■mx to (W slowly mm! tedioualy built tmMe of Ik State's caee. In the sftctDoM rarrofcofitiTi witMim were offered until • o'rWk. «hn the prnwratlm rested. \ The defense of defendant rtlytaj upon an alibi fnr of the Kinstoa poBce force, and a Me of tharastor witnsaeea waa the Itf. E. C Stoae. Bern la the EarfMl r«age that gave birth to Ktaf Arthur the Great, hat for IT yaars * eaaMent of A—ira, and iz jrctn in tuwr in im nmiiiT® Baptiat church. Bee. Mr. Mom b a «'■ « —a-»- . » » «•» iwwin loojcft mm ipocv win p®r* tea pride of the village where ha waa horn and IM hie yuath. Detailing hia part ia the fmwHiia of the plot that r soaked la the a«d lation of Needleaua. and of the coa nalther himself aer any of the Ma lm of hk flock who arc hapllaatod In the aarry boaineea that has da spoiled the goad nan of the county. Under croes examination ha engaged the defending lawyers hi doctrinal debate that waa in terra ptod by Judge Sinclair. In the field of theology ha waa unquestionably superior to the lawyers. Each of the four defendants was identified by Elder Stone and point ed oat to the jury In the courtroom. He confeaaed to his Initial eialt tt the barber shop la KohereunelBo where the State rawtoada the plat to' mutilate waa hatched, and to the to-' tor determination to exacoto the plana againat Wnflwiii Ha re a.J l li i . ,1- __ J — %-i lata* prawfl mtieriy mm rcproAeninf ntm- i •elf, almoet praying for the reagent* of the law upon himself far Ma part In tltc cHbm. Needleman waa lifted to the stead at 11:*0 by the two guarda, white aad weak aad wry nereoaa. Ha ataaped down into the chair, mating his face in his handa. Aa tha law yers conferred for a moment ha look ed about the courtroom, and hia gianae fell upon Heary Dennis Grif fin. There was a momentary fhiahj la hk face. He cknehed his handa aad stared hard at him. tm nrat statements—-his ip, pmI <MM, etc—WIT* slnoflt inaudible. Ho te SO ynn old, and had Bead In Mn, N. J., until it month* ago. Ha detailed th* story of Ma arrest, hi* return to WIDiamatoa, and Um plana that were mad* for hia defense. Ha declared with aomc spirit that he waa not frikr of Um crime with arWeh he standi accuaed on an indict ment returned by the (rand jury. The examination was conducted by A. TV McLean. "Relate to the Jury any incident that wearied In the Jail," suggested the attorney. "Mir the Saturday before I waa at lb Mob. TWy m MiMn t* be >¥■■—trtii mr tkt taiagnpfc or bo Httfa etMM mirth exhibit^ by tba mob, particularly by Griffin. "Do yoq aw Griffin bi this ranrt ro«?'b#«dlbdM. "Tlitrt he rite ww dMn," laid the witneaa, itarttaf from hia Mat. Griffin tried to |Hh tort It M « hi* Up* and he leaked mgr. From there the witai— wae almoat too-weak to go on, bat he persisted is hi* testi mony, deecrlhing hi whlejtoTed detail the actual consummation of tie moti lation. There wa* no detail negiect *d. or forfottoa. He told of the paaain* of the katfe around the circle of men who stood oeer Uh, and finally the beftaatof of the operation hy Griffin. He wa* hacked wMh a Ml knife Another Griffin wart definitely tdsetiflid u Ik tM U Mn m tkt M aad placed Mm hi the ear. The elder CltAMtMM Saa^fcA optrrOW Wll iflfnuiMM tf piVMBI IIW ST^The youth lay on the rami Hmm tkrw ,«m IdsatifisJ potttln ly and categorically. Hs pointed them out wkn tkqr stood up. After the operation the crowd got buck into Ha ear* aad drove away. N'rrdlnaan get tfp from the ground and asked ther* to la* Mat ride back to town. He waa puahed off, ke said, and told by yoanc Sparrow that tkey wanted no bleed ea that ear. He tried to get kelp nearby, bat had to waft to town. They kad no convey ance. He walked tke mile and a half to tke kotei, arriving tkere at IK. Questioned aa to Ma aUttaaaaata to tke phyaieiana, and hia denial to the sheriff that he reeogniaed any body. he declared that he , did net treat the sheriff and'believed that any doe given Mai weald be Ignored. He believed he waa about to die when be told the doctors that he reeogniaed Griffin and others. He declared he araa fully eoaadooa and knew people around Mm when he waa pot to aleep with ether for the operation. "What did you do before you were pat to sleep T" Mr. MacLean asked. "They told