▼ > * IPS?' -ii vv: • J Porto Bit-o. Early Triumph, H imn kin Yam, and Ji-nwy »km« 11 »rth ••spedition. Ail previous attempt* have been mad* from or near Danes Island, ^pitabergen. Hare, owing to ice con ditions. a wedge of opan water «x 'ends to well within the 80th parallel nf north latitude. The base used ia approximately 000 miles from the .Pole. The miles used in this calcu lation are geographical, or nautical, ■nilea of MM feet. A simple allev iation will reveal that the actual dis tance, aa we nimpute the mile, 5,280 feat, (rives us very nearly 700 statute miles for the distance to ha flown. TVr previous attempts .igailwt the wastes of the polar ice, above Spita no K-intr nan haa seen—Peary hav ing gained the Pole from the oppoata !Um*»r ft ktnra at the agn, and no mm not : ilar with tb men* than pin the Ugh ■"--sr" The iwriss. of sereios, which at Htyaara Memorial May 17. with Rev. Pred N. Day na> ' lifting the pnator, Rev. ft. N. Chil ilreaa, will probably continue through : next Sunday. The church i* filled to ita capacity ■vary night and the baptism of can lidatea for church membership ia an interesting feature of most of The preaching by the Rev. Mr. Day ia sound, biblical and convincing, the internet ia fine and far reaching. ' Brkfe Elect Miaa Mary Thompson, June bride elect, was the charming honuree at one erf the most delightful parties of the Spring, given by Mrs. K. A. Mick ey lafriraM evening wl played at three tubie*. young married MMs beinir Mrs. Mickey's gneeto. Richmond Red rueos and anap drngons transformed the home into a bower of lovlines* and delicioos punch was served as the guests ar ms kept am hand painted score cards meaihen of a bridal par ty in miniature being depicted in e« The high seore prise, en set, was won by Mrs. C. P Clark wh ' presented it to the honors*. Mrs. Mickey presented Miss Thompson 1 with four beautiful embroidered linen ; towels. ^| An elaborate ice course waa served , it tha alma »f the gams«. I NOT1CI " Having qualified as Executrixes of the estate of J. t. AM daeenned, sit iiwnu holding claims against said estate will hereby tote notice that they are required to present tha, •we to the sndsr.ignii within IS months from Uua date < wiR ha pleaded in bar of Also aR person* owing will plsnae make knave Thia the JTth day of May. W. L. Reset. Atty. lbs. Littie Albed Stake. Nettie Kapp AWmST of the authority confer- , toe by a detd of trust ean-! ft. L Brigga and wife Flora1 ■ the 23rd day nf December, ml, ami recorded to Book 8*. page 108. of Ike Record ef Mortgages of Surry Cornsty, I will sell to tWhigh sst bidder, for cash, in front of the first National Bank of Mount Airy, > ltoh da> ef Ins im. M MH o'clock P. M„ described rsnl to-edt: Adjoining the lands of J. T. Wil lisma. ft. A. Cya and otl Ming >n • reek en Bant Rochford Jtoad, 1. P. 1 nor and wa South 78 dag. Eaat UJb a fad oak: thence. South St at S 1-1 eke. to a white oaks North M deg. West 4 89 cha. to k »l (he Rockford R,.adf then kid rend North IB dear. Baal s to a rack an Wsst hank of kd; North B dog. Went lUI cka. to a rackj {bieri, North *4 dag. Eaat S5 links to an old road In ftA. n *»'s Una: thence, to an saatsm UliiUw with ft A. Dons Una to the. Rockfsrd Road, thence with said rend m H now tosnndsrs South • dag. Baal 1 1-1 eh. Month l« den. Weal 41-1 cha.