CUfmmmA l/llfl cu Virginia Fair faTfca MIIS *1.11, HIS, win T. Mm Fair Edw M. Unrflb, Secretary •< the CtrWiM-Viriwa Fair, bow haa Is of Agricul ture take* much pride la tlw fair* of the state and (or that reaaon it had a qntw of ratine for thaw For soaae roan now our fair haa ranked aa one of the boat in tha cut* and retains it* reputation aa a dis trict fair with no uneasiness on tha part of its officials. To he claaaed aa a district fair h h required that not IfU than 400 people pitcc irtkkf on I exhibit and that a total of in premium* moat be offered. Last year the Carottna-Vta-Kinia met tbeae requirements with a tremendous mar rin. More than 700 persona placed over 5000 artidea on exhibit at the fair and the premium list this yaar calls for M.400 to ha distributed in ' prizes. In addition to the money of-; fere<Tfor premium. the fair thia fall will offer a parse of about H,(0# for j the races that will take plan every afternoon of the four day* of the fair. Secretary Linville haa booked one of the beet carnivals on the road— the Nat Reeae Show*. Theae people hare been ibowing hi the western state* for five years and will brine bark to the eaat many feature* that have net been ahown here. The free act* will conaiat of nany feature* *ome of them belnf aa followa: A dancing art of U girla entitled the "Engliah Stepper*." The Galore Broa. will provide thrilla by their high trapeae and titrht wire acta. Thi* ia called the fro* art, aa the performer* dreaa op and have the appearance of belny hug* fro** bounding nimbly from art to act. And tite high dive art will he pulled off in the midway daily. Liberal prize* are being offered to exhibitor* in the varioua depart ment*. In the Agricoltaral depart ment where J. Luther Wood will be auperintendent. the aaaociation ia of fering a prise of 960.00 for the best ear of corn of any variety. Thia ia In addition to the large list of premium* that go for other farm product*. In this department ia also offered a to tal of 9140.00 for the beat Uve-at Home exhibit prepared on the farm by the men. The first permium in thia elaaa to $60.00 Special premiums are alio offered for the beat exhibit by the county demnnatration agent*. Last year Carroll and Patrick coun ties won theae premium*. Surry not being eligible on account of not hav ing a farm demonstrator. Ip addi- j tion to the premium* won by the county agent* the fair pays each county agent 960.00 in rash to make the exhibit whether they win a prise or not. J. B. Sparser will be in charge of: the Fruit exhibit. Here libera! prism | are offered by the fair and a priae of 950.00 will be paid for the beat Com mercial display, aecond prise 125.00 The recent success the people of this county have experienced in the poultry busineaa will cause irutcr interest next fall in the poultry ex hibit at the fair. Rev. J. H. Halt has charge of this department, especially among the general purpose breeds that are most suitable for this sec tion. Last year 700 birds were plac ed on exhibit and the cewUng fair la expected to exhibit More than a The addition to the fair of the de« •how has provwi to be of great later that «m an oaMbtt hart fmw. at om mm ilm M « eakibit • dag that ww Willi at HJW. Mm lacted 92^0C UhMrmnca far the taw af tka aniwal. wan (oft. A total af |1*.«> ia of fered for tki* Bn-it Iiwii eskJMt. the ftrat praaioM tataf Car fMJt. Special prtaw ara ataa offered by tK HUI Floor Mill* af Grnnakwi. and the Dan Valla? MiUa. of Dnnrflle. Va., for biaeaka and rake* Mia from their producta, detaila af wfctek can be *e*med fro* tka proMtaa* Mat. TW Flower department, under tk« direction of Mr*. J. E. Smith. coo tmoaa to i*ta in popularity and tka larf* number of people tkat aw d»fly takinir Mora internet in tka beautiful *ida of tka world will ka found mak ing a larva number of exhibita of their flower* Both dtjr and rural school* will ha |im a number of prices far exhibit* of work that ara* dona in tka arhool room dcring tba »«* juet ended. Prof. E. S. Hnirm, county superin tendent, will direct tkia department. One af tha outstanding faatmw at the fair will he the Historical Pageant that will be pu*. va under tba direc tion of tka John B Roger* Pi educing Co., or Foatoria, <>hio, who ara the largest producer* 'if pageant* in the world. Thia pageant will be enacted each night during the fair and will be participated in by More than 400 people. The pageant will be • county his tory portrayed by county p>opl> by meana of a niai at episodes, inter - wovan with dialogue, symbolic danc ing. and with sppcopriate male and Nttinp. The caat will include the old and young, uniting than in tk common tank of consolidating the community interest, putinn than the opportunity of self-expression, emphuiiinf the need el the mr present play spirit, affording worth while diversion