Tommy re tk Lamm ^ DRUGGISTS Aiv*N.C SPECIAL SALE QN GIFTS AND STATIONARY Tour NmtmC Drag Store Lot Uh Prove It TOMATO plaata—Urn traneptaat ed plmU of the bast extra «arly 'wirttM now ready. L. A. Foul, 217 Taylor St.. W. F. Midkiff, Main It. grocery man. ^ tie. FOB RENT—Twa farnlahed mm for Hgttt h<>u**k*eping. Mot and cold water on Mima floor. Apply to Mm. V. M. Lamb. 210 Franklin ORDER TOUR PLANTS direct fro. the grow, Onuine Improve.! Nancy Ball aad Porto Rico Potato from potato** that la*t year at 99.00 par thouadhd. Yaa May arc now wifc and am glrt'fergg UNT- _r , packet book, by L C. Evans. con tabling a tan dollar bill aad about thirteen dollar* in silver, (dollar and half dollar »ln**> alao receipt (mm O. E. Snow. Finisr notify M. T. Me Knight. It*. L Ma 11.25 par at Poor*'* POE RENT—1 t-Rae «S&lSXSit£i an Junction *tr**t. See W. W. Bark*. with large lot «a Franklin itraet. Prica W.60&. Writ* Mr*. U. L. Rob inson, Sanford, N. C- or *** W. W. Christian at Bank of Movnt Airy, tfc CORD WOOD far -la ■** W. W0 Burk*. City, . tfe STORE Raema aad efflce far MM— See A. Goldsmith, Mt Airy N. C. tfe. FOR SALE—71 tea aetid tir* apply with * ' **B-contained unit at vary rigid aad simple construction. It is intindsd for small service station* where the expense of a larger unit is not war ranted. The pump la a special high aad law pr*Mur* model. This is a On* man machine, with a capacity to handle practically aay *iie tin up to 40 inch** by 7 inch**. This pr*M la in A Number 1 condition, aad we will sail at a Bargain, price on Ap plication. AddreM Twin County Mo tor Co. lac., Galax, Va. *tc. EGGS FOR HATCHING—White and Brown Leghorn. Patridge and Gold en Wyandotte. Mottled Ancona*. Choice I1.S0 for 16. Whit* Crush Black Polish, aad Lakeneelder* K.fto far 16; Silvar Spangled Hamburg $2.00 for 16. Also hahy chick foun tains for sale. W. R. Belton at Bel ton Grocery Co.'s, Mount Airy, N C. tfc. Adaiialatraters ffetic* Having qualified a* administrator •f the estate of 8. J. Peele, deceased lato of Sorry county, North Carolina. »this is to notify all persons having claim* against th* aetata of Mid de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at its office on or before the 11th day of March 19M, or thi* no tice will h* pleaded in bar of thair re covery. All person* indebted to the eetate will payment. Thi* tfc* 11th day *f Mar. ISM. The Bank of Moant Airy, Administrator of 8. J. Peel, dec**. $1,000 Reward to anyone who can overstock me. I buy all kinds at scrap Iron, Braaa, Copper, Raffs and Sacks. Anything in the Una of jnnk, also old automobiles. Will start to bay about the 25th, have them ready. Hlckast KriM Pay W. J. Samet Caltf., April pbamphiet entitled "flew to , 31, a candidate far «M> to tlx United — 1 •4 in a eot and h« watched a fifty gullon still far ton*. Ha Mflwtod to watch tha door and a deputy ahariff and an operative of tha Hatikt Attorney's office walkad in. They aiTMtad htm and later Ma alleged partnar. William Barffe, sleeptag nearby. OCftaara allege Bar ria ie the day shift and Malonay tha •BSOLimONM or On mm Wrk |I^w«Uln waadaafTaorrow fin. *. J. Lawellln Stair-? iiff I £ adUn Aaao ot tha Sorry Bap .. „■! Convention, but tha moat uoefol part of Ua IHa vaa *P»-nt aa a Sunday School Teacher. In his daath tha state haa loat a useful ciliaia. bin church and Sonday school a useful member. Ma children a de voted father. Therefore ha it'naolved by Central View Baptist Church: 1. That we bow In humble submission to Him who doeth all thinca wall: 1 That wa imitate his virtue and fidelity: S. That wa watch and pray for wa know not at what hour the call Buy mis: 4. That a copy of thaae revolution* be tent to hie daughter Mrs. Matta Nichols of Mornnton, N. C.. and a copy to Jamaa H. Lewellin his soa at W&on, N. C., also a copy to ha on the church record. This March 