COURT WEEK AT DOBSON . Before • trae bill aw be re it ml Im Um ipfrofil of 11 of the 18 ■->« of Um j«ry. And Hi tho com of UlctMrti carry ing capital ponltteMnt tho bill rat WL-.m -L t 4 _ iL. I„JM. Ww tk* — *» Drottfnt to CM Jwft Djr UM vmiri body compoeing tho pud Jarr. lb Honor i« fined in • brief, floor tho Jiff or out offinooo that with them tho death penalty. Murder of tho flrot degree, papa, anon and burglary. Murder may ho of three Jipni—tho ftrat, when it la cold blooded and premedi tated, and earrloa with It tho death penalty; eerond dagrtt murder la whore H it matieioualy committed bat tho element of premeditation ia aba ant and earrloa with it % lone term hi prieon; third degree maider, or mariftla tighter, la whore a life ia taken by aome unlawful art, each aa speed ing over the highwaya at aa unlaw, ful rate and thareby aeeidently kill ing aoaie child, or other peraon, where there la no malice or premedi tation, yet aome unlawful act waa the eaaae of a death—ouch la termed ■Hmalaughter and the puniahment la loft largely with the diacretian of the • in- omer vnn* rapiui crime®,— rape, tnon and bwihrr—the coort explained art for the protection of womanhood and the home. The —Ha, he explained haa than wiaely provided lawn carrying extreme pNtHlw for My crime aralnrt the liberty and virtue of womanhood and th* diaturban ce of her home, either by Tape, barn in* of her honae at nlfhi which la arson, or burglary at night. Other ctimea that carry with them • leaser degree of punishment are that of aadvetton and the alander of an Innocent woman. Both theae of fenaea are c own led aerlooa oaaa In the eyee of the court and again they are foond to offer great protection Hie Honor explained how through the people have have aet up courts for the eet of dlepntee In them ratter than by physical force exerted by the . IndHlfcaii And Hta Honor foresee Ike time when the raaart to physical TMa be headed hya i with • Oodly spirit alive la hia 1 of I munity by tWr wfM rito ww the country. His Bmmt tkrtw oat a hint to tha jury that he | to It that tha ba protected fa tha acta of any per ta Ma Mart of ililriag whila drunk -If thU i aha tha roato of tUi county aafa for tha an, wan a aad children tha ttea spa naxt two weeks wnald ha tha price." ha Honor itartod into tha work of tha day hi • haalnaaa Ifha mannor, first announcing that tha court would oh aerve tha following hour*: From tJO A. M. to 11:80 P. M.. > to • P. M„ and with a twinkle in Ma «yw remark ed "and such other hour* aa tha court may find necessary to dispoae of this docket," which means seae night seaaions if tha work man to drag along too slow. A memorial service was held ta tha court room Tttseday at two o'clock in honor of tha ■ salary of two de ceased members of the Surry county bar, tha lata Hon. K. L. Haymore aad tha lata Hon. John H. Dobaon. The court still haa tauakls trying to follow the calendar that la rd under an act of tha Aa It stands altiisaaaa t quired to attend court until the day the case is scheduled, and under this plan theee witness aa cannot ha gottoa Wore the grand jury for the purpaaa of finding true bills. About the middle of the day oa Monday tha foreman reported he could not secure the attendance of any witnaaaaa as they were net to appear until later in the week and for that rsaara the jury was unable to transact very much business. Aad the lawyers have not yet figured oat a way to have the alUiiasts before the grand jury am the first days of court when tha calendar calls for their attend ance on a later day. (Continued on Page Two). TW M •( Ikt 8nI DmUm Mm Oa«l On* »hlp Mil la Mat and aoflwr Mik VMt , With Ua ywy mom *Mi tWt | W«w; Tta Um Mt of Um Mik mmi met tk That talk Um Um to f. Uka Um wMa of Um m in Um way. of fata As »• wnn (In( Uuuwgfc Ufa. Tk tk Nt aT Ik aod tkt Mta tta tMri, KILLING OF SANDY SLATE JUSTIFIED FWmI Officer Win M»tUa Ftkwnbd Far »■■«— MacfcaJ.r WWW Mtfcfag Ml A preliminary hearing «u given Mml Officer WU Mathia in W>— it. V*, teat h>ui4*|f who an Toeaday before a hat urf kilted San dy Stela at tea bo**e naar KibUr. V*. Offiaara Mathia and Davie war. wak ing a raid in the neighborhood of Slat*'* hana when H te charfad Slat* Intorferred with tham, ordering them away and foltewtee op Ida thraata by attoaiptteg to afcoot Mat hia. Hir piatol faited to flra and Hitlifi shot him four tten, thrct of tba bolteto taking effect to kia chaat and killing bin blatantly. Tba baa ling waa bald bafora thraa justice* of tba peace of Patrick to— ty and thay dalibaratad only about fWa minutaa bafora reaching a de rision doc taring tba killing to ba Jue tifiad. Deputy Maraball it Salte bury waa in attonitenr» at tba haar teg and bad with btei a forte of If Federal officer* to aaa that paaea waa piaaai>ad during tba baa/teg. Th« eridenee introduced by Um atoto at tba baaring te Staart caua ad tba court of inquiry to rwdw a decision declaring It to ba a caaa of Justifiable homicide on tba part of the officer, therefor* no action waa taken to hold hfan for trial te con nection with the killing of Slate. i to tha city and later nlmii oa boad. Tba ear la baid by the offlear aa ba baa iriiww that tka liquor araa ba in* transported in (t. And we mfcht aay right bar* that not aU the liquor la foond comb* In Moaart Airy. Down la Rlloaa tewn ahlp afflaara W. W. Aahbwn, A. L. 8ta«rart and J. 8. Pattaraaa ara un covering aam of tha (Ml. Oa Wat Sunday tbay mada a raid throagh tbatar aaattao and captured a etm pleta roppar outfit iatar aa In tha day ferine their wadiihia thoy bad )aat a few baara prarloaa baaa paDad fraa, Ita cold mtilr to Haiatb tha thlrat at mm aaffarh* Father and Son Go To 1 Death in Electric Chair ■ coM blooded and he rather I do. Ho did sol tppoir mtvo*)! m Im approached the rhair by Rot. W. A. Stanbury of the ] ton Street Mot bod tot Church Tho Lord la My ebon tod tbo ■ Motor. "Men, bo Christians," tbo man adrtood tho handful of to aoo him dio. Ho in recocnHioa to Sheriff Jackaon, of Now Hanover, who "Mom ho Christian*. Dont do aay thing olao. Take car* of yow souls. God bloaa you all." After tho strap was applied his mouth he did not speak Only tho voice of Sot. Mr. Stanbory "I am the Life." Hi* uii and his lafs war pod to the bif chair and t lwthtT ■trap vai fastened abeut kia The mask Ilka leather harwaai tightened about kia face and into kia chin leaving only kia noaa and chin viaibla. The clotk waiad hai rnet with the sponge in it waa ptme ad o*er kia ekavan haad. The death wire waa hiiwri into the place provided for tt en the tap of the hel J. H. it took aa old get mmm water oat of a It orer the hateat Dr. the jab the ch. of the OU mm Joe 8toae at the wikh i the firA signal Bad the doe-J TUa It and the awMch. 11m relaxed body in the iti hi • • lire i hi a The af aa af of OUM«IMK(Mh^hrf - .—I* taaaaty eeer the adflh ef Aa an to>

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