for ar^ryona, and lastly, but moat important of all, ac quainting the county people with their past, a matter so vital to the correct moulding of the future. Ta accomplish the educational ab jective and the unqualified succeea that the project deeerves, the coop eration of everyone is needed. The leading educational people of the city and county will be asked to lend their very beet efforta in making this a historical event in the county never to be forgotten. The company will be on the Job in this county previous to the presenting of the pageant with trained direc tors who will familiarise themselves with county history, organise s chain of episodes, write the pageant and di rect it* production. With this added feature to the annual county fair, in dications tha* It will be one of histor ical imports! -t and better, yea. far better than e er before, are undoubt —! Below arc t • officer* of the Caro lina Virginia K Ir through whoae ef fort* the people of the section are be ing presented a fair that grows bat ter every year: W. C. Sjrdnor, President, Edw. M. I.inville, Secretary, J. F. Prather, Treasurer, W. W. Carter, AnUSw. Director*—W. 1. Byerly, T. 0. hit eett, J. F. Yok ley, J. D. Sanent, G. C LoviU. J. & Sparger. E. M. Hol lings worth. Vice-Preaiden to—8. J. Marshall. ML Airy, R. I., W R Bad*ett, Pilot Mountain, Veetal Taylor, White Plains, j. 8. Patterson. Pilot Moun tain. g. M.I Stone. Mt. Airy, R X.. P. L. Trotter, PUot Mountain, Dr. G. t. Divers, Stuart, Va.. W. A. Hilton. Meadows of Daa, Va.. Jafcs H Oaya, ~ Airy. N. C.. W. H. Aahbwrn. J. 8 Mitchell. On lax. Va.. m*«m. Elkia, D. r Notes*. Airy, G. J. Say, Ararat, f. L. ft*. Brte. R. C. Puswist, Defc C Merrttt. Mt. Airy, Dr. J Mr* thai are I* he mt not, kit they quit* enoaf* talMM hM Of poatafflee elerha (May all day rvaat elattarad aad rattled aO day aad still the pile remained It looked Hfca the cam* on tha pile looked little aaafler. "Suppose you handle N latter* a minute, working every minute for ten hours. yew hare only handled S6, 000 letter*," one of the darks e* plained as he recalled that there are 3*50,000 of the letters to ha handled in addition to the regular Raleifrh mail. That would mean one hundred hours of steady work. Proas which it may he fathered that the cancel line machine will clatter on while a large clerical foree sorts and distri butee. M..IC.IN I 13 I 3 rLAHl fUK EVOLUTION TRIAL Galaxy of Lights Say* lroo dai Proof 1» Mas aad Mookey Am Cdmwi Baltimore, Md.. Jon* t—A broad plan of defense for Proinm John T. Scopes, awaiting trial in Tiaamn for teaching evolution in the public high school in violation of tka law, waa outlined here today at a confer ence of defence counsel and distin guished scientist* of Johna Hopkins university. J. W. Gaines, of the galaxy of legal lights who will defend Scopes, an nounced their case would largely cen ter about the "dangerous" effect the anti-evolution law would have on the teaching of medicine. Gaines went into conference im mediately after arriving, securing all of the latest data on the evolution theory in an effort to round out what it is claimed will be "iraodad" proof that man and monkeys are first cou sins. "Man and the apes are related. They are first cousins," said Dr. Adolph Schults. associate professor of physical anthropology, following the conference. "Man and the apes came from the same ancestors, only man went one way and the apes another. With the development of man's brain came the shortening of his tail which disap peared entirely as evolution pro grmirt." Dr. Schultx flatly asaerted science' •u solidly arrayed behind Prof. Scope* hi the coming court battle. "Science i* baaed on facts. We prow oar conclusions before present ing then to the public at aehoola and college* and the belief is growing that the time has arrived for a defin ite stand against the ware of legis lation which substitutes popular pre judices for scientific facta." he Mid. "The entire haasan body is a living history at the changes which han been Bade daring ten* of thousands of yaars by a variety of circuai stance*. "The appendix, which la >—oeiid when one has appendicitis, is a relic of the days wfcsa man had other di gestive organs. The appaadix now The aatariai isrand today by Gaiaas will be p.ilil at tfca forth cMri»( conference of defease counaal sstfce lataet scientific elewpotat, aad 300,000 "Bootlegged** loto U. S. in 9 Month* New York, Jane Ellis Island offldtb yesterday nteiM that mot* than 830,000 aliens lawfully en tered the country daring the first nine months' operation of the Selec tive Immigration Law, although only 104,000 were admitted under quota provisions. The large number of exemptions allowed under the Johnson law caus ed the excess immigration, officials explained. At least 200.000 other ■liens are believed to have been ■muggled into the country. With twenty-three days before the end of the fiscal year and with many quotas nearly filled, immigration in spectors expect a rush at aliens this week. The Italian liner Cente Roe »«, the Columbus of the North Ger man Lloyd and the Cwiarder Aqui tania, which docked Saturday, brought 1,000 aliens, most of whom had been examined by nightfall. Five hund red others are detained on Ellis Is land pending further examination and appeal. Tall Men in Society Far Mu J tual Protection MarshfieM, Ore.