ff Oill 1WJO1C0JI VJV0» Hcltavu of Amundsen and His Party I of a shortage ia Ma »upp)y of (u is only aboot 200 mile* from tha north yok ami ab«x>t MO Kbit's Bay. Spitsbergen. expedition took of far the flight Prior to tha arrival of tha Stock hoiai dispatch indications ware that lanaa had returned to Thnraday instead of iy aa tha Stockholm advicas have It but Tuaaday mentioned in tha Stockholm diopatrh possibly may ha! aa error in transmission of tha cahle.1 If AaundMD'i planes hin Wan tomsgH kgr the let, Ibm itfll are two other planes in gpil«hm»iii which he and his party emu dm in an other mdnvor to fly to the north pole Mid back. Thaw two plane*, be longing to tha Norwegian fovern M*t expedition vent to tha north to try to locate tha miming north pole expedition, arriving at King's Bay Wednesday from Norway. They ware transported from Norton on hoard the steamer Ingertre and ware pat m the water at Advent Bay, whence they flew over the glaciers to Ring's Bay. ■ The planes ware said to ha hi tha heat of condition to (tart at aay minute on a long flight over tha icaj regions. The machines aaad hy Amundsen j were Orman seaplanes which ware' built tat Pisa, Italy. When they took off from King's Bay they had on toard everything deemed necaaaary m the way of equipment and pro via iOVM. Th# loftded marhtm-n <*Ach weighed 3,000 Idles (Mil pounda.)! the greatest load consisting of gas, each machine having on board about MOO pounds. This quanity was con sidered hy Amondaen aiu sufficient far the expedition to raaA the pole and return to Spitbergen, still hav tog a small supply hi the tonka. MACMILLAN HOLDS THE STAGE AWHILE Am.uad.wa, it k Reported, WiU Await IUwHi of Antrioui'i | Voyage OtU. Norway, June 20.-CapU«a Boald Amundsen*. plana for anotker aerial daah to the North pot* are an daratood to be rontinirrat upon tU —ccees of the MarMillan expedition, which act out froai Wiecasaet, Maine, today, better equipped fer scientific research. New* of MacMillan's departure created intense interest here. Moat observers and Polar scientists gathered here to jive Amundaen a royal welcome, when he returna fr> in Spitsbergen, believe that the MacMil las expedition ha* a much better chanee for extensive obaervation and reaearch than did Amundaen. although the American's venture larks some of the spectacular feature* nf the Nor wegian's effort Amundsen is very tired from hi* four-weeks' battle with the ioe on short rations, and he loet meat of his equipment. Months will have to eiapae before another •expedition could he organised and financed and by that time MaeMUIan may hhve secured ■eat of jtke scientific data that Amundaen tried for aad fatted. C«U • Fnrit C*k« laM >0 Ywi A«® Uny. Jvm It.—Th# fenirUi of I tfca Hf* at a frotl cab* tei Ju«t kM «UktUM in tkU r-aunty, «Km Mr* W. t. Jonas, wif. of a travalta* aaka aun. raaantlf ewt am* Hurt wm» bak ed tvantjr jraara ago aai «kM «m Kal.tgh, J— »—A thur.ag1> te-i .paction of alt MM* and county pri on rampe «U) ka «nafa by the KM hoard of health and the heard of eharHiaa and pohHc Mttkn, Working flans far Joint artio*^ to prarMl the moot complete Iniaatlgatina ef North Carolina prison condition* yet made «m mapped out at, a confer-, «K» today betwasn Dr. Q. M. Coop, ar, scting director of tha haalth board and Mr*. Kate Burr fobnaton, root- i miaeioner of public mMh*. The hmMth' department will furnish a sanitary engineer to handle inspec tional work dealing with haalth and I sanitation in tha rsrupu*. Ha will Work tmdar tha *upervision of tha welfare department, which la charg ed with tha saperrMon of hi—ana conditions in the ramps. 1 Heretofore tha two department* have workad *eparataly tha haalth board map acting haalth conditions and tha welfare board reporting on tha treatment and ear* of prisoners. The plan for cooperation on the part of the two departments is expectad to greatly increase tha effective ness of inepectional work and ssalta possible a > more thorough investiga tion. Six months probably will bo re quired to oomplete tha survey of all ■Mre state earn pa, there are chain gangs in operation in perhapa 80 of tha 190 iii—Hiia." Tmm P. Jimhmm la U—dm* Law UwUr Dr. N. Y. Gallwy ftaleigh, June 21.