bm Iufcs going to die. I believed It. I waa weak. I first got Dr. Warren to write a letter to asy mother for bm aad then I made what T believed waa to be my deathbed statement. I denied that I waa guil ty of the crime they charged me with. and.told tkea that I recognised Sparrow. I did not know the names of Griffin and the elder Sparrow then. T remember them, and I iden tify them now." Questioned more particularly about the operation he recounted with ap parent agitation, the exact irocesaea by which the mob accompliabtd Ha ends. One complete incision sqpa made with the sharper knife oa the right aids. A anther incision waa at tempted on the left aide. The aeta^ bands, no knife being need to eever the rtwda. »' 11 MIiim Cornntaf Mm Life of Mm Late t L. Baymore Adopted by the Sorry County Bar •ad read in a Hrmnritl awtint, held at Dnboan. N. C.. a* Tuesday April 21. (Mi, in Superior Court Tena. Sine* it ha* occurred in the econo my of time and according to Mm de cree if nature that tofaa L. Ray more ha* pa wad from among m to that l»r*rr life; and becaoar wr havt f* ft and feel now tha loaa laid on u* by this dxrar of time and earthly law, and are wont to five expression to oar feelings to Reaotution* puhlir. ly made and offend. BE IT RESOLVED: That a* practic ing Attorneys of Sorry Coonty and *» ▼fafadty we have removed from oor attWttaa, hi Mm paMfo* of Hon. ft. L. Hayasore, a lawyer of ability, faithful tbMa^enta, diligent inhl. Ha waa strongsat whan pleading Mm caaaa of Mm wwk ami anfertun ate,^ and baat aaMaftod whoa be Ml caa&BiarlKSie Mr. Riyavt, by aaaMe economy fort m^jmrijltad*? eiSsfrnctahls fortune, It la noteworthy, and indeed alee pralaeworthy, that ha did not prartfca law for Mm cake of »any ***** w*tion ^amiahad hi niJ3~i!2rl2atoN^,,,^i ^h^h he amy not have been of coonsel hi a [Mil. wo hav* aaea hha ahrayi ■bowing a natural intereat in. and a keen anxiety for the trhoaph of the right fat the Court house aad a won derful sympathy and pity for the poor there overtaken, as we say. In the toils of the law. Hia record as an Attorney and counsellor at law has added glory to that great profeaaion. That aa oor fellow citiaen he waa a valuable man aad a dependable source of strength in enterpriae for public good and advancement He actually and truly loved tha people. Ha waa a conscientious law-makej, endeavoring, as bis judgment might direct, to advocate and have pasasj laws needful and good for the wel fare of his State and Co—ty. To his kia he was dear, and they were dear to him. There was always manifest in his attitude toward them a commendable fidelity, a passionate love and concern that commanded the admiration of his acquaintances and friends. Mr. Haymore Mas, too a personal friend. He Waa moved by the sorrows of othe*. Unaffectedly he rejoiced with those that did re joice and wept with those that weep He was a wonderful friend of the Church. His means ware at Its com mand and the measure of his gifts to ita eauae was its need. He had -ans wered to that divine injunction: "Have faith in God." With all his soul he believed In God, the Father Almighty and In Jesus Christ, His Only Son Obr Lord. When he came to write hia last massage, embodying his final direction, he left liberal con tribution to tha Church and Ha affil iated organisations, declaring In hia will, however, that Ma largest gift should be used in teaching tha boys and girls only so long aa the insti tution's policy waa kept true to a sound faith In the Christian religion. Therefore Be it finally known that wo declare that in the paaeing of Rufus L. Haymore oor profeaaion. his family, his State and eoouMmtar, the Church and M cauae have had re moved from ftmong as a strength causing loaa which can only be com pensated for In whole or in part by I Mm Influence of his example. We extend to his family our deep sympathy and direct that a copy of these Resolutions be furnished them. Dr. J. 11 Norman, the «irden. saw that all *u ta imAm and than Happed kadi from tha chair, giving the signal to tmntfawr 3. jr. TWms to throw tha death wlltk The wall of tha humming dj il—n tricity waa hmlii through tha Mr of the negro. raoaing hla mrr Ma ria to ciwfawtt and Us atoeky Mr to atrski