CATAWBA etHTWTT. Mm Ann* Row*, of Catawba fun tr. reports that tit* basketry work aba |in to • rim of haya ban pww • vary profitable indoatry. They ara ■Mt bottom in (r chain and Kara many fin. A mother of o«a of ► Wya hffBHif interested an4 Mkfd this ciaas. She took ap making with • view toward and reported to Misa Mb Month that aha had cleared l Ami WO an har work since January 1. The clothing dubs aftor finiah | Kirfi and mtm faraiture. Tha Catawba Mr will ha?r aa tha big Ml «• historical to eight or ulna at •aarounittaa Uklnr part, fc chairman of a Ail up, and at prsMWt is i tor the peraon who la to write H. at la nnlriag tha haarty not only of tha fair organiaa hut of an paopla hi Catawba www! ih comm. ' lUaa Alio* McQueen, of Forsyjh awntr, followad her regular plan of ' aaafc with program* in tha ehk Maat toga of interior decoration, faad pre paration. sewing, gardening and kit chen Improvement. Foar. women who entered their kiyaia in tha im provement contest, which ended May I. npailed that they had IT* riaitora to their kitchen. CABARRUS OOUNTT. _ Mian Mattie Lee Coo ley has n-M he as from the tidewatpr district, he lag located la Northampton county, to take ap her work tiff Caharrus aamnty. May It.-the baa spent of ' Mm month ia getting acquainted aad planning her^work for the suMiser. iMD COVNTY. Inaa Wallace of Clavalaiid gave moat of the mantb to The demon it ra wer* the making of cher ; & right mw to Mm gnrdaw eooteat, tton being »»» irfton. wiuM. Mom of of aagatohtoa Md (Mr place la Ik* (tally diet. At each club meeting two the diet. TV Mmtton 0t hom« »ome through tha nale of thrir pro dvrta to •ammar toartota. To thto and tha woman mid girta hare *pant thto month Warning tha art of nail ing cahaa and brown Waad which thay win pit «■ aala. Same of tha flcnttow hare haan much tntoraatod in tha making of window ahade*. for thay hare fotmd that thay mold make vary attract!** onaa for toaa than half what thay cam ready made Mtoa Walker aayar -W. hare ratoed enoogh miaay thto month to toy I ny Penroaa chih. and a atave f^r tha llttoartoan dab Wa are atoo rs perting to gat a aawing machine Man for tha Sihraratoan (Mb aa Mr. Bil eerataan offered to gire oa • machine if wa would boy a atom." OOtmTY. Mrs. Hetties NeM BcBrayer, <4 Rutherford county, reports that iW subject taken up in ijtf dote month «m fanning, wrvltif a wail htlM _ I _ ,, —- * !». || a nr Kirii nmvinuOT vwrii rowan comm. Ml* Anna Edwards. if county, |i«w tha following ** fiflHHHL^—, thie month* program because fhre of the largest cluba hi tha county parti cipated la • mateet which waa haid hi htw had |i hi waa tha rem* of than **Ldy '"The riding tha | toobm It i II, doable window. Enry day far a weak before the rooaaa were aeored 16th arrived they looked aa if Ave families had Jaat riaanad ap and pot in fresh flowers far [Wallace and Mlaa •l. ——- —j — Everybody stayed to hear the decis ions and in the afternoon about >00 club wemia from all ever tha county came hi to haar Miss Wallace's criti cism «| the roams This was aa open sad frank ^iacasaion a# good and had points In the rooms and was regard ed by the dab women aa tfce moot ia they had ever ha*r addition to thia the' sabjects for study this moartb were food pc enervation. doth tog. food preparation, banaUfying