1st, IMS. C. L. Jarria. DnI May Biyng Yi ' fertilizer By J. G. McCormick TO GROWEB8— I Want to rtpnt ray warning at last week: "IT IS DANGEROUS TO DELAY BUYING YOU* FMtTI LIZKRS." To wait any longer may mean that you cut fat the brand you want—the brand yoa know will give yon result*. Than yoa will have to accept a substitute of unknown or perhaps inferior quality. Or yen may be compelled to wait far the dealer to send to the factory for year particular formala. Thie will delay your planting schedule and when yoa get your order filled, the fertiliser will have to ha, in aoase cases a "new* mixture (not properly aged). Moat Acme dealers eaa supply yoa NOW with "Old Reliable Acme," hot this condition cant be »*araateed far long., I know if you have used Acme, yon wont take a substitute— if yoa can help it. My advice is to place yoar order for Acme Just as quickly as yoa can aae your A case dealer. . If yoa have never used Anna, or have no preferred brand, give Acme yoar order thia saaaea. Yoa cant bent It far crop prodadny quality. We have been making Acme fer tilisers for 41 years. We know the exact requirements of Carolina land, and we give growers the beat ferti liser that eaa he predocad from scien tific formulae, by modern machinery and expert manipulators for each In dividual need. Acme dealers and cwtomna toll us we are "fine folks to deal with" and we appreciate the compliment We are "Some-folks" and we get a AD the data yea wtafc aboot Acme • fertilisers will he famished gUy hy any Acme dealer, or bjr me pereon ally. If ye« wOl write me car* of the ■tegtaa. talnlng ■ gallon jog In th« liquor had eon from Rowan county; that • friend had told him that he had been lata the mown tain* and that mmmom had (hrtu him the liquor: and the altnaaa aald that this friend had given tha liquor to him to deliver to friends in Charlotte. Ha Further atated that he had delirpred nne of the gallon Jag* to a peraon in Charlotte and had not had the oppor tunity to deHvwr the reat Drank a Few Time T«a t ■ 3 April 16.—" rn Judge H dap at tha I *Tm>T. Mr. Jimison denied that he knew that the roltwiii contained liquor when riven to him, but, on trope , examination by Mr. Wall on*, admit ted that ha thought that tha prea enta ha had been aaked to deliver ill Charlotte war* liquor. Mr. Jioiieon aaid that ha waa not a habitual drinker, hot had "used it •oma." Ha aaid that ha had bmm, ■trunk probably a half dosen timei in hia Ufa. hot denied that ha had mr rewired compensation or baa* a par-1 ty to traffic in liquor. Ha testified that ha had taken oae drink at about 12:80 on the morning of his arrest. The outstanding feature of the, trial waa tha tapaaaioaed appeal of ,M ps-Goremor Cameron Morrison for 1 i mitigated sentence, hi which ha I isked for a judgment seasoned with I rosnmon senae and glorified with I mercy. Mr. Morrison apoke for half 1 in hour and paid glowing tribute to I the ability and peat aonitee of the 1 ireused hi behalf of humanity Col. T. L. Kirkpatrick, who follow- 9 ■d Mr. Morrlaon, stated that If thai 1 araa no other teetlaseny hat that of 9 Jie laiathsti, the court should mol- I fy tha >— lihmist. He bald that tha I aw should he administered according I o the religion of CMM and net ao- | •ording to the aid Moaaie law which I railed for an eye for an eye and a I tooth for a tooth. 'If you erm rifted «0 la the court I rooai who hnea tsted a little Hqaar J In the laet few years.'* ha aald.