• woat coune with C. K. PImidi to Dtmrti Creek. umadin crook to W. r. Beamer corner on tkt «Mt hank of Stewarta Cmk, tfceneo op Mid mrt u It meandars wttk W F Beamer'* line to month tt • branch or • ditch; thence ay Mid branch or ditch with W, f. Beamer'* , line to • «tone near the head of mid branch or ditch, W. P. Beamer and, Marc*ret Stone corner: thence, a' northwest cnarae to tba beginning, containing SO acrea, mora or* leaa. The Mid Margaret .Snow i i»erm a i lifetime eatate in and to aaid land. A parcel of land lying in Mt. Airy Oaa^^a> — A —A . vowntiii^i uurry cotuiv/f Mjomiiif Beginning on the auuthwoot comer of Msthowa lot and on nut tide of itnoi GILMERS, Inc. Special Sale of Ladies' Fine Summer Undermu "* M 111 ► . Beautiful quality sateen, voile,#stripe soft materiala. seco, with pretty lace trimming and embroidered. Slipa, Night Gowns, Teddies. Bioomer* and Step-ins in all sixes. Our bit special for a real sale. Your Choice 1.00 Hand Embroidered PhiHipine Night Gowns ktw IkM at tku pries. Only $1.49 Real Handmade Hand Embroidered Night Gowns $1.98 Rayon Underwear Rich Silk—Like Kail Wear Thia to a beautiful lustrous fibre fabric called Rayon, light weight, like Jersey Knit, summer's coolest wear. In colon of white, blue, malae, orchid, flesh, peach. Bloomers and Teddies, plain and fancy « fiffc diamond effect pattens. Choice at only. ....A eOSJ Satin Stripe Hr—isrs at , SSe. Satin Stripe Elastic Girdles. Me. Mail Orders Promptly Filled We Pey Us Year Billy Smmimy Smda Cm. Mc Lmm a Tm Udik, April 2S.—White Governor McLean m rarfhf tha Moaat Ut TSe following m excerpta from Mr. SbiuUt'i latter to Owmai He Lean: * "I am Mi|Ua4 that I had tha op portunity of moating you at Smith field. 1 kan ticirtiJ you aa ana al My goad frtenda. I told tha folks hart what a fin* kick typ» of mm thajr have for goranwr of this rlori oua 'Old North State.' "Enrloaed la tha tla I prntelaad yoa. I wore it aa I coold aay I wore tha mm» nerktia tha lorwnar of North Carolina Si," ate. TAX LUTING TO IE ON A BROADER SCALE Pa to Usual Will BaTs KaMgh. May t-Tu listing te North Carolina this ysar wUl to on tto sort oo»pr»h»stT» mI« yet un dertaton ta this state, nndar a law which wqulNi a mm in addition to tto biff of raal and poll far Listing to MtodaUd to start oa the Tnitday following Dm first Moi day In May and wUl contino* for tws month* or as loac as It' to follow out * la ■ ' ■, . ■' , « i,\u * "Moat Miles Per DoHar" ' * FoB stock of Fi ried in stock. 6 to p„ ,mi .» . .11 rora ores at an prices. Extra, good value Cord Tire for W $7.50 '■ • « ' s. ..'i We also also have in stock some sizes of genuine full size Firestone Balloons. 4 ■ W. L Merritt Company H ■d by th. Board of of w Town of If omit Airy, N. C. i. Bomb of the Town of Airy shall bo issued for tho of * Tovb'i Wo 'of tho boa£ shall hi $!§,. I. T1m A' t. A tax nffldnt to mr the prin cipal and interest of tho bowlt shall bo snnnolly levied sad collected. 4. A statement of tho debt «f tho town boa boon fOod wKh tho dak aad is Ma to pabtte iaoaoctioa. L Tfcksrdinaacs shalTtaks offset 30 days sftor iu first pabtieedea on to^whalsojoa ^te^U^^uUis to fttod whoa approved by voters of tho at aa election sa awMii la said Th* fnrsroing ordinance wao paoo* «d oa tho M da* of April, 1W, -■ - »if t a " *k_ •no wii ila a* pwimvi on «■> fVM day of April. im. Any action or piutssdts in* the validity of said wttMa W days of its first . A. V. WEST, Mayor. Attest, f. U. POORE. CWrk. NOTICE *5.* Aprfl, IK fcy the i cm the M of far 91100.09 mU for |7».( tb« amount at h ed on laid note by aaid i the Clark of the Superior Court of Sorry County at hi* office in Dobeon on the 10th day of May. IKS The defendant* will aba Take No * • < v m List Your Taxes *> . ' ' ... . J. W. Lovill and Frank Graves will be at Banner Warehouse from May 5th to May 20th, to Hat prop erty for Mount Airy township. Geo. K. Snow will be at the same place at the same date to list for the town. For the convenience of those living outride of town EL F. Wail will be at the following places: White Plains. Nichols' Store, May 7th and 8th. Fred Beamer's store, May 11th. Gross Roads, Hutchen ft Bowman store. May IS. Cross Roads. Deatherage's store. May lith. Old Kline store building, near Quar*, May 14th and 15th. • Persons owning more than one lot art to bring an itemised list of each lot or not and also give number of rooms are requested to make out _ all questions on blank in hand and inventory at list taking.