—Tow P. Jimison, fvrwr mambai of ths Msthodiit con ftmfp and La Fotlatte'l ejector at Ivp taut fall attended the Bible clam of i. V. Bailey at the Ft ret Baptist church this morning, then the aenrice at the Christian church, where the speaker of the morning asked the la bor man and picturesque preacher of former days to lead the congregation in prayer after the address. Mr Jim ison did so. The S^aaur man is attendiag law lectures kt Wake foreet sad study-' lag under Dr. Needhaa T. Galley, noted law tearher of the Baptist col lege. Mr. Jimison "has not indicated where he win practice or when he will try the Supreme court, bat there la nobody who doubts that he win make a successful practices sr. He has read law before and ou^ht to find K easy Dry Raider, Mistaka Back Otkar Far Rum Makers, Om U Dm* Huntington. W. Vs., Jum 20.— William F. Porter, a Federal prohi bition officer, wu ihot ud kllkd; W. E. Workman, state officer. waa •hot twice and seriously woundad. and George Pall, ckitf of itate officers was wounded is a run battle batwaan federal and atate officer* ia Camp Creek m. Wayne county early today. The battle started when federal and state officer*, both approachinr a »tin location from opposite aide*, mistook each other for moonshiners. Homer Joy, another federal officer, *aid he waa sleeping on a hill over looking the scene «f the girted •till when he heard shooting. He flashad Ms lirht and recognising Ball in the state forces, yelled to the men to stop shooting but could not be heard above the din. Porta* had thrown P. J. Pae, a! state officer to the ground and waa grappling with him. Joy said. Porter was believed to have i unwind Poe and started to let him up, thinking Poe had also reeogalaad him. Then, Joy said, Poe Aral and Porter fefl. Joy covered Poe with Ma «wa and or derad him to disarm before P09 reai i*ed that he had been fighting fellow officers. A party of young woasen return ing from a hay ride nam* upon Work man and Porter lying heoMe the road side an the Wayne rand and hroaaht first six month* of IMS « ahead of tfce total of tmf twaive «onth« since the death chair! ill established in 190t. Tha ton executions follow on the heals ofj 1924, whan oely ono nuu trorated. to ehoor George •lone <m Ma loot short walk, for Cheatham Evans, half of the death row inmatss, is too crasy wM tha dread of approaching death to carry Two local negro pastors stayed with Low through Ms last minutes, however, aad helped him nut with prayer and ramp-meat in* music, in which the doomed man lifted a hear ty voice. When the hand of tha deep baas of the roaring i rose to a whining, wkMi and the muscles on the throat of the| man who had lately been singing 1 self, bulged aad twisted, as the ■ biased, stesmsd and boiled and trick? I led down on the brow of the dying | The Uu' body in ths chair alter nately rose and dumped m the nu "itinner turned the switchboard knob that regulates the number of sm Mm minrUd with the eighteen hun dred volte. When a larft numhet of ampere* were turned am the fingers woold clinch, the'muscles would bulge and the body strain against the straps is though it war* trying *• aaeap*. Then the amperage would ha low ered momentarily and the body would *e*m to relax in a gesture of -•lief, only to he snapped ay by an ther injection of ampere*. After two miatttea and forty-five seconds of this proceaa which waa di vided into two ahoeka the man waa pronounced dead. He waa unstrap ped, plifid iii % btikft and hiulwj away for his family. Lore was visited by his father and wife yesterday morning several hours before his death and affectionate fare wells were said. Then the preathsis earn* and prayed and sang with Mm. .Once the doomed man left Ma call and entered the death chamber ha did not hare a word to My, although hia dH hi d Hps moved hi 4kjifc prayer. Almoat three years of con finement had left their mark on him for his skin was as fair M that of any white man and fairer than that of many. He wu conrlctMl in the Haywood Superior Court In February, IMS and •Mrtnnd to die. He took an appeal aad got a new trial. A H under ion ^oiity jury again found kin guilty of murder in the firat degree in Sep- 1 tenher. 1*24, and he waa arain «en-| teamed to die. Governor McLean de rlined to interfere with the aa ate nee. j Remaining Inmate* of death raw are Cheatham Bvana. negro, whoae mind haa cracked from thinking ahout death, and Arthur Montague, negro' -apint. Montague ba» an appeal he fore the Supreme Court which will automatically ktav hit execution un til next autumn anyway. Si"**, ! Mexico City, Jum 19.—Thirty membori of the remain tag rih»l rroupa In the state of Van Crtta hare bcfn within tkf !§§t fort- i night, according to a report to Gen eral Almaian, military enmmaadaat. Capture of the rebek waa bm4o poa •ible thru the dkmwy of a !