaar. l ne state highway c xnmiulon al mdy hu in operation two riant •team rock crusher* located at a limestone quarry on the Poplar Camp road beyond HMsrille and these are daily crashing large quan tities of limestone rock to ha mad on the road. Last year the state pot a surface of rock on die road from HMsrille to Poplar Cafip. and mv they are putting on another heavy layer of stone and will then hind it together with a layer of tarrla, mak ing a first claas tarrla hound maca dam road. With the assured fact that oar Virginia neighbors will build a hard surface road to the state line at an early date it now becomes the duty of the road officials of this state to begin considering a like move and get under construction the small stretch of road from the city to the State line which connects with the Vancy Gap road. Already there Is • mutual .understanding between road officials of the two states to Stake the road between Mount Airy and Hlllsrille a hard surface pro ject and now that Virginia has made • definite start la the construction ef her end of the road its up to North Carolina to make a like mors. LBABN TO SAVE Our farmers must barn to save as well as make befoN prosperity de cides to abide in our beloved Dixie. Eight years ago one of our neighbors height a new one-horoe wagon. One year I ter we bought one. Both wag em fared about alike except that the Hlgthar's wagon was kept under • shed when net in uss. His wagon Is rd as new, while sots Is Jnk-C. C, to The Pumasslw Parmer »l TWt it to the first trip of a raaolina 4Ht- | en TcbirU ta Awrle*. Thto horseless carriage, which hennas a familiar ilfht in Um ■treats of KokoaM, was the rwah of two years of rxperimenta and now to pwwi wil in tha Smithsonian Insti tute at Waahtagtoa, D. C Mr ■aid ha waa ordaead to "|» cootraptioa off tka itmta," wkaa ha] J- L|. W-.t orove nis nm i go. Tka ■ult of tha fact that Mr. Haynaa had i a torga U»il«n to ttoa aa flald lapsrintealiat far a| natural gas cam pan j. Ha torn of mind and of aa invmtivH A year after hid first trip with hii horaatoaa carriage, Mr. Hajrnea formed a company for thai manufacture of ubauU preaident of K for away years. Ha in-ranted numerous improvements in the automobile. 86.496 Babies Bon la The State During 1924 R*lti(h, Afcrll 11.—Then were 80,490 babies born Hi North Caro lina, the whole onion'* champion birth-rate itate in 1924. This total waa announced by the vital statis tics department of the state hoard of health today The 1M4 total excaedi tkat of 19Z3 by 2,906. In 1MI there wese only M.1M birth, reported. GMni the figure* hy months. Dr. P. M. Register, of the rital statistics department, pointed oat that Decem ber led all ether months, with • to tal of 1,770. Its nearest competitor was June, with 7,890. Dr. Register said physicians were growing less las all the time la re porting births. In a test conducted by the T+ta! statistics bureau of the federal census bureau, he added. North Carolina made a score of M on reporting births. This state is now In the federal registration area. Liquor Car Camouflaged With Traps For Camping Asherflle, April 8.—Liquor valued at 12,000 or more was seised, and a twin-six Packard automobile bearing a Kaeaachuaetts license tag waa con fiscated by the police this afternoon. The automobile waa being washed when someone suspected that H Con tained liquor, tipping off the police, j The officers ssade a quick search of the neighborhood, hot could find no one to claim ownership of the au tag. 11m car ■qulpmcnt to avoid la trunks, traps and fa of the Wan njmjto. Nobody ThU week the Dndgo mmpany, vir tually mi off shot cl Fori, Magi 11W.000,000, after a spirited Mnv rl« with the Morgan firm. What Wan street would par tar the organisation today cm only be coajaetad. Ford Motor Co. wao es tablished with capital of M»,000 and IS utockholders. Today it b worth nearly a billion. J not recently Mm other remarkable things a eaah sar thore am h«t two WwHwHiii, Hoa ry Ford and Mo Mm, Heel B Feed. Both la the rohaae of production sad hi the nho of aaleo the Ford ciaa pnny tope orory other producer of FOUNDLING NOW AMONG RICHEST Two Fill mi 11 for Littl* Girt Loft on Grook'a PuriUp. Mtneola, N. T.. April 10-Jef LooIm Liifc, 12 ;«n ifo a found ling. today learned that aha la ooa of the country's wealthiest children. Warner M. I.eeda, who made a far time In tin plate, and who, cMkfless. had adopted Joy Louise It jrwn ap, when alia was a year old, left har the balk of hia estate, estimated at more than $4,000,000. IVo years ago the child was left the 14.000,000 estate at har foster mother, Mrs. Loolaa Hartahorna Leeda, who was killed in a plunge from a window of her New York home. The will of har foster fath er, who died two weeka ago, waa filed here today. Available data of the eat ate i of rich children In the United States show the Lead's heireaa to be far richer than any of har con tempo rar iea. Gloria Caruso received half af her father's $8,000,000 estate aad half of hia poethumooa phonograph royalties, estimated at 1228,000 a' year. Each of the seven grand rhildrea of