DOBSON COURT Up Mack mi Gaartb WANT MOURNING BORDER ON COURT HOUSE REMOVED la time to leawa for 4sg. Ths trial of •fflk of Mn. Gab* McCrtw wa» for trial tho first of the m«k bat mm of W. W. Carter, for tho defendant, tho permitted a continuous# until waa scheduled to bo triad Monday bat tho 4ay dragged by without tha «aae befog called Wblttington is io dfotod for killing hi. father-in-law by striking Mm over the head with a hour* later. He was lodged ia Jail of the hearing about - ago bat the court has al him Ms freedom under a bend of ttJM. df'uktaT'NpCh liquor. TIm officer* ht them bringing Into EIMn la ' ear a 5-gaIloa can full of liquor Titty did aot go on tha (toad bat left it up to their attorney ta plead gailty to the court for mercy oa their l of the boys' that they did not aee whiskey B nptod the n maading ai he was inttrwtfd in at tha eaaa and II JU A. J-l-t, 11 did not arm* liquor . It, what were they doing with imi« the liquor or they could expect vary little aer cy at the handa of the court. The Bowman family of Mount Ahry had their day la court and all re-' eehred road (ententes. Theae cam weat up oa appeals from the Bat or d ert Court where coarlctloas ware aaaared against them for dealing la Hqaor Hugh must serre 18 months oa the roads, Moir six months aad Baaaie six months. Hattia Bowaaan with vagrancy aa aha was able to aat M had a meana of i. a. Epper*on paid the co»t in hb triad and eoarictod In the Recorder'* Coart Hvml month* t|« far rtm ikv orrr a child fat front af tka North Main aehool, and pthMIr In juring It. Eye witnaaaaa to the ac cUmt vara of dlffweat opinions u to how tha accident Mnmd and the atato allowed him to pay tha coat Frial Vernon, of thla city, find* aar aral road aeatencee hanging o*ar Ma. Several month* aro ha wa* aawfctod hi tha Baeordat'a Court far thereafter he wa* caught at Mi eld gaaw and Jndge Lewetlyn placed die tonaar aentence of It montha on the mat Into effect, fna thU ha ap pealed to the Doheoa court aad want ad a Jury trial, hat thla th* Jadga denied him oa tha giaaada that ha had accepted th* aa*p»a<»< aentence hack reader, aad ee the eaa* wa* ap pealed to tka hpnai aoiuL b the naafhaa the effleen had aaearad for thras fears and Am Hut ha has Um a I «*tW »a m! >ppmM to Mm wkm b pi—d Hiihy and waa fined 978 u4 the coat. Elfht Months a«o Jim Hawks was convicted hi tha Recorder's Court for M-lllnc liquor and liven eif ht Months on tha roads. From tWs sentanea ha appealed to Dohaan, and haiac un ahla to lira boad has baan rapoahig in jail all that tiase waitin* far his trial. For economy's safes, sa Soli ritor Gravaa erpreaaed it, a pol proa was taken and ha was allowad to pi im case m anocn waoo cnarged with being drunk and disorderly «m disposed of by Ilia paying • fine of, <75 and the coat, including the mat of tha court sending • doctor to da-' tarmina Us physical condition. Wabb ■ant to tha eoort • doctor*! certifl rata that ha »w unable to attonf the instances the defendant* plead guilty when they arrive ia the Su perior Court, bat Dot so with Major. He had beea ffeea a Jafl ssatencs for being druak aad diaotderly aad at Dobaon he calhd for a Jury trial and, lo aad heboid! he waa acquitted. In an effort to be acquitted at the hands of the Jqry far driving a ear while intoxicated H. F. Gwyn, of the city, found htoiaelf aa tangled ap that he had to accept $60 flae aad ha taxed with tha coat. He was coavict ed in the Roc order's Court aad took the usual appeal to Dohaoa. The of ficers arraated hha ea Sooth street ta a druaksa aondttioa soon after he drove up to the sidewalk to his car. Gwyn triad to show that he was not guilty of driving while druak aad told how he had gottea oat of his car, goaa around behtod a bill board, token a couple of driaka aad was arrseted before he riarhsd his car, aad therefore he eras net guilty of tha charge. At thia Juncture Hie Honor iaterferred with the pretaed iagn aad stated that tha defendant had convicted himaelf of violatiag the prohibition laws by his owa tea- j timeay. His Hoaor quoted freas tha law books: It h a violation of the law to pcssisi liquor. Posseeaian of liquor Inclodee takiag a drink froan a bottle, etoa where tha bottle Is' handed Hi-fr to another peraoa after taking the drink." And ao ha was fined IM aad the ceat for stag liquor, fat this aa