■ hiaa code by whkk the eactoaa groapa (immuaieatad. The eode Iaroleed The affray had It* lne*pti*n ta a raid aud* by Wooton and Chief *f Police I. V. B*ma—. on a Mall iwad ator ncruplad by Trifbtt and two companions, Hal Tbifw and Jack killing wfcich occurred about 10: J» last, night, feeling a— la* Wooton ran high and It da* to the fart that ha aauh hie way a* quickly aa poaei Me to Bonne, wbw» be aaa 11 niiai ad and waa plarril la jail, that aofc ^r ious ronaeqoahca* war* not tba re sult. "Feeling today waa etUI hi|h and offlwfi wet* cloeely watching tba •ituation, although no apadal pnp arations war* bain* mad* to offset than. Oa Liquor Kaid It a*Maa from all information ob tainable that Baucoaa and Wooten. the latter of whom did poUc* duty bar* In addition to hi* work aa dep uty sheriff of Watauga county. were not on a liqaor raid. Wooton said In Jail tbi* morning at Boon* that they had information that Trtplett and hi* ooatpaaions were la laying liqaor Into Blowing lock. Accord injr tn bnt ftCfountt. thvy >to()pid the car bearing Triplatt and hi* roapan ion* and icirchid it. Findta* no Hquor Uttjr «M Mm to move oa aad want to raid another car in the lane party which contain ed ill young men. No liqaor waa fom£ hare alan, Wootoa aaid. While 'hey war* raiding the second car. it I* «aid that Trtplett and hi* compan ion# came ap and began abuaiag the officer, who had raided them and had found no whiskey. Her* i* where the evidence conflict*. The aide /epreeented by Aa offi cer* state* that Trtpielt and bia crowd began aaaaaltiag Wooton while the other side claims that nothing of the sort waa attempted W oeten's Star; Wooten stated thin morning that •hm of the own hi the party jumped on him and that he triad to makr for hia automobile. He Mid that white ha •M oa the run nine hoard of hi* ear the crowd atartad at him again tod that hat shot in aatf defense. The other aide claim* that Wootan ad dressed Triptett with aa oath. say ing, "III (at you, you—* and forth with ihot. Death was instantaneous. Wooten admitted aoae ia either auto party waa armed. The body of TiipiaU waa brought hack to Rowing lock in the aacoad ear that waa raided and Wooten im mediately made hia w*y to Borne, when ha gave himself into the cna tody of Sheriff L. M. Farthing and ia being held pending a hearing, which ia scheduled for tomarnw. vim Ol IOIIC0 MUfUBn WOUiU nOl discuss the affair wHh newspaper men today and failed to confirm the version given oat hy Wooten aa to the saaaah other than to aay he thought they aaaanhed him. He atated that hi* full taatimony would he given on* If when the caae comes to trial. f Patrick OrcKa»d», Uc„ U Ad jod|«d to U Bankrupt Danville. Va.. Jam 18.—Patrick Orrkaida, incorporated. one of tke. larfMt fruit rrowin* concern* ki tfct* aectiau of Virginia, kaa been >djwlf ed bankrupt by Federal Jodffe H. C. McDowell to wheal paper* were re-' ctnlly Mat. Plrat word ot the failure nmM hwe taday with the arrival! of (be anal or#r from Judge Mc DnweU to Prank Talbott, Jr., refrree in bankrupt*! to tbe fifth dtetrfc* *f Wrcteto. Mr. Tafeett toid that a meeting oi the credttere would be called wHkto the aest 1« day* far the ta mt UiHnc mni at Dm mm qtunttjr mkliif talks te hi* tollam eoaeicta, urjrhi* then to pin their faith to the Almighty ud lead ri«ht mmh Km Ha alao wtoaaniri to ■pm< tha snapal in Ma daily r on tact with other priaonara. According to priaon officials, ha rontamplataa Making thia hi* regular I'alUinr aftor ha iaaraa priaon. Ha rhariih— ^>wa »f Mttinv m. »*«~iinn in 'awa ^w^^aa ® www Mi • tow yaars. Ha ha* already mad* aeveral onauacaaafni attorn pta in thia direction Hi . brother. Rav. Jaaper Allan, a preocbor of the Primitive Baptist faith, la raported to have haan , expounding tha goapel in tha Hilla villa (action for many yeara, hot ha himself navar manifested any inter- j «at ia religioua aw War* until after hai waa i i —alfted te tha penitentiary. Two mwalm a of tha Allan clan tha daath penalty for their part in the Hltlaellle affair. Thay ware! Floyd Allan, his brother, and Claude Swanson Allen, aon of Floyd Alien. Three other* in addition te 8idna Al len. received priaon sentences. Theee war* Friel Allen, Sidna Edwards and i Wesley Edwarda. Within tha paat two or th*ee year* Friel Allen and Sidna Edward* ha«* Seen pardoned, !ea*in* Wesley Ed wards and Sidna Allan the only re maining members of the .clan ia pris on. Thene two men fled the state after1 'be Hillpville tragedy but were cap-; tared