the try. Miss Edwards spent two iayi in Lee'cnvaty |idn| talks and de monstrate to draaa design to hea uuu'wr^ hlr* ^ DAVIOMW COCMTY of Da>| nr. Dixon mi mm of thro* broth er*, all of whoa nit«nrf ttw Baptiat miniatry and m iwl priHRimnt chwrlMi In thia aaH hi oth*r Stales, bat the other two k*n been brat Vnown for tMr work in other fkelda. Thomas Dixon, the famous noveliat and playwright, ia now llvtnff in Now York City, while Frank Pixon. tha wefl known lecturer. AH at Ma kom in Brooklyn on May 9. In tMM Dr. Dixon married Miaa' Mary Faiaon, of Waraaw, who M Aucuat 1IK at Sutaf, China, Marine Dr. Dixon'a work at a nW sionary cwftnan. On January », 1924. ha waari !■< Mra. Charles M. ^^Jasuataier of l^Mada^a, tvtha Ha ia a|on aunri vad by thraa daoch tera and ona aon, antral panMiO Funeral mrtrn wiH ha toM at (1 o'clock Tbeaday morning from tha University Baptiat Church, CWariea and Thirty-fourth atreets, Baltiaaora, Md. Interment wfll ha at Druid Kids* Camotary. Tha diacuaa of tha •hurch *01 act aa pill haarari and Dr. W. I Pettlngill. daan of tha PhBa Halphia School of Bible and art in* oaator of tha church durtax Dr. Dlx -Va ilhaaaa, wfll officiate. ^ tha dread of ' buncombe covrrnr. . Mra. Sarah P. El Ha, of Buniiimbe county, took op tha foBewinjr pro ject* thin month: Clothing, food pre parations. maal planning, hobaa beautifying, beautifying the hoaaa ground* and poultry. In reporting the poultry work, Mra. Bllia aaym: "1 have viaitad fhm of tha demon atrationa in atandard brad poultry -onteat thia month, (hi»( what aa «iatence. I could in tha prnbhtii of. faedkw and caring far tha baby' chicks. Mr. TilaMi, tha aaaiaUnt 'nrm agent, and I Jointly hare started ; 111 JamuinH ationa ha It different i conmunitiaa of the county. Bach dc monatration haa been started with Here York, Jurtr If.- The will mj tomorrow that John T. Wrnpw. who ia on hin way to Dayton, Tom., wkm he k to bt trM for th« theory of evolution, re offer* mggngmtbtg llMjtM in thk ritjr conferring with at torney*. it wai teamed tonight from a friend who One red | the trial pirtare corporation of $60,000 for the rishU to I for hiai to appear hi a Other offer* for Aghta yond SI AW. the gcipn i ifni all offers, it ^aa «li for be feet* that the trial t» ij affair and that to Ua. 200 lMil(||M Caught 9hfk| a# 2 Cap* Chicago, June 14.—1« aa all-day iMpnr raid hi the Italian diatribe of] Chicago, the The drivee were a renalt of the kilMag of two detective* yeaterday hi ■ fight with Uqaor «—1~ I 3\r" Far Raleigh. June U._The I ' ■* 1 JlLgl Jl_ f lhf&MAft| ajlSU nnRliW WI HvWlWI pWWM W WVI III ! CmvIIm'i nearty 4M.M ulMMMb miwi will h Um Monday by tk» tta » ' Letters htfi |dm oat to *8 etf laat jmtV patfhasma lac I—lug ap ^Itqftion blanks ud ennnawrbig that no (htdu win ha si iep«ad in par merit Last year Ikt bareaa was gtvea coneiderabte trouble by < (d checks. ApfmlMtdy IMjMO platan rraasa of MjM *iw tka mow yaar. . A rnrraspundlag increase far, this yaar would place tka nutober a# LAUNDRY FURNACE USED TO CREMATE md im latad in tka nialliia la tka of tka Oak Qtj Umhr of tka Mrl of a negro infant, wka had M from ^ not kara moaay enough tokaar barial axpansaa, Coroner U M. War** ruled yeetorday after making a thorough investigation of tka under whiek charred boa as rams to ha