^l •there vmUbI ha aaybody Ml bwt,| >urt, Mr. Morrioon arnao and «tat I that, In behalf at Ma client, ha Uhrrf tj *ta*.c that Mr. Jlmlaon lali'-d to witl^lr.v all of hla erttt raa «' th- po.ler. M*. Jlmlaon «l trrMflod cn iha a1 and that ho had it been »r» -.'js! Po»rtfiai!y at tho n>' rf bia arroa'. "U»e ^*ly of jwrttariar ta rget In tho <'^£iri1ra».l"n if i for th» (Wmw win tha n»nt by RH. R. O. Kller, M-thodi.t*, wSb nice*-dad Mr. i potior of a . hotel in 8|i lie: itntod tb«t line te tctwrt ho bad ia character wan roo«t and that ho ill Umocht ae. "Too think that Ma •araetor waa and ia r«od, la aptto t hia cnnrletion ?" a«kod Mr. Wot> na. "Tan," rejrtkd tho B. L. Toon* tho i at ho io in tho na In Sf ' tho hoard of atowarda of Mr. m'a chatrh In that city. E atiflod that Mr. Jimiaoa'i r waa good. J. A. Wacataff, policeman of, jencar stated that ho coaoMatad tha ehwah, MMthrtWM know* Mr.|< I «*ftlaautM hwumii i ■ nsrii( ij»r 3** J. B. CrifM, prwMtm slder if tli* Charlatta district «f tin Meth ■dWt rhurrh. «m tk* iMt (ktfMtor witness. Ha said that ha had known 'he accused for It yaars and had «nn sidered his eharartm rand. Tha trial laatad for tkraa teaia. practically all of tha uuwd which throngad tha lourlroom remaining until Jud*s Williams had announced the decision a# tha mart Other White PUm Nmi Whita Plalna, April lfc—Mrs. 1. M Harrall, and Mr*. J. .A. Bin* •pant Eaatar Sunday ^t tha hamss of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harrall and Mr. and Mr*. J. P. Lowls at Pilot Moon tain. Jin Harrall who work* at Asha rllle .pant tha woak and wPh Ma M thar Mrs. J. M. Harrall. Mlaa Annia Callahan and Mr. Os car Craad wars anttnd In Mrrkfs Sunday at 4 p. a by Bar. Jaaaa Dunbar at tha tenia af tha brlda. Thay hars many frlwh who wish thorn n lone *nd happy aiarrlsd Ufa. Miasm Bat* and Janatt Bloa with Maaars. Bill Haynaa. and Laeia Dol lyhiffh motorad to Pilot Mountain, and other places af Intarsst Eaatar Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clarsnea and ha by, Ernest Jr., from AsheriBe spent Easier with Mrs. Clarsnoo'a parsnts Mr. and Mrs. Callahan. Ton-can fat an early ropy of Tha News at Creed's Book tSors twty week. Placed on sals thars immed iately after cominf front tha prsas, It*. Ml tlM "SirArv.r C 11/ ^ "• loiiiiwinB wnv. Lot N<> 4 to tlM «iWn «< (Tall lat and rmm w*k> . <*•«. Rut S4.T? <*a. fc :ur« (Mm Dm, Umm w SS*l££T*+. ij^iri «d aaw Mail «Mrtk « te. 1 LM afca. South *> 4m. ««i!.M I 9 tha . aaatalalafj t) Si MN or MM. iala mada by ordar of Clark lMC»to> C—rt at " Tlfe°t2»Jl*Tr «f T. W. WaUoa, By folipw * Wp», docs roum back foar back throfc and wmm you Jnat ent lu IfidMy*. Mar tidnry ihkmiiil Urn IWl i attnaolaat .!lwti» to tl Dom*« an nmmnM bjr Kny folks. Mn. E. R. BC. Mt Airy mn- 1 W Doyin*. dun acka la *jr tec thrad m4 «ms sat ad tlM i wgaa Mtaf Dom'i PUla ft Mt. Airy Drn« Co. m< thay >f tha troobW - 40c, at all dsalars. P< 3a.. Hfn., Buffalo. IT. T. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATAHRH irTOlCIK* kaaa Ml ■*!laafllHj i< Catarrh. HALL'S CATARIU; MEntClKS oal» gala of aa Ointmor- which 4aMfetr iawn by fcx-*. appii- -<.«a, aa4 tha tatama! MmMm, ■ Tnric, which acta through tha Wood on lb* Ma tkc*& thua f»durin* th» tart Statement •f THE BANK Of M AIPY MOUNT AIRY, N. C At CUm at Mmi'mut April «, 1 W. J. BYERLY, President G. C. WELCH, Vice-Piss. F. P. SPARGER, Cashier. E. M. UNV1LLE, Vice-Prea. W. W. CHRISTIAN, As*. Csahisr Liberty rati Total, $1,07S,12&» (•W ) 125, MO. 07 10,Ml.#7 221,907.00 fl.4M.120.7S LIABILITIES rfri^i stock f KXMMOOO Surplus fuad, 100,000.00 UmIMM profit*, 10.000.S8 14^47.08 14,371.18 4,184.80 1414^27.43 Tot*L $1,488,180.78 I. F. F. * «y F. F. tar mt M» h traTto thii April, 15 im. F. M- Poow, O. C Wakfc. A. T. Waal. W. J. Br«rty. f «. A- O. Bowman, O. C. Welch, T. J. 8mithwiek, W. O. Sfdaor, F. M. UHCQiTS. Poore, W. J. Byerly, A. V. Wert, J. D. Sargent, H. L. Stone, I W. Bar - ber, Dr. Moir & Martin, W. H. Sidee, C. H. Haynee, F. P. Spar*er. COURTESY EFFICIENCY x tA It it oar aim to cooperate and render ae courteous and efficient aa poaaible. We are not too amall for bit Come in often apd aak for any buaineae—you need our nor too big for email bi yon may need. We SERVICE . •~r mm ni n twar,