the lata E tutor William A. Clarke, received 11,000,000 at birth. Tfca aixth Jolu Jacob Aator, i whoae father died in tha Titan tic diaaater, inherited some Uif like $S,-1 500,000. John, Emily ltd Edward,' children of E. B. McLean, Waahing ton publisher, letelead trust fund* amounting to more than 11.000,000 each. Joy Looiae Leeds is not to coma into the principal of her foster fa ther's estate until she la 86 years old. Henry Abbott waa named in tha will aa guardian of the aatata and Mrs. Abbott aa the ehOd'a personal guardian. . Beqoesta totaling little more than' 1400,000 were made to other heirs. TV new rich girl's origin is un known. On the laat day of January 1912, a policeman took to Betlevne hoapltal a little Mb af pink aad while humanity which had been giv en Mm by a Greek woman aa hia heat The girl, aha explained, had baaa toft ea har dooratap by aaa»! STUCETOW, CaL, April !• Wimw pmml to flUa city, whan wrttfM that W. H. Hot. ■ arimr. tofc hn»| •4 within • hw fast of Ms luthss^ My said: That's good Mwt. 1 tow baa* paying Hunt la if for te My of Floyd aa that it caaM ha aMead ta the crystal cm ht flanwwt I ax paet to return hoM to Cava City aa •om aa I haw taoofh aaaaj to yay Hunt for his work, which will ha to a few waaha more and thaa I will aaa Chat a aattakle monument ia erected for Floyd to front of the crystal care and the casket irlaaed ta a steel box. DEATH CAR OCCUPANTS err PRISON SENTENCES Mich ad Wilfong Trott, Nek, to t of not Im than torn and not nort than fifteen year* in Um State penitentiary at hard labor. Theee young men were convicted daring the present tern of Catawba conrt of ■rarder in the second degree far the killing in an sutoatobUe collision of Mi»* Evelyn Rowe. on the evening of February tth. Notice of appeal by both defendant* was given in open court. Appeal bond waa fixed at 1100 and apoearance bond at $20, 000 for each defendant. In passing sentence Judge Stack said he had purposely postponed sentencing the young men, under the hope that the officers could appre hend the men -who sold the lienor, as they are the mea moat responsible for Um death of the yoang lady. While ha had sincere sympathy for young Trott and Michael, he had the protection of society and the majes ty of the Isw committed to hi* charge by hi* oath of office. This verdict la to give notice that the peopli and courts of North Carolina are deter mined that the public highways be made safe against drunken Bond* for Trott wet* promptly Aad he waa on the streets a few minutes after the adjournment of court The bonds for Michael have not yet been Mixed Train «a North Wltkeeboro, April 11.—At the! luncheon of the Kiwanis dob today the chib went an record aa the proposed action of the railway for making a mixed train | not of the prssint morning and even-1 ing passsngsr train which runs daily j Lxleees thia city and Wl While there was much opposition to the change, those advocating the proposition cam* oat the winasr. It is said that ths Jitney Haee 1 between North Wllkeeboi iton have aboot taken all of the trnv- I rifreas this train, and this is given aa| * making it m i Tom Jnnbon Unable to "Brail Into JaiT and Begin Sentenc^ th» roortkaoaa at to tka riwi Iff, to ka Nut T. L. EHrkpitriek and n Jfft tkt dtj late in tka af fa* Spancar to apart tka wark-art with Ma rtfa and PorBif Goaarnar Montana, H ait uid kcra tonifkt. waa tka tartar (n •ha more to kaap Jhniaon off tka r»a«l* art aanra • rikaariag hi tka caaa naxt Tnaaday. Lcnftky confer eneaa wara frU *orln* tka day hi hi* office. tkaaa reauhiny in tka 4a riiion to uuatpuwa Jhaiaoa'i trip to tka Tom F. Methodist minister ud now convicted li quor transporter. made known his intention of tarring the «0-day road sentence Imposed upon him last Fri day by Recorder Wade H. Williams. Mr. Jhniaon ha* been at liberty under • 1250 bond since his convic tion in recorder's court. Yesterday he decided to abandon his appeal and take the sentence. A number of his friends have asked Jadg* Williams to '-bangs the sentence to a fine, bat he has not done so. TW charge of transporting whiskey arose from the of three pint bottles of boose in one soKeaao and a jug with spirits in another saitcaae he was carrying when he was arrested. Admitting that he had the Hqoor he adds that "T was simpty pre»orse enough to try to do a kUiJaiss for a friend." MAKES STATEMENT "I shall withdraw my appeal this week, surrender to the sheriff, and be off for the chain gang. I hare not asked for mercy, hare bogged no one for clemency, and I shall not do so.; I want to pay to the state the farthing for ay offense majesty of the law. T hare no with which to inflate my MhMws and even if I had I do sot cars to ho under obligation to the bo. I do not want it to ho in my face that I am Iniibtsd to asy j state, or that I faded to fulfill the law's demands. "On last Friday Morning I was ar rested by two city dstortlvsa Jnst af ter I had stepped from a local hotel and started to the railway station. I had sow It had not for sale. It wa not mine. I was to try to dn for a friend. Tlst dsos pnltuly I rhk* ind