la aaaay ether caaee the dafeadant could net satisfy | tha court from whom he secured tha liquor. *. W. uantey. a w*ll •" of the Ararat aactfao, Ttftod of tha slaiMlar af woman of Ma h»r*H that Danlry had •pan Um rHarartor of a "4 a natara that ft H WM to ten ^9 So* tlrely oat of keeping with today'• modorntjrpa of Hring, mm! that such * •"nation to entirely as fit far tfcaaa unfortunates that time, iIIhihi and proridanca haa toft te oar ear*. Thwfnw wo recommend that mora ;iuartor* bo provide* tor thai Ky additional roosaa to tha building for tha f . ten for tho keeper, thus allowing tha present room now oaed hy tho lupvr - intemtont to become quarters for tho inmatoa of thl« institution. which would give thorn fhro additional rooms. 2nd. Wo find that soma of the of woodan structure or atorv or hoses of wooden hoards. We tecommend that they ha disposed nf and pots or hods of iron ha inetaO "d in their stead, thereby adding rraatly tn their sanitation especially nit regards to vermin, tows, ate. 3rd. That quite a tot if not all of the hod clothing appsars to ha prme ticailv worn oat. We new bedding ha aa more especially tot mind enough to uroperly for «n. Tnat mm» of the rary dirty eepecially aafoty at the foot of the TiMir nfTWtt l)Mt 111 mater by only | • few minute*, for shortly hody had (Men withdrawn th« lateral | whvre they had bam working whara tha cave nptenr (Had, ... caved in and attd 1M feat ha-1 t* a dark pit TMa Collin*' remark* te who crawled to him in tha early day* wmb behind bin Tha body, according taV.E: Central City. Ky.. engineer to aI tha work, waa to hapt *o bj iy will ti. to state for a tow day*! at tha Baptist ehurth here and than. | to fnmpHiar* with tha original wk a* of the aged father Lee Collina. and Floy*, brothers, it w01 be on * hill above Cryatal Cava. •Terr discovered by CoHina. Collins lost his Hfe while explor ing Sand Cava, hopfar to ftad baa tiful cava format ipsa which would j attract tourists. It was while retur iag from a trip into the pit to which I part of the lateral fell y eater day that | a boulder feD aad caught him. SENATOR WHEELER AC QUITTED" Frmmd of, Chart** of UalawfaUy Using Hia lWlmamea Great Falls, Most, Apr! ator Burton K. Wheeler ws tod of a charge of mhfh hia influence aa 8aaator bafare Department of the Intsrtor by a Jury] in Federal Court hare tonight 11m ' jury waa out but three to hW^prftUl4Jld'to'btrth to"l,J ' Wheeler of a daughter to Ria of the wh«c* ha started aga, a«i said he ftet tt tos • particularly heinou* offenae. Tha criminal* wwt dclibtrtU In nttitf j out to slay a couple of prohibition en forcement officers ami thejr were brutal fat their ■ rthiiJ of killiBff tha two MB. Tha fact thai offleara of tha law wan alain .weighed greatly with the governor. While the facta wa» "in a tilting to (lay He dkL re There la an aaeociation Ja North I Carolina which was organised far tha purpoee of putting on aa orgaaisad campaign to aacure the passage of a law wiping capital punishment off the books. Dr. Oecar Haywood, once a prominent New York eraageliot with a Calvary church connection— and W. T. Boat well kn •ft* the! M off | Stanbury. who wrote the there la aa excuse for capital poa-| 'eel ttut another r out the law ought to he | I tK SATS DO AWAY WITH DEATH in br him A. Rtanborjr, minister at Raleigh, who the execution of Um Ste flrat he had wltnsaaad, a barbarous, owl and onJuaHflad." A hoi it W of the (latWe chair to • matter for tha (nwral assembly, the 'iKutivi reminded, tort ho araa firm ly of the conviction, despita tha hk.~ - fa) responsibility of deciding tha tJm of condemned man, that It would to unwise to abandon the death Ha had before him tor 'ion the cases of thraa negrr a aw of death. Last weak ha i to art wfth finality hi 1 ease, hi aoa of tha m hafora him today that at Evans, Nash county negro whoaa ea ten aet for May 1, Rodman, day of next Fesperman, sen of Chief Vic P. perm an, of the lice. The letter at Mr. pastor of Raleigh** church, submitted a rnent of the death penalty, ft received by Governor "If the stark of that seen# could ha the Htfeenehip of the state," Mr. Staabary, who toa ghrsa | irtions to the "that Mcrotioo would be Msti wonU lawa aad bring them mora to accord with modern cMHaatkni, not to aay chriatton principle*. The of the criminals would to dplfcse am