—Banding togeth er in an ortuilutlon to ilkvitti the won of tall mm, which they hope may become national and interna tional in scope, twenty-eight men of KarihfMd who arc six-footers or nor* have formed the Look Fellow Club No. 1. To make Uf« more comfortable »nd longer for tall am" is one of Dm puipussa of the club. Others trs: "To promote close relationship sad friendship among members; to furnish each member all poasMe in formation bearing on improvements' made in bring conditions for tall Among the things which theas, •higher-ups" hope to accomplish la to ■tart a ssoveasent for longer hods In sad staterooms, las# bathtubs. far ratings oa streets %Msk will aot caaae the towrtiudd— of this great Jewa the street aad far Bars e—fci I RELIEF FROM TEN-DAY WAVE OF HEAT COMES Us restraint be Is placed la what is | known as "e«U pack", a methnd of ■trapping insane patients to the bed In such a manner so they can not Warden Whitman said that he did] sot believe Look wi He said that the most tractable and obedient has been at the prison. The attack' if delirium was called a not unnsoal ifter-effect of measles. Some thm the patient regains his mind bat in •any cases the insanity la permanent physicians claim. Two guards are constantly atj Loeb's bedside. When the insane at- { tacks wear away, and he is quiet the l>onds are removed. Nathan Leopold, partner of Loeb in the kidnapping and slaying of Bobby Franks, who ia convalescing it the new prison hospital froai an ' operation for appendicitis, express id regret today when he heard that Loeb was losing his mind. "Poor fellow," he said, "may be t's the terrific heat that ia affecting >im." Alii** T«U Gmrmmmy Treaty DetnancU Mwt Be M«t London, Jane 6.—Germany'! failure x> carry oat the diaarmament re tirements of the Versailles Treaty rere outlined in detail in the not* he A Iliad powers have pnnlij to he German government, the text of which wu made pohHr here today, rhe not* was handed tn Chancellor Lather in Berlia yeaterday by Baron tKAbornon, the British Ambassador, ■epraaantlng the Council of Ankaa iadora. iicdiuny must comply with an e* ensive list «t rectification* and de nandt before the disarmament obli rations of the peace treaty are con lidered fulfilled, justifying com nrncement of evacuation with the1 irst. or Cologne, sone of occupation n accordance arith the Versailles tart and the withfraaral of the Allied j Control Commission. The chief of these sweeping de-! nands includes radical modification 1 if the Reichswehr's general staff, re-1 luction of the country's military 'orces to 100,000 men and suppree lion of short term enlistments. The nilitary character of the mw Ity po ire must he abolished and the force taelf reduced from 186,000 to 1M, M. Wholesale deatruetton of lata rial plants of the Krupps and a losen other hi* mum which la heir rrmwl state arc held adapt ible for the prod action of war ma After referring to previous nunications and the rtport of entrol comniasion which 4 Germany's shortcomings, the the a Iliad it of great MM to n the fm hum! of half of the Atlantic eoolod by mi Wyoming, two on the feroi at tho •tation atop day prompt ad F< C. Hilton to net an Medicine arily. Snow and rain for the hoin* have rlim mated tho <!■!■ At Duw snow plows woro pal to scrrico on the Denver and Lake railroad yesterday to clear track for trmiaa over the cow »; -1.« . P ■ in- f . I,.. *—*- - - .S aivnf. r oartifTi incnrs ox at Corona Saturday nirfet. It < ililii* by a wind that caused the I atatioa of groat drifta. TW am last night at Corona dropped to foil Nearly three inches of rain Ml at Dallas in Im than an km tfcfc after noon. flooding streets. |1>lnhlt street traffic for half aa hoar aad cainiag minor ptopertj damaft- A pmral rate waa reported w«r nortb mit Texas, where it was badly needed by crowing rot ton crop*, Moderate temperature will prevail generally in the middle western states through Wednesday, the Chicago weather bureau forrasta. Ailial A# fJJlsHjfl la k. Hiiiui imikh oi runsHvniuic »• tensity centered Monday over in northern Mississippi valley states aad is headed westward aad northward to the Pacific onsen, carrying gen eral showeii aad thunderstorms. MOTOR CAR FOR ONE IN EVERY 7 IN U. S. A.

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