No m claim* to see in datryiv fortune. bat K si—■ to Wt tort 1 tkow famn who follow thie (too of work ik pcoipecoui m • rule. TWjr —In a living an tend* and gradually Int Iwy one known that )ricM af Most farm product* fluctuate la a way to atakr jt unprofitable at H Thin mim to never ha true of hot tor, eggs and poultry. The trend | ; *t the times is far Ami hare prevailed in the paa£ years.! Ki*bt now there are large quantities of hntte* heiftr shipped Into (he cities of this state for the very food i*ai> on that the local market doe* not! Meat the demand. la these timea of fast tyting it uh a pwbha with awst folks to find a way to make enough to ssrat their! need*. If the dairy to ha the way for ■ It aasms to ha doing, then It will i for this section of the con* This city l« now bdnt vlattad by large number* of people from other places every Sunday. tourist* are pauhif through daily maktaf their way to and from the north; we han a a wk mountain scenery that brings f-vrth admiration from the vis itors—tb1 all being an admitted tact it tinrimiM our city'* duty to maintain an efficient st-raat cleaning force that will stay oa the jofc end do effective work, aad Mayer Sydnor ia to he commended la hi* determination to •w that his government deea Ma part. has spent nearly a route t where ha haa the building of a brick and *b«H, in the Taylor grave yavi, where ha « In state «hw ever be shaffWe off! that which hi i Jim has his ",>«♦ fftf K*jnf nriiiik Jo* Leftwfch was fined *25 ud the coat for b«in* drunk and (trek a 90-day >u(pniM sentence if foond iHnkinr within the next 12 months. A like sentence m given Raymond Newsom for the tame offeftae Posey Handy Ws cant to the roads for mix months for the* temporary Isrcency of an automobile belong to a fitaey driver of this city. Floyd Hall appealed from the sen tence of the court far being drank. Se was fined $25 and wants kh case heard at Debsea aa ka contsnds ha la Johnnie Hall was fined $50 and the Mat for earrjrf^ a concealed weapon. For an assault litot Creasy waa rined *26 and t^e coat, and Geo. Me Craw paid ffO for a Hire offense. Tn Maiir* Airv Monday Night, May 18 ID InQUIR Aliy And All the Week Hamilton Players BK» TENT THEATR^ON RENFRO HILL HIGH-CLASS PLAYS lii REFINED VAUDEVILLE "FROM POST TO PILLAR" SpaciahiM B gina a beautiful tent theatre on a lane stage equipped with beautiful stage Good For 20c LADIES' FREE TICKET Gm4 Far Cat oat this ticket Cor Monday, night Admit one lady free. Thie ticket will one lady free when presented af the main door with one paid Me out this ticket regular price 20c will be ADULTS RESERVED SEATS 10c