iphU tha ■trapa. The arma of tka negro «d aot He that tha arma of tka cktir hat bent looeely hi—I di. crabUkr over tka body, tha elettihUj keeping the fin ten rrteMsd and rigid. After tMa had rone on far fifty-ate aecond* the current waa cot off aa the b-»dy would not catch on fire and bo water could he applied to the su per-heated parta lite only -Jgn of life from the negro after the firat ■hock waa the eollapac a# the body after the artificial itfmalaa of the tiumit had bean removed and a alight mo Tim ant of tha handa. The aecond Ihock lasted 27 second* and waa attended by the aame aymp toma plus a decided odor that could hare been nothing alaa hot bonhf nigger. It waa a good thing that tka window* of the gloomy octagonal room ware raiaad and that a good breexe waa whipping away tka Utile wiapa of smoka that twiated upwarda from the roaating darky'* legs. Dr. Norman applied tha atatko *eopa after the aecond * ahock hot shook hit head immediately and tha ■trap waa again drawn tight around the man in the 'chair and the juice ■hot to him for the third time. Thia * hock laatod only 20 eeeonda and on ita completion the negro waa pro nounced dead. The negro preachers were with tha doomed man for two hours before hla death, praying and singing with him. and judging by hla demeanor whan he entered the death chamber they had auaagad to get him In a fairly (MkitiHe state of mind. HU Btnir'i D*r Off TW benoxeleiit oM Mjr «u iboat to drop her unil eofal hi tlx bat of thrhltod Writ at the corner. "Too dont h*b to he the uim mm who alto hare alwajra," ah* ramarfced. -No lady, hot My brother " 1 hepa jroar brother la not HI," aha want a*. anrwer "H#"« takm an alUfoow ott ma' r>M to the ■wvtaa.-Bostoa Criticism of Grand Jury Re port Answered By O. B. Webb of ear report In a number of in stances. and calls attention to the In consistency of certain parts of mm*. Ho otatoo that they km in mind nxntjr a letter, • part of mm* I will! copy here and will aak after yon road ■aae are yon suipriaed at the poei tlon that ho now take* "I am getting rery sick of this thin* of alWag people to Kve on the pohHc tssasnry of Sorry Count*, and so far as I am can cented. when the lliarda begin to erawi and the berries begin to ripen, I shall be in favor of nhattine up shop. "Your* vary truly. "W. J». BYKRLY " | The above letter was concerning a county allowance mads to worn* da- | pendent. Now do yon infer (ran this latter that he was in favor of allow ing them to live on lizards and har itoaT And doaa this siptsss the at titude of oor governing authw ttlss toward our unfortunates ? b thia the spirit and voice of Sorry County? Wo desire to call to the minds of the members of the Woaaana CM of Mount Airy the addrim mads to them by our County Health Officer,1 Dr. Laacaster Plsaae lot yoor minds travel back to that occasion and call to memory what he had to say about the would be plaaeoTB resort called "Surry Comity Home." we oiufnuna uiat MM or tneae mhw rwoaafMktioiu iffwrwl to tn oar report M W» made by for mer Grand Jarte* and that aame had la It poaaihla, the fart that the Iud«e prtddlnf at the lad term of eoort, hidnf the cwnmlaaliman »ome Infraction* hi regard to | jutie*. ao enraged the Chairman of the Board that ho had kmm of hia rara aad ac mi the Matera of a affeaatre G-*nd JaryT Raa tha time mm whaa men eaO> td and an oat awn Hi thfa rary Im portant rapacity, only hare preaa aad held ap to ridlrole ai tempt? We think not. Bat he hcaihn adde the wd i>ptalua« at the Mta. ap Wa mi 0 B TO rtJSM CASE New York. May #.—"We iktH MM State art if huimwji to • ltsh that a tracker may trfl the «lkc thrown to iafl." N BaUwto. <ttrKtar of tl wae (Mi guilty to r •< ot aeetotioa to * a itate tow. Um morrow by tW American iliary. TW MMft, which delivered in each caw in Um Um veteran'• The ITHti yon today la Um mm of < own mother. We are thinking at you, and our haarti are with you aa wa renew our pledge of thovfhM loyal devotion oa thi« day e# days. "We admire yom aanriec to your country, plucky anile in the face of i "To m you arc our i and wa fori that la "Wa know that wart hleasing and aa wa eny to you for har: "God blcea you.'"

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