for foV W six JFQttFS* tfa wgagrit «■ * tfht CM Sanday aftarae.a while attending a eotorW ***nciarina, During the affray W at hfe aaaailanta, bat hi* aim mi poor and he killed the wrong "nig ger." The fellow* were about to Mm ap Clarence when ha draw bia gan and the eight of tba gleaming razor blade* affected Ilia trigger Anger, cauaing him to kill a friend stand inr fajr tod ilio Vif aUter through the leg. Fr»l Vernon waated no tia** la beginning hu *aatem* after beinrf given 12 m on tba on the roada far aaQ- : tag liquor, frtat waa oat on bond1 and aa aoon aa ha Uannd that ha had to aarve hi* aantanca ha want before Clerk of tha Court t. T. LawaOyn, aatui »d commitment pa>M« to tha Darham county roada and began •err ing Ma aentenee Friday morning, telegraphing back front Darham that ha wh on tha job and Ida bondaman waa entitled to r*l*a*i. Tha other _ .BL -i_» ii ^ mm m ■ m J A. TliivknM pnsoneri were csmra 10 I'urnam Tb« futare liberty of Jeff Hawlu em truly be hU to be hi "Jetiyaidj for he most walk the atraifht and •arrow path to con ting* to lWr h> these parte. At Dobeoa ha had no other enorac than to aeeept the jodr weat of the court for ha had plead fnllty to many offeaaas against the proUMthm laws. Fhrst he ^|i sent to the Darfcam County roada for About aa Mack effort on Am part of both (tat* and Mhmw «u e* TwimM hi the caae against William ShlaanH, of Ararat, aa la any aaaa of a minor nature AM was triad la b? lTk£>wTTr^**rt«»^ "«M< ihanail with Haaht a»lii from a farmer'* barn. Baaldjr and aaaM af hia rhuaw war* flag down Aa road on* nirht aad aa pateing a tekaaaa ham ana af them nairfad that Am famar had a had of ante etotad ia it la they stopped aad ana of theai •mtM through tha crack of Ate J--*tetad^^k|Mw ad to ka tod in Am kara wafctor tor toU»alH*A^r nukad oat aad mana«*d to catok theft!*aHhL^^hry^aever dvT a^ road hi grtttog aa Hia Honor was lenient with Bauldy allowing him to pay Am caat aad Am Wa reed behavior to tha eaart for two yaars. Waltor Galyaan was ralaaaad from jajll and tha caae arainat him drop pad. Ha waa efcarged with shooting Saunders Low* ia tha asooOaina •bora Lowrap mora than a yaar an, k||l MAA mIaSIaJ mLm AmIA-V t>ttl WmM ffllCIIM WnW WMiry SIBttB* a youth near Ihrfaiff hi Grayson coaa ty. cnnfeaaed to Am dweftii, elala injr it to ka accidental oa hia part. Ha plaad gaOty to an asaauh with a deadly waapoa aad ltoa ralaaaad on a good hakarior bond. Leapt ia atu Buffering from Am effecta af kla woands and Hh Honor «»pniaaad tha rreatest sympathy for him. Ha ■tatod that in dispoeiag af thia rasa he had ia mind helping Lowe all he coald rather than tha punlkhment of the hoy urhe had shot him. In ecuv aequence of this feeling toward Lowe tha eourt ordered that the rrxmty pay Am expanses connected with Am case and that Waalay go hack to Low rap, ret him a job, sa*t all Am money ha can durlag the summer and 9»aM back to court next October and pay into the Clerk's oAee all ha had saved, thia to ha paid oear to Lowe. And if Am hoy ahowa aa honeat ef fort to pay Lowe some damare then tha court will take this into consid eration aa to what coarae will ka r»rea»d in Am future. Hwwiw Hia Honor stated that it waa Am tntaa Aon of Am eaart to aaa Am* Waalay makaa an boaeat effort to pay aaaM damare to Lowe from hia earing*