miom month* later fet Dm Moim-d, Iowa, while livm* there an-j At the time of the tragedy. Sidna Allen waa operating a country .tore near HiHavitla. V... Jan* 19—Whether a jrouni man of good character when, riding with his sweetheart n tl public highways ha* a legal right j to Mm her is a question that has stirred Bristol as has nothing in! The hb« »tion arose several days ago when two high school students, a boy and a girl of exceptional char acter and reputation, were arrested j ii\ • car on a paved street in tot and forced to put up 925 in to keep from going to Jsit, Their j names went oa the police hiring been charged with conduct. The young ssan' consisted of having placed around the girl kiss her In the presence of two dap-1 uty sheriffs, who were secluded by i the roadside. A kiss, wider these circumstances, is a violation of law, the officer* contend . The arrest brought a storm of protest from leading crtiiens whej claim that |hs deputies exercised! lack of judgment in placing a stig-: ma on the pair, whose intentions and Is, so far as could he learned, not open to censure. There was a demand from the public that; the names of the couple be erased from the police records and their money refunded It was disclosed that scores of other yetmg people had been ar rested under similar conditions on roads tending out of Bristol and that many married coupies have not been free from •nur.il II Ym^P« TWtU To Cm j Defer r»IU. la Jaa* 19.-Harry Peterson, «l this cKjr, ha« la his pna Imnm bar*, • iMa at heart attacka, from wbirh ha M been a nflwr far To the laat. Mr. LaTollette 'o wart off daath'* throat. aa he had mm Robert, to Ma hadaida, and ia aa almost inaudible voice, gave thia laat meaaage to the public "I aai at peace wkji all the world, bat thpr* ie a tat of work I eoald .till do. I don't know how tha people will faai toward m. but I ahall take *o tha grave My lava for them nhhh haa auntaiaed Ma through life." Mad Shortly After Wean Confined to Ma bed for xeveral weak* hy illaaaa which had wracked hie body repeatedly ia tha laat few year* bat had faikd la weaken Ma fighting spirit, the leaatar .offered a heart attack thin morning which I 4. VI— nk-.l J, M - _ «» nroufni to ni* pny*iruini ■ rwiii—■ tioti that tkt tnd m Mir. Ht bpud into onconacioaaaaaa «b«rtly before neon, and died at l:f) p. m.. with Ma wife and other M«ab«n of tha family at Ma bedaide. Without eatentation. tha body will he taken tomorrow to tha eeaahar'e home, Madlaaa,vWlaroaeia far barlaL No aai>kaa will be bald hen. bat aa ineistaaca of thoee who utaod aheaM er to ahoolder with him in hi* battle* to Wiecogain. ha will lie in atata at the capita) there Sunday, and funeral mrtrieaa will be held Monday ia that building, where he once preaidad aa governor. ' ia recant fight waa Many Words ef Tribute Leaders of all political cr«adi war* qnick today «a pay tribute to Sen ator La PoOette and acknowledge hi* influence on contemporary American politic*. One of the first to offer condolences to Mrs. La Pollette was President Coolidge, who wrote: "The news having juat reached me of the death at Senator LaFollette I wish to nttad to you and your family the sympathy at myself and Mr*. Coolidge. As you know I pre sided over Che senate for a consider able period while he waa a member of great ability aad untiring energy. Me has left behind him a great concourse of Mends, who will. I know, da every - thing in their power to coasfort yon In this hour, bat my own experience tail* me that nothing that mortal can do will be of very much help ta yon. I trust that yon may, aa the years go by. find ma Increasing satisfnetion in the lang hat at honors that wag* by hi* countrymen." Bank Wndnr Sought IS Ymmn ia Brought Back Providenee, K. I., Jim 21.—John Wohjr d» bj, murfil for 12 jwn m ("nnwtkin with the wrecking at the Atlantic National tank in thia city in IMS, arrived b»r* today Sk c« 'fxtjr of United State* aecret iwiiu "irvnta turn London, wharf he fought extradition lor mnatha H* was auarterrd far tW ni*ht at the BiH mnr* h"t»L under rloaa guard. Ha win he arraigned tomorrow naning. Henry de Kay. a hrotfwr. waa pa roled Jaanary t Wat. after nnln 20 months nt Rbodr Inland stilt# prii Ml H I federal priaoner an charftra rrowiar out of the tHMW hash failure. Edward P. Metcajf, preaident af •he hank, died in thia Hty la at Jaly. «i* years after hi* parole Vo«n the federal penitentiary at AtlanU. where ha had mrnd three year*

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